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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Musson E ber, 88 H igh street, Tham e Stannard F rederick Henry, Post office,
Musson Owen, Tetsw orth
Sonning Com m on, Reading
N ealeâs Tea Stores, 31a, M arket place, S ta r S up p ly Stores, 5 Queen st. Oxfrd
E n gin eerin g & W hitm ee L td .
S teers Henry, H ighfield, O xford
Cole st. G reat Dover st. London S E
fN eigh b o u r & Co. 29 & 31 Bell street, Stephens G eorge R. 44 S t. C lem en tâs
H enley-on-Tham es
street, Oxford
N eville
B rothers, Binfield Heath Stevens Miss F .Sth .N ew in gton ,B an b ry
H enley-on-Tham es
Stevens Richard Tom es, Churchill, VenablesJ.& Son,99St.Aldateâs st.O xfrd
Neville W illiam & Son, 15 G ravel hill.
Chipping Norton
W atkins & Co. n C hurch la .B a n b u ry
Stevens W illiam J. H igh st. Eynsham
Nefwell Evan E. 147 Iffley rd. Oxford S tran ge & Co. 39 South parade, GUTTA PERCHA MANUFRS.
& 11 C hester street, Iffley rd.O xfrd
Su m m ertow n ; 289 Iffley road & 124
In d ia R u b b e r, G u t t a P e r c h a &
N orridge E rnest Richd. 6 & 7 Charles
W alton street, Oxford
T e le g r a p h
W o rk s
C o . L im .;
street. St. E bb eâs, Oxford
S treaks M rs. E lizabeth, 2 A rgyle st.
offices, 106 Cannon street, London
Oakey John, A lvescot, Clanfield
C h ester street, Oxford
n, London
Organ A lb ert Thom as, 23 B ullin g- T am e Bros. F ilk in s, Lechlade (Glos)
E ; g u tta percha tu b in g , b eltin g,
don road, C owley St. John, Oxford ITarrant W illiam H enry & Sons
buckets, sheet, tissues, carboys,
Osborne Mrs. E .Stonesfield,W oodstock
(wines on ly), 32 & 36 M arket s q . ;
â S ilver K in g â golf balls &c
Packer Mrs. E lizabeth, 11 H orsefair,
117 Corn st. & 5 W est end, W itney
Chipping Norton
T aylor A . J. 258 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Page R .Stoke R ow .H enley-on-Tham es Thom as Geo. Hy. 42 B otley rd.O xford
Patey Richard H. Station road & The Thornton John, 82 Causew ay, G rim s- U niversity G ym n asium (S erg t.-M ajor
Boat house, G oring, Reading
bury, B an bury
G eorge M orley, m anager), A lfred
Pavier F red erick G eorge. 26 Walton T itcom b A lb ert. Souldern, Banbury
street. H igh street, Oxford
crescent, S t. Thom asâ, Oxford
Trafford Fredk. W olvercote, O xford
Paxm an, E. Son & Co. Benson, W a l Tucker E. F. M arket place, DeddingÂ
ton, Oxford
See T eacher of G ym n astics.
Pearce A lbert, N ettlebed, Henley-on- Turner Edwin, E pwell, Banbury
Tham es
T urn er H erbert, Chinnor, W allingford
Pearse A lb ert Thos. H igh st. Burford Turn'll & Dew, H igh st. Woodstock
Pearson John W esley, Post office, Tustain W illiam, Post office, Barford A ldridge C harles J. H igh st. Burford
Upper H evford, Banbury
St. M ichael, Oxford
Baines Thom as, H eadington, O xford
Pentycross M rs. A lice M ary, Old fT w in in g B rothers, 23 & 24 St. Bannard E. F. 32a, B ridge st.B anbry
W oodstock, W oodstock
Ebbeâs s t r e e t ; 53 C orn m arket st. ; Barnes H .W .qo S t. C lem en tâs st.O xfrd
fP ettip h er Thom as K . & Son, 14 W est
16 N orth Parade avenue, S t. G ilesâ ; Barton Edwd. 29a, W alton st. Oxford
street, C hipping Norton
46 H igh s t r e e t ; 294 B an b ury road, Barton W illiam G. 213 B an bury road,
P igott Francis Richard, 13 & 14 South
Sum m ertow n & 56 S t. A ldateâs st.
