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B E R K S H IR E .

& 12.30 & 7.20 ; office open from 8 a.m . to 8
p.m. On S u n d a y s , one delivery, 7 a.m. & to c a lle r s
from 8.30 to 10 p.m . The office is open from 8.30
to 10 a.m . on S u n d a y s . Telegraph office open from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m
Letters dispatched t o :
London, Swindon & W est of England, 9.5 a .m .; London,
Oxford, Abingdon, Midland Counties & the North,
11.35 a.m . (extra ^d. stamp) 11.40 a.m . ; Swindon,
W est of England & Wales, 1.5 p .m .; Bampton, Buck
land, Coxwell, Clanfield, Eaton Hastings & Longworth, 12.10 p.m. ; Uffington, Woolstone, Longcot &
Fernham, 1.50 p.m. ; London, Swindon & the North,
5.40 p .m .; North & Midlands, 7.10 p .m .; London &
all parts, 8.45 p.m . (extra £d. stamp) 9 p.m. ; Witney
& Faringdon postal district, 3.30 a.m. ; Sundays,
London & all parts, 8.45 p.m . (extra
9 p.m
Parcels Post.— The post office is open for parcels post
business on week days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. On
Sundays no parcels post business is transacted. Parcels
deliveries commence at 7 a.m . & 12.20 & 7.20 p.m.
Parcels m ails are dispatched at 9.5 & 11.35 a m - &
I.5, 5.40, 7.10 & 8 p.m
Wall L etter Boxes.— Stanford road, cleared at 8.50 &
II.15 a.m. & 5.20 & 8.45 p.m . week days & 8.45 p.m.
S u n d a y s ; Marlborough street, cleared at 8.50 & 11.15
a.m. ’& 5.20 & 8.45 p.m . week days & 8.45 p.m.
S u n d a ys; Coxwell s tre e t, cle ared at 11.5 a.m . & 8.10
p.m. week days & 8.45 p.m . sundavs
Meets at Workhouse on 2nd & 4th tuesdays in each
month, on completion of ordinary Guardians’ board
business for sanitary m atters & 3rd tuesday in each
month (excepting July) for highway purposes
Chairman, James Alfred Fereman, Longcot
Clerk for Sanitary Purposes, Alan George Haines M.A.
London street
C lerk for H ighway Purposes, Edward Percy Crowdy,
Market place
Treasurer, James E. G. Bowen, Lloyds Bank
Medical Officer of Health, Friend Edward Streeten
L.R C.P.Edin., D.P.H. 26 High street, Swindon
Surveyor of Highways, H. Glynn Warne, Beaumont pi
Sanitary Inspector,



Cottage Hospital, Coxwell road, J. C. Maclean M.B. lion,
consulting physician; Horatio Percy Symonds F .R .C .S .
Edin. & John Parker Lockwood L .R .C.P.L ond. hon.
consulting su rgeon s; David Gerald Kennard L .R .C .P .
Lond & William James Lord M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R .C .P.
Lond. hon. m edical officers; A ugustus E. Butler, hon.
surgeon-dentist; Edward Percy Crowdy, hon. s e c .;
Miss Haines, London street, assistant sec.; Miss M. J.
Matthias, matron
County Court, held bi-m onthly, at the C ourt house,
Coach lane, His Honor A rth ur Gwvnne-James, ju d g e ;
Edward Percy Crowdy, registrar & high b a ih ff;
H arry Thomas Cobden, assistant bailiff and ap­
The d istrict
comprises the following
places:— Ashbury, Baulking, Beckett, Bourton, Buck­
land, Buckland Marsh, Bullock’s r it s , Buscot, Buscot
W ick, Carswell, Carswell Marsh, Charney, Clanfield,
Clanfield (L ittle), Coleshill, Compton Beauchamp,
Great Coxwell, Little Coxwell, Downington, Duxford,
Eaton Hastings, G reat Faringdon, L ittle Faringdon,
Fawler, Fernham, Grafton, H atford, Hinton W aldrist,
Idstone, Kelm scott, Knighton, Kingston Lisle, K in g­
ston Winslow, Langford, Lechlade, Littlew orth, Long­
cot, Longworth, Odstone. Pusey, Radcot, Shellingford,
Shrivenham, Stanford, Thrupp, Uffington, Wadley,
Watchfield, Woolstone
This Court is included in Swindon for bankruptcy pur­
poses, H arry Bevir, 38 Regent circus, Swindon, official
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the “ Law of Distress
Amendm ent A c t : ” H arry Thom as Cobden, Faringdon
& Dyke, Jackson & Co. Faringdon
County Police Station, Coach lane ; Faringdon division,
Ashbury, Buckland, Buscot, Coleshill, Faringdon,
Shrivenham ,
Uflington, Joseph Maunders, superintendent; 1 ser­
geant & 11 constables
^ire Engine Station. The Old Town hall, Market place,
C ip t. E. N. Haworth, supt. & 12 men
Stamp Office, Marlborough street, H arry John Sm ith,

