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(Revised to 1907.)
N a t u r a l H i s t o r y a n d S c i e n t i f i c S o c i e t i e s .— Reading

1871 .

Eve, H. W. & — Faithlull.— On the Artesian Well
recently completed at the College. Ann. Report
Wellington Coll. N. II. Soc., p. 23.
1875 . Blake, Rev. J. F .— Kimeridge Clay of England.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi., p. 196.
* 875'. Jones, Prof. T. R. k C. C. K in g .— Sections of the
“ Woolwich and Reading B ed s” at Reading.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi., p. 451.
M u s e u m s .— N ew bury: The Museum, O ld Cloth h a ll, 1877,. Blake & Hudleston.— Corailian Rocks of England.
Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiii., p. 210.
N ewbury ; Reading : The Reading Museum and A rt
1879., Jones, Prof. T. R., etc.— Excursion to Newbury.
Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. vi., p. 185.
P u b l ic a t io n s
th e
G overnm ent
G k o l o o ic a l
1879-•86. Gardner, J. S.— British Eocene Flora, 3 vols., 4to.
S u r v e y . — ( 1 . ) Coloured Geological Maps — on the scale
Palceontographical Soc , London,
o f one inch to one mile — Old Seines Maps : Sheet r879
to 1905. Excursions to Reading and Caversham, vol.
7, Windsor, Maidenhead, W arfield; 8, Easthampstead,
x ix., p. 135. To the Berkshire Downs, vol. xix.,
W okingham ; 12, Hungerford, Newbury, Arborfield • 14
p. 226. To Cumnor, vol. xix., p. 57.
To Faring­
Reading, East Iisley, Wallingford, Wantage ; 34 Buscot
don and Abingdon, vol. xii., p. 327.
To Twyford
Park, Shrivenham : 45 S.W ., Wytham [extrem e N. of
p. 175. To Newbury,
county only]. New Series Maps -. 267, Newbury, Hunger­
vol. vi., p. 185. Proc. Geologists’ Association.
ford, Thatcham, Compton, Aldbourne ; 268, Reading 1880.
Poulton, Prof. E. B.— Mammalian Remains and
W oolhampton, S treatlev ; 283, [Small area S. of HungerTree-trunks
in Quaternary Sands at Reading.
fordj. Index Map : Scale four miles to one inch. Berkshire
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi., p. 296.
is included in sheets 11 and 12 (price, 2s. 6d. per sheet) of 1880.
Jones, Prof. T. R .— Well lately sunk at Wokingham.
this cheap and most useful map. The above maps are
Geol. Mag. p. 421.
further illustrated by the Horizontal Sections, 3Nos 3q 71 1880.
Blake, Rev! J. F .— The Portland Rocks of England.
72, 74 and 81.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxvi., p. 189.
(2.) Books or “ Memoirs ” — The Geology of parts of 1880.
Jones, Prof. T. R .— Geology and Physical Features
Berkshire and Hampshire, by Bristow and Whitaker
of the Bagshot District. Proc. Geologists' Assoc.,
3s. (out of p rin t); The Geology of parts of Oxford­
vol. vi., p. 429.
shire and Berkshire, by Hull and Whitaker, 3s. (out 1881.
Prof. T. R .— Cervus megaceros [the Great
of print) ; Geology of the London Basin, by W. Whitaker,
Irish Deer] in Berkshire (Aldermaston). Geol.
13s. (out of p rin t); Geology of London and part of the
Mag., p. 95.
Tnames Valley, by W. Whitaker, 2 y d s ., 11s. ; Cretaceous 1881.
Stevens, Dr. Jos.— Palaeolithic Flint Implements
Rocks of Britain, by A J. Jukes-Browne, 3 vols., 29s. ;
with Mammalian Remains at Reading. Journ.
Middle and Upper Oolitic Rocks of England (Yorkshire
B rit. Arch. Assoc., vol. xxxvii., p. 1.
excepted], by H. B. Woodward, 7s. 6d. ; Geology of parts 1881.
of Middlesex, Berks &<?., by W. Whitaker, 2s. (out of 1882. Herries, W. H.— Bagshot Beds. Geol. Mag. p. 171.
(Sir), J .— On a peculiar bed of Angular
p rin t); The Water Supply of Berkshire, by J. H. Blake and
D rift on the Lower Chalk High Plain between
W. Whitaker, price 3s. The local agent for the sale of all
Upton and Chilton. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,
the publications of the Geological Survey is W. C. Lon»,
vol. xxxviii., p. 127.
