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B askerville Col. Jn. D .L. .J.P.C row sley Beechy Mrs. 48 South B ar st.B anbury
B erry F rederick Thom as, 254 A b in g Â
p ark, Shiplake, H enley-on-Tham es Beesley G eorge B ich ard, 25 Fairacres
don road, Oxford
BaskeTville G ., M.A. Keble coll.O xfrd
road, Iffley road, Oxford
Basson Tom , 50 Abingdon rd. Oxford Beesley M isses,31 W est Bar st.B anbry B erry Jam es, 13 W est end, W itn ey
B atchelor
L ittle
court, Beeson W alter. 1 & 2 St. Johnâs rd. B erry Mrs. 323 C owley road, Oxford
B erry M rs.K in g h am ,C h ip p in g Norton
G oring, R eading
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Bales A lfred G . C ouching street, Beeton H enry Ram ie, Crosshouse, B erry W m . Geo. 56 B otlev rd.O xford
B erth s M rs. n o W oodstock road,
W atlington, W allingford
Ham m onds, Checkendon, R eading
Sum m ertow n , O xford
Bates E rnest, 30 D ivinity rd. Cow Behan John C lifford Valentine M .A .,
erthon H enri Edouard M .A. 21 L in Â
ley road, Oxford
B .C .L . 15 Linton road, Oxford
road, Oxford
Bates Mrs. 79 S outhm oor road, St. Belcham John, Rose lane, Oxford
B ertie R ichd. F rederic N . The C o tÂ
G ile sâ. Oxford
B elcher G eorge P ercival, 31 Aston
W eston-on-the-G reen, B icestr
Bateson Jam es E dw in, Brook lodge,
street, C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
Bessant M iss, 33 W arnborough read,
N orth Stoke, W allingford
Belcher Mrs. 10 M ark e t street, C h ip Â
S t. G ilesâ, Oxford
Bateson W illiam A lfred ,78 Bullingdon
ping Norton
B est H. M ., B .A . Th e F irs, G eorge
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Belcher M rs. Th e Y ew s, B errick
street, S u m m ertow n , O xford
Bat-1ey Miss, Sherwood, Rotherfield
Salom e, W allingford
H. Robertson h on .M .A .T h e F irs,
G reys, H enley-on-Tham es
B elgrave D alrym ple Jam es. Th e C o tÂ
G eorge st. Sum m ertow n, Oxford
B att C harles Dorrington J .P ., M.B.
tage, S p rig g s alley, W allingford
Hy. D. D rayton,301 Wood14 & 16 M arket square, W itney
Bell Rev. John W illiam B ., M .A.
stock road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
B att Edward A. Wood E dge, Lower
Pyrton H ill, W allin gford
G eorg e, 35 St. John
S hiplake, Henley-on-Tham es
Bell A lexander Jam es M ontgom erie
street, Oxford
B att Misses, 20 C hurch green, W itn ey
M .A .O xon ..
F .G .S .L o n d .
South B etts W illiam , 48 Beech C roft road,
Batt Thos. G oulstone, The Dabchick,
N ew ington, B an bury
Sum m ertow n , Oxford
Low er Shiplake, Henley-on-Tham es Bell Charles F ran cis M .A ., F .S .A .
Bevan R ev. P. C ., M .A . V icarage,
Batten G. B elm ont,C hinnor,W allingfd
B eaum ont street, Oxford
W eston-on-the-G reen, B icester
Batts Charles, 39 F airacres road, Bell C hichester A. ToTbrex, H eadÂ
Bevercom be Jn. 259 C ow ley rd. O xfrd
Iffley road, Oxford
ington h ill, Oxford
E dm und A u g. L .R .C .P . 46
B atty M iss, 77 Banbury rd. O xford
Bell John B .A . Q ueenâs college,O xfrd
Broad street, O xford & Wood house,
B atty Mrs. 14 C rick road, O xford
Bell M iss, 18 Bradm ore rd. Oxford
Iffley, Oxford
Baum gartner M iss, 4 N orthfield end, Bell M iss, 251 Iffley road, O xford
B evers E dm und C ecil M .A ., M .B .,
Henley-on-Tham es
Bell Mrs. 1 M oreton road, S u m m erÂ
B .C h ., F .R .C .S .E d in . & E n g. 28
Baverstock Rev. Edward P erry, The
town, Oxford
B eaum ont street, O xford
Rectory, W hitch urch, R eading
Bell Mrs. Park street, W oodstock
M isses, 31 Leckford road, St.
