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O X F O R D S H IR E .]

P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .


3 7’

Cooper Stanley F.R.SS.L 27 Banbury Coxe Rev. H ilgrove M .A. Rectory, Cunliffe James Grave, Barnard lodge,
Barnard G ate, Eynsham
BrightweU Baldwin, W allingford
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Henry Julian
000per Thomas, 95 St. Clem ent’s st. Coxeter Bertram B. 41 Park End st. Cunningham
orcester college, Oxford
mnoer William Frank, 63 Bartlemas Cozens Miss, Abbey view, Dorchester, Cunningham H ugh, Calthorpe lodge,
Oxford road, Banbury
W allingford
road Cowley road, Oxford
Cooper William Robert, 33 W est Bar Cozens The Misses, Waterloo cottage, Cunningham -Graham Miss, 6 C anter­
bury road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Goring, Reading
street, Banbury
Cope Mrs. Slater's farm , Rotherfield Cozens W illiam , The Chestnuts, Ben­ Curel Fdk.G rant, n a ,H ig h st.W itney
C u rry Rev. W illiam D. B ., M .A.
son, W allingford
Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Vicarage, W heatley, Oxford
Cope Walter Galen, Crowsley farm , Crabb Lt. C. G., R.N. 207 Cowley
C urtis Charles, 39 Oakthorpe road,
road, Oxford
Shiplake. Henley-on-Thames
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Coppard Alfred Edgar, 88 Kingston C raig E. S., M .A. 36 High st.Oxford
C raig Mrs. Blounts court, Kidmore Curtis Misses,41 South Bar st.Banbry
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
rtler Wm. Henry Ricketts, Quarry
end, Reading
Coppen Alfred James, Chatsworth,
house, Headington Quarry, Oxford
Craigie W illiam Alex. M .A., LL.D. 15
Icknield way, Goring, Reading
Cusden Miss, Briardene, Kidm ore rd.
Charlbury road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Coppock John, Wheatley
Caversham, Reading
Copus Mrs. Shirburn street, Wat- Crane Mrs. 1 Mansfield road, Oxford
Crawford-Wood J. Alkerton ho.Banbry Cuthbert R. F. 4 Church grn. Witney
lington, Wallingford
Corbet Miss, 36 Norham road, St. Crawhall George Charles, Holm field*, Cutler A. 28 W est street, Grim sbury,
Milton-under-Wvehwood, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Corbold Mrs. John, 61 Market place, Crawley Miss, 5 Walton crescent, St. da Costa John, Radcot house, Radcot, Clanfield
Thomas’, Oxford
Dakin Thomas B. 66 Northfield end,
Corner W illiam, Oaklands,South View Crawley Misses, Littlem ore, Oxford
avenue, Caversham, Reading
Crawshay Francis Richard, The H igh­
Dale Rev. Reginald Francis M .A.,
lands, Woodcote, Reading
Corrall E. N. 16 Newland, Banbury
Mus.B. 12 Bradmore road, St.
Corrance Mrs. The Orchard, Rother­ Crawshay William Thompson D .L.,
G iles’, Oxford
J.P. Caversham park, Reading
field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Cosens Miss, The Bungalow, Lash- Creasey George John, 99 D ivinity Dale W alter, 95 High street, W itney
Dallas James, 15 Walton W ell road,
brook. Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
road, Cowley road, Oxford
St. Giles’, Oxford
Cotes Mrs. 24 Leckford road, St. Creed Mrs. 127 Woodstock road, St.
Dallas Mrs. Hartland villa, Bampton
Giles’, Oxford
G iles’, Oxford
Cottenham Earl of, Elvendon priory. Crees Thomas, 52 Lonsdale road, Dallin Mrs. 9 Charlbury road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Goring, R eading; & Carlton club,
Sum m ertown. Oxford
Crichton Miss, 178 Banbury road, Daly Capt. Denis St. George, Over
London S W
Norton house. Chipping Norton
Cofctrell-Dormer Capt. Charles W alter
Sum m ertown, Oxford
D.L., J.P. Rousham house, Steeple Cridland Fdk.J. 220 Cowley rd. Oxfd Dams Rev. Allen Edward M.A. The
Vicarage. Goring, Reading
Cripps T. The Elms, Aston, Bampton
Aston, Oxford
Couchman Rev. Henry M.A. 7 Crick Crisp Sir Frank L L .B ., B .A ., J.P. Danbury John, 105 Kingston road, St.
G iles', Oxford
Friar park, Henley-on-Thames
road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Couldrey Rev. Alfred Hum phrey, 16 Critchley Henry Samuel, 4 Davenant Dando Mrs. 6 Norham road, St.
iles’, Oxford
Abbey road, Oxford
road, W olvercote. Oxford
Danes Mrs.
58 Hamilton
Couldrey Norman Jn. Abbotsworthy, Croft G. Westcote Barton, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Kidmore road, Caversham , Reading Croft T. 24 Marlborough rd.Banbury
