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d ir ec to r y
B U C K IN G H A M SH IllE .
Co u n ty Of f ic ia l s .
Clerk of th e C ounty Council, W illiam Crouch, County
Hall, A ylesbury
County T reasurer, C. E . Cobb, Lloyds Bank L im ited ,
A ylesb ury
County Accountant, W illiam A rth ur Chapman, County
hall, A ylesb ury
County Surveyor, Robert J. Thom as M .In st.C .E . County
hall, A ylesb ury
C ounty A nalyst, W . W. F ish er M .A ., F .I.C . 5 St.
M argaretâs road, Oxford
Education S ecretary, Charles E dw ard W atkins, County
hall, A ylesb ury
Medical Officer of H ealth & School M edical Officer,
Archibald Henry H ogarth B .A ., M .B ., B .C h ., D .P.H .
Oxon., M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . County H ealth office,
A ylesbury
A ssistant School M edical Officer, M iss Zilla M ary Scruby
M .B., B .S .L o n d ., D .P.H .C am b . County H ealth office,
Coroners, A ylesb u ry d istrict, Stan ley E dw ard W ilkins,
25 W alton st. A yle sb u ry ; Beaconsfield d istrict, A rth u r
E dm und W ebster C harsley, H igh st. B eacon sfield;
deputy, E dw ard Lionel Reynolds, 11 M ackenzie street,
S lou g h ; N ewport Pagnell d istric t, E dw ard Thom as
W orley, 69 H igh street, Stony S tra tfo rd ; deputy,
C ecil Powell M .A ., M .B ., B .C .C a m b ., M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . Calverton house, Stony S tra tfo rd ;
Winslow d istrict, F rederick Thom as V aisey M .R .C .S.
E n g., L .S .A . Norden house, W in slow ; deputy, Thos.
Looney K ennish M .D ., C .M .E d in . Th e C ottage, Horn
street, W inslow
County Land A gen t, G eorge M axwell O dam , C oun ty
h all, A ylesb ury
County R etu rn in g Officer, Francis
Bourbon street, A ylesb ury
H ayward
P a rrott,
County Inspector under â W eigh ts & Measures A c ts ,â
â F ertilizer & F eedin g S tuffs A c ts,â â Bread A ct â &
â Shops A c t,â Thom as K y le A ssoc.So c.E n g. County
hall, A ylesb ury
A dditional Inspector of W eights & M easures, A.
Orm erod, C oun ty hall, A ylesb ury
Inspector of M idw ives,
C oun ty hall, A ylesb ury
M iss
E lizabeth
M ackenzie,
V eterin ary Inspectors under the â Diseases of Anim als
A c ts,â Jam es E a st M .R .C .V .S . 49 C am bridge street,
A y le s b u ry ; H enry G urney L epp er M .R .C .V .S . &
Thom as W illiam Lepper M .R .C .V .S . 18 & 22 W alton
street, A yle sb u ry ; W illiam C. H azelton M .R .C .V .S .
4 C astle street, B u c k in g h a m ; P ercy Jam es Sim pson
F .R .C .V .S . 20 H igh street. M aidenhead; W illiam
Jam es Powell M .R .C .V .S . S t. John street, New port
P a g n ell; Thom as Powell M .R .C .V .S . Newton Longville, B le tch ley ; Joseph Blake W alker M .R .C .V .S . 41
H ig h street, S lou gh (a ctin g for S ydn ey L . Slocock
M .R .C .V .S .
H oun slo w );
C raig
F .R .C .V .S . 57 Tham es street, W in d so r; John V arn ey
ju n . M .R .C .V .S . Station road, Winslow