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d ir e c t o r y
A Y L E S B 'J R Y .
Nestlé & A nglo-Sw iss Condensed M ilk Co. (C arl D. Pollard Charles, supt. & chief clerk County Police staÂ
Page, m anager). Telegram s, â M ilkm aid, A yle sb u ry; â
tion, M arket sq u a re; res. S t. M aryâs villa, G ran ville st
Telephone 45
Poole W illiam Francis, beer retailer, 78 W alton street
N ew m an & H arp e r (established 1797), sculptors, Pope H enry, beer retailer, 114 H igh street
m onum ental & general masons, 53 B uckingham street' P o tte r F. W . window cleaner, 21 W alton road
Newman Ralph Ernest, fru iterer, 10 T em ple street
Purssell Charles A Son, coal m erchants, 33 New street
Newton Charles Jam es, boot m aker, 14 M ount street
Putm an Jam es, tarpaulin m aker, 79 B icester road
Nippin H arry Lew is,m onu m ental m ason ,18 K in gsb ury sq Read Joseph, beer retailer, 6 7 B icester road
North & R and all (proprietors, Robert J. Randall & R ead e r & Son, auctioneers, valuers, appraisers, su rÂ
W illiam 0 . M orris), m in era l w a t e r m a n u f a c Â
veyors, house, lan d A estate agents A fire & life inÂ
tu rers, e s t a b lis h e d 1 8 5 1 ; w o rk s , H igh s t r e e t ,
surance agents Ac. Ac. 20 & 22 Tem ple street. T eleÂ
A ylesbury & M a rk et p la c e , B ice ste r
phone No. 20
Nugent A . J. G reyhound hotel, M arket square
Reader G eorge, auctioneer &c. (see Reader A Son), A
Nunn George N. tobacconist, 13 C am bridge street
sheriffâs officer for the county of Bucks
Nunn M argaret E lizabeth (M iss), m usic teacher, 115 R eader John, auctioneer &c. (see Reader & Son), & surÂ
Cam bridge street
veyor to the A ylesb ury Perm anent Benefit Building
Odam George M axwell, county land agent, Countv hall
Society, 20 & 22 T em p le street
Oddfellows Independent O rder of, Vale of A ylesbury Redhead Claude E dw ard A llen , solicitor, & clerk to
Lodge (H. C . Sm ith, sec.), V icto ria club
Governors of A ylesb ury G ram m ar School & deputy
Oldfield Florence (M rs.), dress m aker, 12 Britannia st
registrar of the archdeaconry cou rt of B uckin gham ,
Oliver A rth u r W. New Zealand P.H . 175 B uckingham rd
7 Tem ple square
Oliver W illiam Henry, cycle dealer, 70 H igh street
Rice E . M. (M iss), costum ier, 24 H igh B ridge walk
Olliffe J. (M rs.) A Son,chim ney sweeps, 99 C am bridge st Richards R . P. & Co. tim b er m erchants, E xchan ge st
Orchard Brothers, m otor engineers, cycle & m otor cycle Richings Frank, confectioner, 31 H igh street
agents & dealers ; Dunlop tyres stocked ; garages &c. R ickard H. & Sons, b uilders, M ill street
112 & 120 H igh street. Telegram s, â O rc h a rd ;" T ele Rickard M artha (M rs.), greengrocer, 29 Buckingham st
phone 64Aylesbury. S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 2 3 Rickard W illiam , beer retailer, 4 C am bridge street
Ormerod A . additional inspector of w eigh ts â & m easures, Rickards Jane (M rs.), apartm ents, 18 B icester road
County hall
Riddiford Horace Thom as, tailor, 77 Cam bridge street
Osborne Henry, tailor, 14 S ilv er street
R idgley Thom as W illiam , m anager of the London County
Osborne Thom as M .A. head m aster of G ram m ar school,
& W estm inster Bank L im ited , M arket square
Walton road
Roberts Francis, farm er, 33 T rin g road
Osterfield A delaide A lice (M rs.), dress m aker, 16 E x  Roberts S. district nurse, 79a, B uckingham street
change street
Roberts W illiam , furnitu re dealer, 59 H igh street
Owen G eorge, insurance agent, 188 H igh street
Roberts W in. trav ellin g draper, see Howard & Roberts
Page David, Bear P.H. 43 W alton street
Robinson Alexander, station m aster (G. W . & M et.),
Page Edward, baker, 27 Buckingham street
G reat W estern street
Palmer Ann (M rs.), shopkeeper, 165 B uckingham road
Robinson Jam es, steam laundry, N orthern road. See
Palmer Edwin Thom as, chem ist & Avine & spirit m erÂ
a d v e r t is e m e n t p a g e 2 2
chant & proprietor of P alm erâ9 universal cough elixir, R-obinson Vincent, fu rn itu re dealer, 4 S ilver street
19 M arket square. Telephone 21
Roger« W m . C harles, travellin g draper, 23 E astern stPalmer Florence M atilda (M iss), dress ma. 16 T rin g rd Roodnight Thom as, H arrow inn, 3 B uckin gh am street
Palmer Jane /'Mrs.), shopkeeper, 102 C am bridge street Rose & Son, bakers, 1 W est street
Paradine E m anuel, p lum ber Ac. 22 C am bridge street
Rose Horace M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon,
Paradine W illiam , apartm ents. 94 H igh street
Paragreen Edward, leather seller, 7 W alton street
Royal B uckingham shire Hospital (The) (L auriston E lgio
Parrott J. & T . solicitors & clerks to H ardingâs, Hick
Shaw M .D .Lond., F .R .C .P .L o n d . consulting p h yÂ
manâs & Bedfordâs charity trustees, 14 & 16 Bourbon st
sician ; Jam es B erry M .B ., B .S ., F .R .C .S . con sultin g
Parrott A W est, physicians & surgeons. C h urch street
surgeon ; John Charles Baker B .A ., M .B .L on d.,
Parrott Francis Hayward (firm , P arrott J. & T .), solicitor
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L R .C .P .L o n d . Horace Rose M .R .C .S..
