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B E R K S H IR E .
k l l y âs
Dr. Watney's (m ixed & infants), built in 1848, for 130
ch ild ren ; average attendance, 68; Edward Parkinson,
C hurch of England (m ixed & infants), erected at the
m aster; Mrs. Jane Parkinson, mistress
sole expense of the late R. Benyon esq. in 1886, for Carriers to Readingâ Payne, mon. thurs. & sat. ;
184 children; average attendance, 180; A lbert Edwin
Cottrell, tues. thurs. & sat. ; Mitchell, wed. & sat. ;
Robinson, m aster; Miss Crowe, infantsâ mistress
Selwood, mon. wed. & s a t .; Johnson, mon. & fri
master), Cox
Blake, farm
P R I V A T E R E SID E N T S The College
bailiff to H. Watney esq. M .A.,
Alderson Rev. Alexander George Jer- Radford A rthur J.P. Bradfield hall
AI.D., F.R .C.P.Lond. Heron farm
m yn M .A. (assistant m aster), The Regler James, Oxford ho. Rotten row Davis Thos. carpenter, Jennettâs hill
Richardson Ernest Lamont M.A. Em m s James, watercress grower
Arm strong Edward (warden), The
(assistant m aster), The College
Ertwell Edward, farm bailiff to A.
Richardson Airs. The Close
Radford esq. J.P
Barnett Percy A rthur, Burnt H ill ho Ridley Rev. John T.(Prim itive Metho Ford A. F. & Sons, grocers, Southend
Bashford P. F. R., B .A . (assistant
dist), The Manse, West end
Ford Arthur, blacksm ith, Southend
m aster), The College
Shea Mrs. Village house
Ford Ernest, builder, Southend
Bayliss Eugene M .A. (organist), The Sheppard G .,B.A. (assistant master), G arrett Elizabeth (M rs.), shopkeeper
The College
Grist Walter, farm er, Rotten row
Blackall-Sim onds Geo. Rushall grange Shera F. H ., M .A. (assistant m aster), G u yatt Henry, registrar of births &
Blake G. P ., M .A. (assistant master),
The College
deaths for Bucklebury district,
Sills T. B ., M.A. (assistant master),
The College
Bradfield union & assistant overseer
The College
Boyes Henry W illiam . Jennettâs hill
Hancock Em m a (M rs.), apartments,
Bullen Miss, Bridge house
Cam pbell Chas. Duncan Hay R .S.A .,
m aster), The College
Harwood Charles Joseph, grocer, Post
R .B.A . The College
Stevens Mrs. Horseleas
office. Southend
Chillingworth Miss, Clay hill
Vaughan Mrs. Buscot
Henwood W alter, tailor & outfitter,
Chinneck S. T. E ., B.A. (assistant Vince James Herbert AI.A. (assistant
m aster), The College
m aster), The College
Holder David, beer retailer
C lark G. M., M .A. (assistant m aster), Wallace George Williamson, Buck- Holloway Arthur, blacksmith
The College
hold grange
Johnson Ernest, builder
Connop Miss, Sherwood
Wathew A. R., B.A. (assistant m as Johnson James, m arket gardener
ter), The College
C ostley-W hite Rev. Harold M.A.(head
Lewis J. technical instructor, The
Watney H erbert M .A., M .D., F .R .C .P.
m aster), St. Andrewâs college
Crichton H. T. (assistant master),
Lovedav Fdk. dairyman, Jennettâs hill
The College
W est 0 . L. C ., M.A. (assistant Major Albert John,Queenâs Head P.H
D ick J. B. G ., M.A. (assistant
master). The College
Manners Joseph, farmer, Crippâs farm
m aster), The College
Widdows Percy Lionel, Southend
Mayers John, farmer, T u ttâs clump
E llis A ugustus F. G Stanford wood Wilson Rev. T. E., M.A. (house Millson George, boot ma. .Clay Hill
G ray A rth. The College & Woodcote
m aster Junior school), The College Millson Wm. painter, T u ttâs clump
Gun Rev. John Edward T h .A .K C. Y ule J. C. (assistant master), The Minchin John, farmer, Copyhold frm
(curate), Home farm
Minchin John G. shopkeeper
Haviland Charles J. Mead house
New W illiam Chas. baker, Southend
Hodgson E ., M .A. (assistant m aster),
Payne Charles, carrier
Anstey Alfred, dairyman
The College
Perry Wm. Thos. boot ma. Southend
Holdup Richard, Ferndale
Bailey James, dairyman
St. Andrewâs College (Rev. Harold
H urt Rev. Richard Norman (rector & Boyes Henry W illiam , farmer
Costley-W hite M.A. head m aster;
chaplain of Bradfield workhouse). Bradfield Gas Works (Frank Cooksey
Edward Armstrong, warden ; Andw.
