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Fraser G eorge Rae, P ig g o tt’s m anor, Letch m ore H eath, i
W atford, H erts
Freeman G eorge M allows K .C ., B .A . 24a, Bryanston
square, London W
Fremantle T h e Hon. C ecil, Swanbourne, W inslow
Frem antle A dm iral Hon. S ir E dm un d Robert G .C .B .,
C .M .G ., F .R .G .S . 44 Low er Sloane street, London S W
^Frem antle The Hen. Thom as Francis M .A. (vicechairm an of Q uarter Sessions), The Old house, Sw an­
bourne, W inslow
French G eorge W atson, B uckingh am
Gardner Jam es Cardw ell M .B. The F irs, H igh street,
G arrett-P egg John W m . Chesham Bois M anor,Chesham
G arrett-Pegge W ilfrid G eorge M .A. Chesham Bois
manor, Chesham
G ibson-Craig H enry Vivian
Gilbey A lfred , Tw yford lodge, near W inchester
G ilbey W m. Crosbie, T h e L ea, Denham , near U xbridge
Giles Col. Peter Broom e C .B ., F .R .C .S .E d in ., V.D.
Holne Chase, Bletchley
Glenister A lbert, The Tem ple, H igh W ycom be
G lenister Thom as, The T em p le, H igh W ycom be
Godwin L t.-C ol. Algernon A rb u th n o tt R .A . Silverhow,
Silverdale road, E astbourne
Goldsmid S ep tim us, Manor farm , B rill, Tham e
Good L t.-C ol. A rth u r W illiam H ervey, Broughton house,
near N ewport Pagnell
JGoodall L ieu t.-C o l. L ieb ert E dw ard, Dinton h all,A ylsb ry
Grafton Duke of K .G ., O.B. TVakefield lodge, Stony
S tra tfo rd ; & 6 C hesterfield gardens, London W
Grant-Thorold H arry, The Cottage, C osgrove, Stony
Green M aj. Geo. F rederick, Chetwode priory,B uckin ghm
Grenfell F ield-M arshal Lord P .C ., G .C .B ., G .C .M .G .,
M .V.O ., F .S .A . Overstone park, N ortham pton ; & 18
Portm an square, London W
Griffin Jam es W hitehouse, Tow ersey, near Tham e
Griffin Robert, C ourt garden, G reat M arlow
Grove (Thom as Newcom en) A rch ib ald , W h ite’s club,
London S W
Grove W alter F redk. Stone ho. Penn, H igh W ycom be
G urney Thom as, H artwell, A ylesb ury
Hall H enry E rn st, W arren house, Ive r H eath, U xbridge
Hall Maj. M usgrave Robt. F oxcott Manor, Buckingham
Hambleden V iscount, G reenlands, H en ley-on -T h am es;
& 3 G rosvenor place, London S W
Hanbury Lionel H y. H itcham ho. H itcham , Maidenhead
Handcock E dw d. S tan ley, Old ho. F u lm er, Stoke Poges
Harben H enry Devenish, Newland park, C halfont St.
Giles, G errard ’ s Cross, Bucks
Harter Percival L a Trobe, 2 M ount street, Grosvenor
square, London W
^Harvey S ir Robt. G renville b art. L a n g ley park, Slough
Hawes Thom as, B enthill, Buckingham
Hayes John, The Thorns, Chesham
Hazell W alter, W alton grange, A ylesbury
Hedderwick Thom as Charles H unter, The Manor house,
Weston T u rv ille, near T rin g
Herbert Jam es, Parkfield, Ches'ham
Herbert Thom as Arnold K .C ., L L .B . W ym ers, M arlow
Higginson G en. S ir G eorge W entw orth A lexander
G .C .B. G yldernscroft, M arlow
Hipwell A rth u r W illiam . G resham house, Olney, B ucks
Hird Dennis M .A . The L eys, Bletch ley
Hoare Sir H y. H ugh A rth . b art. Stourhead, Zeals, W ilts
Holdom E dw ard M artin, M arston park. A m p tkill
Hortin John H enry, H eath lod^e, Iver, Uxbridge
}H oward-Vyse Howard Henry, Stoke Place, Stoke Poges
Howe E arl G .C .V .O . W oodlands, Iver, U x b rid g e; &
Curzon house, 21 Curzon street, M ayfair, London W
Hubbard L ieu t.-C o l. the Hon. C ecil John, K in gsb ridge,
Steeple Claydon, B ucks
Hudson R obert W illiam , Stanhope ho. P ark la.LondonW
Ilbert S ir Courtenay Peregrine G .C .B .. K .C .S .I ., C .I.E .
Troutw ells, Penn, H igh W ycom be
Ingpen John Abel, Fox Den, Dorney W ood. B urnham .
Irb y The Hon. C ecil Saum arez, H itcham grange, Taplow, Maidenhead
Jackson Frederick, W harton house. Bourne E n d, Bucks
Jam es L ieut.-C ol. B ernard Ram sden, F in gest grove,
Lane End, H igh W ycom be
Jaques Leonard, Horsendon house, Princes Risborough
Jenney M aj. S tew art W illiam V .D . Drayton lodge,
Tring, Herts
Jordan Thom as, Newton L o n gville, B letch ley
Kenney-H erbert E dw ard M axw ell, 6 Wood field road,
Ealing, London Wr
Kinross John. R id in g cou rt, D atchet, W indsor
Knapp John M atthew M .A. Linford hall, W olverton
Lawrence A rthur, Heath court, M aidenhead


jL aw son T h e Hon. H arry Lawson W ebster M .A ., M .P.
