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Saunders A rth u r, b uilder, The Common
S cott John, baker, Th e Common
Sew ell H erbert Leonard, fancy draper, H igh street
S harp e John T . relievin g & vaccination officer to
Am ersham union, Th e Com m on
S ib ley A rth u r A . m iller (w ater & steam ), Town m ill.
S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t p a g e 21
Slade Jam es, blacksm ith, B u ry end
Sladen E d g a r H. butter & egg m erchant, C hestnuts,
A m ersham Com m on
S m ith A da B. (M issâ), confr. Post office, Th e Common
Standen W illiam , beer retailer, Th e Common
S tan d rin g W illiam John, solicitor (firm , F ran cis &
H ow), clerk to gu a rd ia n s of Am ersham union, supt.
re g is tra r & clerk to the Am ersham R u ral D istrict
C oun cil, D rakeâs & Day's A lm shouses A to the
charities. H igh street. T N 13
Stevens A lb ert, draper, Station road
Stevens Cornelius, b utcher. H igh street. T N 24
S t o n e John G. tailor. H igh street
S t r a n g e W illiam , shopkeeper, B u ry end
S tron g F rederick Jam es, beer retailer, The Common
Sum ner W . J. arch itect A surveyor, Bank b uildings,
S tatio n road. T N 12
Sw ain John, coal m erchant, Th e Common
Swannell A S ly, house A estate agents
T arbu cks M ary E llen (M rs.), greengrocer, W hielden st
Tedham P ercy, blacksm ith, The Common
Tom lin F rederick , refreshm ent rooms, The Common
Toovey C lem en t, shopkeeper A baker, W hielden street
T oovey E. (M iss), apartm ents, W hite bouse, H igh street
Toovey F rederick S. furn itu re broker, H igh street
T row er T. J. corn A seed m erch ant. T N 31
Trum an T . D. m otor garage, London road. T N 8
B artlett E . Barnhurst
B artlett M iss
B ayley Jam es, L u ck in s farm
C haplin Mrs. H ertfordshire house
Dendy Charles H eathfield, Coleshill ho
Dendy M iss E. Th e Larches
F a w c e tt The M isses, The Rosary
Forbes M rs. Rushym ead
G alpin M iss, The Old Parsonage
H elps E dm und A rth u r, C oleshill cot
Saw yer G eorge, jun
Schwann E rnest, W indm ill house
T aylor Miss, Porch house
[ k e l l y âs
T u n k s J a m e s A rth ur, accountant, collector of income
tax, clerk to governors of Dr. C hallonerâs G ram m ar
school, A insurance agent A deputy supt. reg istrar of
births A deaths, H igh street
Union of London A Sm iths Bank L td . (sub-branches)
(Jam es W illiam W ard, m an ager), H igh s t r e e t ; open
da ily, 10 a.m . to 3 p .m .; Saturday, 9.30 to 12.30;
Am ersham -on-the-H ill, tuesday A th u rsd ay 10 to 1 A
Saturday 9.30 to 12 ; draw 011 head office, 2 Princes
street, London E C
U xbridge Gas Co. L im ited , Broadway
Y en n all A M ay, jew ellers, W hielden street
Ward G eorge, ironm onger, H igh street
W aterton E dw in , farm er, Upper Bottom House farm
W eedy G ilb ert. Old K in g âs A rm s P.H . H ig h street
W elch W alter Thom as, b utcher, W hielden street
W eller W . A G. brewers A m altsters. T N 17 Am ersham
W hiteside John, baker, H igh street
W ilkin s W . A Son, coal m erchants A goods agents for
M etropolitan A G reat C en tral join t railw ays, Station
W ilkins A lethea Fanny (M rs.), coal m erchant, B ury end
W ilkins G eorge, beer retailer, Mop end
W ilkinson E dw ard John, boot A shoe dealer. H igh st
W illiam s A Co. builder, Station road
W illiam s Joseph A . plum ber, W hielden street
Wilson Ernest, hair dresser, H igh street
W ilson Thom as, farm er, W hielden street
W oodbridge Joseph, boot A shoe m aker, Th e Common
W oodley A lfred , b uilder, The Common
Woolhead C harles, shopkeeper, T he Common
W ynne Graham Shaw Arnold Sm ith M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician A surgeon, public vaccinator
A m edical officer to Penn A C oleshill districts,
Am ersham union, Broadway house
C O L E S H IL L .
