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the nave, is hexagonal and stands on a circu lar base of
two s te p s : in the south aisle, near the door, is a unique
stoup, consisting of an octagonal cylinder w ith moulded
rim , on a h igh base of sim ila r shape : the south transept
was probably b u ilt in the 13th cen tury, and has at
the south end a singular tw o-lig h t window ; in its oast
wall is a piscina and near it a bracket, and in a window
on the south side of the chancel are figures in stained
glass of the 13th cen tu ry of St. Mary and S t. J oh n ;
som e other of the chancel windows also contain ancient
g la s s : in the nave is a slab of Purbeck m arble, form erly
inlaid w ith a brass, representing a Pastoral staff and su rÂ
rounded by the inscription lit H1C SITU S A B B A T 1S
JO H A N N IS in Lom bardic
characters, m uch m utilated, and believed to com m em oÂ
rate one of the abbots of Oseney, of the 14th century.
A handsom e oak screen was erected in the church at
the sole expense of R ev. H enry Ram sden B ram ley M .A.
v ica r here 1861-89: there are 150 sittings. Th e register
dates from the year 1561.
The livin g is a vicarage,
net yearly value £ 2 0 0 , in clu d in g 48 acres of glebe and
residence, in the g ift of the President and Fellow s of
M agdalen College, O xford, and held since 1914 by the
Rev. G eorge H enry Haines M .A. of M agdalen College,
[k u iv s
Oxford. Th e W esleyan chapel here was built in
There are charities of about ¿ 1 0 a year for distribu?°^
in m oney and fuel.
The President and Fellow
M agdalen College, Oxford, Brasenose College, Oxf f
Thom as H enry Phipps Clifford esq. and Corpus Chr :
College, Oxford, are the ch ief landowners. The soil â¢
clay and lo a m ; subsoil, sand, clay and gravel Tif
chief crops are w heat, barley and beans. 'The area
1,154 acres ; rateable valu e, ¿ 1,8 10 ; the population ?
1911 was 382.
Parish C lerk, Joseph Hinton, jun
Post Office.â S am uel F rederick Brooks, sub-postmaster
L e tters through W heatley, Oxon, arrive at 7.43 amâ
& 5.10 p .m . ; sundays, arrive at 7.5 a .m .; dispatched
at 7.45 a.m . & 6 p.m . ; sundays, 9 p.m . Wheatley
miles d istan t, is the nearest money order & tele.â
graph office
E lem en tary School, b u ilt in 1858, reb uilt in 1905, f0r
135 children ; W illiam H. Booker, m aster
C arriers.â John Edginsrton & Abel Bricknell, mon. we£
fri. & sat. & Jam es Robinson, sat
F ow ler G eorge M errick C .M .G ., J.P. Edgington John, carrier
M anor house
Harris David, farm er
Haines R ev. G eorge H enry M .A. H arris H enry, m arket gardener
(v icar), V icarage
Herm an Thom as, farm er, H ill farm
K im b er W m .John, Queen's Head P.H
B ricknall A bel, carrier
L am bert Annie (M iss), shopkeeper
Brooks Sam uel Edwd. grocr. Post off Lam bert Thom as, builder
C ollier E dw ard, florist
Lindsay W illiam , farm er, College frm
C u rtis John, farm er
M askell Richard, m arket gardener
, M orris Ellen (M rs.), laundress
Shepherd W illiam , assistant overseer
S m ith Jesse, Chequers P.H â
Surm an W illoughby (Mrs.), market
¡Tanner E dw ard W illiam , farmer,
R ectory farm
j W alker A rth ur, farmer, Manor farm
¡W oodbridge M ary (M rs.), laundress
H O B .T O N - C T T M - S T T J D L E Y
is an ecclesiastical G eorge Croke let. one of the Justices of the Kindâs
parish on the Bucks border, form ed A u g u st 3, 1880, Bench, 1628-42, appears to have been formed out of
from the civil parish of B eckley, about 4 m iles east the ancient refectory, but was converted to secular
from Islip station on the B letch ley and Oxford branch uses in 1877 ; it is a plain oblong building, and conÂ
of the London and N o rth W estern Tailway, about 5 tained m em orials of th e Croke fam ily, but these have
w est from B rill and Lu dgersh all station on the B irm in g  been rem oved and presented by the present owner
ham direct line of the G reat W estern railw ay, and 7 to John Croke esq. of Uddens, Wimborne, Dorset:
m iles north-east-by-east from Oxford, in the Mid division the ex istin g m ansion is a fine exam ple of the Jacobean
of the county, B ullingdon hundred and p etty sessional style, w ith gables and m ullioned windows, and comÂ
division, H eadington union, Oxford county court d istrict, m ands attra ctiv e view s over O tm o o r; the principal
ru ra l deanery of Islip and archdeaconry and diocese of entrance is by a porch on the w est side, ornamented
O xford. T his parish was form erly in Buckingham shire, w ith Doric and Ionic pilasters, and the shields of Croke,
b u t b y the A cts 2 and 3 W illiam IV . cap. 64 (1832) Cave. Unton, Blount and Bennett, w ith the dates 1587
and the â Detached P arts of Counties A ct, 1844â (7 and and 1622, and an invocatory in scrip tio n ; this porch is
8 V iet. cap. 61), it was annexed to Oxfordshire. The also believed to have been b u ilt by S ir George Croke:
church of S t. Barnabas, erected in 1867, is a structure the estate and m ansion is now th e property and residence
of coloured brick, consisting of chancel, nave, north of Mrs. Henderson, who is lady of the manor. Mrs.
