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P 1 U V A T E B E s lD E N T S .
Hensley Rev. Henry Gabriel M .A. The Higson Mrs. Holmwood, Shiplake,
Vicarage, Taynton, Burford
Clevedon house, Hill Alfred John, 2 Frenchay road,
St. Gilesiâ, Oxford
Queenâs road, Thame
Henstock Col. Frederick Thos. W ay Hill Alfred Samuel, 8 Fair mile, Henley-on-Thames
side, Woodcote, Reading
Herbert Albert James, 88 Southfield Hill Edm und Rowley, Clifton, Darell
road, Caversham, Reading
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Herbert Ernest David, 17 D ivinity rd. H ill Francis Henry, 125 Southfiejd rd.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Cowley road, Oxford
Herbert Miss, Prospect ho. Bampton H ill Frank, 68 Argyle street, Chester
H e n le y -o n - T h a m e s
street, Oxford
Hawtin Harry Edwin, 22 Broughton Herbert Nicholas, Aberleigh, Peppard
Hill Frederick W. 62 High st. Oxford
road, Caversham, Reading
road, Banbury
Hawtin John Henry, 26 Vicarage road, Herbert Percy, 274 Iffley road, Oxford H ill Henry, Henfield view, ShillingÂ
ford, Wallingford
Herbertson Andrew John M.A. 43
Hill Henry Joseph, Kingston Blount,
Banbury road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hav BeV. William M.A. x Frenchay
road, St. Giles', Oxford
Hill James Samuel B.Sc. 15 H ill Top
Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames
Hav Miss, Steeple Aston, Oxford
road, St. Clem entâs, Oxford
Haves Charles, Rosmead. Woodcote Heriz-Smith Rev. Somers Percy M .A.
Hill John, Khandala, St. Peter's aven.
road, Caversham, Reading
Caversham , Reading
Caversham. Reading
H a y e s â Edward Harold M.A. 5 RawHermann Misses, The Cottage, Hamp Hill John, Nelson street, Thame
linson road, St. Giles', Oxford
Hill John,
53 Oakthorpe road,
ton Poyle, Oxford
Haynes Edwin, LashbTook house,
Summertown, Oxford
Hermon-Hodge Sir Robert Trotter
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Grosvenor road,
hart. J.P ., S.C .L. Wyfold court,
Haynes Frank, Manor house, K irtCaversham, Reading
Checkendon, Reading
lington, Oxford
Haynes Henry, 96 W arwick st.Oxford Herzka Rudolph, 17 Minster road, St. H ill John C. 62 Corn street, W itney
Hill Joseph, Thames view, Sh illin gÂ
Clem entâs, Oxford
Haynes Missâ Middle Barton, Oxford
ford, Wallingford
Haines Richard, 57 Chalfont road, Hester Miss, Kingston Blount, WalÂ
H ill Ledger, Dame Lys, W atlington,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hayter Fredk. 21 Church grn.W itney Hester Mrs. 180 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Hazel Alfred Ernest W illiam M.A., Hetheringt-on George Musgrave, 4 Hill Miss,Woodcote, Souldern,Banbry
Mrs. Lyndhurst, Chinnor, W alÂ
Thorncliffe rd. Summertown,Oxford
B.C.L., LL.D.Dub. Jesus coll.Oxfrd
flazlewood James, Stoneleigh house, Heurtley Rev. Charles Abel M.A. 193
Woodstock rd. Summertown.Oxford Hill Mrs. Shilton, Burford
Bloxham, BanburyH eurtley Miss. 8 Polstead road, St. Hill Mrs. Souldern, Banbury
Head Mrs. Wroxton, Banbury
Hill Richard Middleton B.A.
Heading J. W. 106 Abingdon rd.Oxfrd
Gilesâ, Oxford
Northmoor road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Headland Charles, 24 Walton Well Hewer Austin Eiken, Burford
Hewett Charles Ernest, Upper W arÂ
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
combe, Tetsworth
ren avenue, Mapledurham, Reading
Heath A. G., B.A. New college,Oxfrd
Heath Reginald, 6 Moreton road, Hewett Mrs. Glenmore, South View Hill Thomas E. The Knoll, St. P eters
hill, Caversham, Reading
avenue, Caversham, Reading
Summertown, Oxford
Heaven Rev. Charles M .A., F .R .A .S. Hewett Thomas Stibbs, The Filberts, Hill-D'Oyly Jn. Adderbury Ea.Banbry
Hilliard Edward M.A. 120 Banbury rd.
Croft road, Goring, Reading
Horley, Banbury
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Hebb John Harry B .A ., M .B., B.Ch. Hewitt Frederick W illiam M .A., M.D.,
M.V.O. Vine lodge, Rotherfield Hilliard Misses, The Lim es, RotherÂ
Oxon. The Lodge, Islip, Oxford
field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Hebborn W illiam , 8 Oakthorpe road,
Hewitt Thomas C urr, 28 Frenchay rd. Hillier Gilbert, 92 W est street, G rim sÂ
Summertown, Oxford
bury, Banbury
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Heberden Charles Buller M .A., hon.
