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D IR E C T O R Y .]


a m em orial to the late John Noble esq. by his children,
a t a cost of £ 9 3 : new oak seats were erected in 1914
a t a cost of £400 as a m em orial to the late Mrs. L ily
Noble by her c h ild re n : three stained windows w ere
placed in the apse in 1900 , to the m em ory of the Rev.
Brisco-O wen, som e tim e rector here, and his w ife : the
church affords 150 sittin gs. The lych -gate, at the
entrance to the churchyard, was erected in 1868 by the
late John Noble esq. The register dates from the year
16 9 7 . T h e liv in g is a rectory, n et incom e £ 360 , with
residence, in the g ift of Jesus College, Oxford, and held
since 19 12 by the Rev. G eorge H en iy W illiam s M .A. of
Jesus College, Oxford. T ick ells’ and B a ttin g ’s charities
am ount to £ 1 0 yearly. V iscou n t Ham bleden, who is
lord of the m anor, W ilson Noble esq. J.P . and M rs.
Ames are the principal landowners. The soil is lo a m ;
subsoil, gravel and chalk. Th e chief crops are wheat,
barley and oats. The area is 1,503 acres of land and
70 of w a te r; assessable value, ¿ 6 , 5 0 4 ; the population
in 19 11 w7as 498 .



of G eorge I I I .; the mansion, reb uilt by the late J.
Noble esq. in the F ren ch-Italian style, is situated on the
brow of a Tange of h ills, 300 feet above the level of the
riv er Tham es and in the centre of a well-wooded park of
about 800 acres, which is entered by seven lodges ; Park
Place is especially attra ctive on account of its p ic ­
turesque scenery, which is scarcely to be equalled for
the b eautifu l and varied prospects which it a ffo rd s ; to
the east of the m ansion is a m agnificent cedar planted
by h is M ajesty G eorge III. A parish hall was erected
in 1913 at a cost of ¿ 800, the g ift of Viscount H am ble­
P a rish C lerk , H enry Woods.

C oun ty Police, Jam es R ich ard G ibbons, constable
Post & M. 0 . Office, Rem enham H ill.— F rederick
Sargeant, sub-postm aster. L e tters arrive from H en­
ley-on-Tham es at 7 a.m . & 12 .15 & 7 .1 5 p. m. ;
dispatched 8 a.m & 12 .15 & 6.55 p . m. ; Sundays,
arrive 7 a.m . ; dispatched 6.30 p .m . T elegram s are
dispatched b ut not delivered
W all L e tte r Boxes.— Rem enham C h urch , cleared a t 6 .15
R EM EN H AM H IL L is a long and high ly picturesque
a.m . & 1 & 7 .1 5 p .m .; Sundays, 6 .1 5 a.m . Bridge
village in the parish of Rem enham , surrounded by
W all, Rem enham , cleared week days at 9.20 & 1 1 .1 0
h igh ly cu ltivated woodland sce n ery ; it is separated
a.m . & 3 . 5 , 6 . 1 5 , 7.20 & 9 .1 5 p.m . ; sundavs at 6.50
from O xfordshire by the river T ham es, over which is a
p.m . Aston, cleared at 6.40 a.m . & 12.45 & 7 .5 p.m .
handsome stone bridge of five arches, leading to Henley.
week days ; Sundays a t 6.40 a.m . & W a rg rave Road,
The G reat W estern railw ay station at Henley is about a
cleared at 9 a.m . & 1.45 & 7.30 p.m . ; Sundays, 9 a.m
m ile and a half west. Park Place, the seat of W ilson
Noble esq. J .P . was for nearly tw en ty years the residence E lem en tary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1858 , for 90 c h ild ­
ren ; M iss Dora Mannion, m istress
of H is Royal H ighness F rederick Prince of W ales, father

Bradford M isses, A ston rise
Broom e M rs. Rem enham lodge
C aldicott Mrs. W ilm inster cottage
E ve leigh Ernest Chas. W ilm in ster pk
Frewin M iss, Tham esm ead
H arris M iss, Tham esm ead
Heathfield M isses, N u tw ell
Low Mrs. Tregunna
Powell H arcourt, M ills house
Sim m ons W m. A nker J.P . Bird place
Surtees Henry P atrick, The C ottage,
Vibart Col. H enry M eridith R .E .
W illiam s Rev. G eorge Henry M .A.
The Rectory

c o m m e r c ia l .
i Blakiston W illiam G raham , Rem enAndrews G eorge, chim ney sweeper,
! ham place
W algrave road
i B urnell C harles D esborough,W idm ore
Baker W m . asst, overseer, Th e Ferns j Collins E dw ard T reacher, Y ew g ate
Davies Sidney C h arles.T h eT h reeE lm s
B utler B rothers, builders
Drum m ond C harles, B ath lodge
B u tler M artha (M rs.), A n gel P.H
Coad Thom as H. V. C arpenters’ A rm s Noble W ilson J .P . Park Place
Parker Capt. H arrv C lifton Trevor,
Rem enham cottage
Holloway Colin T . farm steward to
P arkei A rth u r John , 2 Rem enham ter
the Hon. W . F. D. S m ith
Leander Club (C. M. Pitm an,hon.sec) Vlasto John A lexan d er M .B ., B.Ch.
Rem enham house
Lovegrove W o p kp r.W algrave rd
Packer Mrs. Flow er P ot hotel
Isaac, baker
Payze P ercy Owen, m illr.M arsh m ills
W illiam s Jsph. H y.Tw o Brew ers’ P.H O liver W alter, head gardener to
W ilson Noble esq. J .P
Woods H enry, parish clerk
Sargean t Fredk. builder, & post office
Sym onds John, F ive Horse Shoes h tl
Am es Mrs. Underwood
A nsell Reginald, 1 Rem enham terrace W ard A rth u r, dairy farm er

