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Carpenter J. 12 & 14 Victoria road, Earnshaw Miss Annie, 79 St. Johnâs!Harvey Mrs. Harriet, 13 London pi.
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Carr Miss Edith, 2 St. John st.Oxford Eborn Frnk. 21 Beaumont st. Oxford jHarvey J. 44 & 45 High st. Oxford
Carr Edward, 13 Turl street, Oxford Edens G. 44 New Inn Hall st. Oxford Harvey Mrs Leah, 17 Isis street, St.
Carter E. W. 162 Walton st. Oxford Files Charles, 129 Walton st. Oxford Aldateâs, Oxford
Carter Frederick, 43 Wellington sq. Ellis Jas. 29 New Inn Hall st. Oxford Harvey Mrs. Louie, 4 Queen street,
St-. Gilesâ, Oxford
Enever Mrs. Maud. 6 Paradise sq. Henley-on-Thames
â¢Carter George, 33 Kingston road, St. St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Hawkins Mrs. S. 6 Broad st. Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Etheridge F. 1 Mansfield rd. Oxford Haynes Hy. 96 Warwick sb. Oxford
Carter Henry William, 6 Walton cres Evanson E. 89 St. Aldateâs st. Oxford Hayaid Miss Henrietta, 45 WellingÂ
cent, St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Eyles Hy. 91 St. Aldateâs st. Oxford ton square, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Carter Miss Sarah Ann, 11 Beaumont Farrant Miss Grace, 9 Manor place, Hedges Mrs. Agnes, 16 Richmond rd
street, Oxford
Holywell, Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Castle Miss Edith, 14 Winchester rd. Farrant Henry, 6 Temple street,Cow Hedges F. T. 191 Iffley rd. Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
ley St. John, Oxford
Hedges-Cooper T. 51 High st». Oxford
Chamberlain Albert Charles, 5 Long Farrow Walter, 39 Kingston road, Hemmins F. 61 St. John st. Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Wall street, Oxford
Herbert N. S. 52 High st. Oxford
Chamberlain Fras.E.58 High st.Oxfrd Faulkner Mrs. Emily Frances, 12 & Heritage Miss E. 47 Iffley rd. Oxford
Chamberlain H. G. 59 High st.Oxford 13 Oriel street, Oxford
Hewer Albert John, 60 High st.Oxfrd
Chandler George, 3 Castle terrace, Faulks Miss Emily Maria, 25 St. Higgins Miss E. 3 Museum rd.Oxford
Paradise street, St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Gilesâ street, Oxford
Higginson Mrs. Arthur E. 11 HolyChapman P. W. 12 Museum rd.Oxfrd Fell Miss Amelia. 39 Wellington sq. well street, Oxford
Chapman Tlios. Ernest, 4 Regent St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Higgs C. J. 5 King Edward st.Oxford
street. Cowley St. John, Oxford Fitch Frederick, 416 Walton crescent, Higgs Richard Smith, Belmont,
â Charles Miss A. 168 Walton st.Oxford St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Longworth road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Chauncy Mrs. Amy, Rochester ho. Flanagan Mrs. Ellen, 43 Castle st. & Hill Mrs. C. 19 St. John st. Oxford
Pembroke st. St. Aldateâs, Oxford
25 Pembroke st.St. Aldateâs,Oxford Hill Frank J. 18 Merton street, Oxfrd
Chaundy C. 12 King Edward st.Oxfrd Flight Mrs.Mary, 129a,High st.Oxford Hill Miss M. A. 38 St.John st. Oxford
Checkley George, 36 Wellington sq. Flower Mrs. E. 14 Beaumont st.Oxfrd Hine E. 11 Long Wall street, Oxford
St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Ford Mrs.Rose, 147 Walton st.Oxford Hinton Mrs. Martha, 9 Holywell st.
Clarke Arthur, 7 Oriel st. Oxford
Franklin Henry Thomas, Heather lo Oxford
Clarke Miss E.M.141 Walton sb.Oxfrd Milton-under-Wvchwood, Oxford Hobbs Edward George, 40 Wellington
Clarke Edwin, 136 Walton st. Oxford Fraser Andrew, 46 High st. Oxford
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Clarke Miss Mary, 4 Longworth road, Freeman Jspli 64 Holywell st.Oxford Hobbs Mrs. Elizabeth, 12 Southmoor
St. Gilesâ,Oxford
French Percy J. 149 Walton st.Oxfrd road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Clayton A. 42 New Inn Hall st.Oxford Fruin Miss Ethel Jane, 52 Walton Hodge Wm. E. 73 Iffley rd. Oxford
Clayton R. E. W. 24 & 25 Corn- crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Hodgkins Cornelius, 10 Walton cresÂ
market street, Oxford
Garlick Mrs. Esther, 2 Alfred street, cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Clements Miss A. M. 37 High street, High street, Oxford
Holliday George, 41 Richmond road,
Garrard Charles Frederick, 18 South St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Clifford Harry, 155 Iffley rd. Oxford moor road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hollis Alphonso, 22 Worcester place,
Coggins Harry, 45 Pembroke street, Gibbens Mrs. Florence, 38 Wellington St. Thomasâ, Oxford
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Hollis Arthur W. 26 Richmond road,
Collier Mrs. Elena, 56 Marston st. Gibbons Mrs. Emily, 140 Kingston St Thomasâ, Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Cowley St. John. Oxford
Holroyd (Miss Margaret) & Strang
Collins Mrs. A. 48 St. John st. Oxfrd Gibbs Mrs. Sarah Jane, 19 Marlboroâ (Miss Alice),7KingEdward st.Oxfrd
Collins Miss Elizabeth Ann, 28 Rich place, Banbury
Holt Frederick, n Ship street,Oxford
mond road, St. Thomasâ, Oxford Giles Edward J. 19 Holywell st.Oxfrd Horn Charles, 8 Long Wall st. Oxford
Collins T. S. 8 King Edward st.Oxfrd Gilks T. P. 53 St. Gilesâ st. Oxford Horn Wm. Hy. 5 St. John st.Oxford
Compton Mrs.Susan,25 & 27 Museum Godfrey George Henry', 30 Walt-on Horobin John, 32 Walton crescent,
crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
road, Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Cook Mrs.Bessie, 62 Holywell st.Oxfrd Goodehild William, 56 Aston street, Horobin Mrs. Mary, 48 Wellington
Cook Mrs. ¡E. 130 Walton st.Oxford Cowley St. John, Oxford
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Cook George William, 65 Southmoor Green A. 5 Manor rd. Holywell,Oxfrd Horser Mrs.E. 63 St. John st.Oxford
Green Mrs. .Alice, 2 St. Michaelâs Hoskins Charles, 20 St. Markâs rd.
