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B E R K S H IR E .

d 1 te' suPPorted on wooden fram ework, risin g

[ b e l l y ’s

dates from the year 1^38.

The livin g is a rectory


f e' h« ? 73
h S a Pointed irch of T™ V
arches of the n a T T P “ aitl™ , :N orman p erio d : the
exceDtinn of the t arLade.9 are of the same date, w ith the

^’ear!-T ™ lue ¿ I7° ' W iti res*dence and 03 acres of g’lebe,
the trift ot H e rte rt W atney M .D. of B uckhold, Bradfield, and held since 1912 by the Rev. John Edward
G un T h .A .K .C . M rs. W h ite, who is lady of the manor

rna n ■ t he south door wav ’"db-nfa’ ”
P',ai? N01"
rts inner h»»d h e , „ r r i ^ i i P i yv
nnu?u al desl8na rch - th e re 'is a b rls s^ d a te d 7 ^ 1 ? I«“
6 1 Poi.nted.

and Sir W ‘ C am er° " ^
*>“ *■ are the p rin cip al landowners. The soil is loom and g ro v e l: subsoil, chalk
The chief eroP9 ar6 w heat, barley and oats. T he area is

W illiam D yneley, ^ sq u ire^ o H en ry' V I “ S

’t lth n


* » «

**“ P° P“



of S te n fo r ? ei h an?fimerCh 5 n t tS ^ 0f London’ a native
Parish Clerk, E rn est Woodage.
kneeling effiCT - some “ h t h l v ol
' 5‘ tb Post O fflc e .-G e o rg e Chapm an, sub-postm aster. Letters
skm ed hri‘ u
I i S 7 yh 8 v
ai:d Tichly deth rou gh R eading arrive at 7.30 a.m . & 1.15 p m
^ ‘I h
e ^ covered
c h in c M

^'„“ tne cnurcn

s Snhfi r : r r '


t ‘ h V fir




i T T pm
t t a jd
.m .^ Southend












* 7 i45 m oney &order

thenearest teie-



5 &

G un Rev. John E dw ard T h .A .K .C .
vr v *
frector'i R ertnrv
c o m m e r c ia l .
; Jum per H erbert, carrier
C hapm an G eorge, grocer, Post office Leader Frederick J. farm er
Patten Colonel T h - p . J ? v
£ raC?,.E d’i d Cha9' f™ ' r , F ield frm ; M itchell H arriett (M rs.), B u ll inn
Patten Colonel, The G arden house
Ham blin Stephen, b uilder
! M itchell W illiam , carrier
Judd Sidney, farm er

Jones H arvey T h e W illo w ,

S T A .N F O B D - I N - T H E - V A L E
is a villag e and
parish pleasantly situated in the V ale of W h ite Horse
surd on the riv er Oek, about 2 m iles north-w est from
Challow station, 3 n orth -east from Uffington junction on
the G reat W estern railw ay and 4 east-south-east from
F anngdon, in the Northern division of th e county, hun ­
dred of G anfield. p etty sessional division, union and
county cou rt d istrict of Faringdon, rural deanery of
the Vale of W hite Horse, archdeaconry of Berks and
diocese of Oxford. T h is was a m arket town from 1230
down to the Reform ation. Th e church of St. Denis is
a b uilding of stone, furn ish in g good exam ples of the
E a rly E n glish and Decorated styles, and consists of
chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and a
hne E a rly E n glish western tower w ith additions in the
Perpendicular style, 80 feet high, containing 6 bells and
a clo ck ; the church was b uilt about 1200, but so much
altered and added to about 1350 as to be nearly r e b u ilt;
in 1851 £500 was spent in its repair and restoration,
and d u rin g the period 1883-5 the ch urch was further
restored at a cost of ^ 620: the chancel, 40 feet in
h eight, is D ecorated ; th e windows relieved by geo­
m etrical tracery, contain some original g la s s ; it °has
a plain open-tim bered roof, a curiously fine piscina with
sem i-octagonal tabernacle above and a sm all oblon»
opening to it, probably a reliquary, and on th e north
side a double lo c k er; in the centre of the chancel is
a la rg e brass w ith dem i-effigy to R oger Cam pdene,
p riest, 1398; a hagioscope and stairs to the rood lo ft
also re m a in : the nave has three wide arches on the
north_ side, on octagonal piers w ith out c a p s : beneath
the aisle roof are the original E arly E n g lish clerestory
windows, now blocked: th e sonth door and porch are
of the sam e d a te: there is a D ecorated v e s t r y : the oaken
font, w ith canopy and p u lpit, are Elizabethan : six of
the windows are stained : in the nave is a m ural m onu­
ment, restored in 1840, to Captain F ian cis K nollys,
com m andant of the trained bands of the Abingdon D ivi­
sion, ob. 4th A u g u st, 1640, and in the chancel a
m em orial to John H eigham esq. M arshal of the Hall
to Jam es I. and Charles I. and son of John H eigham
esq. of G iffords, Suffolk, ob. 20th May, 1632; there is
also an inscribed tab let to the Rev. G eorge Henry
Proctor M .A . 4 years curate of this parish, who died
at S cu tari, near Constantinople, 10th M arch, 1856: in
the churchyard is a coffin slab of the 13th cen tury, and
m any tom bstones to the Whitefield fa m ily : -there are
400 sittin gs, tw o-th irds bein g free. The register dates
from the year 1558. Th e livin g is a vicarage, w ith that
of G oosey annexed, net yearly value ¿290 , in cludin g
14 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of the
Dean and C h ap ter of W estm in ster, and held since 1914
by the R ev. E dw ard W ynn H un tin gford M .A. of Merton
College. O xford. The late R ig h t Rev. C h ristop h er W ords­
worth D .D. Bishop of Lincoln, was vicar here, 1850-69
T h ere are sm all C ongregational and Prim itive M ethodist
chapels in th e village. S h ilton ’s ch arity, four-sevenths

