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Ad kin Charles Duncan, M arket place
Barron W illiam A rth u r M .A.O xon
m aster),
K in g
A lfred’s
G ram m ar school, Portw ay
Belcher E d u a rd John.The H erm itage,
Belcher Misses. Ferrvside, Belmont
Belcher W m. H y.H olly bank,B elm ont
Birt A m elins C vril. N ew bury street
Brom by Rev. C hristopher M .A. (subwarden St. M ary’s H om e), Holm11eld cottage, S t. M ary’s hill
Cam pbell Mrs. S tirlin gs, W a llin g ­
ford street
Candy John W illiam G ilb ert, W idcombe house, N ew bu ry street
Cawston A lb ert Edward, Brecon ho.
N ewbury street
Clark Miss M aria, Inglesirie, Belm ont
Clark P ercy, E m erald h i.S t.M a ry’s hi
Clark Thom as J.P .T h e E lm s,G rove st
Colquhoun Col. Jam es, Prio r’s Hold,
Priory road
Cook Mrs. H ighfield, Ickleton road
Deare Mrs. H enry B rutton, King
A lfred’s mead

Hallain John, Crayland, Orm ond rd Payne-G allw ey W yndham , K ew bank,
H ibbert Mrs. Fordcom b lo. P riory rd
Belm ont
Hughes Charles, D alkeith, G rove st Ponsonby R e Hon.Canon M aurice
H ughes Jam es, Sunnyside, Belmont
John George M .A .(vicar & chaplain
H unt R ev.A ndrew A llan M .A. (chap­
of the union), V icarage
lain to S t. M ary's Hom e), The P ra tt A rth . H ighbury,W allingford st
Ivies, W allingford street
Reynolds Rev. W illiam Thom as (B ap­
Hussey M iss, Mt. Pleasant, P riory rd
tist), Haddon house, Ormond road
Jones G. In glis, Red house. Manor rd Riddelsdell
W illiam
Jotcham W illiam C lark e M .A. Alde(cu rate). Sherborne, Orm ond road
burgh house. N ew bury street
Robson Edward, Stockham
K aye Sydney A rth u r Sutton , Abbor- Saunders Hy. M t. Pleasant, Priory rd
field, Belm ont
Saw yer Col. Edward, T h e Priory
Kennedy W alt.D ouglas M .B .P riory rd Sheppard S am u el G urney, Th e Ham
L iddiard M iss, N ew bury street
S ilver W m . W arboro’ ho. M anor rd
Looker Rev. W illiam F .G .S . (W es­ S tephens Mrs. Redcliffe, G rove st
leyan), Caldecot lodge, Belm ont
Stevenson M iss, St. John’s, P riory rd
Loveday W illiam Dunm ore, Beckett T hurland Rev. Thom as H ubert B .A .
house, W allin gford street
(curate), Lindenfield. Belmont
Marlow W illiam , C hurch street
W alker Rev. Thom as M .A. (curate),
M artin M rs. Lindenfield, Belm ont
! C hurch street
N alder E rn est T. W. O rchard house, W alter C harles Osborne, Ickleton ho.
Port way
Ickleton road
N eave Mrs. Belm ont
W heeler W m . A. C am bridge villa,
Orm ond E dw ard J.P . M arket place
! M ill street
Ormond Edward Brooks, The C roft,
Portw ay


C hurch Reading Room & L ib ra ry (Rev. C harles F ry
M .A . hon. sec.), M ill street
Clarks (W antage) L im ited , m illers (steam ), M ill street
Acott Thom as Jam es, Swan P.H . M arket place
C leg g & Son, chem ists & stationers, N ew bury street
Adkin, B e lc h e r & B o w en , auctioneers, land, tim ber Cole W illiam , cycle agent, G rove street
& agricu ltu ral valuers, estate, house, land & insurance Collins Richard W alter, baker, M ill street
agents & land & b u ild in g surveyors, M arket place
Conservative & U nionist C lu b (A . V . G ibbs, hon. sec.),
Adkin Charles Duncan F .S .I. auctioneer &c. see A dkin,
M arket place
Belcher & Bowen
Cooper W illiam , greengrocer. G rove street
Allee E rnest Charles, butcher. M ill street
C ottage H ospital (W illiam Dunm ore L oved ay M .R .C .S .
Allen Jam es, boot m aker. W allingford street
E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d . hon. m edical o fficer; Julius
A llrigh t & Co. boot warehouse, N ew bury street
O ttaway Sankey M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .S .A .L o n d ., L .R .C .P .