Board day, 2nd & 4th tuesday in each month, at 1.30
p.m. at the Workhouse
The Union comprises the following p arish es:— in Berks
— Ashbury, Baulking, Bcurton, Buckland, Buscot,
Charney, Coleshill. Compton Beauchamp, Coxwell
(G reat), Coxwell (Little), Eaton Hastings, Faringdon
(Great), Fernham , Hatford, Hinton W aldrist, K in g­
Lisle, Longcot, Longworth, Pusey, Shellingford,
Shrivenham , Stanford-in-the-Vale, Uffington, W atch­
Loder-Symonds Capt. Frederick Cleave, Hinton manor,
field & Woolstone ; in Oxon— Faringdon (Little), G raf­
Faringdon, chairman
ton, Kelmseott, Langford & R a d co t; in G loucester­
Barrington R:ght Hon. Viscount D.L. Beckett house.
shire— Lechlade. The population of the union in
near Shrivenham
1911 was 12,947; rateable value in A pril, 1911,
Barrington Hon. W illiam Reginald Shute, Medlar cot­
tage, Shrivenham
Chairman of the Board of G uardians, James Alfred
Butler Cyril Kendall esq. Bourton house, Shrivenham
Ferem an, Longcot
Butler W illiam Joseph esq. Woolstone lodge, Faringdon Clerk to the Board of Guardians & Assessm ent Com ­
Case A rthur Molesworth esq. Holmbury, Eastbourne,
m ittee, Alan G. Haines M .A. London st. Faringdon
Treasurer, James E. G. Bowen, Lloyds Bank, Market
CTosland W Grange,Eaton Hastings,Faringdon
place, Faringdon
Fletcher James esq. Carswell Marsh, Faringdon
Collectors to the Guardians, David L . Stevenson, M arl­
Henderson Sir Alexander bart. Buscot park, Faringdon
borough street, Faringdon & W illiam Henry Pope,
Henderson Major Harold Greenwood M.P. Kitem ore,
Shellingford, Faringdon
Assistant Overseers, Eaden Caddy, G loucester street,
Knapp Alfred esq. Shrivenham
Faringdon; Leonard Austin D arlington. A sh bu ry;
Liddiard George esq Market place, Faringdon
John Phillips, Bourton; Frank Y eates, Shrivenham ;
T-ockw-'od John Paiker esq. Bromsgrove hr use,Faringdon
George Carter. B uckian d; H. Bowles, B u sco t; E.
N'ven William esq. F .S .A . Marlow Place, Marlow
Belcher, London street, Faringdon (Little C o xw ell);
Throckmorton Sir Nicholas W illiam George bart. D.L
F. Street, Lech d ale; James Drew, Longworth;
Coughton Court, Warwickshire
Thomas Herbert Burge, London street, Faringdon
West Archibald Thornton esq. Barcote manor, Faringdon
(Baulking, Compton Beauchamp, Uffington & Wool­
stone) ; George Cox, Coleshill; Arthur Francis
The Chairman, for the tim e being, of the Faringdon
Cobden, Gloucester street, Faringdon (F ern h am );
Rural D istrict Council is an ex-officio m agistrate
W. J. Cambridge, Eaton H astings; W. C. Sm ith,
Clerk to the Magistrates, E. P. Crow'dv, Market place
Kingston L isle; Daniel H. Bird, Longcot; Henry A.
Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Coach lane.
C°x. Stanford (& H atford ); H. C. E. Olliver, Shriven­
every tuesday at 11 a.m
ham (Watchfiold)
The following places are included in the Petty Sessional Relieving & Vaccination Officers— Faringdon & Buckland
division :— Ashbury, Pa” lking, Pourton. Bnrkland
district. David L. Stevenson, Marlborough street,
Buscot, Oharney. Coleshill. Compton Beauchamp, Cox­
Farinsrdon ; Shrivenham district, William Henry Pope.
well (Great. & Little"), Eaton Fastings. Faringdon
Fernham, Hatford, H ’nton, Kingston Lisle, Longcot. Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators— Puckland <’isLongworth Pusev. Shellingford, Shrivenham , Stan­
trict, William Jam es Lord M R .C .S.E n g., L.R .C .P .
ford, Uffington, Watchfield & Woolstone
Tyond E'>stfi“ld. Faringdon; Faringdon district No. 1,
David Gerald Kennard L .R .C.P.L ond.. M R C .S Eng.
Gloocpster bouse, ^aringdon ; ^annffdon district No.
Cem etery, Canada road, Tom H erbert Burge, seeretai'
2. Thomas Fino-ham Marshall M R C S En<r. St John’s
to the trustees
house Lechladf*; Shrivonham district. Albert Persse
Macnamara M.B , B.Ch. Normanbv cottage, ShrivenCo^n Exchangp, Market place, E . P. Crowdy, s e c .; Wm
Collins Sell, clerk & collector
