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G odfrey Mrs. E llen, Th e Mount
P rice Capt. R obert K en rick, A kelev
T u rn er Rev. John M aurice (rector),
R ectory


[ k e l l y ’s

C larke John & B urleigh , butchers
T ibbets G eorge, builder
Denchfield Frederick W illiam , farm er Toe G eorge, farm er
D unkley Jam es, wood dealer
T om pkins Thos. B ull & B utch er P.H
F lin t Sarah (M rs.), shopkeeper
W hitehead G eorge, gardener to Capt.
H ubbard Robert John, farm er
Robert K en rick Price
H urst H enry, carrier
W ickstead Joseph, farm b ailiff to
Attwood G eorge, farm er
M iller John, G reyhound P.H
Capt. Robert K en rick P rice
C hapm an A rth u r, farm er
Steer John, shopkpr. & sub-postm str W interburn John, farm er
A M E B S H A M (form erly Agm ondesham ) is a m arket ltu m sey M .D. 1824, and various m em orials to the fam ily
and union town and parish, on the M isbourne stream , of E eles, 1727-1815: in th e south aisle are inscribed
w ith a station about i m ile from the town on the A yle s­ stones or m ural m onum ents to E dw ard Childe, 1676;
b ury extension of the M etropolitan r a ilw a y ; it is 3^ Philip A yres esq. 17x2 and the R ev. John D rake LL .D .
m iles from C halfont Road station on the M etropolitan 50 years rector of Am ersham , d. 26 June, i860; and in
and G re a t C en tral Joint railw ay, 7 from H igh W ycom be the vestry a m ural tab let to the R ev. B enjam in Robertstation on the G reat W estern railw ay, 8 from Berk- shaw, rector of Am ersham , 1728-43: in the south cross
hampstq^id station on the London and N orth W estern aisle are brasses, w ith effigies, to John de la Penne,
railw ay, 4^ south from Beaconsfield, 3 south from 1537, and E lizabeth, his wife, 152 1; and to Henry
C hesham and 26 from London, in the Southern Brudenell esq. 1430 and Alianora, his w ife : in th e north
division of the county, hundred and p etty sessional aisle is a brass effigy and inscription to Thom as Cardivision of B urnham , county cou rt d istrict of Chesham , bonell esq. 1439 and Elizabeth, his w ife, 1400; there is
ru ra l deanery of Am ersham , archdeaconry of B uckin g­ also a m utilated brass of an ecclesiastic, c. 1450: on the
ham and diocese of Oxford. The town consists of north side of the chancel is a chapel, form erly the
two streets in tersectin g in their centres where the b u ryin g place of the B rudenell and P rob y fa m ilie s : in
M arket house stands, and is lig h ted w ith gas by a the 18th cen tu ry it was closed up and used as a m au­
com pany and supplied w ith w ater by th e Am ersham , soleum , and continued to be so used u n til 1874: the
Beaconsfield and D istrict W aterworks, opened in 1896, persons there deposited, about 60 in num ber, have since
from a reservoir at Coleshill. Am ersham was for­ been in terred in the c h u rc h y a rd ; the restoration of the
m erly a parliam entary borough by prescription, but chapel was com pleted in 1908:
the exterior of the
was disfranchised by the Reform A ct of 1832 (2 and 3 ch urch was substan tially restored in 1890, at a total
W m . IV . c. 45). The ch urch of S t. M ary is a struc­ cost of ,£2,134, a portion of this sum being contributed
tu re of flint, about 125 feet in len gth , chiefly of P er­ by the Rev. E. T. Drake, rector 1863-1904, and T . W.
pendicular date, and consists of chancel w ith north aisle T. D rake esq. : th ere are 600 sittin gs. The register
or D rake chapel, nave of four bays, w ith clerestory, dates from the year 1561. The
livin g is a rectory
aisles, rich ly groined, south porch and an em battled w ith the chapelry of Coleshill annexed, net yea rly value
western tow er w ith pinnacles, surm ounted by small spire £050, w ith residence, in the g ift of W illiam W ykeham
and containing a clock and 6 b e lls : the nave and aisles T yrw hitt-D rak e esq. and held since 1904 by th e Rev.
are divided by arcades of five pointed arches of Late Charles E dw ard B riggs M .A . of C h rist Church, Oxford.
D ecorated w o r k : th e stained east window was removed There is a tem porary m ission church on Am ersham
here from the chapel of Lam er Manor House, H erts, on Com m on. There are P articular B aptist, G eneral Baptist
its reconstruction by S ir Bennett G arrard, 6th bart. M .P. and W esleyan chapels, and near Chesham Bois is a
for A m ersham in 1761: th ere are also in the Drake small P rim itive M ethodist chapel.
