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Brown Jane (M rs.), shopkeeper, 30 F riars st. S t. E bb eâs
Brown John Percy, gilder, Chequers yard, 131a, H igh st
Brown P ercy John, beer reta iler, 39 S t. C lem ent's street
Brown Robert, tailor, 9 Pem broke street, S t. Clem ent's
Brown W alter Thom as, university lo dgin g house, 97
Southmoor road, S t. G ile sâ
BrownW m .H retailer,3 6G reat Clarendon st.Jericho
Browning Charles J. aparts. 84 Southm oor rd. St. G ilesâ
Browning E m ily (M rs.), apartm ents, 183 C owley road
Browning S. (M rs.), apartm ents, 142 W alton street
Brownjohn E rn est Henry, boot m aker, 41 Plantation rd.
St. G ilesâ A 27 S t. G ilesâ street
Bruce John Hy. plum ber, 34 G rove st. Sum m ertow n
Bruce W alter, tailor, 29 Leopold st. C ow ley S t. John
Brucker Brothers, builders, 78 St. Johnâ s rd. St. G iles'
Bryan G eorge A Co. p rin ters, 18 C ornm arket street
Bryan C yril F rancis, plum ber, 35 St. M ary's road,
Cowley S t. John
Buck James, sign w riter, 22 Abbey Toad
B u c k e l l & B a l l a r d , auctioneers, surveyors, valuers
A house A estate agents, 8 C orn m arket street. T eleÂ
phone 122. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 3 6
Buckell F rederick John F .A .I. sheriff's officer for O xÂ
fordshire, 8 C ornm arket street A County hall, New rd
Buckett F. A Son, b uilders, 8a, Wood street, St. Ebbe's
Buckingham E li, um brella m anu facturer, 114 H igh st
Buckingham Frances (M rs.), p oulterer, see Moreton,
Allen A Buckingham
Buckingham M artha(M rs-),ap arts.2 K in gston rd .S t.G ile s â
Buckingham W m. aparts. 22 W alton cres. St. Thom asâ
Buckler John, fishmonger, 168 Cowley road
Buckler Sam uel, fishm onger, 57 G eorge street
Bulbeck W alter, beer retailer, 55 St. C lem en tâs street
Bull Robert Jas. boot repr. 7 Speedw ell st. St. A ld ateâs
Bullingdon C lub (R. T . Stanyforth, sec.), 2 A lfred st.
High street
Bullock Thos. univ. lodg. ho. 2 W alton W ell rd .S t.G ile s'
Buol John G eo.restau ran t,21 Cornm arket s t.A i5 Broad st
Burbank Thom as John A nthony Robinson, ch em ist, 116
Walton street A 36 South parade, Sum m ertow n
Burch E thel (M iss), blouse specialist, The Arcade, 29
& 30a, C ornm arket street
Burchell G eorge Cam bray, tailor, breeches A livery
maker, 125 W alton street
Burden Frank, draper, 112 St. A ld ateâs street
Burden Jane (M rs.), u n iversity lodgin g h o .14 W alton st
Burden R . slater, 67 Charles street, Cowley St. John
Burgess Arnold R ich ard ,blacksm ith ,26 Jericho st.Jericho
Burgess E llen (M rs.), aparts. 8 D ivin ity rd. C ow ley rd
Burley Henry, u n iversity lo dgin g house, 83 Iffley road
Burrows Henry, boarding house, n W alton W ell road,
St. G ilesâ
Busby Bernard Jn. Horse A Jockey P .H .69 W oodstock rd
Bustin Fdk. G. T.boot ma.86 M agdalen rd.Cow leySt.John
Butler Brothers, ironm ongers, 169 C ow ley road
Butler A lfred, boot m aker, 167 Cowley road
Butler A lfred, corn dealer, 153 A 155 Cowley ro a d ; 5
Castle street A 5 S t. E bbeâs street A corn m erchant,
239a, Banbury road, Sum m ertown
Butler Ernest, university lo dgin g house, 75 Iffley road
Butler Henry, university lodging house, 7 L o n g W all st
Butler Russell, b utcher, 163 Cowley road A 25 L ittle
Clarendon street, St. G ilesâ A grocer 1, A b utch er 3,
St. Ebbeâs street
Butler Thomas, beer retailer, 23 Lake st. New H inksey
Butler W alter A llen, reliev in g A vaccination officer for
Oxford Incorporation A registrar of b irth s A deaths
for Oxford sub-district, 21 G lo ucester green
Butler W illiam F rederick, hair dresser, 181 C ow ley road
Butt Em ily (M rs.), shopkeeper. 24 S t. C lem entâs street
Butt John, shopkeeper, 22 H igh street, St. Thom asâ
Butt W illiam , boot m aker, 106 S t. C lem en tâs street
Butterfield A Son, butchers, 12 New road A 69 High
street, St. Thom asâ
Butterfield W alter, grocer, A post office, 86 Abingdon rd.
