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O X F O R D S H IR E .



“ r t a
f r
198 D ivin ity 1 B rash Rev. W illiam
road, Cowley road
j Lond. (W esleyan).
Blencowe Misses, 53 Bam ton road. I road, St. G iles’

Bardsley B.D. B row n rigg C harles
E dw ard M .A.
58 Woodstock
(head m cster), M agdalen C ollege
Rlfionwe Mrs F n
. Brashour M ontague, 8 Farndon road. Brownsill G erald W m . 170 D ivin itv
Elencowe Mrs. h. 0i Bainton road. | St. G iles’
road, C ow ley road
Brasnett Stanley, 213 Iffley road
Brow nsill John W allace, 70 V icto ria
n w !1 w
n 107 ? 6y X ? u
Brayne W illiam Thom as, 33 Walton
road, Sum m ertow n
Blott W m Orpwood, 34 Norham rd
W ell road, St G iles’
Blowers Miss,32 Kingston rd St. Giles' Brazier A lbert W illiam ro Pnlstead B row nsill Mrs. 244 Iffley road
Bruce Hon.
Alice (vice-principai),
Bloxam VV llliam T u cker, 4 Staverton
road, S t. G iles'
S om erville college. W oodstock road,
road, St G iles
Bra/.ier Reginald H enrv 10 P arker st
St. G ile s’
Blumhardt jla m e s F u ller M .A. (lec -1 Brazier Robert F .J .I. ¿42 Iffley road
turer in B engali), Indian institute B rett-S m ith H erbert Francis Brett Bruce Hon. Pam ela G eorgina. Radcliffe house, 17a. W oodstock road.
Blunt H erbert W illiam M .A. (tutor
M .A. 7 Moreton road
St. G iles’
& librarian, C h rist C hurch), 183 Brewer Miss, 5 Tackley pi. St. Giles
Frank, 42 R egen t st. Cowley
Woodstock road
Brewis Geeorge Robert M .A. (senior
St. John
Boag Rev. Frederick A .E .C .L . 137
tuto r & le ctu rer at St. E dm un d’s
Bruce Thom as
M .A.C am b.
Iffley road
hall), 23 W arnborough rd. S t.G ile s'
K ingston road. S t. G iles’
Boddington M iss (m other superior), Bridge W illiam , H am ilton house,
rucker M rs. 55 C h alfon t rd .S t.G ile s ’
Convent of the Society of the Holy
H am ilton road, Sum m ertow n
ryan F rederick Ernest, 75 S ou th ­
& Undivided T rin ity ). Woodstock Bridge W illiam E. Llanberis, H arpes
m oor road, St. G iles’
road, St. G ile s’
road, Sum m ertow n
G eorge, 28 W alton crescent,
Bodkin Alfred A rth u r M .A. 3 Rawlin- Bridgen John, 2 T ackley pi. S t. G iles’
St. Thom as’
son road, St. G iles’
B ridger Misses, 20 M useum road
Buchanan M iss, 7 Norham road
Boffin A lfred, 85 Banbury road
Bridges M iss,28 Leckford rd. S t.G iles' Buckell S ir Robert, 4 M arston F errv
Bolt Benjamin John, 58 B otley road
Bridgew ater M ajor Andrew A lb ert, 19
road, S um m ertow n
Bolton George Howard. 68 D ivinitv
S tan lev road, Cowley St. John
Buckell F rederick. 14 Frenchay road.
road, C ow ley road
Bridson E. Ridgw ay M .A. 104 Wood- Buckerfield M isses, 11 W hite House
Bolton M rs.60 Lonsdale rd.Sum m rtw n
stock road. St. G iles’
road, G randpont
Bolton Mrs. 25 W alton W ell road
Bridson Francis C harles, Lath bu ry
B u ck ett F rederick J. 6 Southfield rd.
Bond Edward, 9 Bardw ell road
hou se,139 B anbury rd.Sum m ertow n
lev St. John
Bone Mrs. 349 C owley road
Brier] v Jam es Leslie M.A.
B uckingham F rederick, 56 W estern
Bonell Chas.42 W estern rd. Grandpont
Bonner M iss, 63 C halfont rd .S t. G iles'
S W o h n ” "' 12
C ow ley | B uck n all Basil Charles, 237 Ifflev rd
Bonnor Gerard L e igh Dem pster, 6
Park crescent. Park town
Bonnor Mrs. 6 Park cres. Park town
,u „ „
Bi f ^
A ib 6 r t ’
En g sto n


