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trib u ted in bread. In the parish of C owley, about half Th e soil is clay and gravel. The area of Cowley « ^
a m ile from M agdalen B ridge, and in a large meadow- acres ; rateable value, ,£8,938 ; the population in ^
on the north side of th e C owley road, are the rem ains was 2.510, includin g 162 children and 12 officials in the
of the Hospital of St. Bartholom ew , in cluding the dese­ Oxford Incorporation Poor L aw In stitution industrial
crated chapel, an elegant b u ild in g of T ransition char­ school and 200 m ilitary and 90 fam ilies, servants
acter from D ecorated to P erpen dicular, belonging in the barracks.
origin ally to a hospital for lepers, founded by Henry
The population of the ecclesiastical parish in igtI
I who endowed it w ith ^£23 y e a r ly ; in 1328 Adam was 2.520, which includes p art of Cowley St. John in
de Brom e, founder of O riel College, obtained a grant Oxford cou n ty borough.
of the hospital from E dw ard III.
for his society,
RO SE H IL L is a portion of the parish near Iffley
prom ising to m aintain 8 lepers and a ch ap lain ; subse­
H ere is a United M ethodist chapel.
quently. disputes having arisen between the C ity of Oxford
Cowley S t. John is a suburb of. and included in, the
and Oriel C ollege w ith reference to this foundation, the
m atter was referred to the Courts, and in 1536-7. by an county borough of Oxford, under which the names of the
residents w ill be found.
award under the hands of John Hales and Tho. W alsh, two
A t C hurch C owley is a b urial ground belonging to
barons of the E xchequer, countersigned b y the Lord
the Oxford Corporation,
Chancellor, it was settled th at within sixteen days after
B y Local Governm ent Board O rder 18,179, dated
the decease of any alm sm an it should be com petent to the
C ity Council to nominate a Freem an, who had been such March 25, 1885, the ham let of H ockmore was transferred
from Iffley to Cowley, and b y O rder 19,430, dated March
for not less than three years, and the College, on its
part, undertook to adm it such Freeman, an arrangem ent 25, 1886, Hockmore Farm and Cottages were also added.
w hich, according to a decision of th e C h arity C om m is­ Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephonic E xpress Delivery Office.—
M rs. C harlotte Rhys-M organ, sub-postmistress. Let­
sioners in 1897, still holds g o o d :d u rin g th e plague of 1643
ters th rou gh Oxford arrive at 6.30 a.m . & 1.50 & g
the hospital was used as a pest-house, and, being destroyed
p.m . ; sundays at 6.50 a.m . ; dispatched at 11.40 a.m.
in the siege, was reb uilt by the College in 1649: in 1833
& 5-55 & 9 P-xn- ; sundays at 3 p.m
th e buildings, which form a long block of two storeys,
were refitted and adapted to the purposes of a hospital, W all L etter Boxes at M ilitary College, cleared at 11.35
a.m . & 5.55 & 8.55 p.m . ; at M ilitary Barracks,
but are now used for farm p urp oses: th e chapel is a
cleared at 5.40 & 8.15 p .m .; at Rose hill, cleared at
sim ple parallelogram , w ith good traceried windows, and
11.50 a.m . & 4.40 & 8.20 p.m . ; C rescent road, cleared
contains a screen w ith panelling below and open arches
a t 11.35 a.m . & 5.25 & 8.45 p .m .; Junction Toad,
above, and on th e spandrels of the centre arch is the
cleared at 11.30 a.m . & 5.10 & 8.15 p .m . & Hockmore
date 16 51; th is screen stands im m ediately below the
street, cleared at 11.45 a.m . & 5.40 & 9 p.m
footpace, which rem ains, and there are also traces of
an altar and two grave s la b s ; eig h t pensioners, “ the C ou n ty Police, A lb ert E dw ard Croton, police constable
alm sm en of St. B arty ,” nominated b y the C ity Council,
receive about is. a w eek and 5s. a year for clothing
from Oriel College, which is also bound to find lodging Poor L a w In dustrial Train in g (m ixed), built in 1854,
for 220 c h ild ren ; in 1894 new works w ere carried out
for the alm sm en, either in th e hospital or o u t of it.
