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k e l l y âs
L y sag h t Rev. John A rth u r Constan M archant E d g ar Cardew M .A. (sub M earing Rev. John B .D.Lond. (curate
of St. Sw ithiri, Kennington), jrector, tu to r & dom estic bursar),
tine M .A. Shotover lodge, W ater
C halfo n t road, St. G ilesâ
L incoln college
Eaton road, Sum m ertow n
Marcon Rev. Charles Abdy M .A. M edcraft John H y. 6 & 7 Holywell et
L y sag h t H enry, 74 Abingdon road
(licensed m aster of M arconâs Hall), Mee Rev. John Henry M .A. Mus.Doc
L yttelton Hon. Mrs. 7 Polstead road,
(precentor of C hichester Cathedral)]
11 Parks road, St. Gile^
St. G ilesâ
H olywell house, Mansfield road
M acan Regnld. W alter M .A ., D .L itt. Mardon A . M owbray, 44 Beech C roft
Alfred, 28 W estern rd. Grandroad,
(m aster of U niversity college),L ogic
Mardon M isses, 1 W in ch ester road,
lane. H igh street
Mrs. iy8 D ivin ity rd.Cowley rd
M cCabe John, 30 Stanley road, CowÂ
M erivale M isses, 4 Park town
M argetts Frederick, 254 Iffley road
ley St. John
W alter Mansell M.A.
M cCouri H erbert L ouis, 67 Lonsdale
(vicar of St.M ich aelâs,& surrogate)]
C owley St. John
road. Sum m ertown
9 Linton road
M argetts W m .5 W estern rd.G randpnt
M eC reight M rs. 5 8 Abingdon road
M cCuteheon M iss (tutor L a d y M ar Margoliou-th David Sami. M .A .,D .L itt. M erry Rev. W illiam W alter D.D. (recÂ
tor), Lincoln college
(Laudian professor of A rabic &
garet h all), 19 N orham gardens
lectu rer & librarian of N ew col M erry C harles P ercy, 25 Frenchay
Macdonald A lex. M .A. (Ruskin m aster
road, St. G ilesâ
le g e), 88 W oodstock rd. S t. G ile sâ
of draw ing & head m aster School
M erry W alter Edward, 44 Leckford
A rt),
Ashm olean
m useum , M arkby Lady, Headington b ill
road, St. G ilesâ
Beaum ont street & 5 0 Woodstock M arks W illiam , 2 Aston street, CowÂ
M essenger Mrs. 170 Abingdon road
ley S t. John
road. St. G ilesâ
M arriott John A rth u r Ransom e M.A M etcalfe Misses, 45 St. G iles' street
McDonald G eorge, 335 Cowley road
(fellow & lecturer in m odern h is  M ichell Rev. G ilb ert A rth ur M.A.
M cDonald Mrs. 301 C ow ley road
tory, W orcester college & sec. to
(curate of St.
Barnabas), St,
Macdonald M rs. 14 S t. M argaret's
Barnabas In stitu te, 45 & 46 CardiÂ
the delegates for th e extension of
road, St. G iles'
M acdonell A rth ur Anthony M .A .,
Ph.D . (fellow & professor of Sans M arshall M iss, C argen , Victoria rd. M idglev M rs. 16 W alton W ell road
St. G ile sâ
Sum m ertown
k rit at Balliol college, 6 C hadlingM arshall M iss, 28 Lonsdale rd. Sum Miles John Charles M .A. (tutor A
ton road
dom estic b ursar M erton college A
m ertow n
M acfarlane M iss, 7 W arnborough rd.
M arshall Mrs. 170 B an bury road,
law lecturer. Corpus Christi colÂ
St. G ilesâ
lege), 22 Merton street
Sum m ertow n
M cFie W m . S. 18 St. M arg aretâs rd
M clnnes H enry A irton, 46 Lonsdale M arshall M rs. 44 O akthorpe road, M ilford Robert Theodore M.A. 153
W oodstock road, St. G ilesâ
Sum m ertow n
road, Sum m ertow n
M arshall Richard L . 18 W alton street M iller H enry Jam es, 7 Regent street,
M acintyre M iss, 59 Iffley road
Cnwlev St. John
M ackarness Miss, 32 Leckford rd. St M arshall Thom as W ilfrid B .C .L . 7
M iller Mrs. 14 Bardwell road
B lu e Boar street
G ilesâ
M cKee M rs. 19 W arnboroâ rd .S t.G ile s â M arshall W illiam . 42 Lonsdale road, Miller Mrs. 222 Iffley road
Millin A rth . 17 E d ith rd. Grandpont
Sum m ertow n
M acKenzie N icol Finlayson (in strucÂ
tor in surveying schools of geo M arston M isses, 40 F ren chav road. Mills Law rence H eyworth Hon. M.A.,
D.D. (professor of Zend philology),
St. G ilesâ
graphy & forestry), 185 Wood
218 Iffley road
M artin Francis, 95 D ivin ity road.Cowstock road
Milne M rs. t6 W arnborough rd. St.
le y road
M ackinlav M iss, 202 Iffley road
M ackworth A rth u r C hristopher Paul
Milner Miss, t o Tackley pi. St. Gilesâ
M .A. (fellow & tu to r), M agdalen
John H all, 33 Divinity road,
M artin M rs. W ilsey, 12 N orham road
Cow ley road
M cLachlan John M .A .. B .C .L ., M.D M artyr W illiam A lfred W atts, 99
Rev. John D.D.,
S onthm oor road. St. G ilesâ
F .R .C .S . 3 K eble road, St. G ilesâ
D .C .L . (m aster). Pembroke college,
M cLean C harles, 36 Lonsdale road. M arvchurch M rs. 98 Abingdon road
St. A ldateâs street
Mason Rev. Ibbert Alfred B .A . 92
Sum m ertow n
M oberlv M iss C. A. E. 4 Norham rd
Southfield road. C owley St. John
Me Master B ryce. 15 P ark crescent.