T he cem etery for
m onum ent room other m em orials to the fam ily of Drake, the C hurch of England covers two a c re s ; that for Non­
in clu d in g a m u ral m onum ent, by Bacon, to Thom as conform ists is of sim ilar e x te n t; both are under the
D rake Tyrw hitt-D rak e esq. of Shardeloes, M .P. for A m er­ control of a jo in t com m ittee of the Am ersham and
sham , d. 1810; a m onum ent to W illiam Drake esq. M .P., C oleshill Parish Councils. T he Town H all, w hich stands
L L .D . d . 8 A u g. 1796; and in the vestry a m ural tablet in th e centre of the town, and was erected b y Sir
to Dr. Thom as Drake, rector of A m ersh am , 1775, and W illiam Drake kt. who died in 1682, is an edifice of
E lizabeth, his w ife, 1765 ; several m em orial windows have brick, the lower stage form in g an open p iazza ; the
been placed to the D rake fam ily, includin g Frederick upper floor consists of a large hall, surm ounted by a
Drake, Edward Drake and Mrs. Barbara Tyrw h itt-D rake, lantern turret, w ith clock, and is used for transacting
of Shardeloes, d. 5 Nov. 1883, Thom as T yrw h itt-D rake, public business and for entertain m en ts, and w ill hold
d. 24 Ju ly, 1888, and E lizabeth Julia, his w ife. d. 4 J uly, 250 persons. The m ark et day is T uesday, and fairs
1885 : on the north side of the chancel is a m onum ent, are held on W hit-M onday and on th e 19th Septem ber.
w ith dem i-effigy, placed in a niche, to S ir W illiam Drake H ere is a m ill and an extensive b rew ery and m altings
bart. d. 1669, and on the south side, also in a recess, are carried on by M essrs. W . and G . W eller. There
between pillars of the Doric order, a cenotaph of black are six alm shouses, b u ilt in th e year 1657 b y Sir
and gold, above which are m edallion portraits of Montagu W illiam Drake, form erly owner of Shardeloes, for the
D rake esq. M .P. for Am ersham , d. 1698, and Jane benefit of six poor widows of farm ers and tradesm en,
i G arrard), d. 1724: the m ortu ary chapel of the Drake ! who each receive 7s. per week and a new gown every
fam ily, on the north side of th e chancel, has on the north two years, also on th e lon gest day 9s. 4d. and on the
side a m agnificent tom b, by P eter Scheem aker, consist­ shortest day is . 4d. each, besides two loads of wood
in g of a sarcophagus of black m arble, g ilt, w ith figures in ! annually for fir in g ; and six alm shouses, b u ilt by
w hite m arble, beneath an elliptic arch, supported on ! M iss Day, for six elderly fem ales, endowed w ith 7s.
p ilasters, to M ontague G arrard Drake esq. M .P. for i each per week. The T oth ill, Snell’s, W aller’s, H ales’,
Am ersham in 1713, 1715 and 1727 and for B ucks in W harton’s and Mrs. B en t’s ch arities, com prising various
1722; he died in 1728; over the vestry door is a tablet sum s, altogeth er am ounting to about £"400 a year, are
to M argaret, w ife of the Rev. John Drake L L .D . rector of applied to different purposes. Shardeloes, the ancient
Am ersham from 1826; at the east end of this is a m onu­ seat of the Drake fam ily, stands in a park of 700 acres,
m ent, w ith em blem atical carving, in w h ite m arble, by 1 and is occupied b y W illiam W ykeham T yrw h itt Drake
Bacon, to E lizabeth (D rake), widow of the Rev. Richard esq. J.P. lord of the m anor and p rin cipal landowner,
Frank D.D. rector of Alderton, S u ffo lk : on th e south and Woodrow H igh House is the seat of M rs. Pelham side are other m em orials, b y Bacon and others, to ' Clinton. Cokes Farm , now (1915) in the occupation of
W illiam D rake, jun. esq. L L .D ., M .P. for A m ersham , d. M r. A rth ur Charles D rake, includes an orchard in which
1795 and E m ily, his w ife, d. 1806; E lizabeth (Raworth), is a tom b surrounded by iron railin gs, and bearing
wife of W illiam Drake esq. d. 1757; Rev. Charles T y r ­ 1 th e nam es of a num ber of the G rim sd ell fam ily, buried
w hitt-D rake A.M . 18x6; E lizabeth, daughter of Thom as there from 1647 to 1712. Th e soil is prin cip ally chalk
T yrw hitt-D rake esq. 1801 and H enry and Francis, his and flint. Th e area is 6,080 acres of land, chiefly
sons, 1793-1801 ; Rachel, widow of W illiam D rake, jun. arable, w ith m uch woodland, and 39 of w a te r; rateable
esq. 1784 and M ary, his wife, 1778; M ary (Annesley), value, £20,990; th e entire population in 1911 was 3,392
wife of the Rev. John T yrw h itt-D rak e M .A. rector of in th e c iv il parish, in cludin g 12 officers and 182 inm ates
Am ersham , d. 1827; and to Joane (T othill), wife of in the Poor Law Institution , and 1901, 3,962 in the
F rancis Drake esq. of E sher, 1625: in th e south side ecclesiastical parish
of the chancel is a brass, with th e effigy of a child,
Am ersham Com m on, consisting of th e north and
and some quaint rh ym in g couplets, to John, son of the north-east portion of the parish, has been developed as
foregoing, d. 1623: in the chancel is an altar tom b, w ith a residen tial d istrict, and contains num erous villa
fluted p illars sup portin g a pedim ent, beneath w h ich are residences.
kneeling figures of a lady and gen tlem an , and below an
inscription to E lizabeth , widow of W illiam B ent esq. of
C O L E S H IL L is a ham let and chapelry in the parish
C orb y, L eic. 1730, and to G eorge Bent, her son, 17 14 ; of A m ersham , i f m iles south, form erly in the cou n ty of
near which is a m ural tablet, w ith an account of her H ertford, b u t by th e A c t 2 & 3 W illiam IV . cap. 64, is
bequests to the town by will, dated June 25, 1728: now included in th is c o u n ty ; it is about one m ile and
in the north cross aisle is a m ural tablet to James a half from A m ersham , on a h ill, w ith m u ch woodland.