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tion on brass, with other members of the family, to |work of the De Broughtons; the 15th (1407), that built
700: in the chancel are windows to the Rev. C. F. by the Wykehams, and the 16th (1554), the portion
Wvatt (rector 1819-70) and his father: a very fine stone added by the present family of Wykeham-Fiennes:
screen of Decorated work divides the nave from the seen from the north-west, Broughton Castle presents,
chancel, the lower portion of which is filled in with the appearance of a fine Elizabethan mansion; it is
modern stone diapered ornament : the eagle lectern is partly surrounded by a wide moat, crossed by a bridge
a memorial to Col. the Hon. Ivo de Vesci Edward of two arches, connecting the castle with a gateway
Fiennes C.B. 9th Lancers, d. 23 Nov. 1875, and was tower and other buildings of the 15th century, and
dven by the officers and men who served under him : the whole stands in an extensive park.” The hall,
the nave, roof and clerestory are an addition of the 54 feet in length by 26 feet in width, was originally
Tfth century, Taised upon the original walls to a con­ Decorated, but is now wholly Elizabethan, and has a
siderable height: there is a Norman font, consisting ceiling with fifteen pendants, and is adorned with
of a circular basin with cable moulding on a circular suits of armour: westward is the state dining room,
pedestal, and a carved stone pulpit, the gift of the late and above it the ancient withdrawing room, now
Pev C. F. Wyatt; and on the nave floor is a coffin slab used as a bedroom; both these apartments are lighted
with double cross; the south aisle is separated from the by oriels, and have stuccoed ceilings: the corridor, or
nave by four Early Decorated arches and contains some long gallery, about 90 feet in length, extends along the
verv finemonuments, one of which is that ofSirThomas north front, and is hung with portraits of historical
De Broughton, the founder of the church and castle, with interest: there are apartments opening upon this gal­
his effigy, under a rich recessed arch, cladinchainmail ; lery with richly ornamented ceilings and chimney
thè spandrils of the arch bear shields, repeated in pieces, and over it and under the roof is a space used
quatrefoils above : the arch is surmounted by a battle- as barracks for soldiers before the battle of Edgehill, 23
mented cresting and the whole is highly coloured ; Oct. 1642: there are some good specimens of painted
near this is a fine canopied and recessed tomb with the glass in the “ council-room,” where Mr. Hampden, Mr.
quartered arms of Fiennes and a panelled ceiling with Pym, Mr. Oliver St. John, Sir Harry Vane the younger,
pendants, terminating upwards in a cresting and pin­ with the Earl of Bedford, Lord Brooke and others met
nacles supported by bears holding shields; above this in council to oppose the arbitrary policy of King
is a Decorated memorial window to Edward Chapman Charles I. previous to the assembling of the Long Par­
Morell, Arthur Morell and Sarah Ann Chapman, placed liament in 1641. The chapel belongs to the older part,
in 1870; opposite is a panelled altar tomb, with the and, though small and plain,is interesting as a domestic
shields of Fiennes, Saye and Wykeham, on which has chapel of unusually early date; it has a Decorated
been placed the effigy of a knight of the Broughton east window and an original stone altar, marked with
family: at the east end is an extremely fine Decorated consecration crosses: connected with it is a priest's
window, and the aisle contains mural monuments to room, and certain rooms on the floor above have
Thomas, 10th Baron Saye and Sele, and a Major-General hagioscopes looking down into the chapel: the castle
in the army, d. July 1, 1788 ; and Elizabeth (Turner), may be seen on Wednesdays after 3 p.m. Lord Saye
his wife, d. I April, 1816; Gregory William, nth and Sele, who is lord of the manor, Mrs. Morrell, and
Baron Saye and Sele, d. Nov. 13, 1844 ; William Thomas, the rector are the principal landowners. The soil is
12th Baròn Saye and Sele, d. 31 March, 1847; a mural chiefly red loam. The crops are wheat, barley, oats,
brass to the Hon. Edward Turner Boyd Twisleton M.A. peas and roots. The area is 967 acres of land and 8 of
d. 5 Oct. 1874, and memorials to others of the Fiennes water; rateable value, £1,602; the population in 1911
family, 1658-66; at the west end is a stained window was 132 in the civil and 499 in the ecclesiastical parish.
ofMunich glass, erected by Ellen Twisleton in 1862 at a Post, T. & Telephone Call & Telephonic Express Delivery
Office (available to places within a limited distance).
