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w a n ta g e .
B E R K S H IR E .
k e l l y âs
Barclay & vCompany
(sub-branch) Green Charles, builder, Grove street
y u t i i j j a i i > Lim
u i u i iited,
v tu ,
uuulh . i c
(Pereivali Charles G rainger, m anager), xo
10 till 3 daily, Gregory Edwin, builder, Grove street & Ormond road
draw on Gregory Robert, monumental mason, Grove street
H addrell H erbert.Jolly W'aterman P.H.& shopkpr.M ill st
head office, 54 Lom bard street E C
Hanks Frederick W illiam M .R .C .V .S. veterinary surgeon,
Barlow, Dobbs & Barlow, builders, Church street
Eskdale, M ill street
Barlow Ernest, confectioner, M ill street
B arrell Anthony Ernest, outfitter, see Valentine & Hanson W illiam , surveyor & sanitary inspector & colÂ
lector for the Urban D istrict Council, Sunnyside, BelÂ
Barrell Lim ited
mont ; offices, Town hall
Bavly Caroline (Miss), school, W allingford street'
E li, um brella repairer, Partridgeâs row, WalÂ
Beavan Uharles Watson, Blue Boar P.H. Newbury street
lingford street
Beckett James, farm er, W hitehouse farm
Harman Henry, baker, Newbury street
Bedford Shaurach, mechanical engineer, Grove street
B e l c h e r , A d k in & B e l c h e r , auctioneers, land, timber Harris & Sons, plumbers & glaziers, Church street
& agricultural valuers, estate, house, land & insurance Hatch Charlotte (Miss), temperance hotel, M arket place
Hawkins Anna Maria(M rs.),Abingdon Arms P.H.Grove st
agents & land & building surveyors, Market place
Belcher A rth ur John, ironmonger & cycle agent, Market Havnes Jonathan Ambrose, boot maker, Priory road
Henderson Thos. Geo. travellin g draper, W allingford st
place & Newbury street
Belcher Edward John F .S .I. auctioneer, see Belcher, Higgs Henry, boot repairer, Grove street
Hilton Stephen & Sons, boot & shoe dealers, M arket pi
Adkin & Belcher
Hine Thomas, farmer, Lattindown farm
Belcher Cleeve W illiam , leather cu tter, M ill street
Howse William, saddler, W allingford street
Belcher Percy W illiam , stationer & tea taster, M ill st
Hughes James, boot maker, Market place
Belcher W'illiam Henry, accountant, M ill stTeet
Humphrey Wm. John, K in g's Arm s P.H. W allingford st
Bennett Fredeiiek H. wine & spirit m erchant, Grove st
Berkshire Yeom anry (D Squadron) (M ajor H. G. Hender international Tea Co.âs Stores Lim ited, M arket place
son M.P. com m anding; Capt. C. C. Stone, second in Ivey Charles, beer retailer, W allingford street
com m and; Squad.-Sergt.-M ajor Thos. John Leicester, Jackson Fred, butcher, M arket place
Jefferies W alter, chimney sweeper, The Wharf
B irt Am elius Cyril M .R .C .S .E n g., L .R .C .P Lond., D.P.H. Johnston Brothers, coach painters, Grove street
(firm, Woodhouse & B irt), physician & surgeon, & Jotcham & Son, solicitors, Newbury street
m edical officer to workhouse & m edical officer & Jotcham W illiam Clarke M .A. solicitor, & coroner for the
W antage division of the county, clerk to commissioners
public vaccinator to W antage d istrict, certifying facÂ
of taxes, treasurer to D istrict Council, registrar &
tory surgeon & surgn. to Cottage H ospital,Newbury st
high bailiff county court (firm, Jotcham & Son), NewÂ
Brewerton Frederick, ^chimney sweeper, Stirlings road
bury street
Bunce Albert, W heatsheaf P.H. Grove street
W illiam Powell, dentist, Lea house, Newbury st Frank, beer retailer, Mill street
Kent & Son, ironmongers, Market place
C arvey James, horse clipper, Locks lane
Kent Alban, parish clerk, Church street
Castle W illiam , seed merchant, Market place
Cawston Albert Edward M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R.C.P.Lond. King Alfredâs G ram m ar School (Rev. Marchant Pearson
B=A., B.Sc. head m aster). Portway
phvsician & surgeon, & medical officer & public vacÂ
cinator for Hendred district, W antage union, Brecon K in g Harry, dairyman, Wrallingford street
Francis S. district superintendent Pearl Assurance
house, Newbury street
Co. The Manse, Newbury street
Cem etery (Henry Gregory, keeper)
Squadron-Sergt.-M ajor Thomas John, drill
Cham berlain Frederick Wm. hair dresser, Market place
instructor to D Squadron, Berks Yeom anry
Chandler Robert, carrier, Grove street
Church Reading Room & Library (Rev. Charles F ry Lewis Eliza (Miss), china & glass dealer, Newbury st
Lloyds Bank Lim ited (sub-branch) (J. E. G. Bowen,
M .A. hon. sec.), M ill street
