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d ir ec to r y
A skettâ Coles, â B ullâs H ead,â wed. & sat
B .Sc., J- W . S. Leonard (m an ual w ork), M iss L .
W aite B .A . (lan gu ages), Miss M. S eeley B .A . M iss E. Aston A bbottsâ Kent, â C row n ,â wed. & s a t .; H eley,
â Rose & C row n ,â wed. & sat
Tails, Miss M. D. D avies (cookery & la u n d ry w o r k ) ;
Aston C lintonâ Crook, â Crow n,â wed. & R. How, M arket
C ol.-S ergt. H ughes, d rill & gym n asiu m
square, daily
B erkham stedâ Crook, â Crow n,â wed. & sat
E lem entary Schools.
Bicesterâ Faulkner, â Red Lion,â wed. & sat
St. M ary's, O xford road, b u ilt in 1845, for 218 c h ild re n ;
Biertonâ Honour, â A n gel,â wed. & sat
Herbert S m iter A .C .P . m a s te r; Miss E . Lawcock,
Bishopstoneâ A yres, 4B ullâs Head,â wed. & sat
infantsâ m istress
Bradenham â Coles, â B u llâs Head,â wed. & sat
Avlesbury Council schools (boys, g irls & infant«), b uilt
B t HIâ Mole, â Rose & C row n ,â wed
in 1906, for 390 boys, 350 g irls & 310 in fa n ts ; John
B ucklandâ M enday, â Crow n,â wed. & sat
D. G u lliver, m asteT ; M iss E. Lodge, m is tr e s s ; Miss
Chearsleyâ Lee, â B u llâs Head,â wed. & sat
E. A. Jones, infantsâ m istress
Chesham â G eorge C atlin g, â B u llâs H ead,â sat. ; C atling,
St. Johnâ s, C am bridge street (girls & infants), built, in
â R ose & Crow n,â wed. & sat
^852 & enlarged in 1893 for 170 g irls & 248 in fan ts;
C ub lington â Jones, â Crown,â daily
Miss Florence Baldock, g irls â m is tre ss ; M iss M.
Cuddingtonâ W ebb, â R ose & C row n ,â wed. & sat
Hobley, infantsâ m istress
Dintonâ W elford, â K in g âs H ead,â wed. & sat
Holy T rin ity, W alton, b u ilt for 150 ch ild ren ; H arry D rayton B eaucham pâ M enday, 4 Crown,â wed. & sat
Clarke, m aster
Ellesboroughâ B arrett, â T he B ell,â wed. & sat
Fordâ G regory, 4Bullâs H ead,â wed. & sat
N E W SP A P E R S .
G randboroughâ Newm an, â Rose & C row n ,â wed. & sat
Bucks A d vertiser & A ylesb ury N ew s, Bourbon street, Grendonâ Roads, â Rose & C row n,â wed. & sat
; pub- H addenham â R ay, â T h e C row n ,â wed. & s a t .; & WoodBucks A d v ertiser Co. L im ited , proprietors
a d v e r tis e bridge, â K in g âs H ead,â wed. & sat
lish e rs ; p ub lished fri. for sat.
H ardwickâ H ughes, â B uckingham A rm s,â daily
m ent p a g e 2 3
ellâ H arry W rig h t, â A n g e l; â W oodford, â B u llâs
Bucks Herald, W alton street & G re a t W estern street,
H e a d ;â & W elford, 4B u llâs H ead,â wed. & sat
G. T. De Fraine & Co. L im ited , prop rietors & p u b Â
lishers ; published Saturday. S e e a d v e r t is e m e n t Hem el H em psteadâ Crook, â T h e Crown,â wed
H ulcoteâ Honour, â A n gel,â wed. & sat
page 2 2
K im b le (G rea t)â Coles, â B u llâs H ead,â wed. & sat
Kim ble (L ittle )â Coles, â B u llâs H ead,â wed. & sat
R ailw ay Stations.
Kingswoodâ W rig h t, â Th e A n gel,â wed. & sat
Great W estern, M etropolitan & G reat C entral (joint), Long Crendonâ W rig h t, â A n g el,â wed. & sat
Alexander Robinson, station m aster
Longw ickâ C oles, â Bull's H ead,â wed. & sat
London & N orth W estern, Robert P hizackerley, station Lu dgersh allâ Faulkner, â Red L ion ,â wed. & sat
M arston (N orth )â G reg o ry , â B uckingh am A rm s,â wed.
Om nibus Services.