aisle, south porch and a tu rre t containing 2 b e lls : Henderson and the R t. Hon. Sir Francis Leveson Bertie
in the chancel there are tw o stained windows, th a t on G .C .M .G ., G .O .V .O ., G .C .B . am bassador at Paris, are
the north side being a m em orial to the late Lady Croke, th e principal landowners. T h e area of Studley is 932
of S tudley Priory, and wife of Sir Alexander Croke ac re s; rateable value, ¿ 6 5 0 ; the population in 1901110$
L L .D ., F .S .A . who died here 27th Decem ber, 1842; 60. The total area is 1,287 acres. The rateable value
in 1894 a window and m em orial brass were placed on of H orton-cu m -Stu dley is ¿ 1 ,4 2 0 ; the population in
the south side of the church by th e Rev. S. F. F. Auch- 1911 was 246 in the civil and 298 in the ecclesiastical
m uty, vicar, 1884-1897, in m em ory of his daughter, parish.
Sexton, John Cox.
Katharine A g n e s ; the same year a brass and two
m em orial windows were erected to the late Rev. George Post Office.â Miss A da A u g er, sub-postmistress. LetÂ
Theophilus Cooke B .D . vicar of Beckley, 1847-94: there
ters arrive th rou gh O xford at 7.15 a.m . & 3.15 pm-:
are 216 sittings. The livin g is a vicarage, net yearly value
Sundays, 7.30 a.m . ; dispatched to Oxford at 920
£ 2 1 1 , w ith residence, in the g ift of the vicar of Beckley,
a.m & 6.40 p .m . ; sundays, 9.30 a.m . Beckler, 3
and held since 1914 by the Rev. Clive G oldrin g M .A . of
m iles distant, is the n earest m oney order & teleÂ
E x e ter C ollege, Oxford. Stu d ley P riory was founded
graph office
in the m iddle of the reig n of H enry II. b y B ernard W all Box, cleared at 9.15 a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; Sundays,
de W alercio, or W a llery, in honour of the V irg in
9.20 a.m
Marys for nuns of th e order of S t. Benedict : at
E lem en tary School, built in 1867 & enlarged in 1894. for
the tim e of its surrender, Novem ber 9, 1540, there
70 c h ild re n ; average attendance, 29; Miss Grace
were 15 nuns, and the revenue am ounted to ¿ 8 2 4s. 4d.
Sutherland, m istress
y e a r ly ; it was granted, 31 H enry V I I I . to John Croke,
a descendant of the B lo u n ts : the m ansion, as now C arriers.â Thom as W alker, to Oxford, wed. & sat. reÂ
rn in g same d a y s; H enry T ucker & Joseph Hnn0
ex istin g, is believed to have been chiefly b u ilt byr
pass through from B rill wed. & sat. returning same
the prioress and convent in the 15th c e n t u r y ; the
chapel, form in g the n orth w in g, and ascribed to S ir
Coles F rank Henry, farm bailiff to 1Hawes Percy, farm er
the R ig h t Hon.
Sir Francis L. Hiorns A lfd. W m. Kingâs Arms
Brooker M rs
B ertie G .C .M .G ., G .C .V .O ., G .C .B K irb y A rth u r Thom as, farmer
G oldring Rev. C live M .A. (vicar),
C ollett W illiam , w heelw right
K irby F rederick James, farmer
V icarage
Crawford Thom as, farm er, W hitecross j Kirtland Robert, blacksmith
Henderson Mrs. S tudley priory
green (letters received through Is-1 Stanton John, farmer
Henderson Turner, Stu d ley priory
lip, O xford)
; W alker E m m a A . (M rs.), farmer
Green Jam es, farm er & brickm aker j W alker
Thom as, carrier
A u g er Ada (M iss), grocer, Post office H arper Wâ illiam , farm er, W hitecross j W illoughby Charles, farm ban
G reen farm (letters received th ro â I T u rn e r Henderson esq
Badger H enry, farm er
Islip , O xford)
Coates Henry, farm er
I B S T O N E is a parish in W ycom be union, form erly I dated Septem ber 30, 1895, it is now wholly in tht
partly in this county, b ut principally in Buckingham - county,
shire. B v Local Governm ent Board Provisional Order, *