Coaling C. R. Romaynes court, Great Crofton Miss, 25 Winchester road,
W orcester college, Oxford
Milton, Wallingford
St. Giles’, Oxford
Couling Charles. 2 Thorncliffe road, Crofts John Francis, 256 Banbury rd.
Grandpont, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Coulson Capt.
Frederick Charles Crofts Robert. 79 Southfield road, Dann Rev. James. 7 Cripley rd.Oxfrd
Darbishire Capt. R ., R.N. Greysfield,
Blenkinsopp J.P. 11 Keble road, St.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
St. M aik’s road. Henley-on-Thames
Giles’, Oxford
Croharn Miss, 113 Iffley road, Oxford
Counsell Herbert
M .A., Croker A rth ur B.A. 145 Banbury rd. Darbishire Miss H .Som erville college,
Woodstock road, St. Giles’. Oxford
Sum m ertown. Oxford
F.R.C.S. 37 Broad street. Oxford
Coupland Reginald M .A. Trinity col­ Croly Richd. The Poplars, Charlbury ! Darby George Henry, 67 Banbury rd.
Cronshaw Rev. George Bernard M.A. I St. Giles’ , Oxford
lege, Oxford
Darley Mrs. 16 Norham gardens, St.
Queen’s college, Oxford
Courtenay-Bell Miss, The Herm itage,
G iles’. Oxford
Crook Mrs. 25 Chalfont road, St.
Headington, Oxford
Darwood Mrs. 6 Aston street, Cowley
Cousins Rev. William Edward M .A.
Giles’, Oxford
St. John. Oxford
11 Chalfont road, St. G iles’, Oxford Crook Mrs. Souldern, Banbury
Coventon Charles A rth ur, 111 Wood- Crosby James P. Thorn house,Botker- Dash Walt. G. 249 Cowley rd. Oxford
Capt. Robert, 5 & 7 C harl­
stock road, St. Giles’, Oxford
field1 Greys, Henley-on-Thames
bury road, St. Giles’, Oxford &
Coventry Hon. Henry Thomas, Stonor [Cross Mrs. 7 Botley road, Oxford
Duns Tew, Oxford
¡Cross Robert, 210 Banbury road,
park, Henley-on-Thames
Davenport Rev. Edward M.A. The
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Cowan Charles, Gibralfaro, Upper
Rectory. Stoke Talm age, Tetsworth
Warren aven. Caversham, Reading ¡Cross Thomas, 7 Winchester road,
Davenport Edward Sotham, Bank
Cowcher William B. 14 Portland rd.
St. G iles’, Oxford
house. Park street, WToodstock
Cross Wm. Fdk. 263 Iffley rd. Oxford
Summertown. Oxford
Cowen J. 178 Abingdon road, Oxford Crosse Miss, 1 Church walk, St. Davenport Mrs. 28 Beech Croft road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Cowley A rthur Ernest M .A., D .Litt.
Giles’, Oxford
Magdalen college, Oxford & College Crouchley W alter George, 37 South Davenport M rs.62 St. G iles’ st.Oxford
Davenport Thomas M arriott M.A.
Bar street. Banbury
bouse, Church Handboro’, Woodstck
Headington hill, Oxford
Cowley Henry, 237 Woodstock road, Crowther Rev. Francis Nelson B.A.
The Vicarage, Aston Bowant, W al­ Davenport-Hill Miss. Hill Stow, Head­
Summertown. Oxford
ington H ill, Higlifield, Oxford
Cowley M. James, 217 Banbury road,
Croxton Mrs. High street, Benson, Davey Burton James, 53 Walton cres­
Summertown. Oxford
cent, St. Thom as', Oxford
Cowper M rs.ioBroughton rd.Banbury
Cowper Mrs. 2 Fairview rd. Banbury Cruickshank Robt. Watson M .B.,C.M . ! Davey Mrs. Helvetia. K idm ore road,
Caversham , Reading
The Shrubbery, Hiffh st. Evnskam
Cox Rev. Ernest W illiam M .A. Holy
Trinity vicarage, 15 L ittlegate st. Crute Charles, Oxford st. Woodstock ¡David Paul. hon. M us.M ag.Camb. 328
Banbury rd. Sum m ertown, Oxford
Cuckburn George Matthew Robert,
St. Ebbe’s, Oxford
Davidson Rev. Lionel M .A. Rectory,
238 Iffley road, Oxford
Cox Edward, Hazlemere, A lbert rd.
Stanton St. John. Oxford
Cullen Rev. Father Joseph O .S.F.C.
Caversham, Reading
Franciscan college. Temple Cowley, Davidson Andrew M.A. 32 Southmoor
Cox Joseph, Cam bria, Rotherfield
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Cox Mrs. 69 Argvle street, Chester Culley Mrs. Sunnyside.Binfield heath. Davidson Edward F .. M.A. 100 Woodstock road, St. G iles', Oxford
street, Oxford
Cox Mrs. Southerndown villa, Salford, Culverwell Capt. James Northcote, Davidson J. Ewen, 98 Banbury road,
St. Giles’, Oxford
The Haven, Gorins:, Reading
Chipping Norton
°* Mrs. 19 Southmoor road, St. Culverwell Mrs. 39 Leckford road, St. Davies Rev. Arthur L .. M.A. 39
street, St. Clem ent's, Oxford
Giles'. Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Walter, 16 Farndon road. St. Cumberlege F. H. Kingsley, Shiplake, Davies Rev. Gabriel Johns, The Elm s,
Ben.3on, W allingford
Giles’, Oxford