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C o a l & C o k e M e r c h a n t s â continued.
Labrum Joseph R. Ledburn Road
wharf. Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
Leader W . & Son, G len villa, Horsem oor G reen, Slough
Lee Frederick, Meadfields rd. Horsem oor G reen, Slough
Lowe G eorge, Moor E nd, F rieth,
Ham bleden, H enley-on-Tham es
M arkham & Son, Q uainton, A ylesbry
M iller G eorge, n o T otterid ge road.
H igh W ycom be
N eville Jam es T . Chalfont St. Giles.
G errard's Cross
Newm an W illiam . Railw ay station.
H addenham . Tham e
N u tt Joseph. G errard's C r o s s ; S ta Â
tion approach. Beaconsfield k R a ilÂ
way station, Denham
F allett J. & Son, C h olesbury, T rin g
Parsons Jesse, The Com m on,Am ershm
Pater J. E. & Co. H igh street, Olney
Payne H. H om eleigh. A ylesb ury road.
W endover. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Bletchley United R ailw ay Servants'
Coffee Tavern Co. Ltd . (Joseph
Fennell, sec.). B letch ley Station
Swan Coffee Tavern (R ichard Neal,
m anager), Aston Clinton, Trin g
Dottridge B rothers Ltd. D orset works,
E ast road, London N. Telegram s,
â F un eral, Lon don ; â
T N âs 85
London W a ll & 3 700 N orth (five
lin es).
a d v e r tis e m e n t
Ingall, Parsons, C live & Co. Lim ited,
Bradford st. B irm ingham ; also
branches, 1 5 1 a, E uston rd. London
& Liverpool, M anchester,
B ristol k Glasgow
See Coal & Coke M erchants.
P orter k Son, Station approach.M arlw King H enry, C hurch st.B rill, Tham e
Price G eorge Osborn, Newport Pagnell M illburn John (rent only), 5 C am Â
bridge street, A ylesbury
Priest Edwin Jam es & H erbt. Stevens,
9 9 Desborough road.H igh W ycom be
Proctor Fredk. & Co. H igh st. Slough
See Schools & Colleges.
Purssell C. & Son, 3 3 New st.A ylesb ry
Ranee k R edding. H igh st. Am ersham
Ranee A. H. 4 4 A lexander st.Chesham
See A gentsâ Coal & Colliery.
Randall & Sons, C h urch street. G reat
M issenden
Saunders J. J. & Co. Loudw ater, H igh
See Oil & Colorm en.
W ycombe
Sim m onds John, 68 H igh street & COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS
L . & N. W . R. station, A ylesb ury
See Travellersâ Com m ercial.
Slough Gas & Coke Co. H urdm an |
W ilkinson,m anager ; A rth . T h o m a s â
F .L .A .A . sec. ; M. L. W alters,
See A gentsâ Commission.
collector), H igh s t r e e t; works, U x Â
bridge road, Slough
Sm ith C has. Sp rin g gdns.B ourne End Nestlé
& A nglo-Sw iss Condensed
Snoxell G eorge. No. 2 Coal wharf,
M ilk Co. (C arl D. Page, m anager),
B letch ley station, B letch ley
A ylesbury
Swain John. The Com m on, Am ersham Thew, Hooker k G ilb ey Ltd . Chandos
Taylor D avid, G oldhill, Chalfont St.
road, Buckingham
Peter, G errardâs Cross
Toom er R. k Co. L im ited , H igh st. CONFECTIONERS & PASTRYÂ
a d v e r tis e m e n t
T urn ey k Co. C heddington, T rin g
W ard k Cannon, s6 & 38 H igh street
k L. k N. W . Railw ay stn.A ylesbry
W arr W m .1 1 2 H igh st.S ton y Stratford
W ebster G eorge, Burnham . Maidenhd
W ebster G eorge. Taplow, Maidenhead
W hitney John, W ooburn G reen
W idcom be C. & Co. R ailw ay station,
D atchet. W indsor
W iggintnn Roht. Spittal st. M arlow
W ilkins W . & Son. Station.A m ersham
W ilkins Mrs. A .F. B u ry end.Am ershm
W ilson B. k Co. Station, Olney
W orley L ouis, Chalfont St. G iles,
G errard âs Cross
Lansdale k Sons L im ited. 3 7 & 38
Borough road, London S E
Poupard T. J. L im ited . Standard
works. 1 3 4 Tooley st. London S E
G rocers' E n gin eerin g k W hitm ee
L im ited , Cole street. G reat Dover
street, London S E
See also Dining Rooms.
Cornish Mr.s. E . 2 W indsor T d . Slough
F ryer George, M arket square, Marlow
H ow M rs. M. H igh street, W endover
W alton John, 2 W illiam st. Slough
Winchendon Reading & Coffee Room
(M iss E liza Small, sup t.), Winchendon Low er, Aylesbury
Aiton J .J .1 5 Oxford st.H igh W ycom be
Allen C. 22 Oxford st. H igh W ycom be
Ashby Robt. 9 M arket sq. W olverton
Badger W. H. H igh street, Marlow
Baines Norm an, 4 W est st.B uckinghm
Baker W alter, 26 2 Desborough road,
H igh W ycom be
Barnes A rth . 1 3 M arket sq. Chesham
Bathe John. H igh street, W7inslow
Beal E rn est A lfred, 24 0 Desborougb
Toad, H igh W ycom be
Benbow Frederick, H igh st. Winslow
Benbow N .C . 2 H igh st.S tony Stratfrd
Bennett Mrs. E. Sp ittal st. Marlow
Bex P. F. 7 B ridge st. Buckingham
Blackm ore M aurice, 1 3 2 Desborough
road. H igh W ycom be
Blav E . J. & L. 14 9 a, H igh st.Slough
Bram bley A .J . 1 6 1 C h urch st.W olvrtn
Branston M rs. E. 5 W olverton road.
