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[ k e l l y âs
attem p t m ade n Jan. 1645, by G eneral G age to break it The Oxford Diocesan T rain in g College for School Master
down, when Abingdon was held for the P arliam en t by
here, standing in an elevated position about 1 my
Colonel Brown. T h e ch u rch of St. P au l, anciently dediÂ
â west from the C ulh am station, is a structure chiefl6
cated to S t. A ndrew , was reb uilt as to the nave in 1852
of local stone in the Decorated style, erected in
iu the E arly E n glish s tyle, and is an edifice of stone
by the late S am uel W ilberforce, Bishop of Oxford2
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south transept,
1846-69, from designs by J. C larke esq. at a cost of
south porch and a Perpendicular em battled western
¿20,000, of which ¿15,000 was raised by private subtower, erected in 1710 and containing 3 b e lls : the chanÂ
s cr ip tio n ; the b uildin g, opened in 1853, is intended
cel was reb uilt in 1872, at the cost of the late John
to contain 92 s tu d e n ts ; it em braces, besides the
Shaw Phillips esq. (d. 1893), and contains a small
studen tsâ ap artm en ts, a hall, chapel & principal's
trefoil-headed recess and a m onum ent to Thom as B ury,
residence, k attached to the college is a middle-class
a m em ber of a fa m ily of that nam e, of B ury H all,
school, w hich serves as a p ractisin g school for the
Lancaster, d. 1624: the arches of the south arcade, five
students ; a detached block of buildings was added
in num ber, are E a rly E nglish, w ith continuous m ouldÂ
in 1903 at a fu rth er cost of ¿3,000, raised by private
ings : a window in the north aisle, filled w ith im paled
subscription, com prising studen tsâ recreation room
shields of arm s of the C ary fam ily of the 17th century,
science th eatre k la b o ra to ry ; a Government grant
is sin g u larly m ade to form p art of a m onum ent to Sir
of ¿ 5 3 per year per student is allowed ; Rev. Canon
E dm und C ary knt. d. 12 Sept. 1637, son of Henry Cary,
A rth u r R ichard W hith am M .A. of M agdalen College,
fiTst Baron H unsdon K .G . erected by Judith , his third
O xford, p rin c ip a l; John S. Davis M .A. master 0f
wife, in 1638: there is also a m arble m ural m onum ent
m eth od ; E dm und L . R. E ve tts, Rev. Algernon Sidney
to Jonathan Peel esq. d. 18 A u g. 1843: there are 200
A rrow sm ith A sso c.K .C .L . F rederick R. Wortz M.A
sittin gs: a sm all fenced in churchyard surrounds the
W alter H. Spikes B .A . & John R. Grisman B.A,
The register of baptism s and burials dates
t u t o r s ; M iss F . M. H arm an, m atron
from th e year 1638 ; m arriages, 1639, and contains an
entry, under date Oct. 10, 1666, of a sum of ¿ 1 3s. 8d.
collected in aid of the sufferers by the G reat F ire of
London. T h e livin g is a discharged vicarage, net yearly Meets at the Poor Law In stitution, Abingdon, monthly,
at 12 noon.
value ¿2 3 2 , includin g 60 acres of glebe, w ith residence,
in the g ift of th e Bishop of O xford, and held since 1911 The D istrict consists of the Oxfordshire parishes in the
by the Rev. W illiam John Oldfield D.D. of C h rist
Abingdon Union, v i z . :â Baldon ¡Marsh, Balden Toot,
C h u rch , Oxford, and prebendary of Lincoln. The poor's
B urcot, Chisleham pton, C lifton Hampden, Culham,
allotm ent has been sold and the proceeds, am ounting
Nuneham C ourtenay, Sandford-on-Tham es & Stadto over ¿2,000, invested in Consols, the interest of
ham pton. Th e area is 12,346 a c r e s ; rateable value,
M arch, 1915, ¿2 1,6 2 1 ; th e population in 1911 was
which is distrib uted in fuel. Good fishing m ay be had
in Sutton M ill pool, and for pike, below C ulham lock.
John H enley Shaw e P h illips esq. is owner of the C hairm an, H arry G ale, N uneham Courtenay, Oxford
rectorial property, in clu d in g glebe of about 160 acres.
Mrs. M orrell, who is lady of the m anor, and J. H. S.
Phillips esq. are the principal landowners. T he soil Clerk, B rom ley C hallenor, S tert street, Abingdon & 14
is g r a v e l; subsoil, sand and clay. The ch ief crops are
New road, Oxford
wheat and barley. Th e area is 1,964 acres of land and T reasurer, Isaac W estcom be, London County & WestÂ
m inster Bank L im ited , Abingdon
88 of w a te r; rateable valu e, ¿ 6 ,1 5 6 ; the population in
1911 was 450, in clu d in g 110 students and staff of the Medical Officer of H ealth, W illiam H ugh Hill M.D.,
T ra in in g College.
C .M .E d in ., D .P .H .R .C .P .S .E d in . k G las. 29 Leckford
street, O xford
Parish C lerk , G eorg e Phipps.
