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Stevens W illiam H enry 16 W estern Sweert M iss, 82 St. John’s rd .S t.G ile s ’
Thornton John H enry, 324 B an bury
road, Grandpont
S w eet M rs.H y.20 Farndon rd .S t.G ile s ’
road, Sum m ertow n
Stevenson Rev. John G eorge B .A Sym onds Frederick Thom as, 9 W hite
Thorogood M rs. 41 T h orn cliffe road,
(Congregational), 112 D ivin ity rd
H ouse road, Grandpont
Sum m ertown
Cowley road
Sym onds H oratio P e r c yF .R .C .S .E d in . T hurland W illiam F ran cis, 98 H urst
Stevenson .George Hope M .A. (fellow
35 B anbury road
street, C owley S t. John
& p relecto r in ancient history at Sym onds M iss, 51 B an b ury road
T ibbs F ran cis C h risto p h er M .R .C .S.,,
the U niversity), 14 C hadlington rd Talboys B ertie G eorge, 70 A ïg y le st.
L .R .C .P . 192 Iffley road
Stevenson W illiam Henry M .A. (li­
C hester street
Tiokner Geo. 2 Parks rd. St. G ile s’
brarian & junior dean of arts), St. Talboys D avid A. 1 F olly bridge, St.
Tiddem an Richard H ill M .A ., F .G .S .
John’s college
A ld a te’s
Osberton house, 298 W oodstock rd.
Stewart John A lex., M .A . (W hite’s pro­ Talboys R ich ard A . 2 F olly bridge,
Sum m ertown
fessor of m oral philosophy, fellow
St. A ld a te’s
T idd y R eginald John E llio tt M .A.
of Corpus C h risti college & hon. TannerM iss,27Aston st.C ow leySt.Joh n
(fellow & lectu rer). T rin ity college
student C hrist C h u rch ), 14 B rad ­ Taphouse C harles M ilner, 37 Chalfont
Tidm arsh Thom as, 139 Iffley road
more rpad
road, St. G iles’
y M rs. 8 L a th b u ry road
Stil Hard Henry M artin.359 C owley rd Taphouse Mrs. 225 W oodstock road,
T im berlake W illiam Henry, 30 W al­
Stobie W illiam M .B .E din. 340 B an ­
Sum m ertow n
ton Well road, St. G ile s’
bury road, Sum m ertown
T aplin A sh ley, 69 Abingdon road, T im m s L ion el John. 38 M inster rd.
Stocker W illiam Nelson M .A . (fellow,
G randpont
St. C lem en t’s
senior dean & le ctu rer), Brasenose Taw ney John A rcher M .A. 14 M ore­
Tim s W illiam Johnson, 102 D ivin ity
ton road, Sum m ertown
road, C ow ley road
Stocks John Leofric M .A. (lecturer Taw ney M rs. A rch er, 62 B anbury rd
in classics & philosophy, & junior T a y F rank W illiam , 46 D ivin ity road, T ip p in g E rn est H enry, 199 D ivin ity
road, C ow ley road
dean of arts). St. John’s college
C ow ley road
Stone Capt. Charles, Pom ona," H ill T ayler John Charles, 17 T hom cliffe rd. Tipton Miss, 89 K in gston rd. St.Gdles’
T izard H enry Thom as M .A. (fellow &
Top road, St. C lem ent’s
Sum m ertown
lecturer), O riel college, O riel street
Stone Rev. D arwell D.D. (principal T aylor A rth u r John, 73 D ivin ity rd.
