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[ k k l l y ’s

C a rrie r.— W illiam Brice, to ‘ F o x ,’ C hipping Norton,
In fan ts', opened in Jan u ary, 1863, for 100 children
wed. ; ‘ Cross K e y s,’ W itn ey, thurs. ; ' Anchor,’ Ox­
Mrs. Hood, m istress
ford, sat
R ailw ay Station, G eorge L an e, station m aster
ICooper Richard, sanitary inspector L a y W illiam Thom as Padbury,farmer
' for C hippin g Norton R ural D istrict London C ity A M idland Bank Ltd
Bowly Miss
(agency) (Thackw ell G illett Smith
I Council, Lauriston
Com fort Rev. JabezA m brose,G othic ho Counties Gas Co. L im ited (Frederick
a g e n t); draw 011 head office, 5
C roly H enry Pennington, T h e Poplars j
Threadneedle street, London E C
Goodsell, m anager)
C roly R ichard, The Poplars
Cowley Fras.Jn. nurserym an & statnr Lowe John, slater
Davis Mrs. T . G . R. E vencroft
. C roly H enry Pennington M .R .C .S .' L u k er B enjam in, clothier
Glen J. H. W ychwood house
E iig ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . surgeon, & Mace Thom as & A. E . solicitors; & at
Chipping Norton
H arris Mrs
assistan t
m edical
H ollyfield Thom as, Gordon villa
schools to th e County Education M ace A lb ert E rn est (firm , Thomas &
H utchison Jam es C rau fu ird , SandA. E. M ace), solicitor & commis­
Com m ittee, The Poplars
sioner for oaths
ford m ount
Cross Frederick, beer retailer
Ingles M iss, Easton cottage
Mace Thom as (firm, Thomas & A. E.
Dickson & Son, coal m erchants
Jones G eorge Joshua J.P
M ace), solicitor & commissioner for
D istrict N u rsing Association (Nurse
M cN eight W m .R t. Percival M .A.,M .D
M orris M rs. A . Prospect villa
M cN eight W illiam Robert Percival
Dore W illiam , joiner
Payne Rev. Ju liu s D elm ege M .A. Dyke, Boots & Farm er, glove m anufrs
M .A ., M .D., B .Ch.D ub, surgeon, &
(v icar & surrogate), V icarage
m edical officer & public vaccinator
E ntw istle Richard, road surveyor to
P um p hrey M iss, Hazeldeane
No. 3 d istrict, Chipping Norton
the Chipping Norton R u ral D istrict
Shaw Miss
Council, W ellington cottage
Mann W illiam , fruiterer
Shilson S am i. G ibson J .P . The Priory j F arm er W illiam , hair dresser
Law rence, ironmonger
S irett Rev. C aleb (B aptist)
Foster Brothers, butchers
S tu rge F rank
Fownes Bros. & Co. g love m anufrs M oxey & Sons, tailors & drapers
Tottenham M iss, Loftus
G ardner Sarah (Airs.), dress m aker N ixey F rank, m iller, C harlbury mill
Oldacre Mabel (M iss), dress maker
W aller C apt. John Hampden M .V .O ., G eorge Am os John, boot m aker
J.P . Lee Place
G om m A rth. E rn est, slater & shopkpr Padbury Thom as, farm er
P arrott Robert, boot maker
W ells Miss, H ighfield
G reen A lfred, photographer
W iggins C hristop her H y.M anor house H adland Ben, fishm onger
Prew Jas.tow n crier& chim ney sweepr
Price Henry, shoe m aker
Hall John, baker & beer retailer
P ritch ard Em m a (M rs.), agent for
C O M M E R C IA L .
H itchm an & Co. Lim ited, brewers,
H arris A lb ert Edward, farm er
E a rly closing day, T h ursday.
& insurance agent
Harris E llen (M iss), furrier
John W alter, farmer, WalA llen Annie E. (M rs.), tailor & draper Harris James, baker
& T ra cy farm s
Baldwin E d g ar Jam es, draper
Harrison Am elia (M iss), shopkeeper Shepherd Susannah (M rs.), shopkpr
B arrett A lfred E . butcher
H arvey John H enry, relievin g & vac­ Shilson S. G . & Son, woolstaplers
B askett W alter, p lum ber
cination officer & registrar of births Sim ons A rth u r, insurance agent
B avliss Raym ond, farm er
B ell F am ily & Com m ercial Hotel i & deaths for Charlbury' d istrict, S irett K . D. (M rs.), draper
C h ip p in g Norton union & school S m ith G eorge, beer retailer
(Thom as Constable, p ro p rie to r);
first-class b illia r d s ; m arket is t I attendance officer & inspector undeT S m ith Th ack w ell Gillett,grocer&frm r
South W ales & Cannock Chase Coal &
the “ Infant L ife Protection A c t ”
mon. in m o n th ; m arket ordinary
Coke C o .L td.(A irs.E .P ritch ard, agt)
Harwood B rothers, farm ers, Leesserved
S tayte C harles A. outfitter
Bowen A lb ert, B ull inn
Taylor & F letch er, auctioneers
Harwood Caleb, farm er
Bowl J. A . & A . grocers
T oy W m . solicitor ; attends fridays
Harwood C harles, grocer
B rice W illiam , carrier
V in cen t A lice & E m ily (Misses),
Bruton F rederick J. tem perance hotel, Harwood Francis W illiam , farm er
fan cy repository
H itchm an & Co. L im ited , brewers
Church street
Volunteer F ire B rigade (Capt. John H.
