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C ricketers’ A rm s, Joseph Cox, 43 Iffley road, Oxford
F ox & H ounds, M rs. Hannah E lizabeth P arker, S hirburn
C ricketers’. A rm s, Chas. 0 . Swell, Warburo’, W allingford
street, W atlin gton , W allingford
Criterion, Thom as C. V iggers, 67^ High street, Banbury F riars inn, A rth u r W illiam S m ith , 28 F ria rs street, S t.
Crooked B illet, Mrs. Tracey Sarah Saunders, Stoke Bow,
E bbe’s, Oxford
H enley-on-Tham es
Furze Bush, Raym ond Lan gford, M aiden’s grove, Pish ill,
Cross Hands, Chas. F. B a rtlett, Salford,C h ip p in g Norton
H enley-on-Tham es
Cross K e ys, Septim us C. G urn ey, 1 P ark street, Tham e
G ardeners’ A rm s, E rn est Allsop, T ackley, Oxford
Cross Keys inn, Joseph H arris, 21 M arket sq. B icester
G ardeners’ A rm s, E dw ard W illett, 39 P lantation road,
Cross K eys, W alter Sm ith, South Stoke, Reading
S t. G ile s’, Oxford
Crown, Mrs. K ate A tkins, C halgrove, W allingford
G ate inn, F rederick Pinfold, Hook Norton, B an bury
Crown, Robert Browns-ill, Ohinnor, W allingford
G eorge, W m . Ralph H ovard, 4 New st. C h ip p in g Norton
Crown, H erbert B yles, B ridge street, Banburv
G eorge inn, Joseph Jordan, D orchester, W allingford
Crown, H enry G eorge Leon Dinham , 9 M arket place, G eorge, G eorge Lew ington, L ittlem ore, Oxford
Henley-on-Tham es
G eorge, M ichael Soanes, ju n . Stanton S t. John, O xford
Crown, Jam es H andscom b, Pishill, H enley-on-Tham es
G eorge & Dragon, Randolph B erry, F ritw ell, B anbury
Crown, W a lter H uckin, Church E nstone, Enstone
G eorge & Dragon, Irv in g G . E dw ards,H orsefair,B anbury
Crown, E rnest Rd. Law rence, Stadham pton, W allingford G eorge & Dragon, John F ran klin , C h arlton , Oxford
Crown, Henry W . Lew ington, C h arlton , Oxford
G eorge & D ragon ,J.H ugh es,E a.Sh u tford.Sh u tford.B an bry
Crown inn, G eo.E dgar Mace, Nuffield, H enley-on-Tham s G eorge & Dragon, R. Rogers, Long H andborough.W dstck
Crown, G eorge Osborne, H igh street, Woodstock
G eorge & Dragon, E dm un d Shelton, Bam pton
Crown, John P argeter, B arford St. John, Oxford
G loucester A rm s, A lfred Q u a rterm an , 21 F ria r’s en try &
Crown inn,M rs.M artha Parsons, 99 W arw ick rd.B an b ury
3 G lo u cester place, O xford
Crown, W illiam Harper Pitson, Toot Baldon, Oxford
Golden B all, A rth u r F. B am pton, Littlem ore, Oxford
Crown (The), B ertram B. S m ith ,G rea t H aseley.W allingfd Golden B all, G eorge A lfred W ild er, Low er Assenden,
Crown, Thom as Trebble Tappin, Finstock, C harlbury
B ix. Henley
Crown inn, John Taylor, 59a, C orn m arket st. Oxford
Golden Balls, C harles W . S iret, Standlake, W itn ey
Crown, Philip T im m s, A sthall L eig h , W itney
G randpont A rm s, M ansell Jam es G ille tt, 1 E d ith road,
Crown, W illiam Tom bs, W heatley
G randpont, Oxford
Crown, A lb ert H enry W ells, Dunsden, R eading
G rapes, R obert Boulton, 7 G eorge street, Oxford
Crown inn. M iss Rachael E m ily W hichelo, Dorchester, G rapes, W illiam J. Sw adling, Y arn to n , Oxford
W allingford
G reen Dragon, John Caines, 10 St. A ld a te ’s st. Oxford
Crown, A . C . W illis, Langford, Lechlade (G lo’stersh)
Green Man, Charles A rcher, M ollington, B anbury
