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B E R K S H IR E .

Fosbery H enry Jam es Wilson esq. B .A . Eastbury
grange, Lam bourn
*F oster Edm und Benson esq. Clewer manor, Windsor
Foster Edw ard Baynton Grove esq. Clewer manor,
W indsor
F raser A lex. Caspar esq. Mongewell park, Wallingford
F red erick Lieut.-C ol. C harles A rth ur Andrew G .C .V .O .
Board of Green Cloth, Buckingham Palace, London SW
G ardner E rnest esq. M.P. Spencers, North Town,
G athorne-H ardy Hon. Alfred Erskine, Donnington
priory, Newbury
G ilbey A rth u r Nockolds esq. Hillingdon, Uxbridge,
G old A lfred G ilbey esq. 41 South st. Park la.London W
G ooch Sir Daniel Fulthorpe bart. Hylands, Chelm sford,
G ordon Col. George G rant C .V .O ., C.B. Inkerm an,
Shelley road, W orthing, Sussex
G ould John Harrison jun. esq. Meadowville, M ortimer
G u ll Sir W m . Cameron bart. Frilsham house, Tattendon
H anbury Edgar esq. Paxton H ill ho. St. Neots, Hunts
H anbury .Major Everard Ernest, The W hite house,
Low er Basildon, Reading
*§H ankey Sydney Alers esq. Locks farm , Wokingham
Harm an Thos. Rickm an esq. Sindlesham ho.Wokingham
Harris Edw ard John esq. A lbert park, Abingdon
*H aversham R igh t Hon. Lord P.O. South H ill park,
Eastham pstead, B rackn ell; & 9 Grosvenor square,
London W
Hawes Godfrey Charles Browne esq. Fernbank, Pangbourne, Reading
Hawkins Henry esq. Bonavista, Boscombe Spa road,
Bournem outh
H ayllar Jas. esq.Red Holm e,Cam bridge rd. Bournemouth
Hazel Com m ander James R.N . Rowstock, Steventon
Henderson Sir Alexander bart. Buscot park, Faringdon
Henderson M ajor Harold Greenwood M.P. Kitem ore,
*H ercy Thom as Francis John Lovelace esq. 40 Albert
Palace mansions, Battersea park, London S W
*H ercy Thomas Joseph esq
H erring Harris Howard esq. St. Ivans, Downleaze, Stoke
Bishop, near Bristol
H ill Right Hon. Lord A rth ur W illiam P.C. 53 Eaton
place, London S W
Hohler Frederick Scott esq. 30 Lowndes sq. London SW
Hoskyns Rev. Canon Sir John L eigh bart. M.A. Rectory,
Aston Tirrold, W allingford
H unter Capt. Sir Charles Roderick bart. M ortim er Hill,
Jessop W alter Ham ilton Hylton esq. M .A ., M.B. The
M ill house, Sutton Courtenay
Johnston Geo. A. esq. 6 Lansdown place, Clifton, Bristol
Joicey M ajor W illiam James V.D . Sunningdale park,
Sunningdale, Ascot
Jones Lieut.-Col. Alfred S., V .C ., M .I.C .E . Ridge' cot­
tage, Finchampstead, Wokingham
•K em p -W elch Charles Durant esq. 2 Porchester gate,
London W
*Iveyser Charles Edward esq. F.S.A. Alderm aston court,
K in gscote Thomas A rthur Fitzhardinge esq. M.V.O.
W aterm oor house, Cirencester
Knapp Alfred esq. Shrivenham
L am bert Francis Devereux esq. Moor hall, Cookham
Leslie George Dunlop esq. R.A. Compton house, Lindfield, Sussex
Liddiard George esq. Market place, Faringdon
Liebenrood Major George Englebert
L in d say Capt. Henry Edith Arthur, Manor house,
Sutton Courtenay, Abingdon
Littlebo y Wm. esq. Crown lane, Benson, W allingford
Lockwood John Parker esq. Bromsgrove ho. Faringdon
Loder-Sym onds Capt. Frederick Cleave, Hinton manor,
Loyd A rchie K irkm an esq. K.C. Down house, Steventon
Loyd W illiam Graham esq. Highwoods, Mortimer, Berks
§Mackenzie Col. Fredk. Finch C.B. Ramslade, Bracknell
M ackey Archbd. John esq. B.A. Hurst house, Twvford
Macnabb James W m . esq. Arthurstone,Binfie’l d,Bracknell
M ajor H arry Pike esq. M.D. High street, Hungerford
M arriott Charles W illiam esq. M.D. Aubrey house,
B ath road, Reading
M artin-Atkins E rnest Edwin esq. Downend house
Chieveley, Newbury
Matthews Stephen esq. M .A. Sidbrook house, W est
Monkton, Taunton
Morland Benjam in Henry esq. Sheepstead ho. Abino-don
M orley Charles esq. M.A. Shoclcerwick house, Bath °
Morrell Charles esq. Manor ho. Dorchester, Wallingford