Tod M arcus N iebu h r M .A . (fellow &
Pusev house), 61 St. G ile s’ street
C ow ley road
assistan t tu to r of O riel college &
Stone Charles G raham B .A . (tu to r), T ay lor Charles R ichard, 12 Pem broke
u n iv ersity
le ctu rer
G reek
Balliol college
street, St. A ld ate’s
p igrap hy), 19 N orham road
Stone Ernest E. 44 M inster road, St. Taylor M alcolm , 179 D ivin ity road,
Todd M iss L . F. (tu to r in E n glish &
Cowley road
lib ra ria n ),S t.H ild a’s h all,C ow ley pi
Stone John,116 D ivin ity rd.C ow ley rd T aylor Miss, 23 Aston street, Cowley
Todd-N aylor M iss, 184 W oodstock rd.
Stone Jn.Roper,6Polstead rd .S t.G ile s
St. John
Sum m ertow n
Stone Lewis W ycherley J.P . 128 B an ­ T aylor M iss E . 77 B ullin gd on road,
Tom s A lfred E dw ard, 51 W arw ick st
bury road
C owley S t. John
Stone M iss,3ioBanhury rd.Sum m rtw n T aylor Mrs. Gordon, 61 C h alfo n t rd. T ou gh M iss, 205 Iffley road
lm an -Sm ith A lfd. 20 L a th b u ry rd
Stone Miss, 62 Botley road
S t. G ile s’
Toulm in-Sm ifh M iss, 1 The Terrace,
Stone Mrs. 2 S t. M argaret’s road
Taylor T ristram , 88 F airacres road,
Stone Thos.H Manor pi. Holywell
Iffley road
Stone Thomas Price, 8 K ingston rd T aylor W illiam H. 90 Abingdon road, Tow er Mrs. 20 Polstead rd. St. G ile s’
Townsend F ran k C harles E rn e s t, 7
St. Giles’
G randpont
P ortland road, Sum m ertown
Stone Victor, 46 St, A ldate’s street
Tedd R obert,
16 Portland road,
Townsend F rederick Jas. 5 P a rke r st
Stone Wm.Hy. i 3 _Tackley p i.S t.G ile s ’
Sum m ertow n
John Sealy E ., M .A .(W ykeStoton Mrs.204 D ivin ity rd.C ow ley rd Teden H erbert, B u rco tt, H ill Top rd.
ham professor of p h ysics, New col­
Strachan Mrs. 318 B anbury road,
S t. C lem en t’s
Merton street
Tem pler M iss, 3 Th e Terrace,Park twn
Townsend Thom as, 21 W hite House
Strachan-Davidson Jam es L e igh M.A. T erry Mrs. 283 Iffley road
(master), Balliol college
T erry M rs. C lara, 280 Iffley road
Strachan-Davi'dson M rsyB radm o re rd T h atch er Thos.27 A rg y le st.C h ester st Townsend Thom as, jun . 17 W estern
road, G randpont
Strange Charles J. 51 Portland road, Theakstone M iss, 183 Iffley road
Townshend R ichard B ax ter M .A.
Theodosius Alfred
Fletch er M .A.,
117 B anbury road
Streatfeild Rev. F rank M .A. C hrist
F .C .S . 13 Merton street
Toynbee Arnold Joseph B .A . (fellow
Church, St. A ld a te’s street
Theodosius Mrs. 1 T ack lev place,
& classical tu to r B alliol college),.
Streeter Rev. B u rn ett H illm an M .A.
S t. G ile s’
5 Park crescent, Park town
(dean & lecturer Q ueen’s college), Thom as Rev.
B .A .
Toynbee Mrs. 10 N orham gardens
41 High street
Abingdon road
Toynbee Mrs. 14 Th e Terrace, Park
Strong Very Rev. Thomas Banks D.D. Thom as Joseph Sidney, 3 P arker st
(dean of C h rist C h u rch & vice- Thom as Miss, 8 South Park road
Tozer Rev. H enry Fanshawe M .A.