O rkney cottage, Taplow, M aidenhead ; & 37 G rosvenor
square, London W
L ear H erbert Nelson, B rill house, B rill, Tham e
Lehm ann Rudolph C ham bers M .A. Fieldhead, Bourne
E nd, B ucks
Leon Sir H erbert S am i. b art. B letch ley park, B letch ley
L epp er H enry G urn ey, 18 W alton street, A ylesbury
L evi L t.-C o l. W m . John T .D . W oughton h ouse,B letchley
^ Liberty S ir A rth u r Lasenby, Th e M anor house, The
Lee, G reat Missenden
L incoln shire M arquess of K .G ., P .C ., G .C .M .G ., D .L .
Daws H ill lodge, H igh W y c o m b e ; & 53 Princes gate,
London S W
Locke Robert W illiam , B edford house, A ylesbury
L on glan d Thom as, H igh street, Olney, Bucks
L o v ett P erciva l Cosby E rn est, Stoke lodge, Stoke H am ­
mond, B letch ley
Lowndes W illiam F rederick Low ndes-F rith-, Th e B ury,
Lunnon Thom as G rantham , Jeffries, Bourne End, Bucks
M cCorm ack W illiam Jam es, D unkeld, Slough
M cCorquodale N orm an, W inslow hall, W inslow
M ackenzie W illian D alziel M .A . Faw ley cou rt, H enleyon-Thames
M ackenzie W illiam R oderick D alziel, Sunnyclose, F aw ley,
H enley-on-Tham es
M ajor R ich ard H am m ond, Th e F irs, L an gley, Slough
Mann Joseph W illiam , O rchard house, Olney, B ucks
M athews E rn est, L ittle Shardeloes, A m ersham
M ills Joseph Truem an, Stockgrove, S oulbury, Leighton
B uzzard
M organ W m . Jam es. A sh leigh, C rom w ell gdns. M arlow
M orland Benjam in H enry, Sheepstead house, M archam ,
M orrell C h arles, Manor house, D orchester, W allin gford
M orten R ich ard H enry, The Savoy, D enham , U xbridge
I Mosley Tonm an C .B. Bangors park, Iver, U xbridge
JNash John H artopp, E astcote, Slough
Nash W illiam E llio tt, Stonewell farm , Chalfont S t.
G iles. G errard ’s Cross, B ucks
N orth Benjam in, W yclands, W est W ycom be, H igh
W ycom be
Northeote The Hon. A m yas Stafford, Th orn s B arton,
A sh lev G reen. G reat B erkham sted
O rk n ey’ E a rl of. Old T vth e house, S tew klev, Leighton
Osborn Sam uel, M aisonnette, D atchet, W indsor
Paravicin i Percy John de M .V .O . R iverside, Datchet,
W indsor
P ark C h arles Archibald
Parm oor L o rd P .C ., K .C .V .O ., K .C . (chairm an of
Q uarter Sessions), Parm oor, Ham bleden, Henley-onT h a m e s; & 29 W ilton crescent, London S W
Pent-on Col. F redk. Thom as, 43 Portland pi. London W
Phillips M ajor H erbert P ercy D avies, W h iteleaf, Monks
R isborough , Princes Risborough
Phipps Col. Ram say W eston R .A . The Stone, Ohalfont
St. G iles, G errard ’s Cross, B ucks
P ig o tt M ajor Vincent Randolphe
P igo tt Vice-A dm . W illiam H arvey, Doddershall house,
near A vlesburv
+Pcpe Col. Philip Edw d. C h urch m ead , D atch et, W indsor
Power John Danvers M .V .O . T hurloxton m anor, near
Prior Charles M atthew B .A . A dstock m anor, W inslow
Prior H enry Lauren ce, N etherfield park, S tan stead
Abbotts. H erts
P urefov R ear-A dm . Richard P u refo y M .V .O . Shalstone
m anor, Buckingham
P n rey-C u st V e r y R ev . A rth u r Perceval D .D .,F .S .A . Dean
of Y o rk . The D eanery, Y o rk
Purslow W illiam . W oodville, W olverton
R affety Charles W a lter, F airh olm e, Castle street, H igh
W ycom be
Read S tratfold, C h u rch farm . Saunderton, Princes R is ­
Reynolds Lew is W illiam , T h e P rio ry, H igh W ycom be
jR o b a rts Abraham John, T ile house, L illin gsto n e D a r­
rell, B uckingham
Robarts John, T ile ho. L illin gsto n e D ayrell,B uckin gh am
♦Rose Sir Ph ilip F red erick b art. Rayners, Penn, H igh
W vcom be
{R othschild Leopold de C .V .O . A scott house, W in g,
Leigh ton B uzzard
R othschild L ionel N athan de M .P . A scott, W in s, L e ig h ­
ton B uzzard ; & 46 P a rk street. London W
Rouse Robert C ecil esq. M isterton grange, Lu tterw orth ,
L eicestersh ire
Row lev A dm iral Charles Jn. H olm esland, B otley, H an ti
Sucker E dw ard Onslow, TJpton, Bosem ount rd . Bourne mouth