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[ k e l l y ’s

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LO R D PARM O O R P .C ., K .C .V .O . Parmoor, H am bleden, H enley-on-Tham es; & 29 W ilton crescent, London SW.

THE HON. I'HOMAS F R A N C IS F R E M A N T L E , The Old House, Swanbourne, Winslow.
Marked thus J are also Deputy Lieutenants.
Addington L o rd V.D . A ddington, W in slo w ; & 7 Campden H ill court, K ensington, London W
A kroyd John B ath u rst
{A llhusen H enry Eden, Stoke court, S toke Poges
A llison Col. W m . H y. V .D . Undercliff, near Sunderland
A rden D ouglas, E ast Burnham house, near Slough
A usten L e ig h E dw d. Com pton, Colenorton,Eton,W indsor
Barlow Jam es Alan N oel M .A. B osw ells, Wendover
Barrington V iscount, 101 Eaton square, London S W
Barrow Col. W illiam F ran cis, Ancoats H aves, Iver
H eath, Uxbridge
B artlett E dw ard Noel N apier, S t. M argaret’ s cottage,
Penn, H igh W ycom be
Bassett Theodore B rom head, H atch farm , H eath and
B each , Leigh ton Buzzard
Beaum ont Hon. H ubert, W otton house, A ylesb ury
B eever W illiam F red erick H olt, Yew den , Ham bleden,
H enley-on-Tham es
Bell S ir John Ohas. hart. Fram ew ood,Stoke Poges,Slough
B ennitt Col. W illiam W ard, Faringdon house, F aringdon, Berks
Bernard L t.-C ol. Francis T yrin gh am H iggin s, Chearsley
H ill, A ylesbury
Bloxam John A stley, Th e Old M alt house, W ell End,
Bourne E nd, Bucks
Booth C om m ander A u gu stu s B urton C lavell R .N . Gore
cottage, B urn h am , M aidenhead
Boswell John Irv in e M .D. C raw ley grange, Newport


Bowyer L ieu t.-C o l. W entworth G renville R .E . W eston
m anor, Olney
B ram ley A lb ert, F enny S tratford , Bletch ley
Brownlow The R ig h t Hon. E a rl P .C . A sh ridge park,
B erkham sted ; & 8 Carlton House terrace, London SW
t B uckingham shire E arl of, H am pden ho. G t. M issenden
B uckland F rancis B ow ry, W hite h all, W raysb urv,Stain es
Bull H erbert E dw ard, Castle house. B uckingham
B ull Col. W illiam H enry K .H .S ., F .R .C .S .E d in . St.
O swald’s house. Stony Stratford
B urke F ran cis E u stace, B ay house, Sandgate, Kent
Burney L t.-C o l. H enry E dw ard, W avendon tow er,W oburn
Sands, Beds
^Burnham Lord K .C .V .O . H all Barn. B eaconsfield; & 20
Norfolk street, London W
Burrows C ol. E dm und A ugustine* C .M .G . M anor house,
Long Crendon, Tham e
Burton W illiam Schoolcroft. E astlin g rectory, Faversham . K en t
B utcher Francis Joseph, Manor ho. T avistock , Devon
B yam -G rounds Thom as, Passenham
m anor,
S tratford
^Carington L ieu t.-C cl. The Hon. R u p ert C lem en t G eorge
C .V .O ., D .S .O . M arlborough club. London S W
JO arlile W illiam W alter, G ayhn rst, N ew port Pagnell
JC arr-G om m Francis C ulling, The Chase. Farnham
R oyal, Bucks
O arr-Gom m Hubert W illiam C u llin g M .P. The Chase,
F am ham Royal, B u c k s ; k 88 St. Jam es’ street,
London S W
C arrington G eorge, T h e A bbey, G reat M issenden, Bucks
Carson M ajor Jam es Sim pson, 33 G loucester place, Portman square, London W
C ham pion H enry, E lm lodge, Ludlow , Salop
C h an tler W illiam Rogers, 94 H igh st. New port Pagnell
Chapman A rth u r G erald
C harsley Robert Stephen, Th e Old B arn, Slough
C heylesm ore M aj.-G en. Lord K .O .Y .O . 16 Prin ce’s gate,
Hyde park, London S W

