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O X F O R D S H IR E .

miles north from W itney and 6£ w est from W oodstock,
l ’be Roman road, A kem an S treet, passes th rou gh this
parish on the south. The ch u rch of S t. Jam es, erected
in 1872 on the site of the form er church, is an edifice of
stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave,
south aisle, organ cham ber, and a sm all square tow er at
the north-west angle, surm ounted by an octagonal broach
spire w ith a gable-headed spire-ligh t on each of the
cardinal faces and containing 3 b e lls ; th e aisle is divided
from the nave by an arcade of four arches, supported on
circular colum ns w ith m oulded caps and b a s e s : the
reredos is of alabaster, inlaid w ith m osaic work, and the
east window is filled w ith stained glass depicting “ The
Resurrection ” ; there are also three stained lancet win­
dows: there are sittin gs for 2 8 4 persons. T h e register
of Ramsden, as a separate parish, dates from about
1842; entries previous to this date are included in the
registers of Shipton. The liv in g is a vicara g e, net
yearly value £ 13 5 , w ith residence, in the g ift of the
Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1904 by the Rev.
Henry Robert H all M .A. of Pem broke C ollege, Oxford,

Baker Mrs. Ram sden house
Hall Rev. Hy. Robt. M .A. V icarage
Tipple Misses, H illcroft
Winter Mrs. The Hays

Banting William, baker
Day Charles, assistant overseer
clerk to Parish Council
Dix Ernest, farm er, Upper farm

U i T L E R Ü L L R IG H T .


who is also rector of W ilcote. T h ere is a W esleyan
chapel. Th e village is supplied w ith w a ter from a
g ra vel bed at th e n orth-w est end of th e v illa g e. Th e
p rin cip al landowners are Vernon Janies W atn ey esq.
who is lord of th e m anor, M rs. B aker and C h arles R. T .
K in g esq. T h e soil is a m ix tu re of gravel, sand and
c la y ; subsoil, p rin cip a lly lim estone. Th e chief crops
are wheat, b arley and roots. T he area is 920 a c r e s ;
rateab le valu e, £ i >255; th e population in 1911 was 343.
Sexton, John W right.
Post Office.— M rs. Hannah N ew m an, sub-postm istress.
L e tters arrive th rou gh C h arlb u ry, Oxon, at 7.15 a.m .
& 2.15 p .m .; disp atch ed 10.50 a.m . & 6.25 p.m . on
w eek days only. F in stock, i£ m iles distan t, is the
nearest m oney order office & C h arlbu ry, 3^ m iles,
telegrap h office
Ram sden School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1863, for 100 c h il­
dren ; A rth u r H ornbuckle, m aster
C arrie rs.— A rk ell, from N orth L e ig h , passes th rou g h to
O xford, s a t .; W itn ey, m on. & t h u r s .; C h arlbu ry
carriers pass th ro u g h ’ on th u rs. to W itn ey

Dore Brothers, plasterers
Dore C harles, hurdle m aker
Dore L aura (M iss), shopkeeper
Ford F red, farm er
G reenw ay H enry Jam es, beer retailer
H odgkins F rederick & Son, plasterers
Hodgkins A lice M ary (M iss), stocking
kn itter
H odgkins E liza (M rs.), shopkeeper
Holifield A lfred, rag m erchant

Howse F ran k, sm ith
H unt F rederick, Royal Oak inn
Newm an Hannah (M rs.), farm er, Post
Phipps A lfred , showm an
R eading Room (A rth .H orn bu ckle,sec)
Townsend M ary Ann (M rs.), dress
m aker, W oodbine cottage
W illo ugh b y John, farmeT
W ise John, farm er

G R E A T R O L L R I G H T is a parish and village on the
borders of W arwickshire,
m iles south-w est from Hook
Norton station on the B anbury and Cheltenham section
of the G reat W estern railw ay, and 3 north from Chipping
Norton, in the Northern division of the county, hundred
and petty sessional division of Chadlington, Chipping
Norton union and cou nty cou rt district, ru ral deanery
of Chipping Norton and archdeaconry and diocese of
Oxford. The church of S t. Andrew is a small b ut
ancient edifice of stone in the E arly E nglish, Decorated
and Perpendicular styles, w ith some Norm an remains,
and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays,
south aisle, south porch and an em battled western
tower of Perpendicular date, w ith crocheted pinnacles
and containing 5 bells dated 1696, a sixth bell added
in 1898, and a clock added in 1907, in m em ory of the
Rev. Henry Rendall M .A. v icar 1855-93, by his nine
sons: in the b elfry is a screen p artly carved by the
Rev. W. S. G uest-W illiam s M .A. vicar 1897-1908 in
memory of his m other, b u t he died before com pleting
it: the chancel is Perpendicular, and retain s a very
good rood-loft and screen, the form er fixed to the roof,
and the latter h igh ly c o lo u re d : all the chancel windows
are stained: the south aisle is L a te D ecorated and has
a rich cornice and stained w in d o w s; at its eastern end
is a p iscina: the lych gate in the ch urch yard was
erected in 1907, by her nine sons, to the m em ory of
Wien Harriett, wife of the Rev. H enry Rendall M .A. :
the south doorway is an in terestin g exam ple of ancient
Norman work, the arch being enriched w ith zig-zag
moulding and beak heads and the tym panum filled
with, a lozenge
o - p attern “and
i‘ u u
v u i- i icurious
,u iiu u o u
g nnss j; the
porch, of the D ecorated period, had form erly
room over it, b ut the intervening flooring is g o n e ’;
a ew yards south of this porch are the rem ains of the
old churchyard cross
-------is —
1.1-— **-------1
; there
N orm an door-