Massey Mrs. 16 Park crescent, Park M oberlv M rs. 5 Linton road
Park town
M oberlv W a lter H am ilton M.A. (lecÂ
Macpherson H ugh, 42 Beech Croft
turer in philosophy).Lincoln college
Matheson Rev. F rederick W m . M.A.
road, Sum m ertow n
Mjsg, 7 M useum road
M acpherson Robert K ir k ,236 Iffley rd
Madan A rth u r Cornw allis IM A. C h rist Matheson P ercy E w in g M .A. (fellow. M offatt Rev. Jam es D.D., D.Litt.
s professor of Greek.Mansfield
tntOT. dean of arts &- precentor of
C hurch, St. A ld ateâs street
college"). 13 L a th b u ry road
Madan Falconer M .A ., F .S .A . (subÂ
New college & sec. Oxford & Cam Â
M iss. 3 Bevinirton rd .S t. G ile s â
bridge Schools E xam in ation D eleÂ
librarian of Bodleian, lectu rer in
Molyneux M iss, 2 Wellington place,
g acy), t Savile road
mediaeval palaeography & fellow of
St. G ilesâ street
Brasenose college). 94 B anbury rd M athison W m .gThe T erra ce.P ark twn
Maddox Miss. 4 Lonsdale, road, S u m  M atthews C harles A lfred. 9 Oakthnrpe Mo-lvnenx Philip M .A. 23 Polstead
road. St,. Gilesâ
road, Snm m ertown
m ertown
E dm un d,
i n Money Jesse, t OnkthoTpe rd. SnmM adelev Francis John, 23 London pi. M atthew s
D ivin ity road, C ow ley road
St. C lem entâs
Madgen F rederic Jam es, 25 Portland M atthews Thom as, 313 C ow ley road Money Mrs. 3 Oakthorpe road, SnmÂ
m ertown
road, Sum m ertown
M aude Rev. Joseph Hooper M .A. 187
Monev M rs. 33 Southm oor rd.St Giles
M agrath Rev. John Richard D .D ..J.P.
Iffley road
(provost of Queenâs college & dele M aude Miss Dorothea C ., M .A ,, M.D M iss, t o Portland road.
Sum m ertow n
gate of the Press'), Queenâs college
5 H olywell street
Mali-n H enry W illiam , 27 Walton M aunsell Mrs. 120 D ivin ity road. Montague Francis Charles M.A. (lecÂ
tu rer Oriel college). 177 Wnodâ
W ell road, S t G ilesâ
C owley road
stock road, St. G ilesâ
Mallam E rnest M .A .. M .D. (Univer- M avrogordato
M .A.,
sitv lectu rer in clinical m edicine)
M R C .S ., L .R .C .P . 12 Northm oor M ontgom ery Andrew Horace, J7S
ivin itv road, Cowley road
3 H olyw ell street
M allam G eorge. 3 C an terbury road. M awer John W illiam , 4 Stan ley road. Monre Rev. John H. 200 WoodstocK
road. Sum m ertnwn
St. G ilesâ
C owley S t. John
M allam Jam es, 11 Portland road M awle M iss, 49 Chalfont rd .S t.G ile s â Moore Fras. W h itin g . 2 2T Tfflev
Sum m ertow n
M ax M iiller M rs. 7 N orham gardens Moore H ubert T . 4 Frenchay mad. wG ilesâ
M axwell R ev. Gerald Speirs M A.CowMallam M iss, 13 C harlbn ry road
Malpas M iss, 25 N orham road
lev St.John Mission house,M Moore M iss, 47 Broad street
Monre Miss. 3 W ellington placp.
Manee S ir Henry C .. C .I .E ., L L .D M axwell Mrs. t 3 Norham road
G ilesâ street
25 Linton Toad
M ay Alfred W illiam . 34 Beech Croft
Morffl] M iss.aClarendon Tili.Pw * Jâ
M anley Charles Jam es, 9 W estern rd
road, Sum m ertow n
May H erbert H .. M .A. 6 Wellington Morgan Frank M .A. (tutor at
c o lle g e . 38 N o rh a m road
Manley John J. 292 Iffley road
square. St. G ilesâ
M anners A rth u r Percy. 247 Iffley rd M avhew Rev. Anthony Lawson M.A Morgan H enrv Charles, 3 5
road. Grandpont
Manning Percy, 300 B anbury road,
21 Norham road
Sninm ertown
Mead on Percival E dw ard, 6 Stanley Morison Cecil G. T. m
il .r i .n n
James Ph.D. iMo»"*»Mansell John, 12 Walton W ell road.
road, C ow ley St. John
Indian in stitu te. Broad street
S t. G ilesâ
Meadows Mrs. 268 Iffley road