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B E R K S H IR E .

Boyne H ill.— W illiam Sandford, sub-postm aster. L e t­
ters through Maidenhead arrive at 8 a.m . & 12 noon
4 & 7.30 p.m . ; sundays, 8 a.m . ; dispatched at 8
a.m . & 12.30, 3.15 & 7.30 p.m . ; sundays, dispatched
7-15 P-m
F urze P la tt.— Frederick Newell, sub-postm aster.— Box
cleared at 8 & 11.30 a.m . & 12.30, 4.45 & 7.4c; p.m •
sundays, 6.30 p.m
Marked thus f telegram s are dispatched but not de­
livered, & telegraph money orders issued, but not
Town Sub-Post Office, Powney road.— William H iggins,
sub-postm aster. Box cleared at 8.15, 9.45 & 11.30
a.m . & 12.45, 2-3°* 3-3°* 515» 8 & 10.30 p.m. ; sundays, 7.30 & 10.30 p.m . The nearset money order &
telegraph office is at Wellington road
Post Office, Cox Green.— Miss Eliza Payne, sub-post­
Letters through Maidenhead
arrive at 7
& 11-15 a.m. & 7.40 p.m. ; sundays, 7 a.m. ; dis­
patched at 7.45 & 9.30 a.m. & 2.15 & 7.45 p.m. ;
sundays, 4.30 p.m . Boyne Hill is the nearest money
‘ order office & Tittle Row, i£ miles distant, the
nearest telegraph office
Post Office, Highway.— W illiam Hulcup, sub-postmaster.
Letters delivered from Maidenhead at 7 & 10 a.m.
& 7 p.m. : sundays, 7 a.m . ; box cleared at 8.45 a.m.
& 12.15 & 8.15 p.m. : sundays, 6.45
p.m . The
nearest money order & telegraph office is at Welling­
ton road
Post, T. & E. D. Office, T ittle Row.— W illiam Taylor,
sub-postm aster. L etters through M aidenhead, arrive
at 6.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 7 p.m . ; sundays, 6.30 a .m .;
dispatched at 9.15 a.m. & 12.15 & 8.10 p.m . ; S u n ­
days at 7 p.m .
Boyne H ill is the nearest monev
urder office
H igh Steward, The Lord Desborough, of Taplow.
Mayor, Alderman W illiam Ferguson Good.
Deputy Mayor, Alderman John Truscott.
Alderm en.
Retire November, 1913
R etire November, 1916.
Charles W illiam Cox
William Ferguson Good
Edwin Hewitt
John Truscott


Cam pbell W illiam Henry esq. Sunnybank, Cookham
Dean, Cookham Rise
Clayton Lieut.-Col. Sir FitzRoy Augustus Talbot
K .C .V .O . Fyfield house, Maidenhead
Cusack-Sniith Sir Thomas Berry K .C .M .G . Redlands,
East Sir Gilbert A ugustus Clayton- bart. H all Place,
near Maidenhead
Ferard Charles Agace esq. Winkfield manor, Ascot
Fitzm aurice Captain the Hon. Jam es Terence R.N.
West dene, 1 Pembroke avenue, Hove, Sussex
Gardner Ernest esq. M.P. Spencers, Maidenhead
Gold Alfred G ilbey esq. 41 South st. Park la. London W
Lam bert Francis Devereux esq. Moor hall, Cookham
Pratt Lieut.-Col. Lord George Murray, Meadow' Bank,
Winkfield, Windsor
Pretym an Capt. Charles Henry Sheffield R.N . Boynholme, Maidenhead
Ricardo Col. Francis Cecil C.V.O. Lullebrook manor,
Sim m ons William Anker esq. Bird Place, Remenham,
Simpson James Ferguson esq. Bonnie brae, Maidenhead
Thompson Lieut.-G en. Arnold Bunbury R .A. Northfield, Maidenhead
Vansittart-N eale Sir Henry James K .C .B . Bisham
Abbey, near Marlow
W hitehead John esq. Choseley house, Knowl Hall,
Young Sir George bart. Formosa Place, Cookham
The Mayor of the borough of Maidenhead & the C h air­
man of Cookham Rural D istrict Council, for the time
being, are ex-officio m agistrates
Clerk to the M agistrates, Charles Ruffe Thomas,
Petty Sessions are held at the County Police Court,
Broadway, on the 2nd & 4th tues. in each month at
11 a.m
The division comprises the parishes of Bisham , Bray,
Cookham, Hurley, Remenham, Shottesbrook, W hite
Waltham & Winkfield

