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Pownes Mrs. 17 Fairacres road, Iffley
ro a d , O x f o r d

naming Roy Charman, 10 Park cres^ w n , Oxford
n oWSon Henry M a r t i n , Holiday house,
C h a d lin g t o n rd. St. Giles’, Oxford
rjnvle Miss, 26 W est Bar st. Banbury
Doyne Rev. P.V.,M .A.Beckley, Oxford
Drake Herbert Lionel M.A. Pembroke
college, St. Aldate’s street, Oxford
Draper Rev. William Henry M .A.R ec­
tory, Middleton Stoney, Bicester
Draper F r a n k , 341 Cowley rd. Oxford
Draper Miss, 20 Norham road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Draper Misses,4Broughton rd.Banbury
Draper Mrs. 1 Chalfont road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
D ra y to n William Thomas, 87 South­
field road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Drew A. J. The Oaks, Shotover,Oxfrd
Drew Mrs. 19 Farndon road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Drewett Thomas Marlow, 27 North­
field end, Henley-on-Thames
Drewitt John A rth ur James M.A
Wadham college, Oxford
Dreyer Georges M .A. 1 St. M argaret’s
road, Oxford
Driver Rev. Samuel Rolles D D .
Christ Church.St. Aldate’s st.Oxfrd
Druce George Claridge M.A. 9 Crick
road, St. Giles’ , Oxford
Druce L. 13 Church green, W itney
Druce Mrs. 34 North Bar st. Banbury
Drummond Rev. James M .A., LL.D ..
D.Litt. 18 Rawlinson rd. St. Giles',
Drummond Henry 0 . & Hon. Mrs.
Farr lodge, Badgemore, Henley-onThames
Drury William, 24 London place, St.
Clement’s, Oxford
Dry Mrs. 293 Woodstock rd. Sum m er­
town, Oxford
Dryland Harold C. Peebles, Kidmore
road, Caversham, Reading
Drysdale Bruce, 38 W est street,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Ducat Mrs. The Grange, Pyrton,
Ducat-Hamersley Maj. Hugh Charles
Claude, The Gate house, Pyrton,
Du Cros William H arvey J.P. Howbery park, Crowmarsh Gifford,
Dudden Rev. Frederick Homes D.D.
Lincoln college, Oxford
Dudeney Edward Penfold, 3 Wytham
terrace, High street, Eynsham
Dudley TV7. L., B.A. A ll Saints’ school,,
Bloxham, Banbury
Dudley Ziba, Chatsworth house, Chin­
nor, Wallingford
Duff James R. W arkworth house,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Duff Mrs. 36 St. M argaret’s road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Duff Robt. Fraser J.P. Mount Warren,
Upper Warren avenue, Mapledurham, Reading
Dufresnov Miss, 5 Warnborough rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Dugard Miss, Swerford park, Enstone
Duigan William M .A .. M.B. 66 Woodstock road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Dulake George H erbert, 229 Woodstock road, Summertown, Oxford
Dulley E. H. Adderbury W est,Banbry
Dumaresq Miss, 7 Fyfield road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Dumbleton Henry, 16 Albert road,
Summertown, Oxford
Duncan Rev. George M.A. The Recl°ry, Shipton-on-Cherwell, Oxford
Duncan Miss Hannah, Long Handborough, Woodstock
unford Miss, Wvsdom, Burford
Dunham Dinx, H illcroft, St. Peter’s
mil, Caversham, Reading

P r ilV A T E R E S ID E N T S .