A m erican D ental Co. (The), dental roo m s; attends wed.
s u rg e o n ;
A m elius
C y ril B irt
12 noon t ill 6.30 p.m . M arket place
M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d ., D .P.H . A lb ert E dw ard
Arbery John Nicholas, draper & outfitter, M arket place
Cawston M .R .C .S .E n g .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . & W alter
Austin W illiam A rth u r, furnitu re dealer. M ill street
D 'm rlas K en n edy M .A ., M .B ., B Ch.O xon. su rg eon s;
Badger Mrs. K in g A lfred's Head P.H . M arket place
W illiam C larke Jotcham esq. hon. s e c .; W illiam
Barclay & C om pany L im ited , bankers (branch) (Percival
M arlow, hon. tre a s u r e r; Miss Frances Pike, m atron )
Charles G rainger, m anager), 10 till 3 daily, wed. 10 C ottrell John E rn est & F rederick, butch ers & fish­
till 5, sat. 10 till 1, M arket p la ce; draw on head
m ongers, M arket place
office, 54 Lom bard street E C
C oun ty C ourt Office (His Honor A . G w vnne-Jam es,
Barlow, Dobbs & Barlow, builders. C hurch street
ju d g e ; W illiam C. Jotcham M .A. reg istrar & high
Barlow Ernest, confectioner, M ill street
b a iliff; A rth u r Colbert, bailiff), N ew bu ry street
Barnard John, hau lier, The W harf
Dawson Charles W illiam , greengrocer, G rove street
Barrell Anthony E rnest, outfitter, see V alentine & Dobbs Fredk. A rth . builder, see Barlow, Dobbs & Barlow
Barrell Lim ited
E ddolls Francis E rn est, farm er, Pew it farm
B arrett W illiam , boot repairer, G rove street
E lderfield Henry, Th e Shears P.H . M ill street
Bayly Caroline (M iss), school. W allin gford street
Evans A lfred Thom as, ju n . farm er, A ngeldow n farm
Bedford Shadrach, m echanical engineer, G rove street
Farm er C harles, tobacconist, M ill street
Belcher A rth u r John, ironm onger & cycle agent, M arket Farm er Henry John, insurance agent, Belmont
place & N ew bury street
F irth D ispensary (Mrs. E. B. O rm ond, hon. sec.), N ew ­
Belcher Cleeve W illiam , leather c u tter, M ill street
bury street
Belcher P ercy W illiam , stationer & tea taster, Mill st
F itton Frederick, dairym an, W allin gford street
Belcher W illiam Henry, accountant. M ill street
F lo rey Daniel, baker, N ew bury street
Bennett Frederick H. wine & spirit m erchant. G rove st
G ardner John, shoe m aker, N ew bu ry street
Betts Thom as C row ther. surveyor, inspector of nuisances G as Works (Gordon W alker, m anager), G rove street
& collector for th e Urban D istrict Council ; offices, G ibbens E liza (M iss), dress m aker, P rio ry road
Town hall
G ibbs A rth u r, printer, m usic seller & p u b lish er “ N orth
B irt A m elius C yril M .R .C .S .E n g ., L .R .C .P .L o n d .. D .P.H .
Berks H erald,” & agen t for S utton & Co. carriers,
R .C .P .S .E n g . (firm, B ir t & K ennedy), physician &
M arket place
surgeon, & m edical officer to workhouse & m edical Gibbs G eorge, superintendent of cou n ty police, M ill st
officer & p ublic vaccinator to W antage d istrict, c erti­ G ilb ert Jam es, builder, C am el house, S t. M ary’s hill
fying factory surgeon & surgeon to C ottage Hospital, G illett W illiam H enry, confectioner. G rove street
N ew bury street
Glen Thom as Osborne, custom s & excise officer, 2 R ich ­
Boucher F rank Sidney, hosier, M arket place
m ond villas, Portw ay
Bowen Thos. auctioneer, see A dkin, B elcher & Bowen
G oddard A lbert, fruiterer. M ill street
Brpwprton Frederick, chim ney sweeper, S tirlin g s road
G olding E m m a (M iss), dress m aker, N ew bu ry street
B ritish & A rgentine M eat Co. L td . butchers, M arket pi
Goody H erbert Isaac, insur. ag t. Th e M anse, N ew bury st
Bunce A lbert, W heatsheaf P H. Grove street
G reen Charles, b uilder. G rove street
B urce Frank, beer retailer. Mill street
G regory E dw in , builder, G rove street & Orm ond road
B utcher Sam uel E deny, baker, M arket place
G regory Robert, m onum ental m ason. G rove street
C arrey Jam es, horse clipper, Locks lane
Hanks F rederick W illiam M .R .C .V .S . veterin ary surgeon,
C astle W illiam , seed m erchant, M arket place
E«kdale. M ill street
Cawston A lbert E dw ard M .R .C .S .E n g ., L.R .C .P .Lon d.
H arding E li. um brella repaireT, P a rtrid g e’s row, W a l­
physician & surgeon, & m edical officer & p ublic v ac­
lin gford street
cinator for Hendred d istrict, W antage union, Brecon H arris & Sons, plum bers & glaziers. C hurch street
house, N ew bury street
H atch C h arlotte (M iss), tem perance hotel. M arket place
Cem etery (H enry G regory, keeper)
Hawkins W illiam H enry, insurance agt. Springfield road
Cham berlain Frederick W m . hair dresser, M arket place
Haynes Jonathan Am brose, boot m aker, P riory road
Cham bers Stephen, wine & spirit m erchant, M arket pi
H aynes W illiam A m brose, insurance agent, L ocks lane
Chandler Robert, carrier, G rove street
H enderson W illiam Geo. trav ellin g dra p er,W allin g ford st
E a rly closing day, Thursday.