Budgen John, Shirley, Castle hill
Cooper Henry, Brocket, Boyne Hill avenue
Cox Charles W illiam , The Orchards, Boyne Hill
Gardner Ernest M.P. Spencers, Cookham
Belmont Ward.
Oldfield Ward.
Hobbis Benjamin, Castle hill
Retire Nov.
Retire Nov. Mount Henry John, Maidenhythe, Craufurd rise
Percy M. Lever ........... 1911 Francis W. P o rte r
1911 Oldershaw Lucian Robert Frederic, Fernley, G rynger hi
John Wesley W alker... 1912 Thomas W. Stuehbery 1912 Porter Francis W illiam , Persimmon lawn, H argrave rd
Frank Curtis ............... T9 T3 Arthur Upson................ 1913 Simpson James Ferguson, Bonnie brae
Boyne Hill Ward
St. M ary’s Ward.
Sm ith Sir Thomas Berry Cusack K .C.M .G . Redlands,
David Bidmead ........... 1911 Charles T.Cham berlain 1911
Maidefihead court
Edward N orkett
1912 George M attinglev
1912 Sweny Col. John Alfred R.M .L.I. Kidwells Park house
Sydney R. Thompson 1913 John Fredk. Golding.... 1913 T ruscott John. Y ork ledge
Alderm en appointed to preside at Ward Elections.
Upson A rthur, High street
Belm ont Ward,Ed winHewitt | Oldfield Ward, Jn.Truscott Vardy Charles Alfred, 7 Cookham road
Boyne H ill Ward, Charles I St. M ary’s Ward, W illiam Walker John Wesley, 22 Craufurd rise
W yatt Thomas George, 54 Cookham road
W. Cox
F. Good
Clerk to the M agistrates, Charles Ruffe Thomas,
of M e etin g: The last tuesday in each month,
except in A ugust, when there will be no m eeting
of the Magistrates are held at the County
Q uarterly M eetin gs: Last tuesday in January, April &
Police Court, Broadway, daily at 10.30 a.m
Ju ly & the 9th day of Nov
Elective Auditors, C. H. Ricks, Cookham road & M. T.
Pole, K in g street
Borough E lectric L igh t Works, Braywick Toad, the
Officers of the Corporation.
Mayor, chairman ; C. 0 . Milton A .I.E .E . engineer
Town Clerk. H arry E d w a T d Davies, Town Hall
Borough Open Air Swim ming Baths, East street, G. E.
-Assistant Town Clerk. Mayor’s Secretary & Clerk to the
Taylor, supt
Old A ge Pension Sub-Com m ittee, John E. Arnold, Cottage Hospital. St. Luke’s road, Norfolk p a rk ;
Town Hall
W illiam Arnold Urquhart Thomson F .R .C .S .I., G. E.
'Treasurer, Henry John Mount, M aidenhythe, Marlow rd
Moore M B., A rthur James Edge M.B. Edwin Cecil
Medical Officer of Health, James J. Paterson M .B., B .S .,
Montgomery M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R.C.P.Lond. Arthur
B .Sc., M .R .C .S ., L .R .C.P., D.P.H. Town Hall
Walters Howard M .R .C .S.E ng., L.R.C.P.Lond. &
Education Secretary, J. B. Markham, Town Hall
Harry Spurrier M .B., B .C ., Cantab., M .R .C.S.,
Borough Surveyor, Percy Johns A .M .I C E . Town Hall
L.R .C .P . medical officers; H. A Pallant L D .S.R .C .S.
Sanitary Inspector, W alter Ernest Harding, Town Hall
Eng. dental surgeon; J. E. Mason, hon. se c.; Benj.
E lectrical Engineer, Christopher 0 . Milton A .I.E .E .
Hobbis, hon. tre asu re r; Miss Coleman, hon. sec. of
Braywick road
ladies’ com m ittee ; Miss A. Harris, matron
Sew age Works Manager, Joseph H. Barford, Town Hall County Police Station, Broadway, James Davis, super­
Librarian, W. D. Harwood, Free Library
intendent ; Maidenhead Division, 1 inspector, 6 ser­
Borough Collector, Frederick H. Russel, Town Hall
geants & 30 constables
School Attendance Officer, Miss Glover, Town Hall
Customs & Excise Office, High s tre e t; D. T. Woods,
Sergeant-at-M ace, Hall Keeper & Town Crier, Mark
supervisor; F. H. Drummond, officer
Jam es Taylor, Y o rk road
Oddfellows’ Hall, Brock lane
Public Library, St. Ives road, W alter D. Harwood,
librarian. Reading room open to the public daily
(except Sundays, Christm as day, Good Friday & Bank
The Senior M agistrate present takes the chair.
holidays), 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; Bank holidays, 8
Barry Sir Edward A rth ur hart. F .S.A . Ockwells manor,
a.m. till noon. Reference & Lending Library open 10
a.m. till 9 p.m. with the above exceptions
Bray, Maidenhead