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O X FO R D .


[ k e l l y ’s

B u tler Spencer P ercival, 6 N o rth -¡C ash W illiam , 14 Fyfield road
C leaver W m . 6 Farndon rd. St.Giles’
m oor road
, C astle E rnest G eorge, 63 D ivinity rd C leg g Stanley, 29 Aston st. Cowlev
B utler Thom as, 30 Aston st. Cowley C astle M iss, 39a, S t. G ile s’ street
St. John
St. John
C astle Miss, 79 W oodstock road, St. C lem en t M iss, 38 Frenchay road, St.
B u tterfield H enry Jam es, 70 South
G iles’
G iles’
field road. C owley St. John
C astle W illiam H enry,34 Warnborough Clews John, 34 Kingston road
B utterfield Robin A rth u r, Lindley
road, St. G iles’
Clews Joseph, 23 St. M argaret's road
H ill Top road, S t. C lem en t’s
St. G ile s’
Cavan W alt. Leonard, 158 W alton st
B utton G eorge T .. B.A. 8 M arston Cave A rth u r W ilson M.A.
(head Clifford Mrs. 65 Abingdon rd. GrandFerry road, Sum m ertow n
m aster of the C ity of Oxford High
Byw ater-W ard Mrs. 40 St. G ile s’ st
School for Boys), 83 Banbury road C lifford-Sm ith Mrs. 312 Banburv rd.
C accia A nthony M ., M .A ., M .V.O. Chadwick M iss, 83 Abingdon road
Sum m ertow n
(director of Indian Forest studies). Chadwick M rs.2 Chalfont rd .S t.G ile s ’ C lifton Charles Edward, 17 Parker sc
19 Linton road
Chalker-Pearse M iss, 81 B anbury road C lifton Robert B ellam y M .A ., F.R.S.
C adoux C ecil John B .A. (tutor at Cham berlain Mrs. 1 Manor pi.H olyw ell
(prof. of E xp erim en tal Philosophy
Mansfield college), Mansfield road
& fellow of Merton & Wadham col­
Cham pernowne Fran cisG aw ayn e M .A.
C aird Mrs. 12 Bardwell road
leges). 3 Bardw ell road
(bursar at Keble college), 2 Keble
C aldecott Andrew M .A. 92 Woodstock
road. St. G iles'
Clinch Mrs. iq W ellington square,
road, St. G iles’
St. G ile s’
Chandler W illiam Henry, 31 Beech
C am b ray W illiam Thom as, 65 Lons­
C roft road, Sum m ertow n
Clinkard M D iv in itv rd.Cowley Td
dale road, Summerfcown
e-S m ith Mrs. 22 Beech Croft rd.
Chandler W illiam T h om as,8 H am ilton
Cam eron Mrs. 247 Cowley road
Sum m ertow n
road, Sum m ertown
Cameron Mrs. 7 Manor pi. Holvwell Chapm an David Leonard M .A. (fellow Clowes M iss.ioW inchester rd.St.Gilea’
Cam pbell Rev. John M cLeod ' M .A.
Clubb Charles W . F. 33 Park End et.
& assistant tu to r), Jesus college
(chaplain). H ertford college
St. Thom as’
C hapm an G eorge H enry, 9 D ivin ity
C am pbell John Edward M .A. (fellow,
road, Cowley road
C lym a Miss, 185 Banbury rd. Sum­
senior tu to r & lectu rer of H ertford Chapm an Miss, 12 Lin ton road
college & lectu rer in m athem atics Chapm an Robert W illiam , 5 Polstead Coate John C oggan, 194 Divinity rd.
road, St. G iles'
U niversity & Pem broke colleges), 14
C owley road
Rawlinson road, St. G iles’
Chappie Eldred, 11 Farndon road, Cobb A ustin , 149 Banbury road,
'C a n n an Charles M .A . (sec. to the
Sum m ertow n
St. G iles’
Delegates of the Press), 61 High st C hattaw ay F rederick Daniel M .A ., Cobb G eorge H enry M .A. 45 Be
C roft road, SummeTtown
Cannan E dw in M .A ., LL .D . n ChadF .R .S . 151 Woodstock rd. St. G ile s’
lington road
C haundy A rth. Jam es, 21 P arker st Cobb M rs. 87 B anbury road
Capon Robt. Stanley B .A . (asst, at the Chaundy H enry, 9 Southm oor road, C ockell W alter, 121 H igh street
S t. G iles'
Cockerell Rev. Louis A ., M.A. 106
U niversity O bservatory). The Parks
B anbury road
Oarden G eorge, 41 Oakthorpe road. C haundy Theodore W illiam M .A .(lec­
Sum m ertown
tu rer), C h rist C h u rch ,S t.A ld a te’s st Codrington Misses, 6 Tackley place,
St. G iles’
Carew -H unt M rs.M aryM .D .3iH olvwell
Coen Rev. John C reagh M.A. 116
•Carev Rev. W alt. J . M .A .(lib rarian ),
Sum m ertow n
oodstock road, .Summertown
Cheesm an
G eorge
Pusev house, 61 St. G ile s’ street
C oker Miss, 5 L ath bu ry road
(fellow & lecturer), New college
C a r e y M ansel, 25 W arnborough road,
S t. G iles’
Chennell Joseph John, 1 Beech Croft Cole George Douglas Howard B.A.
