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C h in a ,

G lass

& E arth enw are
D e a l e r s — c o n tin u e d .
C. 1 8 1 Desborough road,

H arm an
H igh W ycom be
Hassall F. 1 2 H igh st. S ton y Stratford
Howard J. B. Horsemoor grn. Slough
Howe Charles, 40 H igh st. Chesham
H u tt J. E. 8 Stratford rd.B uck in gh m
N ash W m . 1 B letch ley rd. B letch ley
Peace, Jones & Co. L im ited , Queen's
square, H igh W ycom be
P ra tt Jam es Ph ilip & Sons, 64 High
street, E ton , Windsor
S h ip ley W . Tem ple st. B rill, Tham e
Theobald Thom as H erbert, 3 Tem ple
s treet, A ylesb ury

B illin g E rnest, 1 1 1 C h urch st.Cheshm

C ollier A rch ie, Moor com m on, Lane
E nd, H igh W ycom be
W est & C ollier L td . F rieth , H enley


Bailey A rth u r S. 1 5 2 Desborough rd.
H igh W ycombe
B aker Charles B. Sp ittal street,M arlow
B aker Sam uel, 108 H igh st. Chesham
B erwick Jam es, 4 7 & 4 9 H igh street,
B letch ley
Bloss & Son. Duke st.Princes R isboro’
D ring John Richard. 1 , 2 & 3 Church
street. H igh W ycom be
Foster B rothers C loth in g Co. Ltd. 53
H igh st. S lo u g h ; 15 M arket sq.
A ylesb ury & 2 1 S tratford road,
Morgan J. & Son Ltd. H igh st.M arlow
Norgate A . E. 1 0 7 H igh st. Slough
PlaterH arry, 3 3 B uekingham st.A ylsb ry
Redshaw W atk in , 4 W in g Road te r­
race, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
Sharp B rothers, 5 2 & 5 4 H igh street,
Newport Pagnell
Stratford H. 28 G erm ain st. Chesham
Thrasher W m .J .7 H igh st. A ylesb ury
Vyle A . 1 8 ,1 9 & 20 C astle st.B ckn ghm
W elch G -5 C h urch sq.H igh W ycom be
Wood G eorge A lfred, 22 0 Desborough
road, H igh W ycom be
Woodman & Son, H igh st. Winslow

& S o n , cider grow ers, re ­
finers & exporters in Devon, Hereford
& Som erset.
Steam m ills : Abbotsk e rsw e ll;
b ran ch es:
W hitehill, Am ersham C onservative (W . Patrick,
Paignton, K in gsb ridge.B lagdon ,L ed­
sec.), Am ersham
bury, Pinhoe, Newton A bbot & A sh ­ Aylesbury L iterary In stitu te (Lord
burton. London offices & sto re s :
Rothschild, p resid en t; P. W .Locke,
5 1» 53 & 55 S t. Thom as’s street.
trea su rer; H. P. B artlett & W.
London bridge S E .
Jow ett, hon. secs.), Tem ple street,
A ylesb ury
Beaconsfield C onstitutional (E. A llin CIGAR MERCHANTS.
son, sec.). S tation rd.Beaconsfield
Bennett G . & C. A . W est st.B ecknghm C h artrid g e Reading Room & C lub (W.
Hancock, jun. sec.), C h artrid ge,
A ylesb ury E le ctric Th eatre L im ited, Chearsley, Long Crendon & Chilton
M arket square, A ylesb ury
Conservative (M. W ebb, sec.),L on g
Barber's P ictu re Palace (Thos. Moss,
Crendon, Tham e
m g r -)> 6 5 S tratford rd. W olverton Chesham Conservative & Unionist
Chesham Palace Pictu re & Concert
L td . (W illiam H ollim an, sec.), 3 1
H all L td . 6 7 H igh st. Chesham
H igh s treet, Chesham
E lectroscope P ictu re House, Oxford C oun try L ife (H. M ontin. hon. sec.),
street, H igh W ycom be
Slough road, D atchet, W indsor
E m pire C inem a (M alcolm Scott, pro­ County (The) (H. L . Slocock, hon
p rie to r; Charles Perryn, m anager).
sec.), H igh street, M arlow
C h alvey road, Slough
High W ycom be Church Men’s (Rev.
Farnham Com m on Cinem a H all (H.
Charles Philip S tew art C larke M .A.
P a lle tt, m an ager), Farnham
pres.), Crown la. H igh W ycom be
com m on, Farnham Royal
H igh W ycom be Liberal (W m . Babb,
G rand Cinem a, Desborough Td. H igh
sec.), H igh st. H igh W ycom be
W ycom be
Liberal & Radical (T. H. H arris,sec.),
H arris Henry & Son, H igh st. Eton,
12 N ew port road. New Bradwell,
W indsor
W olverton
H ill Sidney H erbert, Gold h ill, C h a l­
Mid Bucks C on servative & Unionist
font St. Peter, G errard’s Cross
Association (J. S. Holland, hon.
Jarratt E. C. Burnham , Maidenhead
sec.), W endover
Newport E lectric T heatre (Salm ons &
New port P agnell Unionist (Thom as
B ullard, proprietors), S t. John st.
Henry S im , sec.), S t. John street,
Newport Pagnell
N ew port Pagnell
P alace T h eatre (John A. Stevenson,
Olney C onservative & Unionist (Jn.
m anager), H igh street. Bletch ley
K in g , sec.), H igh street, Olney
Palace T heatre (C harlesCollins, m an ­
Olney Liberal (E rn est F ield, sec.),
age r), Leigh ton road, Linslade,
H igh street, Olney
Leighton Buzzard
Slough C onservative & Unionist (Alfd.
Slou gh P ictu re H all Co. L td . W indsor
H alfacre, hon. sec.), 1 3 H igh st.
road, Slou gh
S lou gh Pictu re P alace,H igh st.S lough
Stony S tratford
W atson, sec.), 7 7 H igh st. Stony
S tratford
See Booksellers.
Territorial (S erg t. F. L. Strugn ell,
sec.), C h urch street, A ylesbury
W ycombe C onservative (R. S. Downs
See Engineers— Civil.
sec.), H igh street, H igh W ycom be
H e n le y