Button E m ily (M iss), nurse, 86 St. M ary's road, Cowley
6t. John
RU-'r^ 'fre(L clothes cleaner, 24 Southm oor rd. S t. G ilesâ
\ard Thomas, fishm onger 171, A grocer 173, Cowley rd
aaena Cafes L td . tea m erchants,45 A 46 C ornm arket st
man E dm und, Plum e of F eath ers P.H . O bservatory
street, St. G ilesâ
adman Richard, u niversity lodgin g house, 50 H igh st
J°hn, Green Dragon P.H . 10 S t. A ld ateâs street
mpray Francis, antique furnitu re dealr 44 Broad st
university lodging house, 10 H olyw ell st
anal Wharf (W illiam Robert W ard, w harfinger),N ew rd
t H arry W illiam , Coach A Horses P.H . 62 St.
Glement's street
antell W illiam H arrv, builder, 48 Bullingdon road.
c °-wley St. John
C an tw ell E m m a M ary (M rs.), dress m aker, 63 C ra n Â
ham street, Jericho
Capaldi Antonio, com m on lo dgin g house (reg istered),
67 A 68 H igh street, S t. Thom as
Cape F . A Co. wholesale A reta il drapers, m illin ers,
clothiers Ac. 9, 11, 12, 28, 29, 30, 31 A 32 S t.
E bbeâs s tre e t; 37 A 38 C hurch street, S t. E bb eâs ; 86,
88 A 90 C ow ley road A 71 A 72 W alton street
C apel N. A Sons, b u ild e rs; yard A workshop, 279 B an Â
b ury road, Sum m ertow n
C apel H arry, builder, 44 Portland road, Sum m ertow n
C ap ital A Counties Bank L im ited (G ilb ert E . G ay,
m an ager), 24 C orn m arket s tre e t; draw on head office,
39 Threadneedle street, London E C
C ar M art Ltd . (The), m otor car b uilders, S t.A ld a te âs st
C arew -H unt M ary (M rs.) M .D ., L .R .C .P . A S. physician
A surgeon, 51 H olywell
C arey E rn est G eorge, grocer, 69 B otley road
C arr E d ith (M iss), u n iv ersity lodgin g ho. 2 St. John st
C arr E dw ard, u n iversity lodgin g house, 13 T u rl street
C arter A rth u r, shopkeeper, 16 H olyw ell street
C arter C harles, boot m aker, 60 S t. Clem entâs street
C arter E rn est W m . un iv. lo dgin g house, 162 W alton s t
C arter F ran cis, grocer, 9 C om m ercial road, S t. E bbe's
C arter F rederick, u n iv ersity lo dgin g house, 43 W ellin g Â
ton square, St. G ilesâ
C arter G eorge, apartm ents, 33 K in gston road, St. G ilesâ
C arter G eorge F rederick Wâ illiam , m anager Sun V a u lts
P.H . 63 Corn m arket street
C arter H arry H. in sur. agt. 29 C hurch st. New H inksey
C arter H enry W illiam , u n iv ersity lo d g in g house, 6
W alton crescent, St. Thom asâ
C arter L. fishm onger, 130 H igh street
C arter M arg aret (M iss), nurse, 28 New Inn H all street
C arter Sarah Ann (M iss), ap artm en ts, n Beaum ont st
C arter W illiam Jam es, tailer, see B artlett A C arter
C artw rig h t F rederick Sam uel, beer retlr. 182 C ow ley rd
