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d ir e c to r y
Andrews H enry D. W . deputy registrar of birth s &
deaths for A m ersham sub-district, Broadway
Archer Charles, farm er, Weedon Hill farm
Atkins Benjam in, bill poster & town crier, W hielden st
Atkins O liff G eorge, farm er, Q u ill hall
Avis Charles, chair m aker, W hielden street
Ayres Thom as, hair dresser, A deputy reg istrar of
m arriages, W hielden street
Bailey A rth u r, antique fu rn itu re dealer, H igh street
Baker Tom Llew ellyn, baker, H igh street
B arclay & Com pany L im ited , bankers, Am ersham -onthe-hill'
Bateman Sarah (M iss), plain kn itter, H igh street
Bates A rth u r, farm er. Kennels farm
Berkley Henry N . butcher, Am ersham -on-the-hill
Betts John Robert, painter, Broadway
Bevan H enry Jam es, Q ueenâs Head P.H . W hielden gate
Bizzell A lfred P. grocer. H igh street
Boughton Thom as T . a g ricu ltu ral im p lem en t m aker, re Â
pairer A a g e n t; steam road roller owner A steam
haulage & threshing contractor. T N 5 Am ersham
Brazil George Herbert, butcher, H igh street
B right W illiam , boot m aker, H igh street
Bryan F rank, registrar of b irths A deaths for Am ersham
district, W hielden street
Butler Thom as, b ailiff to E . M atthews esq. M antles
Green farm
Butts V ivian, insurance agent. Station road
Capital A Counties Bank Lim ited (branch) (Ronald G rist,
m anager), H igh s tr e e t; draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C
Careless L ouisa (M rs.), beer retailer, The Common
Cem etery (Francis & How. clerks to the join t com Â
m ittee Am ersham A Coleshill Parish Councils
Chandler Richard, Saracenâs Head P .H . W hielden street
Cheese Clem ent M acm ichael, solicitor, H igh street
C lark W illiam , farm er, Raans farm . The Common
Clarke Sarah Ann (M iss), shopkeeper, T he Common
Clifford C harles, farm er, K iln farm
Coleman E li H enry, boot & shoe m aker, W hielden street
Crook Obadiah, insurance agent, H igh street
C rowhurst A lb ert B. veterin ary surgeon, & sanitary
inspector to R u ral D istrict C ouncil, H igh street
Cutts H enry W . Griffin hotel, H igh street
Darlington G eorge, builder, contractor, brick A lim e
m anufacturer & b uildersâ m aterial m erchant, in su rÂ
ance agent, auctioneer, house & estate agent, surveyor
& valuer. H igh street (T N 2) ; & H yde Heath kilns.
See a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 2 2
Daryell & Sons, bakers, A m ersham -on-the-H ill
Davis Richard E dm und, farm er, Reeves farm
Dobson G eorge (M rs.), dress m aker, H igh street
Dr. Challonerâs G ram m ar School (Robert E rn est Y ates
B .A. head m aster)
Domestic Stores (The) (Sum ner & Co. proprietors),
2, 4, 6 & 7 Station parade. T N 54
Drake A rth u r C harles, farm er, Coke's farm
Dudley M ary (M rs.), Swan P.H . H igh street
Edge H arriett (M rs.), dress m aker, H igh street
Elborn Annie (M rs.), apartm ents, 7 Broadway
tE ngland H um phrey M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . p h y Â
sician A surgeon, F our W inds, The Com m on. T S 50
Fleckney Brothers, dairy, Am ersham -on-the-hill
Fordham Francis E dw in, farm bailiff to A . A . L y le
esq. S nellâs farm
Foresters (A ncient O rder of) (J. A. T u n k s, district
sec.), H igh street
Fountain H erbert, cycle repairer, H igh street
Francis A How, solicitors, H igh street. T N 13
Francis W illiam , wood turner, W inchm ore hill
Free F rederick, wood turner, H igh street
Fuller Henry, draper, W hielden street
Gale W illiam C harles, beer reta iler, H igh street
Gardner A H ardw icke, physicians A surgeons, T he F irs,
H igh street & H eatherlea, Th e Common
Gardner Jam es Cardw ell M .B. A B .C .C a m b .. J.P .
(G ardner & H ardw icke), surgeon, certifyin g factory
surgeon, p ublic vaccinator A m edical officer to
Am ersham d istrict, A m edical officer to the poor law
institution, The F irs, H igh street. T N 11
Garton W illiam , sec. Local H igher E ducation C om Â
m ittee, School house
Gascoyne Frederick Thom as, cycle m aker. H igh street
George Annie (M iss), shopkeeper, Broadway
G ibbs W illiam , blacksm ith, H igh street
G ilbert Thom as, Chequers P.H . B u ry end
Gomm Sarah (M rs.), milliner, High street
Goodson F rederick , W hite Lion P.H . Th e Common
G race Mark, beer retailer, H igh street
G rist Ronald, m anager of the C apital A Counties Bank,
High street
G urney H enry, baker & corn chandler, W hielden street
G u rn ey John C. butcher, H igh street. T N 16
Haddon A lb ert H enry, chem ist, H igh street. T N 14
H ailey Jam es, shopkeeper, Th e Common
H ardwicke Richard Reece M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d .
p h ysician A surgeon (G ardner A H ardw icke), H eatherÂ
lea, Th e Common
Hatch Joseph A Sons, ch air m akers, W hielden gate
Hatch Joseph, farm er, Woodrow farm
Henderson & Irvin e, physicians & surgeons, Alwyns A
H igh street, Am ersham A Chesham Bois
H enderson H enry John M .B ., B .S .L o n d ., M .R .C .S .E n g ..