of which is appropriated to a school and three-sevenths
expended in the distribution of bread, at present
realises the annual sum of ¿ 1 6 ; Fawkner’s ch arity, of
£ 2 3s. 9d. yea rly, called the “ Poor M aid’s G ift,” is for
m arriage portio n s; and H eigham ’s, called the “ Poor’s
G ift,” of ¿ 3 5 yearly, is distributed in m on ey: the H atch
T ru st, founded by deed, 1823, includes the repairs of a
tom b, the church land produces ¿ 4 18s. 9d. annually,
which is expended in the m aintenance of the church. There
is a reading room w ith a library of about 100 volumes
and two billiard tables. Chinham F arm , in this parish,
is said to be the site of the Roman station “ Julianum ; ”
m any coins have been found here, and not far off are
Cold H arbour and Bedlam farm s, both of which derive
their nam es from the proxim ity of a Roman station,
“ Cold h arb ou rs” being originally the rem ains of Roman
villas, used in the M iddle Ages as refuges for the
destitute and asylum s for lunatics. Stanford Place,
the residence of M ajor-Gen. S ir G eorge B arker K .C .b ’.
is one m ile from Faringdon, and com m ands a capital
view of th e Vale of W hite Horse and the Berkshire hills.
A t the Norm an survey the m anor of Stanford was
gran ted to H enry de F errers, the greatest la y proprietor
in the country, and father of Robert de Ferrers, E arl
of D erb y; and was held by th at fam ily u n til 1206, when
for rebellion, th eir estates were con fiscated: it after­
w ards passed to the F ettiplaces and thence to the
fam ily of K n ollys, E arls of B anbury, one m em ber of
which fam ily, in 1618, b u ilt th e present Manor House,
several of the rooms of which still contain some good
old tap estry and singular panel p aintings. The p rin ­
cipal landowners are A lb ert W hitfield and Joseph
Cowderoy R ichards esq. who is lord of the m anor. The
¡standard stone pits, in the neighbourhood, from which
a great m any fossils are dug, produce an inferior soft
stone, p rin cip ally used in the rep air of the roads. The
soil is rich loam and c la y ; subsoil, clay and stone. A
great portion of this parish is rich p asture land. The
entire area is 2,920 acres of land and 7 of w a t e r ; ra te ­
able value, ^ 4,447; the population of the c iv il parish
in 1911 was 859, and in the ecclesiastical, 987. Goosey
is a chapelry in this civil parish, and w ill be found
under a separate heading.
P arish C lerk, H enry Spinage.
Post, M. 0 . & T . Office.— G'eorge W illiam s, sub-post­
m aster. Letters received from Faringdon at 7 a.m.
& 2.30 p.m . ; Sundays, 11.20 a.m . & 7.40 a.m . ; dis­
patched at 9.15 a.m . & 2.32, 5.35 & 8.20 p.m
W all L e tter Box, cleared at 5.25 & 8.30 p.m . ; Sundays,
11.10 a.m
Police Station, Edward John W iggin s, constable
E lem en tary School, built in 1872 & opened Sept. 25th,
1873, for 167 children, & supported in p art by an
annual endowm ent of ¿ 1 2 ; W alter Rush, m aster
C arriers.— Sidney Howse, to Faringdon, t u e s .; W antage,
wed. & s a t . ; Jam es Brown, Faringdon to & from
W antage, sat

p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
[Craddock Thom as M yers, M ill house H untingford Rev. Edward Wynn M .A.
B arker M ajor-G en. S ir G eorg e K .C .B . !Dav Mrs
(vicar), Vicarage
Stanford Place
j G arm an Mrs
M aundrell Henry W illiam
Cl_ick M rs. S p ringdale house
¡H ankins Richard
Puzey Mrs. G eorge Edw in
Cotton Rev. H enry A ldrich M .A. The j Hedges Miss
Sanford W illiam Thos. C hinham ho
R ecto ry
.H u gh es Mrs.
Sharpe Dennis, Stanford house