road, St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Cooper Mrs. Annie, 13 St. Markâs rd. street, Oxford
Green Arthur, 19 Walton st. Oxford Howkins Mrs. M. 6 Abbey rd. Oxford
Cork Miss E. 8 Walton st. Oxford Greenaway Mrs. Ellen, 41 Wellington Howse Miss Annie, 4 Walton Well rd.
Costar Miss Mary, 76 Kingston road, square, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
St. Giles', Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gregory Mrs. Sarah, Stanley villa,!Euekerby W. 61 Holywell st. Oxford
Cox Miss Fanny Elizabeth, 42 South Goring, Reading
Huckings William Joseph, 17 KingÂ
Griffiths Miss A. 8 & 9 Manor road, j ston road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
moor road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Crawley Evelyn William, 29 Rich Holywell, Oxford
Hughes Mrs. Agnes Ann, 13 Walton
Grimes E. J. 24 Banbury rd. Oxford: crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
mond road, 'St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Crump Miss Emily, 61 Iffley rd.Oxfrd Gurney Frederick Smith, Barryhurst, Hughes Mrs.C. Gloucester st. Oxford
Cuddeford Miss A. 8 Grove st. Oxford Queenâs road, Thame
Hu^hes-Williams Charles Edward, 40
Cunningham W. 167 Walton st.Oxfrd Hailey W.15 King Edward st. Oxford; Hvthe Bridge st. St.Thomasâ,Oxfrd
Davey Henry Washington, 26 Regent Hale Mrs B. 49 W'alton st. Oxford Hull Miss Ellen, 14 Southmoor rd.
Hall Ezra, 12 Walton crescent, St.| St. Gilesâ, Oxford
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Davies Miss Annie H. 22 Woodstock Thomasâ, Oxford
Hull Mrs. H. C. 6 Walton Well road,
Hall Mrs. Jane. 3 Grove st. Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Giles', Oxford
Davis Miss E. H. 65 High st. Oxford Hall Joseph, 44 Southmoor road, St. Hunt Edgar Henry, 38 Hythe Bridge
Day James, 153 Iffley road, Oxford
street, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
De la Mare John C. 40 Walton cres Ham Mrs.H. E. 27 St. John st.Oxfrd Hunt William Thomas, 35 Temple %i.
Ham Joseph Ernest, 94 High st. &! Cowley St. John, Oxford
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Deverel! Miss Annie, 7 Richmond rd. 1 Grove street, Oxford
Hunter Mrs. Clara Kate, 20 London
Hamilton Mrs. Arthur Robert, 9 St.j place, St. Clementâs, Oxford
St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Diddams Albert, 3 Church walk, St. John street, Oxford
Hutchingson Mrs. Julia, 37 Hythe
Giles', Oxford
Hancock Mrs. Mary Ann, 2r Kingston; Bridge street, St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Dines Mi's. E. J. 4 Beaumont st.Oxfrd road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Ing James Mark, 47 Wellington sq.
Dixon Mrs. Louisa Mary, 11 Pem Hancox C. E. 40 Beaumont st.OxfordI St. Gilesâ, Oxford
broke street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford Hanley Mrs. Frances Elaine, 4 Pern-j Ingram James Robert, 21 Pembroke
Dodson Thomas R. 13 Adelaide street, broke street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Harding Thomas, 37 Walton orescent,! Isaacs Wm.A. 32 Beaumont st.Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Drake William, 15 Worcester place, St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Ives Mrs. J. S. 13 Ship st. Oxford
Harris Mrs. F. 48 Paradise square,â Jarvis Mrs. Martha, 20 Walton cresÂ
St. Thomasâ,Oxford
Draper Mrs.Eliza,9 Newland pl.Banbry St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Duke Mrs. Elizabeth Harriet, 31 Wel Harris Mrs. Jessie, 12 Observatory st. Jeeves Mrs. E. 23 Walton st. Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
lington square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Jeffery Edgar, 22 Western rd. GrandDuke John, 10 King Edward st.Oxfrd Harris Richard, 8 Richmond road, St., pont, Oxford
Earl Albt. J. 14 & 15 Oriel st. Oxford Thomasâ,Oxford
Jeffs Mrs. Frank W.6 Oriel st.Oxford
Hartley Mrs. M. 15 Walton st.Oxford|Jenkins Mrs. L. 54 Holywell st.Oxfrd