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
parade, Sum m ertow n, Oxford
Bedford E rn est, H igh st. W oodstock
Pim m J. G. H igh street, Eynsham
Tw in in g Owen & Co. 164 C ow ley rd. Bentley C. H. Littlem ore, Oxford
Piper M atthew Geo. H y.T h iu p p ,O x frd
B est W illiam , 4 R ew ley road, St.
Player W illiam , Carterton, Clanfield tU n derh ill Charles & Co. 37 C ornÂ
Thom asâ, Oxford
Plumb A lfred Joseph, The Supply
m ark et street, Oxford
Biggs W m . H. 103 C owley rd. Oxford
Stores, Sonning Common, Reading tU n derh ill M. & Son, 7 H igh st.O xfrd Brown A. E . <2 Broad st. Banbury
fP o lley W a lter Jas. H igh st. Burford tU n derh ill E rnest A u g u stu s, 15 & 110 Bryan H. W . 28a, Parsons st. B anbury
Poupart Louis H. E w elm e,W allingfrd
St. C lem en tâs street, Oxford
Burton A rth u r, 15 M arket sq. W itn ey
P ratt M arm aduke,36 W alton st.O xfrd Upstone H arold Edward, Brookbam p- B usby A . E. 43 Parsons st. Banbury
P u tt John,Post office, Com be.W oodstk
ton, W allingford
Busby Leo, Duke street, G rim sb u rv ,
Radbone & Son, 136 C owley road; 33 V en vell A rchibald, M ilton - u n d e r Banbury
Queen street & 24 G reat Clarendon
W ychw ood, Oxford
B u tler W m . F. 181 C ow ley rd.O xford
street, Oxford
Vernon Geo. T. Lew knor,W allingford B ygrave O liver, 59 Broad st. B an bury
1'Richards Leopold Percy, C ouching V in er & Sons, 62, 64 & 66 H igh st. B ygrave W illiam , 120 H igh st.T h am e
street, W atlington, W allingford
W itney
Castle Owen, 8 H ythe Bridge street,
Rogers Philip, 90 K ingston road, St. V iner C harles, S ou th L eig h , W itn ey
S t. T hom asâ, Oxford
G ilesâ, Oxford
W aine H arry, H igh street, Burford
C asw ell John C h ristop h er, 58 St.
fS a ltm a rsh & Druce, 44 M arket sq. W alker & C o .âs Stores L im ited , 83
M aryâs rd. C ow ley St. John, Oxford
W itney
H igh street & 14 M arket place, C h oldcroft C hristopher Jam es,
Saunders T.N ettlebed,H enley-on-Thm s
B anbury & 3 H igh street, W itn ey
W oodstock road, St. G ilesâ , Oxford
Saw yer & Sons, N ewland st.E ynsham W alker M rs. M. H. Littlem ore,O xfo rd Colem an Hy. 46 N orth B ar st.B a n b ry
fSellers F. & Co. 38 Q ueen st. Oxford W alker Richd. L. 103 H igh st. W itney Collier A lbert, 2 Park End street, St.
Sellwood Bros. W hitch urch, Reading W ard A. E . 61 S t. Clem entâs st.O xfrd
Thom asâ, Oxford
Shepherd Edward, W heatley
W ard F redk. A dderhurv E ast, Banbry Cooke G . & Co. 49 H igh st. Oxford.
