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B E R K S H IR E .

the residence of Mrs. J o ic e y ; Lynw ood, of M rs. Thom p­
son ; and B roadlands, of Peter Bond B urgoyne e s q .;
there are several other mansions in the d istrict. The
K arl of D erby and S t. John's College, C am b ridge, are
I he principal landowners. Th e soil is g ra velly and
s a n d ; subsoil, vario us. T h e area is 1,204 acres of land
and 7 of w a te r; rateab le valu e, £ 1 2 ,6 14 ; the population
of the c iv il parish in 19x1 was 1,537, nnt* of the ecclesi­
astical parish, w hich extends into S u rrey, 2,320.
V erger and Sexton , H enry A ttaw ell.
Post & M. 0 . Office.— F rederick Charles H odder, sub­
postm aster.
Letters are received from the A scot
office at 6.45 & 10.50 a.m . & 5.40 p .m .; dispatched
at 8.15 a.m . & 2.40, 5.15, 6.35, 7.50 & 9 p .m .; S u n ­
days, arrive at 6.45 a.m . & dispatched at 5.55 p.m .
T elegram s are dispatched, but not delivered. Sunningdale station is the nearest for delivery. Th e office
is open on Sundays from 8.30 to 10 a.m . for telegraph
Post & M. 0 . Office, Th e R ise.— M rs. A nnie Cobley,
sub-postm istress. L e tte rs are not delivered from this
office. Box cleared 8.10, 8.40 & 10.45 a.m . & 2.20,5.15
& 7.45 p . m . ; S u n d a y s , 5.35 p .m . Telegram s are dis-

[kellV s

patched, but not delivered. Sunningdale station is
the n earest for delivery. Th e office is open on Sun­
days from 8.30 to 10 a.m . for telegrap h business
Town Sub-Post, M. 0 , T . & Telephone C all Office,
Sun n in gdale Station .— H enry W . Packer, sub-post­
m aster. L etters arrive from A scot, b ut are not delivei'ed from th is office. B ox cleared at 8.5 & 8.40
a .m . & 2.5, 6.10, 7.25 & 8.50 p .m . ; Sundays,
p.m . The office is open on sundays from 8.30 to
10 a.m . for telegraph business
W all L e tter B oxes: Piixeacre Corner, cleared at 8.40
a.m . & 2.25, 6 & 7.20 p .m .; sundays, 5.25 p .m .;
S h rub b ’s h ill, cleared at 8.15 & 11.15 a m - & i-SS» 6.20
& 7 - 5 5 P-m - ! S u n d a y s , 5 p .m .; R ailw ay station,
cleared at 8, 8 40 & 11.10 a.m . & 2.10, 6.5, 7.15 &
p .m .; sundays, 5.15 p .m .; The V illa g e, cleared
at 9 a.m . & 3, 6.25 & 8.10 p .m . ; Sundays, 5.45 p .m
Elem entary School (m ixed), b u ilt in 1842, & since en­
larged for 270 ch ild ren ; Charles H. H inks, m a s te r ;
in ten ts’, b uilt in 1882 & since enlarged, for 138
c h ild re n ; M iss E liza W akelin, m istress
Railw ay Station, F rederick R ich ard Stanford, station
m aster