Hewlett Geo. High st. Woodstock i Hilton Rev. Henry George M.A. 3
D.C.L. Brasenose college, Oxford
Charlbury road, St. G iles', Oxford
Hebyourne Misses, Kingston Blount, Hews M iss,i3H art st.Henley-on-Thms
Hews Miss, 5 Thames side, Henley- j Hine Joseph Edward, Woodstock
Hine W alter John, Governorâs house,
Hector Mrs. Park view, Banbury rd.
Hiatt Mrs.Jsph. Hook Norton,Banbury ; H.M. Prison, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Hedges Frank, 31 W arwick st.Oxford Hickes Thomas James C.E . 3 Linton Hine William Pavier, 35 Divinity rd.
Cowley road, Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hedges George, 27 A rgyle st. Chester
Hickmott James, 10 Newland,Banbry Hinksman Miss, The Y ew s, W heatley
street, Oxford
Hedges J., Barton, Headington, Oxfrd Hicks Miss, 3 Brightwell villas, C u x Hip well H arry M.D. OTiel cottage,
Shenington, Banbury
Hedges Miss, Sunrise, Woodstock rd.
ham, Wallingford
Hicks Miss, 241 Cowley road, Oxford Hird Dennis, 5 Park town, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Hedges Miss, 7 Walton crescent, St. Hicks Miss, 52 Hamilton road, Sum  Hirons B. B. 5 Dashwood rd. Banbury
Hirst Francis Joseph M.A. Bampton
Thomasâ , Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Hedges Mrs. 41 Wood green, Witney Hicks Miss, 48 Oakthorpe road, Sum  Hissey Miss, Warren tower, St.
Peter's avenue, Caversham , Readng
Hedges W illiam, 68 Southfield road,
mertown, Oxford
Hicks Mrs. 147 Woodstock road, St. Hitch W. E. 242 Abingdon rd.O xfrd
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hitchcock Edm und L. 125 Banbury
Helld Rev. Anthony, Presbytery,
Gilesâ, Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Higgens T. F. Kidmore end, Reading
Goring, Reading
Hembrow John, Uplands, Priest hill, Higgins Albert, Rose bank, Lake st. Hitchcock Mrs. 21 Polstead road, St.
G ilesâ, Oxford
Caversliam, Reading
New Hinksey, Oxford
Hemming Miss, 281 Iffley road,Oxford Higgins George, 1 Longworth road, Hitchcox Mrs. 3 Calthorpe rd.Banbry
Hemmings Mrs. 48 Plantation road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
London road, Highfield, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Higgin6 George Randell J.P. The
Hemsley Misses, The Pleasaunce,ShirÂ
Croft, Burcott, Abingdon
burn street, Watlington,W allingford Higgins John, Stanley house, 112 Ab Hoar Miss, Court Meadow, W atlin gÂ
ton, W allingford
Henderson Alexander Gavin, Bank ho.
ingdon road, Grandpont, Oxford
Sheep street, Burford
Higgins John, Trinity house, Temple Hoare Charles Twysden D .L ., J.P.
Bignell house, Bicester
Henderson Bernard W illiam M.A.
Cowley, Oxford
Exeter college, Oxford
Higgins Mrs. 260 Abingdon road,New j Hoare George, 28 Parker st. Oxford
Miss, 92 Kingston road, St.
Henderson Henry Ludw ig M.A. New
Hinksey, Oxford
college, Oxford
Higgins W. W. 250 Iffley rd. Oxford j Gilesâ, Oxford
Henderson Mrs. Studley priory,Oxfrd Higginson W illiam Henry, 302 Ban Hoather Charles Arthur, Shaston,
Albert road, Caversham. Reading
Henderson T. Studley priory, Oxford
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Hendriks C. M ., M.B. London road, Higgs A rthur G. Park st. Woodstock Hobbs Albert Edward, 28 Hart street,
Higgs Arthur Gerald, 91 Woodstock
Hobbs Albert Edward, 17 New street,
Henley Miss, 15 Polstead road, St.
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Higgs E.W.M.88James st.Cow ley,O xfd! Henley-on-Thames
Henley Misses, Kidlington, Oxford
Higgs Richard Philip, Sainsbury Park Hobbs A rthur, The Cottage, Vicarage
road, Henley-on-Thames
Henley Mrs. W aterperry ho. Wheatley
house, Kidlington, Oxford
Henry Charles C. Brockleaze, Head High Rev. Henry,233 Cowley rd.Oxfrd Hobbs Frdk.Geo.92 W arwick st. Oxfrd
W illiam Alfred, The Gables,
ington hill, Oxford
Highton Rev. Alfred Charles B.A. i
I Vicarage, Barford St.Michael, Oxfrd I St. Andrewâs rd. Henley-on-Thamea
Mis», 274 Banbury road,
F rederick,14 WarnHawkins
taioueh road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
u wHns* Wm. John Stanley, Church
HaC V « a t Haseley Wallingford
wkvard James, 66 New st. Chipfla'
r Norton
m w lf/M ajor-G en.W iU iam Hanbury
Holly lodge, Lashbrook, Sbjplake.
H a w k in s
S u m m e rto w n ,