Crown & Thistle, W m . Lee, Headington quarry, Oxford G reen Tree, John W heeler, Shepherd’s green, Rotherfield
Crown & T h istle, E dw ard Moss, 10 M arket st. Oxford
G reys, H enley-on-Tham es
Crown & Tuns, Jas. Tom pkins, New st. Deddington.Oxfd G reyhound, W illiam C larke, Woodcote, R eading
Dashwood A rm s, W est C oates, K irtlin gto n , Oxford
G reyhound, Thom as Ivingham , E w elm e, W allin gford
Dog inn, F rederick Thom as B eckett, K idlin gto n , Oxford G reyhound, Mrs. M ary E lizabeth W illis, 10 W orcester
Dog inn, John Brenton, Rotherfield Peppard, Henlevstreet & G loucester green, Oxford
on-Tham es
G riffin, Mrs. M artha Basson, N ew land, W itn ey
Dog & D uck, E dw ard W illiam H all T aylor, H ighm oor, G riffin inn, Thom as W ood, Sw erford. Enstone
H enley-on-Tham es
H alf Moon. W m . H. Boyles, 17 S t. C lem en t’s st. Oxford
Dog & G un, John H enry Thom as, North Bar st. B anbury Half Moon, B enjam in Jacobs, C uxh am , W allingford
Dog & Partridge, Alfd. Badby, A dderbury W est, Banbury Hand & Shears, W alter G iles, C hurch H andborough,
Dolphin & A nchor. M rs. M ary Ann Foster, 43 St.
W oodstock
A ld a te’s street, Oxford
H arcourt A rm s, M rs. Sarah Ann A k ers, Stanton H ar­
Donnington A rm s, W illiam Cum m ings, 149 Howard st.
cou rt, E ynsham
C owley S t. John, Oxford
H arcourt A rm s, W . H. F ield, N uneham C ourten ay,O xfrd
D ruid’s Head. Edward H eritage, 35 G eorge st. Oxford
H arcourt Arm s, G eorge Jam es, N orth L eig h , W itney
Duke cf C um berland, W illiam E dw ard G eorge, 22 Bell Hare & H ounds, C harles Edward Jackson, M arket place,
street, Henley-on-Tham es
W atlington, W allin gford
Duke of C um berland, Jn. Thos. W ebb, Clifton, Oxford
Hare & Hounds, F redk. K em pster, W ardington. B an bury
Duke of E d in b u rgh , Isaac Charles W ya tt, 76 St. Hare & H ounds, John S m ith , Sonning Com m on, Reading
C lem ent’s street, Oxford
H arriers, Robert G eorge W h ite, 15 W est end. W itnev
Duke of W ellington, J. Tooley, 20 W arw ick rd. Banbury Harrow, Owen James Regan, N eat Enstone, Enstone
Dun Cow, G eorge Butler, Northm oor, Oxford
H atchgate, Thom as K err, W h itchurch, Reading
Dun Cow, E li Turner, Steeple Aston, Oxford
H awk & P artridge, H arry R ivers. Bloxham , BanbuTy
E agle, John H enry Horne, 22 Corn street. W itn ey
H olly B ush, W illiam Piesley, W est st. O sney, Oxford
Elephant & Castle, H arry Sim m ons, near L. & N. W. H olly Bush, A lfred W illiam W alker, 35 C orn st. W itney
railw ay, G rim sb u ry , Banbury
H opcroft’s Holt, Thom as Cole, Steeple Aston, Oxford
Elephant & C astle,H v. Robt. T hurlow , B loxh am ,B an bury Hope & Anchor. H enry B adcock, 3 G eorge st. Oxford
Elephant & C astle. A lb ert Townsend, Bam pton
Horse & Groom , W m . G rubb, Black B ourton, Clanfield
Elm T ree, F rederick W m . Sabin, 21 W est end. W itney
Horse & G room , Thom as H icks, M ilcom be, B anbury
Elm Tree, W alter W illiam W ixen , 95 C ow ley rd. Oxford Horse & Groom , Edwin Johnson, C aulcott, Low er HeyE xeter H all, R. Lee,Cow ley m arsh,Tem pi.Cow ley,O xford
ford, B anbury
Falcon R ailw ay, H enry Taylor, Park street, Tham e
Horse & Jockey, B ernard John B usbv, 69 W oodstock rd.