â¢fS im m o n d s A. E. & Co. 153 W alton W arm ington H enry, P o st office, S'hilSee a d v e rtis e m e n t p a g e 3 7
street, Oxford
lingford, W allingford
C opsey & Co. 115 St. A ld ateâ s street,
tSim pson Thos. W. Bloxham ,Banbury W arren Sam uel, C harlbury
Skey E dw d.H eadington Q uarry,O xfrd W astie M iss E lsie, Islip, Oxford
C ouldrey A rth . B. 15a,Corn st.W itn ey
Slaughter E . 16 St. Aldateâs st. Oxford W atkins C harles, 19 O bservatory st. Couldrev F. W. 17 G eorge st. Oxford
Sm art, F au lkner & Co. 118 & 119 M agÂ
St. G ilesâ , Oxford
Cross John W illiam . 18 C harles st.
dalen road, C ow ley St. John,Oxford W eaver B ert, Chapel square, DedÂ
C ow ley S t. John. Oxford
Sm ith Brothers, 35 Bridge st.W itn ey
dington, Oxford
C urtis A lb ert, 11 C hester street, Iffley
tS m ith Bros. D eddington, Oxford
W ells & Sons, 22 Park street, Tham e
road, Oxford
Sm ith Sam uel & Son, G allow stree W ells Miss J. N eat Enstone, Enstone Dawson TValter, n o M agdalen road,
com m on, Kidm ore End, Reading
W est W m . G reat H aseley,W allingford
C owley St. John, Oxford
Sm ith C harles, Bladon, W oodstock
W heeler Thom as, Post office, W h it Dixon J. 23 St. Clem entâs st. Oxford
Sm ith F rank W illiam , 73 Sunningw ell
ch urch h ill, W h itch urch, Reading
Drewe V icto r R. E. 34 H igh stre e t,
road, New H inksey, Oxford
W hichelo Geo. Sh irb urn , W allingford
Sm ith Geo. W . O xford st. W oodstock W hitehorne Geo. W m .G orin g,R eadin g E arl Jam es, 105 C ardigan street,
Sm ith H enry, Oxford st. W oodstock fW ilk in s W illiam , W in dm ill road,
Jericho, Oxford
tS m ith M rs. H. L. G oring, Reading
H eadington Q uarry, Oxford
Farm er W illiam , C h arlbu ry
Sm ith Thackw ell G. C harlbury
W illis Fredk. Hy. H igh st. Woodstock Fogden A. 55 St. A ldateâ s st. O xford
Sm ith W illiam B. Benson,W allingford W ilsdon F ran k , 84 Cowley rd. Oxford Ford Charles, 15 Bridge st. Banbury
Sm ither John, Woodcote, Reading
Wilson It. & Sons, 18 & 19 M arket pi. Foster A. J. 33 M arket pi. B anbury
Solloway M ajor & Co. 127 W alton st.
Fox W illiam , H igh street, B urford
Wise Isaac Jam es E. C row m arsh G if Freem an J. H igh st. D eddington,O xfd
Som ertonG .Sandford S t.M artin ,O xfrd
ford, W allin gford
Freeman J. W. 8 Middle row ,C hipping
Spatcher Mrs. J. Hook N orton,Banbry 1 â¢W ood C. A. & Sons, Benson, W a lÂ
Spiers Jerem iah, 19 S t. M aryâ s road,
French A rth u r, K idlin gto n , Oxford
Cow ley St. John, Oxford
W oodward W illiam & Son, 34, 35 & G erm er W. H .3K in gE d w ard st.O xfrd
S p u rrett Mrs. Teresa, Bam pton
36 Bridge street, Osney, Oxford
G odfrey W illiam A lb ert H enry, 64a,
Stafford H erbert E dw ard, Stoke Tal- W rig h t Brothers, 90 Corn st. W itney
M agdalen rd. Cow lev S t.Jo h n ,O xfrd
m age, Tetsworth
W right & Son, 104 R ead in g road, G oodall F.27 H art st.H enley-on-Thm s
Stanley Thom as, W olvercote, Oxford
H enley-on-Tham es
G reen W m . F. 186 C ow ley rd. Oxford
H ancock Fredk. 47 Bridge st.B an b u ry