L .R .C .P .L o n d . (firm , Henderson A Irv in e), physician
A surgeon, Alw yns & surgery, H igh street, Am ersham
(T N 3) & surgery, B uckingham house, G reat M issenÂ
den. T N 4
H ill G eorge W illiam , grocer, H igh street
Hillsdon E dw ard, shopkeeper A carrier, H igh street
Hilsden L evi R. surveyor of roads to A m ersham Rural
D istrict Council, H igh street
Hoare A lfred, d a iry, Tow n farm , H igh street
Hobbs A . (M iss), confectioner, The Common
Hobbs John Newm an, farm er, B ottom H ouse farm
H o lb e c h e , P ain e & A ld erso n , auctioneers, land A
estate agents, surveyors & valuers. T N 28
Home Counties P ub lic H ouse T ru s t Co. L td . Crown
hotel, H igh street
H orsley A rth u r, job m aster, Station road
How John Gibbon, solicitor (firm , F rancis A H ow),
clerk to the county m agistrates, to th e jo in t com Â
m ittee of the A m ersh am A C oleshill parish councils,
to the com m issioners of income ta x & to Am ersham
Old A ge Pension S ub -C o m m ittee, H igh st. T N 13
How lett G eorge Richard, beer retailer, T he Common
Hyland G eorge F rederick , b uilder, W hielden street
International Tea C o.âs Stores L td . Station par. T N 44
Joiner C ornelius, b uilder, Th e Com m on
Joyce S. ironm onger, H igh street
Keen C harles, p ain ter, W est view
Keen E rn est E . b uilder, Broadw ay
Keen E lizabeth (M rs.), shopkeeper, W hielden street
Kennard A rth u r M. chem ist, A m ersham -on -the-hill
K in g Ebenezer Thom as, ch em ist, stationer & p rin ter,
M arket square. T N 7
Knowles M artha (M rs.),H are & Hounds P.H .W h ielden st
Lacey F red erick A . beer reta iler, B u ry end
Lane F rederick, shopkeeper, B ury end
Langston John, harness m aker, Broadw ay
L em m in g E . (M iss), p reparatory school. T h e Com m on
L in e W illiam G eorge, coach builder, Broadway
Loftv Sidn ey John, farm er, B u ry farm
M artin F rederick W illiam , gardener to G . W eller esq
Th e Common
Martin Henry, builder, B u iy end
Mason E dw ard, carm an, H igh street
Mason E lizabeth (M rs.), beer retailer, H igh street
M arriott Jam es, Station hotel. Station road
M ead Jam es E . grocer, H igh street
Mead W illiam , draper, Station road
M illar H ugh, farm er, Quarrendon farm
M ilne Jas. P.lan d agt. to Shardeloes estate,Coldm orham .
Morgan Frank, beer retailer, W hielden street
Morton Thom as Henry, boot m aker, H igh s tre e t
N egus Francis J. nurserym an, Shardeloes nurseries
N evell L a u ra (M rs.),tem peran ce litl. Post off. New town
New J. Sherwood M B ., B .S .L o n d .. M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d ., I).P.H .C am b. physician & surgeon, la
m edical officer of health to A m ersham R ural D istric t
C ouncil, The Common
Oddfellows (M anchester U n ity of) Lodge No. 3623 (Geo.
Pratt, sec.). Station road
Parker G eorgina (M rs.), grocer, H igh street
Parsons Jesse, coal m erch ant, T h e Common
Patience G . (M rs.), dealer in antiquities, Broadway
Payne E rnest, job b in g gardener, T h e Common
Payne Thom as, beer retailer, W inchm ore hill
P eck (T h e M is s e s ), m illin ers & ladiesâ & childrenâs
o u tfitte r s , stationery, fancy goods &c. T h e London
house, A m ersham -on-the-hill. T N 51
P lum m er H orrvJohn .ereen gror.Sycam ore rd.A m ersh m .h l
Pratt J. A. & Co. Ltd. b uildersâ m erchants, S tation yd
P ratt Ann (M rs.), butter & e g g dealer, Broadway
P ra tt G eorge, assistant overseer, reg istrar of marriage»*
& collector of poorâs rates. Station road
Puddephat.t G eorge, contractor. Th e Common
Ranee & R edding, coal m erchants. H igh street
Ranee A lb ert B. fishm onger. High street
Ranee W alter Jam es, fishm onger. H igh street. T N 32
R edding Jam es, coal m erchant, see Ranee A Rexlding
I Redding Sarah (M rs.), shopkeeper, Broadway
j Reed A lb ert, fence m an u facturer. The Common
â Robarts Henry R. dairym an, The Common