Falkland A rm s, H arry C lack, G reat Tew, Enstone
St. G ile s’, Oxford
Feathers (The), John H enry Lane, Postcom be, Tetsw orth Horse & Jockey,M rs. Lillian Saul, 10 W est B ar st.Bawbry
F igh tin g Cocks. A lfred H owlett, 1 H igh street, Tham e
H orse Shoe. P ercy H ughes, B rid g e street, Bam pton
Five A lls, Jn. Hy. Lyons, Filkins, Lechlad e (G lo’stersh )
Jericho House, H ugh B lay. 56 & 57 W alton st. O xford
Five Bells, E rn est T aylor,B roadw ell,Lech lade (G lo’strsh) Jersey A rm s, Fredk.W m .T odd, M iddleton S toney,B icester
Five Horseshoes, Robert Packer. Maidens grove, Bix, Joiners' A rm s, R ichard H aw tin. B loxham , B an bury
H enley-on-Tham es
Jolly Farm ers, G . M orley, 20 Paradise s t.S t.E b b e ’s,O xfrd
F leu r de L is, M rs. Sarah D ean, Broad street. B anbury
Jolly Sportsm an, G eorge Hanks, Lom bard st. Eynsham
Fleur de L ys, Vincent J11. Howse. Dorchester. W allingford Jolly W aterm an,W .C ordery, Reading rd.H enley-on-Thm s
Flowing Spring, W illiam W heeler, Dunsden, Reading
J olly W eavers, E dw ard N eal, 22 South B ar st. B anb ury
F ly in g Horse, W a lter Mann. 44 Parsons st. B anbury
K illin gw orth Castle, Mrs. A m elia H iggins, W ootton,
Four Horse Shoes, Sydney V arley, Checkendon, Reading
W oodstock
Fox inn, Thom as E . B erridge, K in d’s E n d, B icester
K in g C harles’ Head (W illiam H ope, m anager), G o rin a
Fox, W m .Bilson B lackall,C ane end,K idm ore end.Reading
H eath. Reading
Fox inn, Percival G ooding, W estcote B arton, Oxford
K in g of Prussia, Thos. Hy. Jam es, Rose h i. Iffley, O xfrd
Fox, John B. H arrison, Stanton H arcou rt, Eynsham
K in g & Queen, Charles H eath, W heatley
Fox, Thom as Holloway. Leafield, W itn ev
K in g's Arm s. Em m anuel A llen, N ethercot,Tackley, Oxford
Fox, Thomas W illiam ‘ Hooney, B ix , H enley-on-Tham es
K in g ’s A rm s, F rederick Bowerman, G osford, Oxford
Fox, Eli but H ulett, Junip er h ill, C ottisfo rd, B racklev
K in g ’s A rm s. Robert B urfield, Tetsw orth
Fox, John Jacques, 2 M arket place, Chipping Norton
K in g ’s Arm s, H. Davis. H orse fair, Deddington, Oxford
F a x i n n , Sam uel Jam es, 1 M arket place, Banbury
K in g ’s A rm s, E rn est D u ddin g. M arket st. W oodstock
Fox, H enry J. M aule, Tiddington, W heatley
K in g ’s A rm s, Thom as H aynes, 106 H igh street, W itn ey
Fox, Mrs. Ann M iles, Souldern, Banbury
K in g ’s A rm s, M rs. E lizabeth Ann H ew lett, 32 M arket
Fox & Grapes, W illiam Steele, Islip, Oxford
place, H enlev-on-Tham es
Fox & H ounds. E rn est Coles, A rdley, Bicester
K in g's A rm s, A lfred W illiam Hiorns, Horton, Oxford
Fox & Hounds, Dennis Edgew orth, The Common, C h ip­ K m g ’s Arm s. Edwin Hudson, Bladon, W oodstock
ping Norton
K in g's A rm s, W m . L u n n un , 18 W est st.C h ip p in g Norton