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Upper Tham es (B. S. F reem an , hon.
sec.), Bourne End

Aylesbury & D istrict, 3 7
road, A ylesbury


Aylesbury (J. B. Spedding, hon.sec.),
Bourbon street, A ylesbury
Newport Pagnell (John E llis C lare,
sec.), H igh street, N ew port Pagn ell

Clubs—Working Men’s.
Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Social
(W illiam G eorge U a rratt, sec.),
Bletchley road, Bletchley
Buckingham C onservative & Unionist
Limited (M ajor M usgrave R. Hall
J.P. p resid en t; H arry E. Busby,
sec.), M arket h ill, B uckingham
Burnham & In stitu te (H. Uollmann,
hon. sec. ; J. F oulk, librarian),
Burnham, M aidenhead
Central (A. L ehrle, sec.), W estern
road, Wolverton
Cholesbury & Reading Room (Edwd.
Batchelor, sec.), Cholesbury, T rin g
Hanslope (Frederick G arrett, sec.),
Hanslope, Stony S tratford
High Wycombe (H arry R. V ickers,
sec.), 4 Frogm oor gardens, High
Langley Park (G eorge G reen) (Cecil
_Marish, Slough
Newport Pagneil Social C lu b (John
Roberts, sec.), S ilver street, N ew ­
port Pagnell
Olney (Charles LoDgland, sec.), High
street, Olney
Slough & D istrict Liberal & Radical
(William Norris, sec.), 14 W illiam
street, Slough
Soulburv Village (F. Holford, sec.),
Soulbury, Leighton Buzzard
Stantonbury (Frederick D udley, sec.),
St. James’ street. New Bradweli,
Stoke Goldington (W m . Steventon,
sec. & treasurer), Stoke Goldington,
Newport Pagnell
Stony Stratford (F. H. S im kin s,sec.),
Market square, Stony Stratford
Victoria ( 1 8 8 7 ) (Julian M acfarquhar
James, hon. sec. ; Thom as Ody,
steward), K in gsb u ry, A ylesb ury
addesdon Club & Reading Room
(George A lfred Sim s, president &
treas. ; H. St. John W ildridge,
sec ), Waddesdon, A ylesbury
estbury (Jabez Robinson, sec.),
Westbury, Brackley
Mverton (W alter T hurstans, sec.),
Stratford road, W olverton


