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D M tC T O 'R y .]

B E R K S H IR E .



Belcher Misses, E astridge
de V itré Mrs. C harlton house
C astle A lb ert Stone, fan n er
Orm iston Jam es P. D. Ross, Dunkeld Edwards C harles, Lord Nelson P.H
Saunders W m .B ernard,L yneham croft Evans A lfred Thom as, farm er

Jolly Jam es Wood, farm er
M iller W illiam John, insurance ag t
Richens C hristopher A rth u r, farm er
W ilkins E rn est, dairym an

W A R F I E L D is an extensive parish 2 m iles from room, b illiard room and library of 1,000 volum es. The
the Bracknell station on the London and S outh W estern 61 acres of fuel allotm en t have been sold and the in ­
railw ay, 5 north-east from W okingham and 9 sou th ­ vested funds produce about £60 yearly for fu e l; a sum
west from W indsor, in the E astern division of the of £30 from several charities is also distrib uted. W ar­
hundred of W argrave, W okingham p etty field Park is occupied b y the Hon. Sir A rth u r Henry John
sessional division, union of E asth am pstead, county W alsh K .C .V .O 1. ; the m ansion, of brick, is surrounded
cou rt d istrict of W indsor, rural deanery of Maidenhead, by an exten sive and b eau tifu l park. W arfield G rove, a
archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. P or­ plain b rick house standing in a park of some extent,
tions of the parish were assigned to th e consolidated
is occupied by S ir K irk m a n F in lay. W’arfield H all, a
chapelry of Bracknell, October 24th, 1851. Th e church pleasant b rick -b u ilt residence w ith a park of about 160
of St. M ichael the A rchangel is an an cien t b u ild in g of acres, is th e seat of F ield-M arsh al S ir Charles Henry
stone in the E a rly E nglish style, of w hich it is con­ Brownlow G .C .B . Lord B raybrooke, who is lord of the
sidered a line specim en ; it consists of chancel, nave m anor, Lord O rm athw aite and F ield-M arsh al S ir Charles
of four bays, north aisle, south porch, and an em battled H enry Brownlow G .C .B . are the p rin cip al landowners.
western tower containing 8 bells : th e tower was restored T h e soil is clay and g r a v e l; subsoil, clay. T h e chief
in 1913 by Field-M arshal S ir Charles H enry Brownlow crops are w heat, oats and barley. Th e area is 3,423
G .C .B . the old bells being reca st and 3 new ones acres of land and 12 of w a ter; assessable value, £ 13 ,5 5 3 ;
ad ded: the church was thorough ly restored in 1876 the population in 1901, in clu d in g the ecclesiastical d is­
under the direction of the late Gf. Ë . S treet esq. R.A. trict of B rackn ell, which is prin cip ally situated in this
at a cost of about £3,000, raised by su bscrip tio n ; the parish, was 2,283 ", the population of W arfield ecclesias­
interior is relieved by a v ery handsom e carved oak tical p arish is 864.
screen w ith delicate tracery ; it contains also a m onu­
Parish C lerk, H enry J. W hite.
m ent to S ir John Benn W alsh b art. of O rm athw aite,
Cum berland, who died June 7, 1825, and several other Post Office, W arfield S tre e t.— Jam es S treet, sub-post­
line m onum ents of some antiquity : there are 270 s it­
m aster. L etters arrive from B racknell a t 6.15 & 10
tings. The churchyard was w holly closed against in ter­
а.m . & 6.55 p.m . ; dispatched at 6.50 & 11 a.m . & 7
m ents Jan u ary 1, 1867; a new portion was added to
p .m .; Sundays, 9.55 a.m . B rackn ell, 2 m iles d istan t,
the b urial ground in 1887. Of the earlier register,
is the nearest m oney order & telegrap h office
dating from 1666, only copies now exist, the originals Pillar B oxes.— “ Plough & H arrow ,” cleared at 7.35 &
having been destroyed by fire in 1833. Th e liv in g is a
11.10 a.m . & 6.50 p .m .; S u n d a ys, 11.10 a .m .; Moss
vicarage, net incom e £120, w ith 16 acres of glebe and
E nd, cleared at 10.15 a m - & 6.25 p .m .; sundays,
residence, in the g ift of Mrs. Littlew ood, and has been
10.55 a m - &
Hawthorn hill, cleared at 10.50 a.m . &
held since 1912 by the R ev. W alter A lexander Thackeray
б.15 p.m . ; Sundays, 10.45 a.m
M .A. T rin ity College, O xford : the vicarage house was
erected in 1862. There is a G ospel H all here and an E lem en tary School (’m ixed), b u ilt for 146 ch ild ren ;
W a lter Moore B rockbank, m aster
undenom inational chapel a t Moss E nd, belonging to the
Fifield m ission. The Brownlow M em orial H all, b u ilt in C arrier.— A rth u r G eorge Barnard, from B rackn ell to &
from R eading, daily
1913, is a red brick b uilding, com p risin g a large concert
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
Lawrence Henry, The C ottage
Abraham s H arry N. Hawthorne lodge 1Nicholls G eorge, Brookside
Brownlow Field-M arshal S ir Charles Th ack eray Rev. W alter A lexander
Henry G .C .B . W arfield hall
M .A . (vicar)
Burgess G eorge H enry, Hawthorndale W alsh Hon. Sir A rth u r H enry John
Calvert-Jones Mrs. Newell hall
K .C .V .O .,
D .L ., J.P .
& Lady
C lem entine, W arfield park
Cocks W illiam , The Hawthorns
Orailsham H enry D. W arfield priory Woods Capt. A lexander, Old Gables
Day C harles. The Laurels
Finlay S ir K irkm a n . W arfield grove
Blake A rth u r, carpenter
Fosbery C apt. Charles W idenham , Bowyer G eorge, farm er,M alt H ill frm
H ailey green
Bowyer Thom as, cart & wagon buildr
G eary F rederick, Brooklyn
Bowyer W illiam , farm er, Moss End
Henderson Mrs. C ruchfield house
Brownlow M em orial H all (The)
S ir W illiam Jam es bart. \C rocker H arry, farm er, W est End
M.A. R ectory house
¡Crow Robert, farm er, Jealots h ill &
Hewat Miss, W arfield cottage
Nup town
Jenkins M rs. Brock H ill cottage
Davis W illiam ,Sh eph erds’ House P.H.
Kington G eorge, Rockm ead, Nuptown
Moss End