Baverstock W illiam , Statio n road, Bell M rs. Charles F ., M .A . The H erÂ
ilesâ, Oxford
Chinnor, W allingford
m ita g e, Heading-ton, O xford
Baxendale Rev. G ., B .S c., B .A ., B.D. B ellairs M iss, 15 L a th bu ry Td. Oxford Bew icke M ajor, 2 N orthfield end,H enÂ
ley-on-Tham es
(W esleyan), No. 2 m anse, South Bellairs Miss, Sunnvside, W olvercote.
Bickm ore Mrs. C astle garden, Iffley,
Bar street, B anb ury
Baycock Richard W iliiam , 248 A bin g B ellam y E dw ard H. N eth erbu ry,
Bidder Rev. H enry Jardine
don road. New H inksey, Oxford
H ighfield. Oxford
St. Johnâs col. S t. G ile sâ st. Oxford
Bayfield Rev. C. A m brosden, B icester 1B ellam y Miss, 6 Parks road, St.
Baylis Mrs. 9 Farndon road, St. | G ilesâ, Oxford
Stockm ore street, Cow lev St. John,
G ilesâ, Oxford
B ellingham E dw ard Fredk. 26 MarlOxford
Bayliss W illiam J. S. Prospect house, ; borough Toad, Banbury
B igge M isses, 3 P ark town, O xford
Rose hill, Iffley, Oxford
Bellm an Rev. A rth u r F rederick M.A B igge Mrs. H enry, W oden house,
Bayliss W illiam 'M ark, 90 Southfield
Th e R ectory, N eth er K iddington
G orin g, R eading'
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Bellow Jam es, 9 T ack ley place, St. Bigger&taff M rs. 1 Leys vils. W itn ev
Baynes Robert Edward M .A. 2 N or | G ilesâ, Oxford
Biggs Rev. C harles R.' D avey D.D. 68
ham gardens, Oxford
Benbow W illiam , 155 D ivin ity road,
W oodstock road, S t. G ilesâ', Oxford
Bayzand C harles John, 45 O akthorpe
Cow ley road, Oxford
B iggs Jam es G rave, 72 St. M arkâ s
road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Bendall F ran k, 229 C ow ley rd. Oxford
Toad, H enley-on-Tham es
Bayzand Miss, 2 Longw orth road St. j B endall S am uel John, Sh ip lake rise,
Biggs M iss, Cane End grange, K idG ilesâ. Oxford
Shiplake, H enley-on-Tham es
m orc End, Reading
Bazett H onry C u th b ert B .M ., M .A. ; Bendy H arry Thom as, 44 W est bar,
B iggs M rs. 2 C h arlbu ry rd. Oxford
Magdalen college. Oxford
B anbury
Beale M iss, 355 C owley rd. Oxford Benecke P aul V icto r Mendelssohn Bilbrough W. N. T h e G range, Adderbury E ast, B an bury
Beale Seym our Hampden, 64 M iddleÂ
M .A. M agdalen college, O xford
B illin gs Rev. A lb ert John, 15 Newton
ton road, G rim sb u ry, Banbury
B enett
W illiam ,
Warroad, G randpont, Oxford
Beane H erbert W illiam , 17 Beech
borough, W allingford
Billson M iss, H ill cottage, Kidlington,
C roft road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
B en etti Rev. A lphonsus O .S.M . St.