Bird Sam uel Dexter, Station w harf,
Winslow & Station w harf, Swanbourne
Bletchley k D istrict M utual Coal So­
ciety (W. B rink low, sec.), B letch ­
ley station, B letchley
Bloxham Alfd. Padbury, Buckingham
Bloxsome & Son, 17 Windsor road,
Bowden T.Tem ple end,H igh W ycom be
Brarnley A lb ert & Son, Railway yard,
Bletch ley
Bletch ley Station
Brentnall & Cleland,Station approach,
Bullock J. Shredding grn.Iver, Uxbdg
Bullock John, Railway station, Lan g­
ley M arish, Slough
Burnham N. C. Aston Clinton, Trin g
Burnham Percy, Aston C linton, Tring
Burton Em anuel, Wooburn Green
C harlotte (M rs.), Leckham See Agents— Coal k Colliery.
stead, Buckingham
C arter Sam uel, Stone, A ylesbury
Caudrey Fredk. Aylesbury st.W endovr
Abbott H arry, M entmore road, Lin s­ Child Joseph, Bourne End
lade, Leighton Buzzard
C hild Wm. Aylesbury End, Beaconsfld
Bambrook W illiam , Towersey, Thame Child W illiam , M arsh,H igh W ycombe
Benyon W. Wycombe End, Beaconsfld Clark F. & Co. Deanway, C halfont St.
Bonham F rederick, lvinghoe, Tring
G iles, G errard’s Cross
B rackley Ralph, W addesdon,Aylesbry C larke W . & Son (W. B. LeG rys,
C arey M atthw .H igh st.PrincesRisboro’
Railw ay
C arter Jn. L it. K in g sh ill, Gt.M issndn
C artw rig h t W. 4 7 W estbourne street, Cleare Richard H. & Co. Burnham ,
H igh W ycombe
D arviil A. C h u rch st. Chalvey, Slough Coales Francis & Son,Newport Pagnell
Dear A. 1 2 a, Brocas st. Eton, Windsor Colin Taylor. K in g & Co. L td .Station
Dim mock T .Stew kley,Leigh ton Buzzrd
approach, G errard’ s Cross
Dodd G .E .& Son, 10 4 a,H igh st.Slough Cum m ings
G eorge, P itch Green,
E lliott F. & C . Lu dgersh all, Tham e
Bledlow, Princes Risborough
Evans F red, Waddesdon, A ylesbury
D arville Justin , The Mount, G reat
Ford A lfred, M arsh, H igh W ycombe
Kim ble, T rin g
H arris G eorge, Three Households, Dean W illiam , H olm er grn. Am ersham
Chalfont S t. Giles, G errard’s Cross Dolby A lfred James, C h alfon t St.
Jenkins Ernest & Son, London road,
Peter, G errard’s Cross
Shenley C hurch End, B letchley
Dover Robert, Ickford, Tham e
K een E . j . Richardson st.H igh W ycm b Dunsdon Chas. Station yard, Slough
K in g E liis, Bierton, Aylesbury
E ast Tim othy L td . Church st.Princes
K irby E dw ard, M ursley, Winslow
Risborough & Haddenham, Thame
Lam bourne T . Marsh G ibbon, Bicester Ellis & E verard L td .R ailw ay stn.O lney
Essen E. & Son, Bletchley station,
L u ff M rs.A . 6 7 B uckingham st.A ylsbry
M edcraft Jas. Marsh Gibbon, Bicester Fletcher W. Lane End, H igh W ycm be
Frver M ichl. Sands, H igh W ycombe
Nappin E. W . Long Crendon, Tham e Garlev F. J. 31 H igh st.H i.W ycom be
N orth A rth . C halkshire,B utlers Cross Gas Ligh t & Coke Co. (F ran cis H.
Palm er Louis G eorge, 1 Stanley cot­
Parrott, s e c .; G eorge Lane, m g r.),
87 High street, A ylesbury
tages, Stoke road, Slough
Pearce H erbert, Lon g Crendon,Tham e Gibson Jas. The G reen, B rill, Tham e
Peddle Mrs. M. A. 38 Brook street, Gollings John, Tem ple st. Brill,Tham e
Gower & B urch, 88 C am bridge street,
H igh W ycom be
Peedle S. Prestwood, G reat Missenden
A ylesb ury
Perryman R. London end & Station G ravestock A lfd .io W est st.B ucknghm
E rnest W. W raysb ury,S tain es
approach, Beaconsfield
Hall John, 36 W olverton road, Stony
Rogers A lfred, Ivinghoe, Tring
S tra tfo rd ;
W olverton & C astle
Sharp John, M ursley, Winslow
Thorpe, Stony Stratford
S m ith Jesse & Sons, H igh st. W inslw
Tarbox Frederick, 18 Station road, Harman E rn est, W est W ycom be,
H igh W ycom be
Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
T aylor John & Son, Stoke road,Slough Hawkins John, A lb ert street & L . k
N. W . Railw ay station, Aylesbury
Viccars W m. A. G t. Horwood,Winslow
Hazell R. Denm ark st. H igh W ycombe
Webb G eorge, Steeple Claydon
W ycombe G as Ligh t & Coke Co.
W hitem an W illiam C harles, W olver­
L im ited (Harold Baker, engineer &
ton road, Newport Pagnell
s e c .) ; oilicus & works, N e w la n d ;
W h itin g Sam uel. Steeple Claydon
show rooms, 5 Crendon street,
W illingham W illiam , C astle Thorpe,
H igh W ycom be
Stony Stratford & Hanslope, Stony
W illiam , Midland road, Olney
Hodgkison Henry, Red Lion street &
W aterside, Chesham
Abraham W illiam Thom as & Son, Holland G. 11 Church st. Buckingham
Hopkins H erbert, Stokenchurch, W al­
100 Cam bridge street, A ylesbury
-Mien & W iggins, Station , Olney
Atkins Ralph. W h itch urch, A ylesbury Howard W alter A lbert, Wooburn
Common, W ooburn Green
Avery James W m . (exors. of), P itch
Green, Bledlow, Princes Risborough Jeayes, Kasner & Co. 9 & 3 1 M acken­
st. Slough & Taplow, M aidenhd
Balcom be A .& C o . Haddenham ,Tham e
Baldwin George, Chalfont St. Peter, Jennings Charles E. Loudw ater, H igh
G errard’s Cross
Baldwin W . Thornborough,B uckinghm Keen H erbert, 19 3 "Waterside,Chesham
J. R. & Son, Cheddington,
Beechey W illiam F. Post office, Stone,
T rin g

G e r r a r d ’s
Cross (& B ow ling) (J. W raysbury (George B. W atson, sec.),
Ed^ar Thom as, sec.),G erra rd ’sCross
W raysbury, Staines
Marlow (G. Barnett, ca p ta in ; B. B. Y oun g Men’s Social (A. G. K irby,
Deane, hon. s e c .; A . Davis, hon.
sec.), Zion P rim itive M ethodist
treasurer), H igh street, Marlow
C hurch, Chalvey, Slough
Stony Stratford
(O liver Baldock,
sec-), 2 Clarence rd.StonyStratford
Boswell Peter k Sons, 3 3 , 3 4 , 3 5 , 3 6
& 3 6 a, Borough road S E & 69
Lancaster street S E, Lo n don ; all
A y le s b u r y
(Wr. B ritchfield, s e c .) ;
kinds of m otor, coach, van & cart
a r o u n d , C ooper's
y a r d , B u ck in g ­
ironwork kept in stock or m ade to
ham street, A ylesb ury
o rd e r; orders for breakdown or
urgent work executed sam e day as
received. Telegram s, “ Wheelband,
A y le s b u r y M iniature (P. Fream e,hon.
London; ” Telephone No. 8 1 Hop
sec.), A y le s b u r y
W in s lo w M iniature
(D. G. S m ith ,
hon. sec.), W inslow
Healey W illiam , 33 T ickford street,
Newport Pagnell

Marlow (J. H. Jackson, c a p t .; F. B.
Harman, hon. sec. ; A. Davis, hon.
treas.), Boat house, The Bridge,