in Dom esday “ W eregrave,” is a
parish and village in a v alley surrounded by picturesque
woodland scenery, w ith a station on the Henley branch
of the G reat W estern ra ilw a y: it stands on the rig h t
bank of the Tham es, which separates it from O xford­
shire and is crossed by a ferry to Shiplake station, 3
miles south-east from H enley. 7 n orth-east from
Reading, 2 north from the G reat W estern railw ay s ta ­
tion at Tw yford and 8 w est from M aiden h ead; it is
in the E astern division of th e county, hundred of W argrave, p etty sessional division and union of W o kin g­
ham, H enley county cou rt d istrict and in the rural
deanery of Sonning, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese
of Oxford. The W argrave and Tw'yford W aterw orks,
constructed in 1896, one m ile east of the village, are
the property of the R ural D istrict Council, and consist
of a reservoir, w ith a cap acity of 150,000 gallons, and
a pum ping station, from w hich a supply of w ater is
conveyed to the houses in the two parishes. The
church of St. M ary was origin ally a stru ctu re of flint
and b rick with stone dressings in the E a rly Norm an,
Lancet and la ter styles, and consisted of chancel, nave
of five bays, south aisle, north porch and an em battled
western tower erected 1515-30, w ith hexagonal tu rre ts
at the angles, containing 6 bells and a clock, presented
by M rs. E. J. H .^ e k y l l: the church was alm ost entirely
destroyed by fireTon the m orning of June 1, 1914, only
the bare w alls, the external Norm an doorway and the

Davis W illiam John, boot rep airer
Dyer Edwd. farm er, G ilnochie farm
G ale Jam es, farm er, W est End
Hatfield M ary Ann (M rs.), beer retlr
Howells W m .N ew L e ath er B ottle P.H
L aish ley A rth u r, baker
Lawrence Richd. frm r.B rock H ill frm
Miles Jam es, Plough & H arrow P .H
Moss Jam es J. New inn
Richardson W alter, F ou r H orse Shoes
S m ith Chas. black sm ith , Moss End
S treet Jas. & Sons, bakers, P ost office
T ap p in g E rn est G eorge, dairym an,
Honeywood farm
Tutton Jas. farm er, W hitlocks farm
W orking M en’s C lub (H enry L a w ­
rence, sec)

tow er bein g le ft stan d in g : the church is now (1915)
being reb u ilt at an estim ated cost of £13,300 : services
are now held in a tem p orary iron church : the church
p late includes a chalice of th e date of Charles II. a
silver flagon dated 1709, chiefly th e g ift of M rs. Dovlev,
and a paten given by M rs. P ritch a rd in 1763; but a
new communion service was presented b y the Rev.
A rth ur S m ith S tu rg es M .A . curate here 1866-71: in the
churchyard is a large and an cien t vessel of hewn stone,
said to have once been a font. Th e reg ister dates from
the yea r 1538 and u n der the date O ctober roth, 1666,
contains an en try of a collection of £ 2 is. n d . for the
“ poore distressed Londoners by reason of ye late la m en t­
able f ir e ; ” under 17th F ebruary, 1793, is a record of
the b urial of Richard B arry, 7th E arl of B arry m ore;
and under Decem ber 4th, 1818, th at of his brother, the
Hon. and R ev. A u g u stu s B arry. Th e liv in g is a vicar­
age, net yea rly value £ 150, w ith residence, occupied as
a vicarage since 1828, in th e gift of Sydn ey P la tt esq.
and’ held since 1914 b y th e Rev. Stephen M iller W inter
M .A. of New College, O xford. Here is a C ongregational
chapel, w ith a square w estern tower. W oodclyffe
Recreation G round of 11 acres was given by M rs.
W illiam Sm ith in 1908. Th e Rev. W alter Sellon, vicar
of Ledsham , in th e cou n ty of Y o rk , le ft by w ill in 1793
the sum of £400, £ 3 per C ent. Consolidated A n n uities,
the interest of w hich to be given as fo llo w s :— £ 10 to a
servant man of good ch aracter who has lived th ree vear»