H opkins F rederick, blacksm ith
B ruton Minnie (M iss), shopkeeper
W aller J.P . captain)
Bryden F rederick, goods agen t to G t. Howse H arry, beer retailer
Jackson W m .cow kpr.B anbury H ill fm W arner A lfred W illiam , cycle agent
W estern Railw ay Co
arren Sam uel, grocer
B ryden Rose (M rs.),
apartm ents, Jones & Son, bakers, confectioners &
W iggins Sophia (M rs.), dress maker
F orest view
ilson W illiam , clerk to Parish
¡Jull A lfd.Proctor,ch em ist & in su t
B uckland John, coal dealer
C ouncil & assistant overseer
K earsey Thom as, farm er, D ustfield
C em etery (W illiam W ilson, clerk)
E th el
(M iss), private
C harlbury W aterw orks Co. Lim ited K en ch ' A m eliaJ.(A Irs.),W h iteH artP .H W oodward
school, 5 Park street
| K ibb le John, stone carver
(T. G . Sm ith, sec)
Y oun g Men’ s C h ristian Association (JK in g F rederick, b utch er
C lavdon E dw ard W illis, m achinist
A. Bowl, hon. sec)
K itch in g D an ,builder & quarry owner
Claydon F rank, saddler
L angford Stephen, Rose & Crown htl Y ou n g W om en’ s Christian Association
Collins W illiam , carpenter
(Miss B owly, hon. sec)
Constable Thos. Bell hotel,& plum ber L a y John, farm er
C H A R L T O N - O N - O T M O O R is a parish and village, daugh ter of the Rev. Henry G ough M .A. rector from
3 m iles north-east from the Islip station on the Bletch- 1855 till his death 14 April, 1862, in memory of her
ley and Oxford branch of the London and N orth W estern p aren ts: the work m ay be taken to date from the Early
railw ay, and also w ith a h alt for Charlton and Odding- Tudor period, and m uch of its original colour and gilding
ton on the sam e line, for steam tram s between Oxford rem a in s; by im m em orial custom a garland strung upon
and Bicester, 10 north-east from Oxford and 6£ south a wooden cross is placed upon the rood loft every year
from B icester, in the Mid division of the county, hun­ on M av-day, in the place of the ancient roo d: the nave
dred and p etty sessional division of Ploughley, union is separated from th e aisles b y arcades of E arly Englisn
and county court d istrict of Bicester, ru ra l deanery of arches on each side: the pulpit is of panelled oak and
Islip and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. A small dates from 1616: the font is plain and round and has a
stream , called th e Ray, run s th rou gh th e parish and singular crested c o v e r: at the end of each aisle are
joins the Cherw ell at Islip . T he church of S t. M ary the rem ains of altars, w ith p iscin a: on th e .flo o r of tne
V irgin is a b uilding of stone of the 13th and 14th chancel is a brass w ith effigy, habited in cope, to Thomas
centuries, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, K ey, rector 1466-75, canon of Lincoln and chaplain 0
south porch and a lofty em battled western tower with John C hedw orth. bishop of L in co ln : the altar rails are
crocketed pinnacles at the angles, and containing 5 bells of carved w oodw ork: the church plate includes a chall5_
and a sanctus b e ll: the chancel, reb u ilt about 1380. is of silver g ilt, given in 1670 by Thom as Lam plugh, arc
of L a te Decorated and Perpendicular character, and has bishop of Y o rk , 1688-91, and a silver g ilt alms disn.
sedilia and piscina, and opposite to these, in the north eiven by the Rev. G. R iggs, a form er re c to r: the chnr
wall, a plain sepulchral recess near w hich is a stone slab, has been thoro ughly repaired and reseated, and ano
w ith an elegant cross fleurie of the 14th century', to 200 s ittin g s: in the churchyard stand the pediment a
John de C raneforde, rector in 1361: by far the most lofty shaft of a plain E a rly E nglish cross, raised
interesting object in the church is the very fine and three step s: the curfew is still ru n g here. The regi
perfect rood loft, c. 1500, which form s a narrow gallery dates from the year 1577- Th e livin g is a rectory, ^
about three feet w ide, projected from a finely'-worked yearly value ¿400, including residence and 80 acres
screen and supported by in tersecting ribs and elaborate glebe, in the g ift of Queen’s College, Oxford, and
tracery, the whole being finished by a c o rn ice: in 1889 since 1895 by the Rev. Charles Edward Prior M. ■
the screen was thorough ly restored by Miss G ough, th at college, and rural dean of Islip. A mission r