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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
m Lilley G eorge H erbert M .D .B rux.,
M .B .C .P .E d in . 29 C halfont road,
St. G iles', Oxford
Long & M ontgom ery, 49 Sheep st. &
36 London road, Bicester
m *Long H erbert B irch (firm , Long &
M ontgom ery), 49 Sheep st.B icester
m Lynam Robert G arner M .A .O xon .,
M.B.Lond. 3-2 H olywell st. Oxford
fMcLachlan John M .D., C.M . & B.Sc.
Edin. 3 Keble rd. St. G iles’,Oxford
M cN eight W .R .P ., M .D .D ub.Charlbry
Mallam Ernest M .A ., M.D. & B.Ch.
Oxon. 3 H olywell street, Oxford
Maude Miss Dorothea C ., M .D., B .S.
Lond. 5 H olywell street, Oxford
J||1FMeikle Robert W illiam ,A d derb ury
E ast, Banbury
llllM o g g Joseph A lb ert H ill, 30
Bridge street, W itney
m *M ontgom ery Gordon N evil (firm ,
Long & M ontgom ery), 36 London
road, B icester
M .D.,
C.M . E d in .,
D .P.H .Irel. 123 W oodstock road,
St. G iles', Oxford
m *M ottram M au rice John, Sibford
Ferris, B anbury & Hook Norton,
O 'Kelly & K in g , 21 H igh street &
London road, C hip p ing Norton
¡[O’K elly Thom as M .D .Irei, (firm ,
O’K elly & K in g ), 21 H igh street,
Chipping Norton
m Orm erod A rth u r Latham M .A .,
M.D . D .P.H .O xon., F .R .C .P .L o n d .
99 H olywell street, Oxford
O’Shea Jam es Joseph M .B., B .O h.Irei.
26 H igh street, C hip p ing Norton
m *Parsons John E. H., B.A. The
C ottage, Shipton-under-W ychw ood,
Penrose N evill C o gh ill M .B ., C h.B .
Birm . 32 W est B ar street, Banbury
m *Pilkington F red erick W m .K en co tt
house, K encott, L echlad e (Glos)
m *Pooley John M ilnes, N ettlebed,
Henley-on-Tham es
Prichard E van C ., M .D .E din.
H orsefair, B anbury
m *Pridham
F rederick
L .M .S .S .A .
Bloxham , Banbury
Proudfoot Frank G régoire M .A .S t.
And.,M .D. & C.M .Edin. 43 St.G iles’
street, Oxford
mProwse W illiam B., M .A ., M .B.,
B .Ch.O xon. 133 Banbury rd. S u m ­
m ertown. Oxford
R ivers-W illson A lfd. P h .D ..L .M .S .S .A .
Lond.. F .C .S . 42 W ellington sq.
St. G ile s’ & 4 W alton crescent, St.
Thom as', Oxford
f*Robinson Jam es F rederick, 27 B eau­
mont street, Oxford
m JSankey Ju liu s O ttaw ay L .M .E din .
91 W oodstock rd. St. G ile s’, Oxford
m *Sankey R ichard H ., M .A ., M .B .,
B Ch.O xon. 35 St. G ile s’ st. Oxford
m *Seal A rth u r W . 286 Iffley rd.O xfrd
m *Seym our
W illiam ,
Woodstock road, Oxford
Sm ith, Susrnann & Brownlow, 48 H art
street, H enley & N ettlebed, Henley
Sm ith G eorge M .B ., M .S.E din . (firm ,
Sm ith, Susm ann & Brownlow), 39
H art street, H enley-on-Tham es
m *Steedm an P ercy Andrew, 10 Rawlinson road, St. G iles’, Oxford
m *S turrock W illiam D ., M .D., B .Ch.
Oxon. 32 H olyw ell street, Oxford
m *Sum m erhayes John Orlando, Red­
imirne, H igh street, Tham e
m *Susm ann W alter Jam es M .B .,B .C .