& W alker, secs. Reading)
R ectory
Low M.A. second m aster; for other
Irvine A. L ., M .A. (assist, m aster), Bradfield Village Club (Rev. Sidney
assistant masters, see page 49)
Judd, sec. ; Ernest Povey, treas)
The College
Selwood W illiam , farmer
Bunting Edward, florist
Jones Airs. Mansel, Bradfield house
Trotman Hedley James, farm er, The
M.R C .S .E n g., Burnham
H arry Bishop, farmer,
Home farm
L.R .C.P.L ond. medical officer
Wakelin William
James, farmer,
Lee A. E ., AI.A. (assistant m aster), Bushell
Malthouse farm
Herbert Watnev esq. M .A., M.D., Ward Fredk. W. farmer, Southend
The Red house
F .R .C .P
Low Andrew M.A. (second m aster),
West Tom, farmer, Southend
Chapman Ernest Albert, shopkeeper Wickens Arth. brick m fr. Southend
The College
Chauter Geo. C. farmer, Burnt hill Wigmore Walter, builder, Clay hill
Money W. Henry, Bradfield hill
N ewm an G. F ., B.A. (assist, m aster), Chillingworth W illiam , farmer, Barn Wilson Edward G W. farmer
Elm s farm
Wilson Sergt. drill & gym nastic in Â
The College
Nicholl Christopher Edward AI. A Clamp John, workhouse master
structor, The College
Cottrell Frederick, carrier
Wise Joseph, grocer, & post office,
(assistant m aster), The College
T u ttâs clump
B R A Y is a civil parish separated from Buckingham  niche is a sculptured figure of S. M ich ael: in 1906 two
shire by the river Thames, the village being 1 mile handsome dormer windows were erected in the ch an cel:
south-east from the Great W estern railway station at the windows are nearly all stained : there are 800 sitÂ
Maidenhead, 5 north-west from Windsor, and 10 south tings, 447 being free. The register dates from the year
east from H en ley; the parish comprises within its lim its 1656. The livin g is a vicarage, net yearly value £501,
the divisions of Bray village, Bray W ick, Kim bers, with residence, in the g ift of the Bishop of Oxford, and
Touchen End, East Oakley and Boyne Hill, and is in held since 1887 by the Rev. Charles Andrewes Raymond
the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Brav, M.A. and late scholar of Magdalene College, Cambridge.
Maidenhead petty sessional division. Maidenhead union, The churchyard has been closed for some years, but
W indsor county court district, rural deanery of Maiden there is a cem etery in the Windsor road for th at porÂ
head, archdeaconry of Berks and diacese of Oxford. tion of the parish which is apart from the Touchen End
B ray is supposed to be on the site of the Roman station district. The cemetery is divided into consecrated and
â Bibracte,â but ceased to be a place of importance when unconsecrated portions, and is controlled by the Parish
th e Roman system of communications fell into d isu se; it Council. W illiam Goddard esq in the year 1627 founded
is now within the liberty of Windsor Forest, being part and endowed an hospital, called Jesusâ Hospital, and
of the Royal demesne. Bray Cut is an artificial cutting placed it under the governm ent of the Fishmongersâ
filled from sp rin g s; it empties itself into the river Company of London, of which he was a m em b er; the
Tham es, but is not navigable. The church of St. Michael, buildings consist of a chapel and 40 houses, form ing a
built in the reign of Edward I. is an edifice of flint, sand quadrangle with cultivated gardens in the centre and at
stone and chalk, in the Early English and Perpendicular the back ; six of the inmates m ust be free of the above
styles, consisting of chancel, with north and south chapels, company, and these if single receive n s . and if married
nave of three bays, aisles and a massive em battled tower 16s. a week, including Mr. Jeremiah Coppingâs g ift ; all
with bold angle-buttresses on the south side and con the other occupants, who are parishioners of Bray, have
taining 6 bells and a clock; the tower is of four stages, when single 6s. and when married 8s. 6d per week,
the lowerm ost form ing a p o rc h : the massive oak roofs besides other allowances; the Rev. John Charles Gawof the nave and aisles are said to date from the 13th thern M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, has been
ce n tu ry; the fabric was repaired and restored in 1859 resident warden and chaplain since 1892; the chapel
at a great cost, under the superintendence of Thomas ! has a quaint stained window; services are held twice
W yatt esq. : over the main south entrance within a during the week and in the evening on Sundays. There
Public Elem entary Schools.