C h ristie John, Eton college, W indsor
C h ristie-M iller Sydney R ichardson, B ritw ell court,
Burnham , M aidenhead
C hurch ill John Foot, 48 H ig h street, Chesham
C lark G eorge, 3 Suffolk villas, BicesteT rd. A ylesb ury
C larke Daniel, H avenfield, H igh W ycom be
C lu tterb u ck Thom as M eadows, Putteiddge, Luton
Cocks Thom as Som ers Vernon B .A . Uplands, H ughenden, H ig h W ycom be
+Cottesloe L o rd, Sw anbourne house, W inslow ; k 43
E aton square, London S WT
Cox F ran cis Joseph, Foxborough house, L an gley, Slough
C reak W illiam , M ontem , S alt H ill, Slough
C rem ieu-Javal P aul, Ennism ore gardens, London S W
C ripps Hon. A lfred Seddon, Parm oor house, H am ble­
den, H enley-on-Tham es
Cripps Hon. R ich ard Stafford, Fernacres cottage,
F u lm er, Slough
C ullen F rederick , Latchm oor, G errard 's C ross, Bucks
D alm eny L o rd, 3 Buckingham gate, London S W
Danter Col. F rederick W alter, F rem ar, G errard’s Cross,
D arvill H arry L ak e, Bournefield, C halvey, Slough
D avies Dixon H y. W itheridge, K n o tty green, Beaconsfield
D avis A lfred, jun . Lynw ood, C rom w ell gardens, Marlow
Daw H enry Jam es, W illiam street, Slough
Dawson Col. S ir Douglas F rederick Rawdon G .C .V .O .,
C .M .G . M edm enham abbey, M arlow
Day Col. John G eorge
D ayrell Capt. E dm und M arm aduke R .N
Delap M ajor James Bogle, The Manor house, Lillingstone Lovell, Buckingham
Dent E dw ard, 2 Carlos place, London W
de Salis Henry Rodolph, Iv y lodge, Iver Heath, near
de Saum arez-H aviland R eginald, Eton college, W indsor
Desborough Lord B .A ., K .C .V .O . Taplow cou rt, near
M aidenhead
JDevonport Lord P.C. W ittington , M arlow ; & 41 Grosvenor place, London S W
Dickson John Dunbar, The G ables, M arlow
+D israeli Coningsby R alph, H ughenden m anor, High
W ycom be
Dodwell H erbert, T he Manor, Lon g Crendon, Tham e
D orm er Lord
Drake W m . W vkeham T yrw h itt, Shardeloes, Am ersham
Duncan L ieut.-C o l. W illiam
Duncom be S ir Everard Philip D igby Pauncefort bart.
B rickhill m anor, Bletch ley
+Du Pro W illiam B aring M .P. Taplow house, M aiden­
head ; & 62 Curzon street, London W
E ccles W illiam , M ill house, W ooburn G reen, B ucks
E llis A lfred, The A venue, Station road, Am ersham
E lv ey Robert V icto r, x Upton park, Slough
Fane F rederick W illiam , W orm sley, Stokenchurch,
W allingford
F arw ell Capt. W m . Th e P rio ry, Burnham , M aidenhead
F ay S ir Sam . Woodbank, G errard's Cross. Bucks
F ield Thom as, The Prim roses, B ickford’s h ill, A ylesbury
F in lay L t.-C ol. Alexander, Manor house, L ittle B rick ­
hill, Bletch ley
F ish er G eorge Parkins, Carrow , Upton road, Slough
Ford F rederick Thom as, K im b er’s house, K im b er’s lane,
F oifescue John B evill M .A. Dropm ore, near M aidenhead
F ran klin A rth ur E llis, C h artrid ge lodge, Ohesham