1884. Jones, Prof. T. R .— Implementiferous Gravels near
London. [Reading, p. 347.] Pruc. Geol. A ssoc.
I n t r o d u c t i o n t o G e o l o g y . — For students and for
vol. viii., p. 344.
general readers who may require some explanation of the
special terms used in geology; with an account of the
Jones, Prof. T. R.— Intermittent Streams in Berk­
shire. Geol. Mdg., p. 148.
relations borne by the rocks of Berkshire to those of the
neighbouring counties and the rest of Britain, we may
Browne, A. J. jukes-. — Geology of Upton and
mention Harrison’s Text Book o f Geology, fifth edition
Chilton. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. ii., p. 198.
1903, published by Blackie & Son, price 3s. 6d.
Greenwell, Rev. W .— Recent Researches in Barrows
in . . . Berkshire, etc. [Lambourn, p. 60.]
I m p o r t a n t W o r k s o r P a pe r s on L o c a l G e o l o g y . —
Arclmologia, vol. lii., p. 1.
[See also the lists for Oxon and fo r Bucks]. In the Annual 1890.
Shrubsole, O. A .— Valley Gravel about Reading with
Report o f the B ritish Association for the year 1882 (see
Palaeolithic Implements. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,
P- 34°)
• W hitaker gives a list of 66 books, papers &c.
vol. xlvi., p. 582.
concerning the Geology of Berkshire, which had been 1891.
Rev. A .— Physical Studies of an Ancient
published up to the year 1873.
Estuary. [Bagshot Beds.J Geol. Mag., p. 357.
1724. Stukeley, Dr. W. — Itinerarium Curiosum, fol., 1892.
Hinde, It . J . & H. B. Woodward.— Excursion to
London, 2nd edition 1776. [See vol. i., p. 63.]
Faringdon and Abingdon.
Proc. Geol. Assoc.,
1806. Lysons, D. & S .— Magna Britannia, 4to, London.
vol. xii., p. 327.
[For Berks see Vol. I., “ Geological Description,” 1893. Monckton, H. W .— Boulders, etc. from the Glacial
pp. 187-190.]
D rift in Gravels S. of the Thames. Quart. Journ.
1829. Buckland, Prof. Wr.— Formation of the Valle}- of
Geol. Soc., vol. xlix., p. 308.
Kingsclere, etc. Trans. Geol. Soc., series 2, vol. 1894. White, H. J. O.— Westleton and Glacial Gravels in
ii., p. 119.
parts of Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Proc. Geol.
1847. Prestwichi(Sir), J. Age and Relations of the London
Assoc,, vol. xiv., p. 11.
Clay. Quart. Jorum. Geol. Soc., vol. iii., p. 354.
W. & A. J. J. Browne. Deep Borings at
1850. Austen, R. A. C. kossiliferous Sands and Gravels of
Winkfield, etc.
Q. Journ. Geol. S o c , vol 1
Fanngdon. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol vi , n
p. 496.
454 W’hite,
and Glacial Gravels.
18951854. Prestwich (Prof.), J.— The Strata betv. ee n th e
Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xiv., p. 11 ; and vol xv
London Clay and tb * Chalk
Part II,
Woolwich and ReaJ
1896. Woods, H .— Mollusca of the Chalk Rock. Q. Journ.
Soc., vol. x ., p.
Geol. Soc. vol. lii., p. 68 and vol. liii., p. 377.
1854. Jones, Prof. T.
on the Geou,
1897. Richards, E. P. The Cravel, etc., at Newbury.
H istory of Newbu* „
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. liii., p. 420.
1856. Prestwich (Sir), J .— irr».
Maidenhead in
12 8.
Shrubsole, O. A .— High-level Gravels in Berkshire
which Skull of Musk Buffalo yk> and C). Journ.
Oxfordshire. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol liv
Geol. Soc., vol. xii., p. 131.
P- 585.
1861. Whitaker, W .— On the Chalk-rock in
1 shire, etc.
H. W. Gravels of the Bagshot District.
Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvii., p. 166
Quart. Joum. Geol. Soc., vol. liv., p. 184.
Literary and Scientific Society, Abbey hall, R e a d in g
Annual Report; Reading Natural History So cietj'; Newburv
District Field Club, 76 Nathbrook street^ Newbury : Annual
Report ; Berkshire Archaeological and Architectural Society,
The Abbey gate, R eading: Journal (q u arterly); Wellington
College Natural Science Society, The College, near Woking­
ham : Annual Report.