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P L A C E S O F W O R SH IP, with tim es of services.
C ollegiate C hapels, services perform ed by the Provost A
Fellows A C o n d u cts; E. H. Lew is, c le r k ; 10.40 a.m .
A 5 p .m .; during sum m er m onths, 9.15 a.m . & 3
p m ; daily, 9.15 a m. & 5 p.m
St. John the E va n g elist C h urch , Rev. Lew is H erbert
Evans M .A. v ic a r; Rev. G erald Geoiâge Payne Cook
M .A. A R ev. H erbert C rabtree, c u ra te s; 8 & 11 a.m .
& 3 & 6.30 p.m . ; d a ily, 7.45 a.m . & 5.30 p.m . ; wed.
7.3 0
p .m
C hapel of E ase, E ton W ick, S u n d a y s , 8 & 11 a.m . & 6.30
p .m
C hap el of S t. M ary M agdalene, Boveney, Sundays, 3
p .m . ; except 4th sunday in m onth, when Holy C om Â
m union at 9.45 a . m . ; served by the c le rg y of Eton
[ k e l l t âs
Choristers*, founded in 1868, & supported by the ColÂ
lege ; Edward Henry Lewis, m aster
Pornyâs E lem entary, H igh street (with Pornyâs endowÂ
ment of ^130 y ea rly), b u ilt in 1863, for 194 boys, 129
g irls & 140 in fan ts; H enry B aker, m a s te r; Miss
G eorgiana W ardell, m istre ss; M iss Peake, infantsâ
m istress
St. Johnâs E lem en tary, Eton W ick, girls & infants (built
in 1889 by subscription, & enlarged in 1911, for n o
girls & 66 infants, the land being given by the
C rown) ; Miss Florence E lizabeth Steam , m istress
A ttlee W ilfred H enry W aller M .A.,
Hare John H ugh M ontague M .A
M.D. 24 & 25 H igh street
L y tte lto n Rev. the Hon. E dw ard H eadlam G eoffrey W ycliffe B .A
H eygate A rth u r Conolly G age M .A
Austen Leigh Edward Com pton M .A.,
D.D. (head m aster)
J.P. Colenorton, Eton college
A die Clem ent Jam es M ellish M .A
|H ill M atthew D avenport M .A ., F .Z .S
A velin g Stephen T . Boveney cottage,
Hobbs F rederick D udley B .A
Be van Rev. Charles O liver M .A
! Eton W ick
Hope-Jones W illiam B .A
Blakiston C u th b ert H arold M .A
B etteridge B. N. 18 H igh street
Johnson Basil B .A
Bland H ugh M ichael M.A
Bodkin W illiam Theodore Douglas
Booker Robert Penrice Lee M .A ..F .S .A K indersley Richard Stephen M .A
M .A. 2 W illowbrook
Brinton H ubert M .A
Lvttelton Hon. G eorge W illiam B.A C rabtree Rev. Herbert- (curate), The
Broadbent Henry M.A
Parsonage, Eton W ick
Macnaghten H ugh M .A
Broke Philip V ere B A
de M ontm orency M rs. sen. W illowÂ
M arten C larence Hy. K en n ett M .A
B u tterw ick C y ril B.A
brook cottage
Porter Thom as Cunningham M .A .,
Byrne Lionel Stan ley Rice M .A
D .S c., F .C .S ., F .R .A .S ., F .P h .S ., de M ontm orency Reym ond Hervey
C attle y Thom as F rank M .A
M .A. W illowbrook
M .R .I., F .R .P .S
C haffey Rev. Lionel Bethell TrenchE agleston E dw ard W . 11 H igh street
Edward Foss B.A
ard M.A
! Ellison W illiam A u g u stin e M .V.O .,
Channon Rev. Francis G ranville M .A R am say A llen Beville M .A
M .A , M .D. 23 H igh street
Rawlins F ran cis H ay M .A . (lower m str)
C h itty Rev. G eorge Jam eson M .A
Ravner-W ood A lgernon Cockburn M.A Evans Rev. Lew is H erbert M .A .V icarÂ
C hurchill E rnest Lee B .A
age, H igh street
Robeson Frederick Eden M .A
C hute Rev. John Chaloner M .A
G oddard M iss, 5 H igh street
Sheepshanks A rth u r Charles B .A
Conybeare A lfred E dw ard M .A
Hale Mrs. B riary cottage. Cotton hall
Cornish Fras. W arre M .A .(vice-provst) S later E dw ard Vere M .A
Hope-Jones W illiam , 39 H igh street
Som erville Annesley Ashworth M .A
CouldToy H enry Robert
Hornby M iss, 6 H igh street
Stone E dw ard W ellington M .A
Crace John F oster M .A
M cNeile A rchibald M agee M .A. 3
C u v elie r Jean Philippe A uguste
W illowbrook
Vaughan Edward Littleton M .A
de H avilland H ugh M .A ., F .L .S
H ugh, 26 H igh street
de H avilland Reginald Saum arez M.A
C .B .,
C .V .O .