manager) ; open fridays, 12 to 3 p.m. Mill street
Clarke Francis Reginald, outfitter, Market place
Lloyd Lorenzo John, coach builder, Portway place
Clarks (W antage) Lim ited, m illers (steam ), M ill street
Central Meat Co. Lim ited, Market place
C legg & Son, chem ists, Newbury street
C lem ent C. R. & Son, coal m erchants, Mill s tre e t; & at London County & Westm inster Bank Lim ited (branch)
W illiam Payne1, m anager), N ewbury street
Looker Mark Luke & Son, boot m akers, Grove street
Coates W illiam , farm er, Black Bushes farm
Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Newbury street
Collins Richard W alter, baker, M ill street
Conservative & Unionist Club (A. V. Gibbs, hon. sec.), Lovegrove James, tailor, Market place
Lovegrove James W illiam , tailor, W allingford street
Market place
Malin Arthur E. grocer & provision merchant, Market pi
Cooper W illiam , greengrocer, Grove street
C ottage Hospital (Thomas G ilbert Emerson M.D. & May Joseph Herbert, draper, Newbury street
W illiam Dunmore Lovedav M .R .C .S.E ng., L.R .C .P. Mavo G. & A. blacksmiths. Grove street
Lond. hon. m edical officers; W alter Mansell Wood Mielke Albert, grocer, Grove street
house M .R .C .S.E n g., L .R .C.P.L ond. Am elius Cyril Moffatt John George, farmer, Angeldown farm
B irt M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R .C .P .L on d ., D .P.H . & A lbert Morris & Sons, coal & coke m erchants, Grove street
Edward Cawston M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R .C.P.Lond. sur Morse H erbert Christopher, estate agent, rate collector,
income & assessed taxes & deputy registrar, M arket pi
geons; W illiam Clarke Jotcham esq. hon. sec.; Wm.
Mulcock Henry George, hair dresser, Mill street
Marlow, hon. treasurer; Miss Frances Pike, matron)
Frank, fishmonger, Market place
C ottrell John Ernest & Frederick, butchers, M arket pi
County Court Office (His Honor A. Gwvnne-James, Nichols Henry Norman, stationer & printer, M arket pi
A rthur, m anager of W antage Tramway
ju d g e ; W illiam C. Jotcham M.A. registrar & high
Co. Lim ited, Springfield road
bailiff; Arthur Colbert, bailiff), Newbury street
(Arthur Gibbs, p u blish er; published
Dawson Charles William, greengrocer, Grove street
Saturday), Market place
Dobbs Fredk. Arth. builder, see Barlow, Dobbs & Barlow
Nunney Marv E. (Mrs.), Bear hotel & posting house;
D yer Joe, wine & spirit m erchant. M arket place
high-class 'accommodation for motorists &c. Market
E ast Alfred John, jobm aster, M ill street
place. T N 39
Em anuel Edmund, The Shears P H. & blacksm ith,M ill st
Ormond E. & E. B. solicitors, M arket place
Farmer Charles, tobacconist, M ill street
Ormond Edwd.(firm,Ormond E. & E. B .), solr.Market pi
Farm er Henry John, insurance agent, Belmont
F irth Dispensary (Mrs. E. B. Ormond, hon. sec.), New Ormond Edward Brooks (firm, Ormond E . & E. BO. s°â ;
citor & clerk to W antage Urban & Rural District
bury street
Councils, the guardians & assessment committee or
Fleetwood W illiam , grocer, Ormond road
W antage union & the m agistrates & supt. registrar,
G ale William, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Grove street
M arket place
G ardner John, shoe maker, Newbury street
Palm er James, butcher, Market place
G as Works (Gordon W alker, manager), Grove street
Passey Frederick George, marine store dealer. Mill st
Gibbens Eliza (Miss), dress maker, Grove street
G ibbs Arthur, printer, m usic seller & publisher â North Pates Harry, corn & coal merchant. The W harf
^ .
Berks H erald,ââ & agent for Sutton & Co. carriers, Payne George, shopkeeper. Grove street
Pavne John W illiam , manager of London County ®
Market place
W estm inster Bank & treasurer to the Rural District
Gibbs George, superintendent of county police, M ill st
Council. Nfewburv street
G ilbert James, builder, Camel house, St. Maryâs hill
Pavne W illiam Albert, insurance agent, Broadway villa,
G illett William Henry, confectioner, Grove street
W allingford street
Glen Thomas Osborne, customs & excise officer, 2 RichÂ
p egler Francis & Co. house furnishers. Market Plac® ,
mond villas. Portway
Peeler Francis Joseph, collector & m anager W ater W otks
Goddard Albert, fruiterer, M ill street
C o. Lim ited, The Gables, Newbury street
Golding Ann & Em m a (Misses), dress mas. Newbury st
Goodv H erbert Isaac, insur. agt. CliftenvLHe,Newhury st Penney Lewis, draper, M arket place