U niversity) Thom as Mrs. 195 Cowley road
18 Norham gardens
Umst Church, S t. A ld ate’s street Thom as Richard Press, ’ 1 T hom cliffe
T ra cey John M .A . (sub-w arden &
Strong Rev. Leonard Thom as M .A.
road, Sum m ertown
tuto r K eble college), 5 C ric k road
St. John’s Mission house, Marston Thom as W illiam A rth u r, 80 Kingston
Trafford Thom as, 104 Kingsto-n road,
street, Cowley St, John
road, St. G iles’
St. Giles’
olfred 'Char]es, 103 Iffley road Thom pson Rev. Jam es M atthew M .A.
Trem enheere R ev. G eorge H erbert
Stl <
? £ e0rge’ 4 9 S t. John street
(fellow, dean of d iv in ity & tuto r
M .A. (vicar of St. F ridesw id e’s),
S? 5
40 Ne^ Inn Hal1 street
M agdalen college),5 Chadlington rd
T h e V ica rag e, B otley road
4 1 Southfield
road, Thom pson Chas. H enry M .A. (fellow
Cowley St. John
T revelyan S ir E rn est John D .C .L .
& tu to r Queen’s college), 27 St.
(fellow of A ll Souls’ college, reader
H i MjSS’ 44 Thorncliffe road, ^M argaret’s road, S t. G iles’
in Indian law & assessor of the
Thompson Harold, 31 Beaum ont st
han cellor’s C o u rt),
1 M arston
of 6tR>au-L
' (Taylorian professor Thompson M iss M ., M .Sc. Cherw ell
F erry road, Sum m ertown
*,116 Romance la nguages), 11
hall, C ow ley place
T rew M rs. 25 C halfont rd. St. G ile s’
Thom pson Mrs. 264 Ifflev road
S tn iSt? dJ oad’ St'Trollope Thom as, 24 O akthorpe rd.
1D ’ M -A -’ M D - 32 Thom pson M rs. Norm an, 7 NorthSum m ertow n
, Hf rÄ! !™ street
m oor road
T ruslove Roland M .A. (dean & lec­
Shies MM'A"5? 'he Terrace> Park twn Thom pson W illiam , 42 F ren chav rd
tu rer), W orcester college
S t. G ile s’
Suhr xr
4 MusPum roa^
Tnbb Miss, 57 Iffley road
son A rth u r M .A . (professor of T u ck er Joseph Henry’, 16 Albert, road,
MTrke iT'S?6' ^
‘V Thom
hum an anatom y), 163 W oodstock
Sum m ertow n
s , S ^ y
S i “ S n
s t a n l e y
r o a d '
road. St. G ile s’
T u ck w ell M iss, 37 A ston street, Cow ­
le v St. John
57 L ° nS,3a' e TOa<1- Thorburn V alter, 2 C rick road
n S ;- n 1^ t o w
Thornew ill Rev. Charles F ran cis M .A.
Tuckw el] M rs.3oFrenchay r d .S t.G ile s ’
1 5 St. M argaret’s road
1 uckw ell M rs. 64 H igh street
. -MEdwd.
rs T’r 5 ^Frenchay
, c n a T rd
r d .S
-b t.G
t -Giles'
ile s Thornton M ajor George Thom as, 6
Tudsbery Rev. Francis W illiam Tuds^ertown
B anbury road, SumStaverton road, St. G iles’
bery M .A. 213 W oodstock road,
Thornton F rederick P. 195 D ivinitv
Sum m ertown
road. C ow ley road
C n ! l ‘ ‘ i,I4I] foodstock rd .S t.G iles’
fn ell Mrs. 88 B an b ury road
(, S o » t w I T5 d" iak J»hn M.A. ,8 Thornton Frederick S tan b u ry, 24
T u rin g M iss, 334 B an b u ry . road,
S''eatmM0°w i? r ;
alfo n t road,
r o a d .SS t. G ile s’
S um m ertow n
John’s road, s amG ilt s - ert’ 8° Sfc- 1Thornton H erbert, 11 Queen street
T urn er
H am ilton
M .A .
(fellow ), M agdalen college

1 8