S an ita ry Inspector & H igh w ay Surveyor, Sydney C.
Post Office.â Mrs. E llen B urrow s, sub-postm istress.
Tom pkins, A ppleford, A bingdon
L etters throu gh Abingdon arrive at 6.30 & 11.45
W all L e tter Box cleared at 10.20 a.m . k 1.30, 2.15 k
p.m . ; sundays, 11.25 a.m . Abingdon & SuttonC ulh am College School, b u ilt in 1852; Edmund L. R.
E ve tts, m a s te r; R. R. K im b ell B .A . assistant master
C ourtney, both about
m iles distant, are th e nearest
m oney order o ffices; telegraph office at the railw ay Elem en tary, b u ilt in 1850, for 80 ch ild ren ; Frederick
station, which is closed on sundays
M itchell, m aster
W all L e tter B ox, C ulham station, cleared at 7.30 a.m . Police Station, Thom as H arris, constable
k 12.15 & 7 p*m. ; sundays, 10.55 a -m
Railway Station, G eorge W m . Townsend, station master
W hitham Rev. Canon A rth u r Richard
A rrow sm ith Rev. Algernon Sidney
M .A. (principal of T ra in in g college)
A sso c.K .C .L . T ra in in g college
W ortz Fredk. R ., M .A . T ra in in g coll
E vetts E dm und L . R. (head m aster of
C O M M E R C IA L .
C ulham College school k tu to r of Burrows E llen (M rs.), grocer, Post off
T ra in in g college)
E dwards Thom as, farm er, Culham
G asm an John R ., B .A . T rain in g coll
House farm
K im b ell Raym ond R , B.A. (assistant Elderfield E m ily (M iss), dress m aker
m aster), C ulham C olleg e school
H arris E dw ard, farm er, Zouch farm
M itchell Frederick
H ays W alter, farm er, Rye farm
Oldfield Rev. Preb. W illiam John Hoiborow Francis, farm bailiff to the
D.D. (vicar). V icarage
M isses M undy
P h illips M rs. Shawe, C ulh am house
H utton M aurice, coal m erchant, see
Spikes W a lter H , B .A . T ra in in g colli Reynolds & H utton
Mobbs W illiam W hitlock, farmer,
W arren farm
M ouldey Bros, brick manufacturers
M undy Am elia Ann Adelaide & Emma
('Misses), farm ers, Manor farm
Oxford Diocesan Training College for
Schoolm asters (Rev. Canon Arthur
Richard W h ith am M .A. principal)
Reynolds k H utton, coal merchants
Reynolds John Richard, Railway hotel
Sheard A rth u r Edward, Lion inn
Townsend Geo. W m. insurance agent
k station m aster, G. W. Ry. station
W oodley Joseph, Wagon & Horses P H
C T J H .B I I I D G E , see W itney.
C T J T T E S L O W E , form erly extra-parochial, is now a principal landowners are C h rist Church, Oxford, an
parish 3 m iles north-north-w est from Oxford, w ith a Miss G reg ory . The soil is clay and loam ; subsoi.
Th e chief crops are wheat, barley
h a lt at O xford Road, on the B icester and Oxford section g ravel and sand.
of the London and N orth W estern railw ay, in the Mid and beans ; the area is 282 acres ; rateable value,¿ 5 9 >
division of the county, hundred of W ootton, petty the population in 19 11 was 20.
T his parish is rep uted ¡to be extra-parochial 0
sessional division of Bullingdon, union of W oodstock, and
county court district of Oxford. I t has no church, ecclesiastical purposes.
the inhabitants attending the church at W olvercote. In Letters th rou gh Oxford arrive about 7.30 a.m.; H
Box cleared at 6.10 & 8.20 p .m . ; sundays, 6.5 P- â
this parish is one of the new cem eteries formed by the
Sum m ertow n, Oxford, 3 m iles distant, is the near
C orporation of O xford : the site, purchased in 1889 by
the late Oxford Local Board, for a sum of ¿2,600, b eÂ
m oney order & telegrap h office
sides ¿4 8 for legal charges, com prises i3ac. ir . 34p. and C ity of Oxford C em etery, Richard Bacon, regis ra
G eorge M orrice, superintendent
has been well laid out and a m ortu ary chapel and lodge
erected at a fu rth er coat of about ¿5 ,8 0 0 ; it is under T h e children of this place attend the schoo s
the control of a com m ittee of the C orporation. The
p r iv a t e
r e s id e n t s
B arrell Thom as, Ben C ranchan
C arter F rederick, E lm v illa
Hanson W illiam , W hite cottage
Holdpr F rederick, Diceland
Lee M iss, St. M arg arets
P itts M rs. L e S éjour
Rees G eorge, T algarth
Robinson E ric B .Sc. Cartrefle
S alt Selwyn I. M ., A .R .C .O .
StupaTt M iss, Red Roofs
C O M M E R C IA L .
Holder F rederick, builder
Kerwood A rth u r Barrington, far
Moreton H arry, farmer