R U S C O M B E is a village and parish, one m ile from g ift of the Bishop of O xford, and held since 1913 by
the G reat W estern railway station at Twyford, 6 m iles the Rev. A rth u r Rolls P rice M .A. of Dow ning College,
east from Reading, 5 south from Henley and 6 £ west C am bridge. R uscom be Southbury is a prebend in
from Maidenhead, in the E astern division of the county, S alisbury C athedral. A portion of the m ansion and
union and p etty sessional division of W okingham , h un ­ grounds of S tanlake P ark, the property and residence of
dred of Sonning, county cou rt d istrict of Reading, rural Col. F rederick G eorge Barker, is in th is parish and p art
deanery of Sonning, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese in the parish of H urst. C apt. G odsal is th e chief land­
of O xford. T h e church of S t. Jam es, repaired and owner. The soil is m ostly g ra v e l; subsoil, gravel and
restored in 1859 and i 860 and again thoroughly restored clay. T h e chief crops are w heat, b arley and oats. The
w a te r; ra te a L e
in 1879 and 1880 , at a cost of £ 1 ,3 2 2 , is an edifice of area is 1,289 acres of land and 5
flint and brick, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch value, .£9 ,9 7 4 ; the population in 19 11 was 332 .
Parish Clerk, G eorge H erbert.
and an em battled w estern tower containing 2 b e lls : the
chancel appears to be of the early 12 th c e n tu r y : the Letters from Tw yford arrive a t 6 .15 & n . 15 a.m .
P illar L e tte r Box, V ica rag e G ate, cleared at 8.30
nave and tower w ere reb u ilt in 1 6 3 9 : the interior is
& 10.30 a.m . & 1 .50 , 3 .15 & 8 p . m. ; Sundays, 9.25
plain and contains m onum ents to several m em bers of
a.m . Tw yford is the nearest m oney order & telegraph
the Braybrooke fa m ily : there are 150 sittings. The
office, 1 m ile distant
register dates from th e year 1590 . The livin g is a
vicarage, net yearly value £ 1 7 7 , w ith residence, in the The children of this parish attend th e school at Tw yford
M .A . (vicar), E xce ll 3s Sons, rod m akers
G ilm an G eorge A rthur, Rosebrook
Portsm outh H enry, R oyal Oak P.H
V icarage
M acartney Rev. Sydney Parkyns M. A.
Randall H enry, farm er
S m ith Fred, ag ric u ltu ra l im plem ent
C ottrell Richard, farm er
Pearce Mrs
m aker
C ottrell Robert Lowden, farm er
S T . H E L E N W I T H O U T is a civil parish form ed by 1 Helen and St. N icholas outside the m un icipal area of
the County of Berks (A bingdon) C onfirm ation O rder, Abingdon. The nam es of the residen ts are given w ith
1894 , from those portions of the old parishes of S t. 1 that town.
S A N D H U R S T is a village and parish, separated from
H am pshire by the riv er B lackw ater, a m ile and a
half from
the W ellington College station on
Reading and Reiga'te branch of th e S outh Eastern
and Chatham railw ay, w ith a h alt on the same branch,
4 I5 south-east from ’ W okingham , n | from Reading
and 40 from London in the Eastern division of the
cou n ty, hundred of Sonning, p etty sessional division
■of W okingham ,
union of
Eastham pstead, county
court d istrict of R eading, rural deanery of Sonning,
archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford.
church of
S t. M ichael is a b uilding of stone in
the E arly
E nglish style, reb u ilt in 1864 at
expense of £"1 , 300 , and consists of chancel, nave of four

bays, aisles, north porch and a western tow er w ith
spire containing 6 bells and a clock : the finely-carved
font was executed by one of the daughters of the Rev.
Henry Parsons, la te r e c t o r : there is a brass to Richard
Geale, ob. 1608 , his w ife E lizabeth , four sons and five
daughters, w ith effigies of a l l : there are 250 sittings.
Th e register dates from th e yeaT 1603 . Th e liv in g was
declared a rectory Decem ber 18 , 1866 ; n et income £ 150 ,
including residence and 24 acres of glebe, in th e g ift
of the Bishop of O xford, and held since 1880 by the
Rev. th e Hon. Randal Parsons M. A. of T rin ity College,
Dublin, and hon. canon of C h rist Church, Oxford. The
Mission ch urch of S t. M ary, a t Sandhurst, b u ilt in 1889 ,
by the rector, at a cost of £ 800, is an edifice of red