'Camb. (firm , S m ith , Susm ann &
Brownlow), 48 H art street, Henley
mSymonds Horatio Percy F .R .C .S .
Edin. 35 Beaum ont street & 35 B an ­
b ury road, S t. G iles’, Oxford
m *Taylor Frederic H enry A rthur,K id lington, Oxford
m Thom pson H arold, 31 Beaum ont st.

m *T ib bs Francis C hristopher, 192
Iffley road, Oxford
m *Turn er Thom as Win. T he Poplars,
Middle Barton, Oxford
T urrell W alter John M .D. & B.Ch.
Oxon. 1 S t. C lem ent’s st. Oxford
m *Venning Jam es A rth u r M .B ., B .C.
Cam b. S teep le Aston, Oxford
W a in w rig h t & W indsor, 42 B ell st.
H enley-on-Tham es
m *W ainw right W m . Longw orth M.B.
& B .S.L o n d. (firm , W ain w righ t &
W indsor), 42 Bell street, Henleyon-Thames
m *W aterhouse A m yas Theodore M .A .,
M .D., B .Oh.O xon. 35 B eaum ont st.
m *W aters W illiam A rth u r Pernow
M .A. & M .D.O xon. 99 H olywell st.
W atson & Cooper (attend tues. &
fri.), Chinnor, W allingford
fW hitelocke R. H. A n glin M .D.Edin.
St. G ile s’ gate, B an bury rd. Oxford
m *W indsor Jam es F rederick M.D.
C am b ., D .P.H .O xon. (firm , W ain ­
w rig h t & W indsor), 42 Bell street,
Henley-on-Tham es
m * Wood F rank H erbert, L im e Tree
house, Bampton
||Wood John M .A ., M .D.Oxon. 8
W orcester street, S t. Thom as’ & 64
St. G ile s’ street, Oxford
m *W ood John Alfred M .B ., B .C h .
Oxon. 64 S t. G iles’ street, Oxford
W vlie David Thom as M .D .D urh.,
L .R .C .P . & S. & L .M .Irel. 217
Iffley road, C ow ley S t. John, Oxford
M E N ’S M E R C E R S .
Hookham & Co. 3 C ornm arket street,
P urnell, Phipps & Purnell, 128 High
street, Oxford
M I D W I V E S — R E G IS T E R E D .
Bossom M rs.E .22 G loucester st.O xfrd
B utton M iss E m ily, 86 St. M a T y ’ s rd.
Cow ley S t. John, Oxford
Dillon M rs. Sarah , 33 Speedwell st.
St. A ldate's, O xford
E llis M rs. K a te, Pile road, Tem ple
C ow ley, Oxford
G oslin g M iss E liza Jane, 23 W ellin g ­
ton square, St. G iles’, Oxford
Harford Miss C . 15 Newland, Banbury
H ill Mrs. Jane, 24 Jericho gardens,
Jericho, Oxford
Holloway M rs. Florence E lizabeth , 1
Old G rim sb u ry road, Banbury
K ing Mrs. E liza, 93 M agdalen road,
Cow ley St. John, Oxford
R oberts M iss M ary Ann A m elia, 38
S tratfield rd. Sum m ertown, Oxford
Scudam ore M iss K ate L . 92 H igh st.
W itn ey
Sham brook Mrs. E. H orley, Banbury
Sum pter M rs. Clara C .M .B . 59 The
C rofts, W itn ey
W allis M iss Florence M ary, 38 S tra t­
field road, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
See Dairymen.
M I L L F U R N I S H E R 'S .
Bryan Corcoran Ltd. 31 M ark lane,
London E C.
See a d v e r tis e ­
m ent p a ge 7
M IL L E R S .
M arked thus * the M ills are driven
by Steam .
Marked th us + the M ills are driven
by W ater.
M arked thus X
M ills are driven
by Wind.