W alker Rev. C ecil G eorge
M .A. (curate in charge)
Cum ner Pursey Thom as, Plough P.H . W in chÂ
m ore Hill
Pursey W m .ch air m a.W inchm ore Hill
B ayley Jam es, farm er A land owner, Pusey C harles, jobm aster
L u ckin s farm
R olfe W illiam A rth u r, Red Lion P.H
F arr G e o r g e , farm er,B ren tford grange Saw yer M ary A. (M rs.), shopkeeper,
G reaves W illiam Fow ler, M agpie P.H
W inchm ore H ill
Sawyer G eorge, ju n . chair turn er
G rim sd ell A lb ert, farm er
H atch H erbert, farm er
Sears A llen Moore, boot A shoe
Hobbs A lice (M iss), shopkeeper
m aker. Post office
Hobbs Joseph (M rs.), beer retailer, Slade Jam es, blacksm ith
W inchm ore H ill
Turn er C atherine (M rs.), draper
L o fty Sidney J. farm er
W are F rederick L . farm er, O ngar hill
M uckley H enry George, builder
A Bowers farm
Palm er Ephraim , shopkeeper
W ingrove W alter, beer retailer
A S H E N D O N is a village and parish, and is the head
of a p etty sessional division (sessions held a t B rill), 1
m ile south from the W otton stations on th e G reat
C en tral railw ay and B rill and Q uainton Road branch of
the M etropolitan and G reat C entral join t railw ay, and
4J south-w est from Q uainton Road station on the
M etropolitan and G reat C en tral jo in t railw ay, 9 west
from A ylesb u ry, and 4 east from B rill, in the Northern
division of the county, hundred of A shendon, union
and cou nty court d istrict of A ylesb u ry, ru ra l deanery
of W addesdon, archdeaconry of Buckingham and diocese
of Oxford. The church of St. M ary is an ancient b uildÂ
in g of stone in the Decorated, E arly E nglish and PerpenÂ
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave w ith clerestory,
and an arcade of three arches connecting i t w ith the south
aisle, south porch and a western tow er containing 3 bells ;
there are two piscinae ; in th e chancel,beneath a depressed
crocketed arch w ith finial, is a tomb w ith the figure of a
cross-legged w arrior in chain m ail, the hauberk reaching
to his knees and covered w ith a su rco a t; his rig h t hand
grasps his sword and his le ft the scabbard, the left arm
bearing a large heater-shaped sh ie ld ; the effigy is said
to be that of S ir John B ugden (or Bucktobt) of P ollicott;
there are also m an y m ural m on um en ts; the church
affords 120 sittin gs. The reg ister dates from the year
1670. Th e livin g is a vicarage, w ith th at of Dorton
annexed, join t n et yea rly value £180, w ith residence,
in the g ift of E arl Tem ple, and held since 1907 by the
Rev. Thom as Appleton L .T h . of H atfield H all, Durham ,
who resides a t Dorton. T he finest exam ples of saucershape fibulae known are two of th e Anglo-Saxon period,
3^ inches in diam eter and jew elled, found in this
parish and placed in the collection of th e late Lord
Braybrooke F .S .A . E arl Tem ple is lord of th e m anor
and p rin cipal landowner. Th e soil is loam and c la y ;
subsoil, clay and lim estone. Th e land is p rin cipally
used for pasture. The area is 2,128 a c re s; rateable
value, £ 2 ,6 12 ; the population in 1911 was 227.
P O L L IC O T T (U P PER and L O W E R ) form a ham let in
this parish, about half a m ile south of th e village.
L etters through Tham e arrive at 8.30 a.m . A 2.30 p.m .
W all Box cleared at 9.10 a.m . A 5.10 p .m .; sunday,
9.55 a.m .
B rill, 4 m iles distant, is th e nearest
m oney order office A W otton, about 2 m iles d istan t,
the nearest telegraph office
W all L e tter B ox. U pper P ollicott, cleared at 9.15 a.m .
A 5 .i s p .m .; sundays, 10 a.m
Elem entary School, b uilt in 1775, A reb uilt in 1894, for
60 children ; M iss Irene A . C . M iller, m istress
c o m m e r c ia l .
, G eorge Thom as John, farm er, Upper Tom pkins A rth u r R. farm er, Upper
B oughton Richd. (exors. of), farm ers,! P ollicott
E astend farm
¡Payne John, farm er, W atbridge
W atts E dw ard, blacksm ith
C u rtis A lbert Edward
(exors. of), I Roads Robert, farm er, H ill farm
Y am m er A lbt. Joseph, Red Lion P.H
farm ers, E ast farm
'¡Sm ith R obert (exors. of), Manor frm .
. Low er Pollicott
A S H L E Y G R E E N is a parish, form ed by an O rder | ham p etty sessional division and county cou rt district,
of th e C ounty Council, dated 16 M arch, 1896, confirmed i rural deanery of Am ersham , archdeaconry of B uckin gÂ
b y L ocal G overnm ent Board O rder No. 34,772, w hich ham and diocese of Oxford. The ecclesiastical parish
came into operation 1st A p ril, 1897, from th e civil was formed October 29, 1875. The church of St. John
p arish of Chesham ; it is situated on a h ill on th e borders the Evangelist, erected at th e cost of M iss Dorrien, and
of H erts, about 3 m iles north-east from Chesham , and 2^ consecrated in 1875, is a building of flint w ith stone dresÂ
from Berkham pstead station on the main line of th e Lon sings, in the E a rly E nglish style, consisting of chancel,
don and N orth W estern railw ay, in the Mid division of nave of four bays, south aisle, south porch and a bell
the county, hundred of Chesham , Am ersham union, Ches turret over chancel arch containing 2 b e lls : th e stained