k e lly ’s

Mount W illiam A rth u r esq. M.P. W asing Place, near
*Mo\vbray Sir Robert G ray Cornish bart. (chairm an of
quarter sessions), Warennes Wood, M o rtim e r; & 90
Piccadilly, London W
Mylne Henry Charles esq. Staverton, Murdoch road,
Neeld Lieut.-C ol. Sir A udley Dallas bart. C .B ., M .V.O.
G rittleton, Chippenham, W ilts
Newdigate Lieut.-Col. George, The F riary, W inchester
Nicholl Henry Fredk. esq. M.A. Bear Place, Twyford
Niven W illiam esq. F .S .A . Marlow Place, Great Marlow
Noble Wilson esq. M.A. Barkham manor, Wokingham
*Norreys Lord, 103 Gloucester place, London W
Orm athwaite Lord, Strettington house, Chichester
Osmond Richard esq. Weston farm , Weston, Lambourn
§Palm er Alfred esq. Wokefield park, Mortimer
Palm er R igh t Hon. George W illiam P.C. Marlston house,
near Newbury
§Palm er W illiam Howard esq. Heathlands, Wokingham
Parsons John Francis esq. Tubney Warren, Abingdon
Patton Frederick Joseph esq. B.A. The Links, Ascot
Portal Edward Robert esq. Eddington house, Hungerford
Pratt Lieut.-Col. Lord George M urray, Meadow bank,
Winkfield, Windsor
Preston Panizzi esq. Milton H ill, Steventon
Pretym an Capt. Charles Henry Sheffield R.N . Boyne
Holme, Maidenhead
Rankin John esq. Dalriada, Newbury
*§Ricardo Francis esq. The Friary, Old Windsor
Ricardo Col. Francis Cecil C .V .O . Lullebrook manor,
Ricardo Col. Gerald Craven T.D. The Elm s, Donning­
ton, Newbury
Rickman Capt. Stu art Hamilton R.N. Arborfield grange,
Roberts Lieut.-Col. Charles, Bridge house, W allingford
Roberts His Honor Judge W alworth Howland, 9
Gloucester terrace, Hyde park, London W
Robinson Andrew esq. Burnham house, Sunningdale
R ollit Lieut.-Col. Sir Albert Kaye L L .D ., D .C .L. St.
Anne’s hill, Chertsey, Surrey
Ryan Sir Charles Lister K .C .B . Burley Bushes, Ascot
*Savory Alderman Sir Joseph bart. Buckhurst park,
Sunninghill, Ascot
Shipley Sir William Alexander, River bank, Datchet
Simmons William Anker esq. Bird Place, Remenham,
Simpson James Ferguson esq. Bonnie Brae, Maidenhead
Snagge His Honor Judge Sir Thomas W illiam M .A. 17
Cadogan gardens, London S W
Soundy Sir John Thomas, Monkton house, Windsor
Southby Arthur esq. M.A
Stanmore Lord G .C.M .G . Red house, Ascot
Stevens Alfred esq. Compton, Newbury
Strauss Edwd. Anthony esq. M.P. Kingston ho. Abingdn
Sutton A rthur W arwick esq. Bucklebury Place, Bucklebury, Reading
Talbot Major-Gen. The Hon. Sir Reginald A rth u r James
K .C.B . Government house, Melbourne
Tatham Meaburn Talbot esq.N orthcourt house,Abingdon
* § Thompson George Rodie esq. Lynwood, Sunningdale,
Thornton James esq
Thornton Col. W alter, Maidenhatch,Pangbourne,Reading
§Throckmorton Sir Nicholas W illiam George bart.
Travellers’ club, London S W
Tonge Gilbert A ugustus esq
*§Tudor H ugh Owen esq. Lyndwood, Old Windsor
*§Tull Albt. Richd. esq. M.A. Crookham house,Newbury
Turner Major Charles, Thatcham house, near Newbury
Tyser George W alter esq. Oakfield, Mortimer
§Van de Weyer Col. Victor W illiam Bates, New lodge,
Windsor Forest
Vansittart-Neale Sir Henry James K .C .B . Bisham
Abbey, Marlow
V erey Henry W illiam esq. Bridge house, Twyford
W addington M aj.-Gen. Thomas, The Chestnuts, Pangbourne, Reading
W ade-Palm er Fairfax Blomfield esq. F .R .I.B .A . Manor
house, Sonning, Reading
W alm esley H um phrey Jeffrey esq. Inglewood house,
K intbury, Hungerford
W alter Godfrey esq. Malshanger, Basingstoke, Hants
Walton Wm. esq. Donnington Holt,Donnington,Newbury
W aring Capt. W illiam W heat, Beenham house, Reading
W asey Edward J. Spearman esq. Bradley court, Chieve­
ley, Newbury
Watson George A rth ur esq. East court, Finchampstead,
Wells Alfred Dodd esq. Sinodun. Wallingford