(provost & lion Marsden H ugh Kenyon M .A. 26 High
de S atge Philippe Cosm e H enri B. ¿ s L
chaplain to the K in g)
D uckw orth Francis Robinson G lad
N orris E dw ard S tacy M .A ., M .B. 117
Wells C yril M owbray B .A
stone M .A
H igh street
W h ately-Sm ith W alter B .A
E g g a r W illiam D ouglas M .A
Sargeant W m . Brookside, Eton Wick
W hitw orth A ym er W illiam B .A
E vans W illiam Sidney Vernon
Snook W illiam A rth ur, 9 H igh street
W ilkinson C yril H ackett B .A
F letch er Charles Robert Leslie M .A
Spottisw oode H ugh, Stream corner,
W rig h t Reginald M ontague B .A
Ford C y ril Llew elyn M .A
W illowbrook
Y oung Richard A lfred B .A
Foster V ivian L e N eve M .A
Spring Miss, 29 High street
Goodhart A rth u r
M urray
M .A .,
A m sler A lb ert M aurice M.B. Eton W ise Misses, 22 H igh street
W ordley M rs. 29a, H igh street
G ow Andrew Sydenham Farrar M .A , C ourt house
Burrow s W illiam Jam es John, N ew inn, Eton square
Buxton H enry, Crown & Cushion P.H . 84 H igh street
Bye John, beer Tetailer, Cotton hall
C alvert Robert, builders" m erchant & horticultural
Allen F rank, beer retailer, 1 M eadow lane
pottery m an u fr. Eton w h a r f; & 155 H igh st. Slough
A llen John Thom as, beer reta iler, 55 H igh street
A m sler A lb e rt M aurice M .B ., B .S .L o n d ., M .R .C .S .E n g ., Carter Frank, w atch m aker, 95 H igh street
etery (G eorge Paice, sexton), Cotton hall
L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician & surgeon, & m edical officer
A p ublic vaccin ator for Eton d istrict, Eton union, Chapm an W. K. draper, 56 & 57 H igh street
Choristersâ School (E. H. Lewis, m aster), Cotton hall
Eton C ourt house
ATCOtt Edm und J. postm aster & distributor of stam ps, C larke A lice (M rs.), confectioner, Eton college
Clifford John, house furnisher, see Selley & Clifford
122 H igh street
Cork H arry P ercy, beer reta ile r, Eton W ick
A rm strong Thom as, din in g room s, 69 H igh street
C ottrell Charles, florist, Eton W ick
Ashm an E dw in, dairym an, see N o ttage & Ashm an
A ttlee W ilfrid H enry W aller M .A ., M .D., B .C .C am b., Cox Thom as, fru iterer, 50 H igh street
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician & surgeon, 24 Crabb A lice (M rs.), shopkeeper, A lm a road, Eton Wick
Cross G . R. & Son, corn & flour dealers, 53 H igh street
& 25 H igh street
Austen L eigh & B aldw inâs In stitu te (O liver Bowland, C urtis G eorge H erbert M .R .C .S .E n g ., L.R .C .P .L o n d .,
L .D .S .E n g . dental surgeon, see D ainty & C urtis
hon. sec.), H igh street
A ustin A lfred E rnest, silk m ercer, see M ilsu m & Austin Dainty & C urtis, dental surgeons, 129 H igh street
D ear A lbert, coal dealer, 12a, Brocas street
B aggs Jam es, shoe m aker, 47 H igh street
Deer G eorge, boot m aker, T an gier lane
B aker Charles John, grocer, 70 H igh street
B am bridge & Co. fish in g tackle m akers, 71 H igh street D em pster W illiam , m asseur, Eton C ollege
B arclay & Com pany Lim ited (bran ch), bankers (W illiam Denman & G oddard, tailors, 132 & 133 H ig h street
A rth u r Snook, m anager), 8 & 9 H igh s t r e e t ; draw on D everen x E rn est Cecil, outfitter, 127 H igh street
Dugan Edw ard, baker, 88 H igh street
head office. 54 Lom bard street, London E C
D ugdale R. G eorge, carpenter, 134 H igh street
Barrett A lfred, tailor, 81 H igh street
Dyson & Sons, jew ellers, 4 H igh street
Bennett W illiam A rth u r, beer retailer, 12 H igh street
BeTrow Thom as Jenkins, ironm onger, 137 H igh street Dyson A lb ert H arry, w atch m aker, Eton College
E aglestone Edward W . m anager of the London County &
Blenkinsop Joseph, K in g âs Arm s P.H . 79 H igh street
W estm inster B an k L im ited , 11 H igh street
Blinco F rederick W illiam , baker, 59 H igh street
Edirar A rchibald, baker. 45 H igh street
B orrett A lb ert J. cowkeeper, E ton W ick
Ellison W illiam A u g u stin e M .V .O ., M .A ., M.D.Oxon.,
Brown Thom as, tailor, 1 & 2 H igh street
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . physician & surgeon, 23
Brown W illiam V. hatter & hosier, 15 & 16 H igh stree.
H igh street
Bunce H enry, farm er, E ton W ick
E ton & Boveney In stitu te ''H arry B urfoot, sec.), Eton
B unting P ercy, grocer. Post office, E ton W ick
W ick
B urfoot HenTy & Son, b uilders & contractors, Eton V i c k
E a rly closing day, W ednesday 1 p.m .