Dunkley John A. L. Long Hand- Edmonds G iles, H aughton house,
Churchill, Chipping Norton
borough, Woodstock
Dunn George, 21 Middleton road, Edmondson W. Folly view , Bampton
Edm unds R. 14 Broughton rd.Banbry
G rim sbury, Banbury
Dunnell Allan, G rim sbury, Banbury Edwards Rev. Lionel Godfrey M .A.
St. John’s parsonage, W hitchurch,
Dunnell A rth ur James, Chesterton,
Hightown road, Banbury
Dunstan A.H.52New st.Chipping Nrtn Edwards Rev. Robert Stephen M .A .,
F .G .S . 25 St. Margaret’s rd.O xford
Durell James Philip M.A. 33 Banbury
Edwards Rev. W illiam Gilbert M .A.
road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Rectory, G t. Haseley, Wallingford
Durell 'Misses, 33 Banbury road, St.
Edwards Miss, 13 St. John street,
Giles’, Oxford
St. G iles’, Oxford
Durnford E. Tem ple Cowley, Oxford
Durran Eustace, 51 Middleton road, Edwards Misses,W est st.Chippng.N rtn
Edwards Mrs. 296 Banbury rd. Sum ­
G rim sbury, Banbury
mertown, Oxford
Dutton Capt. James H. Lew house,
Edwards Mrs. 1 C rick road, St. Giles’,
Lew, Bampton
Dutton Miss, Evergreen cot. Bampton
Dutton Mrs. 5 D ivinity road, Cowley Edwards Mrs. 3 Staverton road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
road, Oxford
D uvall Charles Anthony M .I.M .E. Eele Frank W illiam , Brunsw ick ho.
Great Haseley, W allingford
High street, Thame
Duxbury James Henry, 50 Beech Croft Eeles Henry, 1 St. Michael’s m an­
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
sions, Ship street, Oxford
Dwyer Hubert de Burgh, 68 Middle­ Effingham Earl of D L . Tusm ore ho.
Bicester ; & Travellers’ club S W &
ton road, Grim sbury, Banbury
Bachelors’ club W , London
Dyer Rev. F.J.C.G loucester pi.W itney
Dyer Rev. Joseph Perry M.A. Rectory, Egerton H ugh Edward M .A. 14 St.
Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford
Giles’ street, Oxford
Dyer Louis M .A. 68 Banbury rd. St. Egginton Maurice, Hygeia, A lbert rd.
Caversham, Reading
Giles’, Oxford
Dyer Mrs. 143 Banbury road, Sum ­ Eggleton Edward, 3 Thom cliffe road,
Summertown, Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Dyer Samuel. Little Stoke house, Elam Vallance, The Lodge, L ittle
Ipsden, Wallingford
Tew, Enstone
Dyke Vice-Adm iral Henrv Hart J.P. Eldrid Thomas Ernest, 6 Hamilton
road, Summertown, Oxford
The Sphinx, Bodicote, Banbury
Dyke W illiam, Overdale, Derby road, Eldridge James Matthew, 131 D ivinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Caversham . Reading
Eagle Frederick, 60 St. Andrew's rd. Eldridge Miss, 45 Middleton road,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Eagle Wm. J. 49 Holywell st. Oxford Elford Mrs. 115 Woodstock road, St.
Eagles George W hitton, 19 Divinity
G iles’, Oxford
Elford Percy M.A. 115 Woodstock
road, Cowley road, Oxford
road, Oxford
Eagleston Joseph, 93 Iffley rd. Oxford
Eaglestone Alfred Morgan, Heimar, E liot Col. Geo. Edwd. Islip, Oxford
Elkington Rev.W illiam G. Hardwicke,
Headington Quarry, Oxford
Vicarage, Elsfield, Oxford
Eales Mrs. Harberton house, Heading­
Elliot J. E .C raigvar, Highfield, Oxfrd
ton hill, Oxford
Albert Sam uel, Elcombe, St.
Earle John R ., M .A.. M.B. 47 WoodPeter's avenue, Caversham ,Reading
stock road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Earle Mrs. The Kestrels, Rotherfield Elliott Cecil. Etheldreda, South V iew
avenue. Caversham , Reading
Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Elliott Christopher Frank, 11 Staver­
Earle Mrs. Woottons. Iffley, Oxford
ton road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Early C. W .,J.P. 49 Wood grn.W itney
Early Charles J.P. Newland house, Elliott Edwin Bailey M .A., F .R .S . 4
Bardwell road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Newland, W itney
E lliott Miss, 24 & 25 Oxford road,
Early J. V. 39 Wood green, W itney
Early Jas. H. 17 West end, Witney
E a rly Miss, Felix cottage, Bampton Elliott Sam uel, Silverdale, Henley rd.
Caversham, Reading
Early Miss, 27 High street, W itney
Early Misses, 43 Woodstock road, Ellis Geoffrey, Drayton St. Leonard,
W itney
Early Mrs. 221 Cowley road, Oxford Ellis Miss, 24 Portland rd. Sum m er­
town, Oxford
East Rev. A rthur B.A. Vicarage,
Ellis Robinson M .A. Corpus Christi
South Leigh, W itney
college, Oxford
East Charles J.P. H igh st. Burford
East Edward, Berkeley cottage, Shil- Ellis W illiam Patterson, 228 Woodstock road. Summertown, Oxford
lingford, Wallingford
East Mrs. sen. Willow cottage, Picl- Elm er Archibald, 20 Lonsdale road,
Summertown, Oxford
dington, Thame
Ea«twood Col. John Charles Basil, Elm s George, Rookwood, A lbert rd.
Caversham, Reading
Holly bank, Wootton, Woodstock
Eastwood Joseph W illiam M.D. 18 Elsom John, 75 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Elwell R. J. Grange cottage, Bampton
Farndon road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Eatock Mrs. 2 Davenant road, W ol­ Emblin James H arris, Boveney, St.
Ann's road, Caversham , Reading
vercote. Oxford
Eaton George, 15 Winchester road, Enabling J. E. Hawkwell, Iffley,Oxford
bling W illiam , 8 Clarendon villas,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Park town, Oxford
Eaton Wm. G. 21 Bridge st. W itney
Eccles Mrs. Cowley house, Heading- Em eris Rev. W illiam Charles M .A.
Vicarage, Burford
ton hill, Oxford
Em m et Rev. W illiam Edward M .A.
Edden Miss, 54 High street, Thame
161 Woodstock rd. St. Giles’ .Oxford
Edens George, 81 Kingston road, St.
Etnp'on Misses, 223 Cowlev rd.Q x'ord
Giles’, Oxford
Edge Rev. John S.J. St. Alovsius England Lt.-C ol. Albert Edward J.P .,
R .A. Manor ho. Souldern, Banbury
presbytery, Woodstock road, St.
England Alfred Major, W inter Trees,
Giles’, Oxford
Greenfield, W atlington. W allingford
Edgeworth Frances Y sid ro M.A..
England Fredk. James, Lambourne
B.A. All Souls’ college. Oxford
ho. Greenfield, W atlington, W allingfd
Edgington Miss, 89 D ivinity road,
England R. 68 Abingdon T d . Oxford
Cowlev road, Oxford