Beattie Henry, Broad street, Banbury
P h ilip âs priory, Begbroke, Oxford B in g M rs. 23 S outh m oor road, S t.
Beaufort Mrs. Bourneville, Hi^hfield Benfield M rs. Iffley, Oxford
G ile sâ, Oxford
IB ennett G eorge A rchibald. 16 Regent Binham Alfred John, 13 W estern rd.
Beaumont M ajor E dw ard, 16 K indâ s
street, C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
end, BicesteT
Bennett G eorge W illiam , Tiddington Binney E dw ard H ., M .A. 21 Staverton
Beaumont Edward, 129 Banbury rd.
house. Tiddington, W heatley
road, St. G ilesâ, O xford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Bennett H. J. 36 H olyw ell st. Oxford
* iiey
Davidson M .A. St. Bennett Jam es, 232 Iffley rd. Oxford Binns M iss, B urdrop, Sibford Gower,
B anbury
Aldateâs street, Oxford
B ennett Joseph, 171 Ifflev rd. Oxford Binns Miss, Rheola, C h urch HandBeck John Charles M .R .H .S . Am aB ennett MaTsland A rm itage, Cleveborough, W oodstock
n 1 n, Church St. H enley-on-Tham es
m ede. G oring, Reading
B irch A ., M .B .D orchester, W allingfrd
v 1 ilnn E dgar, G lenbrook, St. Bennett M iss, 91 W alton^st. Oxford
B irch C harles, Manor cottage, W h itÂ
Ro i i - n roadâ H enley-on-Tham es
Bennett M rs. 2 B radm ore rd. Oxford
church, Reading
Becket Rev. A rth u r E dw in M .A.C hapBennettT.W eston ho.D eddington.O xfd BiTch Henry, Cotm ore, Tham e
J W d V ¿ ° ' 0 sney la - 0 sney, Oxford | Bennett Thom as. Horley, Banbury
H enry 0 ., M .A. Cheney cot- ¡Bennett Thos.J.160 W alton st. Oxford B irch Mrs. W . V a letta , Bam pton
Birch-Reynardson W m . Jn. B .A ., J.P.
tage, Highfield, Oxford
Bennett W illiam , Sunnydene, K idAdwell house, A dwell, Tetsw orth
eckley A lbert, 216 Banbury road,
m ore E n d, R eading
B ird C harles Edw ard, O akley, Maplesum m ertow n. Oxford
Benson R ev. Reginald Jam es B .A .
am , R eading
Beckley Mrs. 121 Iffley road, Oxford
Chalfont« Chinnor road, Tham e
L ^ John Sydney W ilson, 40 Benson Jam es Richard B .A . 27 C h al Bird H enry, 6 M useum road, O xford
45 W estern road, G ran d Â
eech C roft rd. Sum m ertw n.O xford
font road, S t. G ile sâ, Oxford
pont. Oxford
H arry, 54 Southm oor road.
B ird M rs. T he F irs, N ettlebed, H enÂ
S t. G ile s â, O x fo rd
B erkeley G eorge F itzH ardin ge J .P .
ley-on-Tham es
A lb ert Percy, 6 Oakthorpe I Hanwell castle, B anbury
B irt Thom as Jam es, 21 R egen t st.
road, Summprto'wn, Oxford
B errid ce John. Parsonage house,
Cow ley S t. John, Oxford
S h u tfo r d . Banburv
B irts Claude A lexander M .B ., B .S .
Keechey Mias. 17 St. M argaretâs rd
' Porridge M rs. Park house, Hanwell,
15 M arket pi. C h ip p in g N rtn
G ilesâ. Oxford
B anbury
B ish A rth u r E dw ard, 17 O akthorpe
_ w h e y Mrs. 39 M iddleton rd.B anbrv j BeTry Frank, 37 W est end, W itney
m ertow n . Oxford
â oy SI. R. 60 Botlev rd. Oxford
Bishop E d g ar W m . Fifield, Oxford