C lu b s — C r ic k e t.

Aston Clinton (& Bowling) (William
Tom pkins.sec.),A ston Clinton,Trin»
Aylesbury P rin tin g Works (G. How5
sec.), A ylesb ury
Beaconsfield (C. C. M cM illin, sec )
W indsor end, Beaconsfield
Bucks County (J. C. W. E llis, assist­
ant sec.), A ylesb ury
Chalfont St. Peter (J. C. Keys, hon.
sec.), C h alfon t S t. Peter, Gerrard’s
Chesham (W illiam Holliman, sec.)
Bois Moor road, Chesham
G reat W estern & G reat Central (J.
Reed, sec.). Princes Risborough
Home Park (Rev. G. S. Davies, hon.
sec.), H igh street, Eton, Windsor
Marlow (G . Barnett, ca p ta in ; B. B.
Deane, hon. sec. & A. Davis, hon.
treasurer), H igh street, Marlow
Princes Risborough (Sam uel Herbert
Dyer, sec.), Princes Risborough
S lou gh (W . E. Baker, hon. sec.),
Chalvey road, Slough
Stony S tratford Town (E.T.Cockerill,
hon.sec . ) , 1 6 C h urch st.StonyStratfd

C estreham
(W illiam
esq. p resident & Jesse Stone, hon.
s e c .) ; headquarters, Crown hotel,
H igh street, Chesham
Vale of A ylesb ury & Athletic (P.
Bound, hon. sec.), H igh st.Avlesbrv

Clubs —Football.
Aylesbury United (R. J. Holbrow,hon.
sec.), A ylesb ury
Chesham G enerals (A. M. Mayo,sec.),
Norfolk house, Chesham
Chesham Town (John George Stone,
jun . sec.), 8 M arket sq. Chesham
Marlow (F. W. Clark, captain; T. E.
S m ith , hon. sec. ; A. Davis, hon.
treasurer), G reat Marlow
W endover (Lew is L ay, hon. sec.),
W endover

G errard's Cross (Miss M. Pitt, sec.),
O rchehill cham bers, Station parade,
G errard’s Cross
Olnev G irls’ Social In stitu te (Mrs.IV.
I. K n ig h t, sec ), M arket pi. Olney
P atriotic C lub for Y oun g Women
(Mrs. A . J. C larke, hon. sec.), 22
Easton street, High Wycombe
W averley (Miss M. C lark, sec.), 122
H igh street, A ylesb ury


Beaconsfield (Capt. F. Pellew, sec. ;
H um phrey Roberts, acting sec.),
B uckingham L td . (Thos. Hy. Holton,
sec.), 22 W est street, Buckingham
B urnham (C . LI. Ford, hon. sec.),
Burnham , Maidenhead
D atchet (S. M. Monkland, hon. sec.),
D atch et, W indsor
E llesborough (Capt. Hugo B.Burnab},
sec.), W endover Dean, Wendover
& Coom be vale, B utler's Cross
F lackw ell H eath Lim ited (Arthur JC larke,
Flackw ell heath,
H igh W ycom be
St. Gi e.,
G errard ’s Cross
Clubs—Athletic & Gymnastic.
See Dyers & Cleaners.
New port Pagn ell (F. W. Tavlor, 0
Princes Risborough (Chas. H y. Bird,
sec. ; C .H . G lanville, assistant how
sec ). W ellington lodge, Aylesbury
sec.), H igh street, Newport P agnell
See also W atch & Clock Makers.
road, Princes Risborough
Goodman Charles C am m eyer.Chalfont Stony S tratford A m ateu r (Herbert Stoke Poges (N .Lane Jackson, Bian*='
in g director), Stoke Poges, blouga
St. G iles, G errard’s Cross
Godley, sec.), Stony Stratford
V ictoria (H. Green, hon. s ec .),K in g s­
Clubs—Lawn Tennis
bury, A ylesbury
M arked thus t are Secondhand
Aston C linton (J. B allad, sec.), -'s10"
C linton, T rin g
o k .e i
,'F . C . F ra n c is ,
Adcock & Son, 1 3 M arket square. Aylesbury (A. Horne, sec.), M arket
B uckingham
square, A ylesbury