& sat
Aston-*Clinton, daily, passing th rou gh Broughton, leaves Missendenâ Simeon Peedle, â A ngel,â wed. & s a t . ; Sladen,
â B ullâs Head,â wed. & sat
â The B ell,â Aston, 8.55 a.m . & 1.20 & 5.50 p .m .;
arrives A ylesb ury 9.35 a.m . & 2 & 6.30 p .m . Leaves Monks R isboroughâ Coles, â B u llâs H ead,â wed. & sat
Aylesbury 10.50 a.m . & 3.55 & 7-50 p .m . ; arrives O vingâ C larke, â Two B rew ers,â d a ily ; B uckin gh am ,
â B uckin gh am A rm s,â wed. & sat
Aston 11.30 a.m . & 4.30 & 8.20 p.m
Aylesbury & Stone, d a ily ; âbus leaves Stone A sylum Princes Risboroughâ Coles, â B u llâs H ead,â wed. & sat
8.30 a.m . & 5.15 p.m . ; arrives A ylesb ury 9 a.m . & Quaintonâ Bailey, â B uckin gh am A rm s,â wed. & sat
p.m . Leaves A ylesb ury n . 15 a.m . & 7.45 p.m . ;Stew kleyâ H eley, â Rose & Crow n,â wed. & sat
Stoke M andevilleâ Coles, â B ullâs H ead,â wed. & sat
arrives at Stone 11.40 a.m . & 8.10 p.m
Aylesbury & W hitch urch on m ondays & Wednesdays, Stoneâ Brooks, â Crow n,â d a ily ; W elford, â B u llâs H ead,â
wed. & sat
leaves W hitch urch 2.30;
arrives A ylesbury 3.15
p.m. Leaves A ylesb u ry 5.30 p.m . ; arrives W h it Tham eâ C oles, â B u llâs H ead,â wed. & sat
church 6.15 p.m . ; & on Saturdays leaves W h itch urch Trin gâ Crook, â C row n ,â wed
Waddesdonâ L e v i Crook, â Crow n,â wed. th urs. & s a t . ;
11.15 a.m . & returns from A ylesb ury at 3.15 p.m
G eorge Roads, â Tw o B rew ers,â daily, except t h u r s . ; &
Owen, â Two B rew ers,â wed. & sat
Great W estern Railway Co. Thom as Richard Seaton, Weedonâ W . Sim onds, 4Rose & C row n ,â daily
Wendoverâ C ordrey, â B u llâs H ead,â wed. & sat
agent, The G eorge hotel
London & N orth W estern R ailw ay Co. Robert P hizacker W estcottâ F aulkner, â Red L io n ,â wed. & sat. & Dennis,
â â Two B rew ers,â daily
ley, goods agent
Great Central, A lfd. Seaton, agent, 22 G reat W estern st W eston T u rv illeâ Goodson, â C row n ,â wed. & sat
W h itch urchâ B uckingham , â B uckin gham A rm s,â wed. &
Sutton & Co. W . A . Lu ff, agent, New street
sat. ; Rickard, â Two B rew ers,â d a ily ; C lark e, 1 Two
B rew ers,â daily
W ater Conveyance.
W inchendon (Lower)â W elford, â B u llâs H ead ,â & W ilson,
London &c. (by the Grand Junction canal), John Landon
â K in g 's H ead,â wed. & sat
& C o .; office, Canal wharf, W alton street, Aylesbury.
W inchendon (Upper)â Andrews, â Rose & Crow n,â wed. &
Telegram s, â Landon, A ylesbury â ; Telephone 9, A ylesÂ
Wingâ S yratt, â Rose & Crown,â wed. & sat
W ingraveâ Mrs. Susan Hedges â T h e A n g el,â wed. &,
CAR R IE R Sâ C A R T S, w ith th e places th ey go to, inns they
s a t . ; E llis, â B u llâs H ead,â sat
start from & days of departure.
W inslowâ A lderm an, â A n g el,â wed. & sat
Wycom beâ Coles, â B u llâ s H ead,â wed. & sat
Amershamâ Sladen, â B ullâs H ead,â wed. & sat
Adams Edm onds, 32 B uckingham st
Alcoek M rs. 9 Ripon street
Allen W illiam Hannaford, Devonia,
Tring Toad
Ashby W illiam J. 133 W alton road
Baker John Charles B .A ., M.B. C eely
house, C hurch street
Baldock M iss, 70 Bierton road
Baldwin M iss, 36 C am bridge street
Ball Henry Thos. 159 C am bridge st
Ball Miss, 21 Rickfords hill
Balls Benj. S. R. H ill vw .A b botts rd
Barkus W m , T. Forton vil. Manor Td
B artlett H arold P. 8 M andeville road
Bartlett Jam es Robert A rth u r, 29
H ighbridge walk
Bates M isses, 139 W endover road
Bates Thom as Edwin, H olm leigh,
Mandeville road
Batson Fredk. Fridham , M anor road
Beesley A lb ert Am os, C h iltern view, B uxton G eorge, 77 T rin g road
Callon H orace, 20 K in g sb u ry square
M andeville road
B ell John A lbert, 123 W endover road C anning A lexander G uerra, AsW eigh,
G reat W estern street
B ennett M iss, 63 B uckin gh am road
B ennett Sydney G . 37 W endover road Cannon F ran k Read, 9 B icester road
Cannon G eorge, 38 H igh street
B iggs M rs. 49 T rin g road
B ig g s Thom as E. Arngrove, V a le rd Cannon Mrs. 49 B uckin gh am street
B irk A rth u r E ugene, 50 Bierton road Castle E dw ard, 15 R ickfordâs hill
Chaloner Jam es, Belair, Y a le road
Bliss M iss, H ighfield, A bbotts road
C handler M iss, 23 G ran ville street
B liss M rs. 72 Bierton road
Chapm an Geo. Hy. 115 W endover rd
Blore Thom as C. 130 H igh street
Chapm an W illiam A rth u r, Diphwys,
Boughton 'Mrs. 5 Stoke road
Manor road
Bound P ercy, 20 H igh street
C hild Jam es Ernest. E sm a, Y ale road
Bradford Jam es H. 57 H igh street
B razier Charles A sh ley, 156 H igh st C hilton Charles Cornelius, Th e G rove,
W alton
Bridges M rs. 13 R ickfordâs h ill
C lark G eorge J.P . 3 Suffolk villas,
B roderick Mrs. 40 Bierton road
icester road
B roughton H. Lancaster ho. V ale rd j
B urnham Hy. W atson, 52 Bierton rd! C la rk M iss, 61 B uckingham road
B utler Rev. Jam es B .A . (Prison chap- >C liffe E rn est, 20 B ierton road
lain ), Bierton road