fOT th e im provem ent of the w ater supply, from plans
A preceptory of th e K n igh ts Tem plars, from which
by Mr. W . H. C astle, surveyor, of O xfo rd ; these in­
Tem ple C owley derives its prefix, was founded here in
the 13th century, b ut about 1274 was rem oved to Sandclude the erection of a w ater tower w ith two tanks,
containing tog eth er 8,000 gallons of water, pumped
ford, where there are still some rem ains of th e dom estic
from w ells on the prem ises, and distributed by gravi­
buildings, now serving as a farm resid en ce: the detached
tation ; th e chapel, b uilt in 1901, at a cost of £1,200,
chapel, used as a barn, retains a la rg e blocked east
window and a doorway, both of the L a te Perpendicular
from plans by Mr. Castle, is an edifice of stone, & has
p eriod: the manor of Tem ple Covele was given to
150 sittin gs ; A lb ert E. H odder, m a s te r; Mrs. Maude
Hodder, m atro n ; Gordon Dodwell, schoolmaster;
the K n igh ts T em p lars by M aud or M atilda, th e queen
of K in g Stephen. The buildings of the late Oxford
M iss Dorothy Dodwell, sch oolm istress; Mrs. Florrie
M ilitary College, previously the Diocesan school, com ­
Stacey, in fan ts’ m istress
p risin g an old m ansion of the 17th cen tury and a chapel Elem entary (boys), C hurch Cowley, b uilt in 1834 k re­
in the D ecorated style, w ere erected in 1870 from designs
opened in 1902, for 160; H ubert W . J. Pugh, master
by Mr. E . G . Bruton, architect, of Oxford. Th e prin­ E lem en tary (girls &; infants), Tem p le Cowley, built in
cipal industry in C ow ley is th e m aking of agricultural
1884, for 250 g irls & 200 infants ; Miss L. Saunders,
steam ploughing engines, thrashing engines and road
head m istress; Miss E llen F . Sym es, infants’ mistress
rollers &c. which gives em ploym ent to a num ber of
people. The Dean and C hapter of C h rist Church. O x­ C arriers.— S ilas T urn er & Mrs. Sarah Lee, to Oxford,
ford, are lords of the manor and principal landowneTs.
A yers A da (M iss), dress m aker
T E M P L E C O W LE Y .
Lee Sarah (M rs.), carrier
M ills L ouisa (M rs.), baker
Residents a t th e Franciscan College. B ancalari V incent, carpenter
Bowell W m . Robt. shopkpr. Pile rd Organ Jas. Thos. carpenter,Temple st
C ullen R ev. F ather Joseph
Bull W illiam , tailor
Prem ier M eat Co. Lim ited, butchers,
Macdonald Rev. F ath er Aidan
B utler B enjam in, beer retailer
Pile road
M cM ullan Rev. F ath er Giles
C hurch A rm y Press, p rinters & ShuTman H erbt. M. insur. agt.'Pile rd
M iddlehurst Rev. F ather M atthew
Sim m onds John,plasterer,Crescent rd
O 'Dwyer V ery Rev. F ather A lb ert
Cotton Thom as H. O riginal Swan P.H Skinner Charles, 'Bullingdon Arms
C owley C onservative C lub (Thom as
P.'H. Cowley m arsh
Tierney Rev. F ath er Diego
Jack, sec)
Sm ith A lice (M rs.), dress maker,
E dgin ton E. carpenter, C rescent road
Tem ple road
C arter Mrs
E llis K a te (M rs.), m idwife, Pile road S m ith Francis Jn. Thos. boot maker
Doubleday Richard Dixon, The E lm s Fortnam Annie (M rs.), shopkeeper
Sm ith Sidney, shopkeeper. Temple rd
Eden Robert H ildyard H enley, E lm - Franciscan College (V ery Rev. Father Somers E sther (M rs.), shopkeeper
A lb ert O’D wyer, re c to r; assistants, South Oxfordshire Conservative &
H urst M iss, Rock house
R ev. F ath ers Joseph Cullen, Aidan
Unionist Association (William JJoel W illiam Jackson, Manor house
Macdonald, G iles M cM ullan, M at­
Joel, agent)
Joy Edwd.Bedford M .A. V illage house
thew M iddlehurst & Diego Tiernev Turner Silas, carrier
M orris R ev. G eorge, G arsington rd
O .S .F .C )
W hite John J .P . farmer
M orris W illiam R ichard, The Old G eorge Thos. W m . shopkpr. Pile rd W hite John, jun . farmer
Manor house
G iles Robt. boot repairer, Pile road W ilkinson W illiam George, shop­
Rose Rev. Percy A ttersoll (C ongre­ Gooch C has. cycle dir. Cowley m arsh
keeper, Crescent Toad
gational), The Manse
G race Frederick, baker
W .R.M , Motors Ltd . motor carr xinn in
Stokes L t.-C ol. Henry Haldane M .B ., G ray A lb ert E dw in, car.pentr. Pile rd
R .A .M .C . (retired), Devonshire ho Hedges E lizabeth (M rs.), butcher
(Marked th us * receive letters throngb
Honour E liza (M rs.), baker & grocer
W alm sley A lb ert, Crossways
Johnson Joseph, m arket gardener,
W hite John J.P
W illiam s Miss I v y L L .D . Sunnyside
G arsington road
Johnson Joseph, shopkeeper
•B a yliss W illiam J. S.Prospect hcnse,
Alder F rederick, shopkeeper
K in g B etsy Ann (M rs.), shopkeeper
A llen Jn. m arine store dlr.Tem ple rd K in g G eorge, dairym an
Rose Hill
Rose Bill
A llum Edward,hoot ma. Cowley mrsh K in g
H arriett
(M rs.),
laundress. *Jack Thom as, Rosemount. »
♦Lesley Mrs. Oingaltree, R " * —
A slin Blind Co. L td . window blind
Tem ple road
m akers, C rescent road
Lee Richard, E xeter H all P.H . Cow­ ♦Marshall Francis Eden M-aA tk in s Jam es, insurance agent
ley m arsh
New ydd, Rose Hill