(M arked thus * are in the postal dis-I Norris G eorge, D agwell house
! G arraw ay G eo.E dw d. draper,The Rise
tric t of S u n n in g h ill.)
¡O liver V ere Lan gford, W hitm ore lo G iddy & G iddy, estate agents
' Pack Edwin, Hope house
G ig g A lb ert, delivery agen t to L . &
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s.
»Palm er L ieu t. C uth b ert, Enfield
S W. R ailw ay, Cow arth road
Ayscough H ugh H ipsley, Park lodge »Peacock Col. Ralph V .D . C harters
G ig g G eorge, fiy proprietor
Banks-Jones Ralph M. G reendale
P latt Sydney, S t. Bruno
H alfpenny E d a (M rs.), Chequers P.H
Belcher M iss, S p rin g grove
Rennie S tu art, Bayuda, C hurch road H atcher Thom as, beer ret. C hurch rd
B ernard L ady, H u rst lodge
Robinson Andrew J.P. Burnham ho Hind E dw in, dairym an, Station road
Blake» H arry, C raigm yle
Ross-Skinner A . C harlcom be
j Hodder F rederick Charles, stationer,
Bourne-M ay Jam esW illiam Seaborne, Shrubb M rs. A sh lodge
Post office
Shrubbs H ill house
S m ith D avid M arshall, S u n n in g d a le. Holland Hannah (M iss), laundress,
Braddon L ady, Shrublands
j Shrubbs hill
»Broad Capt. G eorge A lexan d er R .N ., Soul Miss Anna H. Oakfield
Holloway A lfred R ichard, carriage
M .V.O . V irgin ia W ater cottage
¡Strevens H arry, T h e Manse
proprietor, Station road
Bruce E ric S tu a rt, A irth
»Thom pson M rs. Lynwood
Holmes John F. boot repr. London rd
•B u rgo yn e Peter Bond, Broadlands
Tritto n V incent Biscoe, L ittlerid g e
Hopkins W illiam , contractor
Clow es M iss, Ferndale
V illiers Edward E rn est, Pine acre
Keep G eorge, shopkeeper, C hui’ch rd
Cornish Rev. Jam es G eorge M .A. W akelin John Henry, Rosenhurst, K in g John, insurance agent
(v icar), V icarage
C h u rch road
L u ff Jack E . cycle agent, London rd
C rab tree F. L . School lodge
W alker Col. S elb y, W ilb ury
M ercer Richard H ubert M .B ., C h .B .,
Decies G ertru d e L a d v , Scottswood
W est Reginald, Pine cote
D .P.H . physcn. & surgn.Thorndean
D erby E arl of K .G ., P .C ., G .C .V .O ., »W estm acott PercyG raham Buchanan, Milward Jas. A rth. butcher, The Rise
C .B . C oworth park ; & D erby house,
Rose m ount
Morton & E llis, blacksm iths
S tratford place W & T u r f club W’ W ild rid g e Chas. Moody M .B. Biwa
Norris & Co. builders
& C arlton. Guai-ds’ & M arlborough
Oates J. H. & Son, butchers
clubs S W , London
Pack Edwin, builder, decorator &
»Donner M rs. W oodleigh
E a rly closing day, W ednesday 1 p.m .
D unkerlev Mrs. W oodley
A bbott W illiam , fly proprietor
Pack W m . V . cycle agt. C hurch rd
E llis Coi. Charles C onyngham C .B . Banvard W m . John, draper.Station rd Packer H en iy & Sons, shopkeepers &
Oak lodge
B earr W ilfred F .R .C .O . organist to
carmen, Post office
»Ford C harles J. The Dene
the parish church
1Pearce M ark, baker, Th e Rise
Bow ling C lu b (G . B urt, sec)
F orsyth W alter, Bedford cottage
¡Pearson A lfred Jn.boot m a.C h urch rd
F yler Jn. A rth . Clooneavin,Church rd Bright C harles, cycle m anufacturer IPovey Chas. h air dresser, S tation rd
Brooks W illiam , Red Lion P.H
G arvey John, Roseley
I Rogers Jas. (M rs.), shopkpr.The Rise
B utler D avid, b utch er
» G old sm ith Jam es, Duncroft
Sm ith W. H. & Son, news agents,
G olla Mrs. H azeldene, C h urch road Chapm an Jesse A lfd. g rcr.C o w arth rd
Railw ay station
H ankey Col. Sydney T h orn h ill, Clare- Coffee A lfred W illiam , hair dresser
Sm ith David M arshall, boys’ school,
Collins H arry H erbert, Royal O aki see Crabtree & Sm ith
H artley Jam es Bishop, C allallv
P.H . Station Toad
j Sm ithers W illiam W alter, beer rbJoicey Mrs. Sunningdale park
Cox John E. boot m aker, The Rise
1 tailer, The Rise
Kane M ajor R ichard A. Th e Firs
Crabtree & Sm ith , boys’ school
, Soul Anna H. (M iss), g irls’school,
K im pton Charles Stanley .Laburnum s Dean John, chim ney sweep, Th e Rise
L e v y A lb ert, W ardour lodge
D ivall Thom as, tailor. Station road
Sunningdale & A scot D airies(C Swan,
Dudeney E rn est, baker, Station rd
*M acfarlane David Jam es, Crofton
Marsh Thom as A plin. Sycam ore cot
Dulev W alter J. assistant overseer & Sunningdale & D istrict Co-operative
M artindale W arine, H aistwell
collector of poor rates (resides a t , Society Lim ited (G . Ford, manMaund Loben, L ittle Chewton
W indsor)
[ ager). T he Rise
M ercer Rd. H ubert M .B. Thorndean E llis Jam es, b lacksm ith, see Morton Swan C harles, dairym an
M ontagu Capt. C ecil E dgar, Lulw orth
& E llis
jW aterer & Sons, estate agents
»Mundev C ap t. Stanley, Knolewood End W illiam (M rs.), _photographer
W hite Chas.W m . shopkpr.Cow arth rd
M urray of E libank Rt. Hon. Lord, F ag g G eorge, tailor, London road
W ildridge Charles Moody M .B ., C.M .
Ballencrieff : & Bachelors’ club W & Feberv M ark, N ag's Head P.H
Glas, surgeon, Biwa
Brooks's, M arlborough & N ational G arraw ay E lsie (M iss), dress m aker,
W orking Men’s In stitute & Reading
Liberal clubs S Wr, London
The Rise
Room (H enry A ttaw ell, sec)
S U N N I N G H I L L is a strag g lin g and extensive parish,
on the Bath and Reading road, and exten din g on one
side to W indsor park, about 1 m ile east from Ascot
railw ay station on the South W estern railw ay. 24 m iles
from London, 6 south-w est from W indsor and 6 southby-west from E gham , in the E astern division of the
county, hundred of Cookham , p etty sessional division
and union of W indsor, county court districts of C hertsey
and M aidenhead, rural deanery of Maidenhead, arch­
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. Th e church
of St. M ichael and All A ngels, origin ally b u ilt in the
T2‘ h century, was p artially rebuilt in 1888-9, ^hen
a chancel, vestry and a chapel of stone, in the

| Perpendicular style, were added at a cost of ¿4,0 00 :
j there are also nave, aisles, north porch, and an emI battled western tow er w ith 3 bells : the church affords
! 700 sittin gs, 400 of which are free and unappropriated.
In the churchyard is a yew tree supposed to be 1,000
| years old. Th e reg ister dates from the year 1561.
I Th e liv in g is a vicarage, net incom e ¿ 3 1 2 , w ith 18
I acres of glebe and residence, in the g ift of St. John’s
I College, Cam bridge, and held since 1912 by the Rev.
| A rth u r Ralph Ingram M .A. of St. John's College,
1 C am bridge. There is a W esleyan chapel at Cheapside.
In th e v illag e is a readin g and recreation room, w ith
lib ra ry of about 1,500 volum es. The P ublic Hall can be