cost of £400 : here also are floor stones to Maria
— Miss Annie Morby, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
(Eardley), wife of Gregory William, nth Baron Saye
Banbury at 6.10 & 11 a.m.; dispatched at 10.15
and Sele, d. 5 Sept. 1834, and to the family of Herbert,
1791-1810, continued in the nave to 1830: in the church­ a.m. & 12.20 & 6.10 p.m.; sundavs, 10.20 a.m. Ban­
s the nearest money order office
yard is buried the Ven. Frederick Benjamin Twisleton
Wykeham Fiennes, 13th Baron Saye and Sele D.C.L., The children of this parish attend the schoolat North
LL.D. archdeacon of Hereford, d. 25 May, 1887: the
church was restored in 1877-8, at a cost of .£4,029, and Carriers.— Mrs. James Elliott & Mrs. George Haynes,
affords 270 sittings. The register dates from the year
through to Banbury, mon. thurs. & sat
1683, but is very imperfect. The living is a rectory,
net yearly value £430, with residence, in the gift of NORTH NEWINGTON is a township in the parish of
and held since 1906 by the Rev. Basil Wyatt Bradford Broughton, o.\ miles west from Banbury, and has an
M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford. There are four Independent chapel, erected in 1876, seating 100
almshouses, erected in 1859 by Miss Elizabeth B. Wyatt persons. There is a charity of £122 annual value,
inmemory of her sister. Broughton Castle is the pro­ bequeathed by Viscountess Sayeand Sele, of which
perty and residence of Lord Saye and Sele J.P. ; the £47 is for apprenticing two poor boys and £75 for
most ancient portions are almost in their original distribution amongst the poor. Lord Saye and Sele,
state; Mr. J. H. Parker remarks: “The -greatest who is lord of the manor, Lord North, the trustees of
peculiarity of this part is the beautiful groined the late David Renton esq. and the rector are the prin­
passage which leads in one direction to the chapel and cipal landowners. The area is 1,108 acres; rateable
in the other to the principal staircase, which, before value, £1,669; the population in 1911 was 367.
Parish Clerk, John Busby.
the present staircases were made, must have been
the only means of access to the solar and other prin­ Post Office, North Newington.— John Hutchings, sub­
ostmaster. Letters through Banbury arrive at 6.25
cipal apartments; this end, also, having been the
portion of the building appropriated to the state apart­ a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9.55 a.m. & 5.45
p.m. ; no delivery on Sundays. Wroxton is the nearest
ments, fully accounts for the richness of the groined
money order office, 1 mile distant, & Broughton the
passage; the principal parts, erected in the 15th centuTy
nearest telegraph office
(1407, Henry IV.), when the licence to crenellate was
obtained, must have been the walls within the moat, Elementary School, North Newington (mixed & infants),
which originally surrounded the whole place and of erected, with master’s residence, in 1853 & enlarged
which portions yet remain ; the offices adjoin the gate­ in 1911 at a cost of £500, for 135 children; it has an
house, the embattled part of the building, which now
endowment of £50 yearly, derived from Viscountess
contains the kitchen, the guard room and the windows
Saye & Sele’s bequest; Arthur Enstone, master; Miss
of the room over the chapel ; of the three different Annie Enstone, infants’ mistress
periods to which the erection of the structure may be Carrier to & from Banbury, North Newington.— George
assigned, the 14th century (1301 to 1307) produced the Reynolds, to the ‘Old George,’mon. thurs. & sat
Partridge Wm. Hy. farmer, Brick frm Hancock Charles, farmer
Bradford Rev. Basil Wyatt M.A. (rec- Taylor Bert, farmer, Broughton grnds Harris Frederick, carpenter
Young Frederick William J.P. farmer Hutchings George, carpenter
_tor), Rectory
Hutchings John, baker, Post office
Saye & Sele‘Lord J.P. Broughton & rate collector
Jennings George, shopkeeper
castle; & Junior United Service
Knapton David, farmer
club, London S W
Page Richd. F. artificial manure mnfr
s0aPt- Sami. P.Broughton grnge Page Mrs
Reynolds Geo. beer retailer & carrier
Busby J. E. & J. builders
Stanbra Sarah (Mrs.), farmer
Busby Harry, farmer
Busby William (Mrs.), shopkeeper Welbank John, hardware manufactr
V,°atesJames, farmer
Gaydon George, farmer
Whitmill Fred, Roebuck P.H
Green James, Saye & Sele Arms T.H Green Edward, stone mason
Whitmill Richard Austin, blacksmith