*tA llen Thom as, F rin gford , B icester
Arnold W illiam , Balscote, B anbury

m il


■fBobart R. S tadham pton ,W allin gford
•fB o b a rt W alt. R .C u ddesdon .W h eatly
fB u ck in g h a m John & Sons.Sw inbrook,
fC h e r r y G eorge & Fredk. G . Upper
Grove m ill, B loxham , Banbury
C larke (B anbury) L im ited, near R a il­
way station, Banbury
tC o lle tt Daniel, Lid-stone, Enstone
tC ook Charles W illiam , Filkin s, Lechlade (G lo’stersh)
fC o op er Jam es, A scott, Oxford
tC oop er John, M inster Lo vell, W itney
fC o x M atthew Jam es, N ewbridge,
Northm oor, Oxford
JCripps Mrs. E llen , W heatley
fD elafield F redk. Sydenham , T h am e
fDolton Richard, Wootton, W oodstock
fD ou g la s Percy, W ardin gton ,B an bury
•fE d m u n d s & Kench L im ited , Ban­
bury m ills. M ill lane, B anbury
fF lo rey Daniel, Standlake, W itney
fF ra n k lin Stephen H enry, D edding­
ton m ill, Deddington, Oxford
fG a lla w a v Henry, Langford, Lechlade (G loucestersh ire)
tG odw in
C harles,
W eston-on-theG reen, B icester
•fH ad lan d & Son, C rop redy m ill,
Cropredy, B anbury
♦fHarris H enry, Mid Barton, Oxford
tH edges Thom as, C assington, Oxford
•fH ic k s Thos. 0 . C u xh am ,W allin gfrd
fH ic k s W illiam , Souldern, B anbury
tH ill John V . Salfo rd .C h ip p in g Nortn
♦fHoltom G eorge H enry & Sons,
Ducklington steam
roller mills,
Ducklington, W itney
♦fHorwood J. S. & J. Enslow mill,
B letch ington, O xford & Low er Heyford, B anbury
tH u tt F rederick, M ill house, K idlin gton, Oxford
|Jarm aine E. Sth. W eston, W allingfrd
tLew en den C harles, O very,W allin g frd
fL o c k
Thom as, L ittle
Lech lad e (G lo’stersh)
-f-Mapledurham M ill, M apledurham ,
tM orris Dnl. Sandford St.M artin,O xfrd
fM ullis Jam es, Shipton & Langley
Shipton-under-W ychwood,
♦fMunsey W . H. L im ited , Osney
m ills, M ill street, Oxford
fN e a l & Son, H orley, B anbury
fN ix e y F ran k ,C h arlb u ry m ill.C h a rlb ry
fN ix e y Fredk. C h algrove, W allingford
tP ag e & Son, South N ew in gtn .B an bry
•fP a rso n s -G u y W m .H eadin gtn.O xfrd
♦fPearce Sydney, Tham e m ill, A yle s­
b u ry road, Tham e
tP h illim o re G . Son n in g E ye, R eadin g
♦fPratt & H aynes, L o n g H and­
borough, W oodstock
♦fRench R. W . Som erton, Banbury
tR ob erts John R ichard, H olton m ill,
Holton, W heatley
fRobin9on G eorge, C lifton m ill, C lif­
ton, Oxford
fR ose Jam es A . N orth Aston, Oxford
■j-Sabin Joseph, T em p le m ills, Sibford
Ferris, B anbury
fS a lm o n H enry, Priory m ill, Over
Norton, C h ip p in g Norton
♦fSheldon & Co. (W . H. M unsey
L td .), Osney m ills, M ill st. O xford
* t S m it h E rnst. Am brosden, B icester
t S m ith W illiam Thos. Islip , O xford
fS ta n b ra W illiam , W igginton,B anbury
fSteph en s E dw ard, Taynton, B urford
♦ fTempler John, S tratton Audley,
fT o w n ley Stephen, Th e M ill, Dean,
Ch arlbury
fV ic e J. S. S w alcliffe, B an bury
♦fWalker & Atkinson L im ited , Farm
M ill road, W itney
•W a llin Jn. H. A dderb uryE a.B an bry
*|W ilkin son Charles W illiam , C hinnor, W allin gford