& commissioner for oaths, under sheriff for th e C ounty
E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . W aldem ar Shipley W est M .A...
of Buckingham , clerk to the m agistrates for the Three
M I). Thom as Perrin M .D .Lond. & W. .T. A shby M.D ,.
Hundreds of A ylesbury, clerk to G uardians & assessÂ
B .Ch. surgeons in o rd in ary; A rth u r T u rn er L .D .S .
ment com m ittee of A ylesb ury union, to A ylesbury
R .C .S ., F .C .S .L o n d . dental s u rg eo n ; M iss V augh an ,
Rural D istrict Council, clerk to Boards of Visitors
m atro n ; Thom as F ield, o p tician ; D. C . D avies, tr e a Â
A ylesbury C onvict Prison A superintendent registrar
su re r ; Rev. V ictor L . W hit-echurch L .T h . chaplain :
of A ylesbury d istrict, sec. to A ylesbury Gas Com pany,
Stanley W ilkins, sec. ; M iss Am os, dispenser)
clerk to the Com m issioners of T axes & county retu rn  Royal & C en tral B ucks A g ricu ltu ra l Association (G. H.
ing officer. Bourbon street
M anning, sec.), 12 Tem ple square
Parrott John, coach builder, 5 B icester road
Rumens RobeTt, insurance agent, 83 Stoke road
Parrott Thom as G odfrey M .D .D urh.. L .R .C .P .L o n d .. Ruse Charles Basset, Coach & Horses P.H . 41 M arket sq
M .R .C .S.E ng. (firm , Parrott & W est), surgeon, m ed i Rutland F ran k, b utcher, 78 H igh street
cal officer of health A ylesbury, m edical ofln er A St. M aryâs C hurch House (Alice B aldw in, caretaker),
public vaccinator No. 3 district A workhouse. AvlesSt. M aryâs square
bury union, 1 C hurch street
Sale B rothers, grocers, 25 B uckingham street
Parslow E lizh. E. M. (M rs.), m usic teacher, 138 H igh st Sale Henry, wholesale p icture fram e m an u facturer A
Parsons Sarah E lizh.(M rs.),w ardrobe dlr.38Cam bridge st
dealer in artistsâ m aterials. 21 B uckingham street
Partridge Robert, m iller, see Hills A Partridge
Sam m s E lizabeth Anne (M rs.). dress m a. E xchange st
Partridge W illiam , travellin g draper. 1 Riokford's hill
Sam uels Frederick L td . general p rin ters,46 K in g sb u ry st
Pass Frederick, coach builder, 25 H igh street
Sandford G ladys A m y (Miss'), costum ier, 69 H igh street
Paxton David, dairym an, 33 Stoke road
Sanford Jam es, locksm ith, 26 C am bridge street
Payne S. G. A Son. photographers. 43 H igh street.
S argen t Fredk. Hv. grocer & beeT dir. 18 & 20 A lb ert st
Peacock Eliza, apartm ents, 19 G ranville street
Saunders Annie (M iss), dress m aker, 105 P ark street
Peacock Geo.W in. B ricklayersâ A rm s P.H . 19 Walt-on ter Saunders H arry, fishm onger, 73 C am bridge street
Pearks L im ited, provision dealers. 9 K in g sb u ry square
S cott Robert, grocer & tobacconist, 11 M arket square
errin Thom as M .D.. M .S.Lond. surgeon. 27 G reat S crub y Z illa M ary (M iss) M.B . B .S.L o u d ., D .P.H
Western street
assistant school m edical officer. C ounty Health office«
Perrottet Aline M artha (Miss'), dress ma. n Norfolk ter Sear W illiam , boot m aker, 137 C am bridge street
P ercy> draper, 35 Buckingham street
Seaton A lfred , dealer in horses, cartage contractor &
hilfips Geoffrey C harles, beer retailer. 109 C am bridge st
agent for the M etropolitan & G reat C en tral Railways,
m zackerley R obert, station m aster, & good« agent for
22 G reat W estern street. Telegram s, â A lfred Seaton.
the L. A N. W. R ailw ay. H igh street
A y le s b u r y ;â Telephone 73.
See a d v e r t is e m e n t
ike Am y Sarah Ann (M iss), dress m aker, 32 Eastern st
page 2 3
raper & g on? nurserym en, seedsmen & florists, trees, Seaton Thom as R ich ard. The G eorge hotel. & farm er, A
shrubs A horticu ltu ral sundriesm en. M arket street
agent for the G reat W estern Railw ay Co
ipkm P. j . b e e r retailer, 6 4 C am bridge street
Seym our A lfred, shopkeeper, 71 Park street
⢠nrna (M rs.), hardware dealer, 6 S ilver street
Sharp John A Sons, ironm ongers. 62 W alton street
pi *
^ ll0mas G eorge, insurance agent, 55 Chiltern st
Shaw Jam es M .D. A C .M .G las., D .P .H .R .F .P . A S .G las.
later Ethel (M rs.), shopkeeper. Queen street
snrgeon A certifyin g factory surgeon, 32 H ig h -street
later H arry, clothier, 33 Buckingham street
Shelton Reginald Jam es, stationer, 5 T em p le street
ested Alfred, who. & m anufg. confectnr. 51 W alton st Sheppard Joseph G eorge, beer retailer, 26 Oxford road
Shore Jam es, beer retailer, 20 Ardenham street