Stony S tratford
Bromley A. A. Burnham , Maidenhead
Bruton Henry, 9 6 Broad st. Chesham
B urr F .W .8 Oxford st.H igh W ycom be
C arter C.H .Causew ay &W est st.M arlw
C harlton Miss L . 38 H igh st. Slough
Cheshire G eorge, 4 1 H igh st.B letchley
Child W .B . 6 9 Easton st.H ighW ycm be
Choules Mrs. F. 2 7 4 Desboroâ Toad,
H igh W ycom be
C h urch yard Joseph. 68 Easton st.
H igh W ycom be
j Clarke Mrs. A. Eton college, Eton,
! W indsor
Coles Miss M .5 S ilver st.S ton yS tratfrd
' Collins John. 2 1 0 Desborough road,
i H igh W ycom be
(Day Edwin Jam es, Post office, Well
End. Bourne End
Dillon M rs.E lizabeth, Oak End waye
G errard's Cross
Dodd WT. H. 7 W ellington st. Slough
E ast E dgar, 9 W est W ycom be road
H igh W ycom be
E ld ridge M iss K a te, H igh street,
G reat M issenden
E n iler M rs. A. 5 Corn m arket, High
W ycom be
Feasey Thos. 83 W alton st. Aylesbury
Flemons 6 Broadway,Beaconsfld
Fowler G eorge W m . W est st. Marlow
F ranklin A lb ert Joseph, 7 Newland
street, H igh W ycom be
Franklin J. London rd.H igh Wycmbe
F uller John, 4 M idland road, Olney
G arner, Wood k Co. L im ited, 39
M arket square, A ylesb ury
G lynn Lew is, Gold h ill, Chalfont St.
Peter, G errard âs Cross
G om m e A lbert, H igh street, Princes
G raham F. D. n o H igh st. Chesham
G regory Miss Christina, 3 6 Church
street, W olverton
Hall k W atson, 3 & 5 G reat Western
street, A ylesb ury
Harding M r s .E .i 3,6 C h urch st.W olvrtn
Hawes Miss L. L. 14 C am bridge st.
A ylesbury
H errett Mrs. Sarah, Colnbrook,Slough
Hobbs A . 1 7 H igh street, Chesham
Hobbs Miss A. A m ersham Common
Hobley Mrs. H enry, 3 9 K in gsb ury sq.
A ylesb ury
Hopcraft H arry, 1 7 H igh street & n
Cam bridge street, A ylesbury
H um phrey Jam es , 6 6 H igh st.Aylesbry
Hunt M rs.A rth . 32 W7illiam st. Slough
Jennings Mrs. A. E. 3 9 A ylesbury st.
B letch ley
Keys F. 5 1 a, B letchley rd. Bletchley
King John, 2 H igh street, Olney
Knibbs Richd. 2 Well st. Buckingham
Lane W m. P. V. Stoke Poges, Slough
Langston Frank, 86 H igh st. Slough
Lawm an Charles, 10 H igh street &
4 S t. John street, New port Pagnell
Lewis M rs. M .Prestwood,Gt.M issendn
Lidstone & Co. 150 & 1 5 4 H igh street,
L u ff Mrs. M ary Ann, H igh street,
Burnham , M aidenhead
McDonald W allace W h itt, 4 Easton
street, H igh W ycom be
M andersM rs.O .5 Morland ter.W olvrtn
M arkham F. 1 9 a,M arket hl.Bucknghm
Mayo A. L . 7 1 H igh st. Chesham
Monday Miss Annie. High st. Slough
Moore Frederick H arding, Station
parade, G errardâs Cross
N arraw ay Mrs. E m ily , 1 1 8 Waterside,
Newell Jam es, 25 4 Desborough road,
H igh W ycom be
Oliver Mrs. M. 14 H igh st. sth.Olney
Parker Mrs. E . 7 C h u rch st.Wolvertn
Pearce W illiam , G reat Missenden
P ilgrim Mrs. K a te, 32 C halvey road,
C halvey, Slough
Pilgrim M rs.M ary, 2 3 Stoke rd.Slough
Plested C. & Son, 19 8 Desborough
road. High W ycom be
Plested A lfred (wholesale & manuÂ
factu rin g ), 5 1 W alton st. Aylesbury
Plum bridge F. 99 Stoke rd. Slough
Pond Mrs. Annie M aud M. 7 High
street, Slough
Putm an & B artlett,H igh st.Gt.Missndn
Putnam Edward Salisb ury, 3 1 High
street, Eton, Windsor
Ray F .B .1 0 6 Desboroâ rd.Hi.Wycombe
Riclhngs Frank, 3 1 H igh st.Aylsbury
Root W illiam , Oxford road, Marlow
Rowland & Son, 7 H igh st. & Eton
college, Eton, Windsor
Sanders E. 6 9 H igh street, Chesham
Sawyer Mrs. L ily M aria, 5 1 William
street, Slough
S crivener Mrs. A lice, 5 6 Spencer sfc.
New Bradwell, W olverton
Sells E . k Son, 4 9 H igh st. Chesham