C arver W illiam Stevens F .S .A .A . c ity accountant A local
taxation officer, S t. A ld ateâs street
Casey F rank, teacher of violin , 108 Howard street,
C owley St. John
Casey F rederick , tailor, 96 Cowley road
C asey F rederick , tailor, 4 Stockm ore st. C ow ley S t. John
C asey W m . Jas. carm an, 4 Stockm ore st.C ow ley St. John
C astell A Son, tailors A robe m akers, 13 Broad street
C astle, F ield A C astle, surveyors A estate agen ts, n
K in g E dw ard street
C astle Street Pictu redrom e Co. (O xford) L td . (F ran k
Ball, m an ager), 42a, C astle street
C astle Tem perance H otel (M isses Noble A G arlick , proÂ
p rietresses), 23 P a rk E nd street, S t. T hom asâ
Castle A da (M rs.), greengrocer, 83 St. A ldateâs street
C astle E d ith (M iss), aparts. 14 W inch ester rd. St. G ilesâ
C astle Ira W illiam , sign w rite r, 14 Union st. Jericho
C astle John, builder, 24 Tham es street, S t. A ldateâ s
C astle Owen, h air drssr. 8 H ythe B ridge s t.S t. T h om asâ
C astle W illiam H enry, city estates surveyor, Town ball,
St. A ldateâs A 34 W arnborough road, S t. G ilesâ
Casw ell John C hristopher, h air dresser, 58 St. M aryâs
road, C ow ley St. John
C atsâ Hostel (The) (M rs. F. J. A ndrew s, m an ageress,)
1 L a th b u ry road
C attle Sarah A lice (M rs.), tem perance hotel, 4 A 5
B ecket street, St. Thom as'
Cavan W a lter Leonard, m an ager to the London C ity A
M idland Bank L im ited , 64 A 65 C orn m arket street
C hallenor, Son A W elch, solicitors, 14 N ew road
C hallenor Brom ley, solicitor A com m issioner for oaths,
see Challenor, Son A W elch
Challenor B rom ley, ju n . M .A. solicitor, see C h allenor,
Son A W elch
C hallenor E dw ard M archant, solicitor, 14 N ew Toad
Cham berlain A lbert Charles, u n iv ersity lo dgin g house,
5 L o n g W a ll street
C ham berlain F rancis E . univ. lo dgin g ho. 58 H igh st
C ham berlain H enry Geo. u n iversity lo dgin g ho.59H igh st
Cham berlaine Constance (M adam e), fu rrie r, 6 G eorge st
C ham bers Tobias A. greengrocer, 89 Th e M arket
Chandler G eorge, ap artm en ts, 5 C astle terrace, P a raÂ
dise street, St. E bbeâs
Chandler H enry, tailor, 41 M arlborough rd. Grandpont
Chandler L ouisa (M iss), shopkeeper, 13 C harles street,
C owley S t. John
C handler Tom E dw in , beer reta iler, 24 G eorge street.
Sum m ertow n
Chapm anE rnest, insurance agent, 12 E ast street, Osney
C hapm an John, plum ber, 12 A delaide street, S t. G iles'
Chapm an Percy W alter, u n iv . lodging ho. 12 M useum rd
Chapm an Thom as E rn est, ap artm en ts, 4 R egent street,
Oowley St. John
C h arity O rganization Society (M rs. S. A llen, ag en t), 48
New Inn H all street