way on the side of th e nave : in th e ch u rch is a brass
to Jam es B attersb y, a form er rector, who died in 1522,
with effigy holding ch alice and w a fe r : th ere are 260
sittin gs. Th e reg ister dates from the year 1560. Th e
liv in g is a rectory, n et yearly value £320, derived from
409 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift of Brasenose College, Oxford, and held since 1908 by th e Rev.
Sidney W illiam s Briscoe Holbrooke D.D. of W adham
College, Oxford. T here are two B ap tist chapels. Som e
lem aii.s still ex ist of the old village cross w hich stood
on th e green, w hich spot is still called “ Th e C ross.”
T h ere is a poor’s estate of 81a. 2r. 26p. w ith 10 c o t­
tages, yieldin g about £93 yea rly, a portion of w hich
is applied to the E lem en tary school and the rem ainder
d istrib uted to the poor in clothing and fuel. The M ajor
C harles H all M em orial ch arity, am o un tin g to £60 16s.
yearly, derived from th e in terest of £2,000, is d is tri­
b uted to th e poor also by the rector and ch u rch ­
wardens, who are th e ch arity trustees. Mr. J. W .
H ughes, the P rin cip al and Fellow s of Brasenose C ollege,
O xford, and th e rector are the p rin cip al landowners.
T h e soil is o o lite; subsoil, the same. Th e ch ief crops
are w heat, barley and roots. Th e area is 2,414 a c r e s ;
rateab le value, £ 1 ,8 9 7 ; population in 1911, 349.
Sexton, W illiam Tom pkins.
Post, T . & Telephone C all & Telephonic E xpress
D elivery (for a lim ited distance) Office.— M iss C lara
Sm ith , sub-postm istress. L e tters th rou gh C h ip p in g
N orton arrive at 7 a.m . & 1.55 p .m . ; dispatched 9.55
a.m . & 6 p .m . ; no sunday delivery of le tters. C h ip ­
p in g Norton, 3 m iles distant, is th e nearest m oney
iu w u
I"Wall L e tte r Box, near the R ecto ry, cleared at 9.50 a.
| & 5.50 p.m
1E lem en tary School (boys, g irls & in fan ts), erected in
- * 99 children ;J -F ran
6 -k -D orm er, m aster
p r iv a te r e s id e n ts .
Dorm er F ran k, schoolm aster, & clerk M atthews Stephen Clark, farm er
TT9°u 6ai
Tlie Shrubbery
j to th e C h arity trustees
Mobley Henry, travellin g draper
Rniv 1 ^ ross M .A ., J.P.M anor ho F arbrother Jeh u, boot m aker
Pearson Abram , Unicorn P.H
uoiorooke Rev. Sidney W illiam s B ris- H all A lexan d er Cross M .A ., J.P. R eading Room (Frank D orm er, sec)
p oe D_P- (rector), Rectory
I farm er, Manor house
Salm on B enjam in, farm er
son-Harris Geo. A lfred, The F irs I H arvey W alter, pheasant breeder, Shepherd Jam es, blacksm ith
-d . , c o m m e r c ia l.
H eath Pheasant farm
Tom pkins Ann (M rs.), shopkeeper
y Richard, farm er, C hurch end 1 H ughes Joseph W illiam , farm er
Tom pkin s W illiam , carrier
L I T T L E R O L X i R I G H T is a parish and village 011
e borders of W arw ickshire and on the road from
J P P f S Norton to Shipston-on-Stour, 3 m iles northBbtvK n°r *'k *rom Chipping Norton station, on the
ra.ilwUl7 -anC* ^ ie^tenLam section of the G reat W estern
and rM-\m ^ .-N o rth e r n division of the county, hundred
ses9ional division of Chadlington, union and
of ( V C(?ur* S t r i c t of Chipping Norton, rural deanery
Norton and archdeaconry and diocese of
s m all h
church of S t. Philip is a plain and very
sistinr U| ? £ oi stone of th e Perpendicular period, coniw-pnL* J3lianceI’ nave’ south porch and an em battled
*n jgj
,Wester.n .tower, b uilt b y W illiam Blower esq.
canonip/i 1* containin8: one b e ll: in the church are two
altar tombs, one of which has a recum bent

effigy of a k n ig h t in plate arm our, w ith em blazoned
shields of an u s of the Dixon fam ily, form erly lords of
the manor, and is inscribed, b u t u n d a te d ; the other
has kneeling effigies of a k n ig h t in arm our of a later
period, w ith two ladies, and is dated 2647: there are
two handsom e niches, w ith crocketed canopies, in the
jam bs of the ea st w in d o w : the nave, w hich is very
plain, contains an ancient f o n t : there are 40 sittin g s.
The reg ister of b ap tism s dates from the year 1776;
m arriages, 1754; b urials, 1785. Th e liv in g is a rectory,
n et value £ 1 0 1, in cluding 6 acres of glebe, w ith resi­
dence, in the g ift of M rs. W illiam s, and held since
1915 b y th e Rev. A rth u r W rig h t C allis M .A . of S t.
John’s College, C am bridge, who is also rector of Salford,
w here he resides. In this parish are the fam ous Rolloxon