(fellow ), Magdalen college
road, Sum m ertown
C arline G eorge Francis R .B .A . 3 Park
crescent, Park town
C heshire G eoffrey C hevalier M .A. Cole Oswald, 5 Blue Boar street
Colegrove Joseph, 226 Banbury road,
(tuto r & lecturer), E xeter college
C arlyle Rev. A lexander Jam es M .A .,
Sum m ertown
D .L itt. (chaplain & lectu rer of U ni­ Cheyne Rev. Thom as K e lly M .A .,
D .L itt. 11 Oakthorpe road, S u m ­ Coles Charles M .D., D .P.H . 41 St.
v e rsity college & rector of St
M argaret’s road
m ertown
M artin ’s & A ll Saints), 29 HolyChild C harles, 29 Beech C roft road, C ollcutt Joseph Jam es, 16 Ohalfont
well street
road, S t. G iles’
Sum m ertow n
C arlyle E dw ard Irv in g M .A. (fellow,
tutor, lectu rer & librarian at L in ­ Childe L ieu t.-C o l. L. F ., M .B .L ond., C ollcu tt Sydney, 15 Farndon road,
St. G iles’
I.M .S . 109 B anbury road
coln college), 26 Bardwell road
Carpenter Rev. Joseph E stlin M .A., Church A rth u r H enry M .A. (uni­ C ollett A lfred, 23 Oakthorpe road,
versity lectu rer in botany), 246
Sum m ertown
D .L itt. (principal of M anchester
C ollett John, 26 Thorncliffe road,
Iffley road
college), 11 M arston F erry road,
Sum m ertown
C hurch ill M ajor A rth ur Benjam in
Sum m ertow n
C ollett W alter, 81 Southm oor road,
Norton, 10 Bardwell road
C arpenter Mrs. 19 Bardw ell road
St. G iles’
C a rritt E d gar Fredk. M .A. (librarian C h urch ill M rs. 16 Norham road
& prselector in lo gic), U niversity Clapton G eorge H enry, 119 D ivin ity C ollie M isses, 6 Norham road
Jn. Geo. 105 St. A ldates st
road, Cowley road
C a rte r
C yril
M.A. Clapton Mark Robert, 187 D ivin ity Collier W illiam M .A ., M.D. St. Mary's
entry, Rad cliff e square
road, Cowley road
.(estates' b ursar M agdalen college),
Clare H arrv, 37 W alton W ell road. Collingwood Robin George B.A. (lec­
4 Norham gardens
tu rer), Pem broke college, St. Al­
St. G iles’
C a rte r R ev. John M .A . Pusey house.
d a te’s street
C laridge Richard, 24 Norham gardens
61 S t. G iles’ street
C arter A lb ert Thom as D .C .L . (tutor), Clark A lbert C urtis M .A. (Corpus Collins Frank, 183 Divinity road,
Cowlev road
professor ofLatin literatu re),C o rp u s
C h rist Church, St. A ldate’ s street
C oltart Alan H ., M .A. 9 Keble road,
Christi college
C arter A llen, 287 C owley road
S t G iles'
C arter A rthur, 3 Oakthorpe road. C lark F ran k,4 Hernes rd.Sum m ertw n
C lark G eorge L. 11 Regent street, C om fort B enjam in, 53 Southmoor ra.
Sum m ertown
St. G iles’
. ,
C owley St. John
C arter F rancis Charles M .A. (head
C om fort Mrs. 14 Ohalfont ld.St.QiiM
m aster of New College school), 2 Clark Mrs. 33 Iffley road
G eorge M.A.
C lark Owen, 96 W oodstock road, St. Congreve Rev.
S avile road
John's M ission house, Marston s .
C arter M iss, 67 Abingdon road
Cow lev S t. John
Clarke Charles, 52 Bullingdon road,
C arter M iss, 285 Iffley road
Constable W m . Jas. 72 War,w.ick n[t.
Cowley St. John
C arter M iss, 36 S t. John street
Convbeare F rederick C ., M.A. C
C larke Ernest, 22 Parker street
C a rte r M iss, 54 St. John street
fellow of U niversity college, D-D- °
C a rte r M iss,The C ottage,H eadngtn. hi C larke G eorge W illie, 31 Oakthorpe
Giessen, F .B . A.officier d’Acad&me ,
C a rte r Mrs. 13 B otley road
64 B anbury road
C arter W illiam , 84 Southfield road. Clarke Mrs. 1 Northm oor road
Clarke Mrs. W illiam A . 1 W arnboro’ Cook Frederick Jam es, 14
Cowley S t. John
road, St. G iles'
n road, St. G iles'
C arter W m . Jam es, 47 H igh street
Cook G eorge, 17 Regent stree ,
C artw rig h t Edward S tu art, 36 P ort­ Clarke W illiam Jas. S t. C ath arin e’s,
lev St. John
, a(j
land road, Sum m ertow n
Cook M isses, 3.0 Warnborough
C arver W illiam S. 281 Banbury road, C layton Rev. Horace E velyn M .A.
(vicar of S t. M ary M agdalen with
Sum m ertow n
S t. G eorge the M artjT, fellows’ Cook P ercy E dw ard, 101 K in g s to n rd.
C ary Rev. H enry Lu cius M oultrie
St. G iles’
, D.Dchaplain of M agdalen college, hon
M .A . St. John’s Mission house.
George . ^ C h r i s t
canon of C h rist C hurch & surro­ Cooke
M arston street, C ow ley St. John
(R egius professor of H e b r
Case Thos. M .A . (president), C orpus
Church. St. A ldate’s street
Cleaver Hy. 34 C halfont rd. St. G iles’
C h risti college