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[ k e l l y âs
Selby-L ow ndes M eyrick E dw ard, M arshain m anor, r T ruem an Col. Thom as, B ayh am m anor, Chesham
T u rn e r Henry John, B raziers E n d, C h olesbury, Tring
G erra rd âs Cross, B acks
V ern ey S ir H arry C alvert W illiam s b art. M .P . Claydon
Selby-Low ndes W illiam
house, Steeple Claydon
Selby-L ow ndes W illiam , ju n . W haddon h all, Bletch ley
S hakespear A lexan d er M uirson W ake, H olly lodge, Vernon A rth u r, Th e R ockery, H igh W ycom be
le A lb ert, C astle street, B uckingham
B urn h am , M aidenhead
W arm ington S ir M arshall Denham b art. T he Old house,
S km ner A lfred E rn est, Grendon hall, A ylesb ury
G reat Missenden. B ucks
S m ith -N eill C ap t. Jas. W m . 13 S t. Jam esâ place, Paisley
W atson Jam es, 1 C lifton crescent, Folkestone
S pencer A u b rey John M .A. The W h ite ho. Beaconsfield
W a tts John Henry, 3 Pum p court, Tem ple, London E 0
S tacey Thom as, C astle F ields, B uckingham
W ay L ieu t.-C o l. B enjam in Irb y, Denham Place, Denham ,
S tevens E d m u n d , K in gston L isle park. W antage
U xbridge
S tew art-S a vile C ap t. W a lter S tew art, Y en , M ilborne
W ebb G eorge, G lenthorne, Chesham
Port, Som erset
Stratton Col. John H eathfield R .A . The G ag e, L ittle W est Leonard H enry L L .D . T he G range,W endover,Bucks
W ethered F ran cis Owen, Tilecotes, M arlow
B erkham sted, H ertford
S u m n er Lord P .C . Ibstone, near W allingford ; & 25 W eth ered Thom as Owen, Seym our court, M arlow
W h ite John B ell, A lderbourne m anor, G errard â s Cross,
G loucester square, H yde park, London W
S utton John C harles. Th e M ount, B rad w ell, W olverton
Sw ithinbank H arold W illiam F .R .S .E ., F .R .G .S . D en W illes Col. G eorge Shippen, Th e F irs, H ungerford,B erks
s Joseph G rou t, Pendley m anor, T rin g, H erts
ham cou rt. Denham , U xbridge
Talbot M aj.-G en . Hon S ir R egin ald A rth u r Jam es W odehouse Edm ond H enry M .A ., C .B . P lom er H ill,
igh W ycom be
K .O .B . States house, M edm enham , M arlow
Wood H enry Jam es Theodore M .A . F in g est cottage,
T arver John C harles, A sco tt, L eigh ton B uzzard
igh W ycom be
T ay lor R ichd. Stephens, 38 Lennox gdns. London S W
W oodbridge C ecil M ercer B .A . T h e Lodge, W exham ,
T e rry Ool. W illiam
S lough
Thom as S ir John, B rook ho. W ooburn. W ooburn G reen
T igh e L t.-C o l. M ichael A u gustus, Loosley house, Princes W oodhouse Sir Jas. Thom as, B rou gh hall, B rou gh ,Y orks
W oollard Fredk. W illiam , O usedale, Stony Stratford
R isborough
T rench Col. T h e Hon. W illiam le Poer R .E . St. H uberts, W orthington H y. H ugo, W ycom be court, H igh W ycom be
W ykeh am Philip Jam es D igby, TythTop house, Tham e
GeTrard's Cross. B ucks
T revor W illiam , L a th b u ry p ark . Newport P agn ell
T h e M ayors of Buckingham & Chepping W ycom be, & the Chairm en, for the tim e being, of all Urban & Rural
D istrict Councils in th e County, are ex-officio m agistrates.
Clerk of th e Peace, W illiam Crouch, C ounty hall, A ylesb ury.