7 r r e ’1Cha^ i B7 &
Booth Mrs. 180 Banbury -a . Summer- I lege


t „ f o r T k ME dT i d M t ' B « : 0a7dbaS= ; ° r W
dn St. G ile s’
M agdalen c °>- Burbank John A. R. 3 Farndon road,

Bright-well Miss. 27 W estern road.
Bossom H. 39 W estern rd. G randpont I Grandpont
Bossom William. 18 W alton W ell road ' B righ tw ell M i«
33 TVestern road.
Boswell-Stone Miss, 2 B ardw ell road ’ Grandpont
Boulton Sidney C harles. 190 D ivin iti B risty F rank Robt. 209 Ifflev road
road. Cowley road
Broadhurst M iss, 33. W h ite House rd.
Bonrchier E dm und Spenser M. A Grandpont
Winchester road, St. G iles’
Brook Rev. Richard M .A. (divin ity
lecturer, tuto r in theology & ch ap ­
(praelector in ch em istry). U niver­
lain). Merton college
sity college
Brooke Alfred, 26 W arnborough rd.
Bourne Gilbert Charles M .A ,, D .Sci. I St.. G iles'

Burborongh H enry Jame.
18 Aston
street, C ow ley S t. John
Burch' ~
21 C halfont rd. S t. G iles'
B urch M rs. 28 & 29 Norham road
B urch ardt M iss, 160 B an b ury road.
S um m ertow n
B urford Beynon. So W arw ick street
B urlton M iss, 7 Manor road, H olywell
B urn et W illiam C liffe M .A . 22 L eck ­
ford road. St. G iles'
B urney Rev. Charles F ox D .L itt.,
M .A. (Oriel
professor of H oly
S crip tu re). St. John’s college & -,4
Brr « a , S u m m ertow n 6’ * 14 L ° nsda1'
St. G ile s’
Bow™HenrSr ija m e s ° 'rlio58 ™od th
' Brooker John Edward, 106 D ivin itv B urrage C ham plin B .L itt. 28 P ort­
ro a d . St Giles™
Southm oor I road, C owley road
land road. Sum m ertow n
B urrough Miss, 15 Portland road,
J° h n ’34 ^ - » L S ^ m ^ t r J t . ^ e y ’ s t 'T h n 6'
S um m ertow n
B urroughs Rev. Edward A rth u r M .A.
t ' h
3 1 W e s te rn ;
Summertowm^* 4° P° r , , »n<i
(tu to r & lectu rer), H ertford college
Bowman H e rte ™ L ister M l
Br0°k s A>bert W illiam ,6s H olyw ell st Burrows H enrv John, 51 S tan lev rd.
C ow ley St. John
S n m n ^ rtiw n ''° h™ 2
Burrow s Jam es, 25 London place,
H a g d a tT Vc o i r i0r ^
° f ar' D - , B ™ k s George W. W h ite House rd.
St. Clem ent's
Burrows M iss (p rin cipal), S t. Hilda's
hall. Cowley place
Burrows Mrs.' 266 Ifflev road
Burrows Stephen M ontagu M .A. 9
road. St G iles’
Park. Brooks W alter T yrrell M .A ., M .B
N orham gardens
B urtenshaw G eorge, 82 K in gston rd.
S t. G ile s’
t Vd cHo n e 7 e ) D CDath ( P r -i n 0 il?
B u ry G eorge G odfrey, 8 The Terrace,
=8 —
Park town
usby B ernard John, 3 W alton W ell
" r S S “ ™ “ Frederick W i l l i « ,. ,6
M' ss’ E i' "
fa d in g road, St. G iles'
Brad0ret ° F PlaCe' S t- "le m e n t's
Brown Jam es, 49 W arw ick street
B ussell Rev. F rederick W illiam D.D ,
John Rankine M .A . (lecturer
. .
(ip m u p ,
B.M us. (tu to r, Brasenose college).
J: ju n io r bursar).P em b roke college
7 G rove street
« . - D . 4 L .th .,
St. Aldate's street,
B u tler Alfcl. Southfield ho. Cowlev rd
•own Miss. 7 Stan ley road. Cowlev B u tler A lfred J.. D .L itt.. F .S .A .
St. John
Bradlev W flfr ^ JO
0Seph- 290 Ifflcy rd
(bursar of Brasenose college), 90
,0 t t
( t n t n r a t ! Brown
Mrs. 8 F ren chay rd. S t. G iles’
B anbury road
Bradshaw S,
M ansfield road
IITown Peter, 159 B an bury road.
B u tler E dm un d, 7 W alton street
? ir h- B ..
Sum m ertow n
road ’
1 H .H .P. u ¡ Banbury Brown W illiam . G overnor's house B utler G eorge. 17 C owley road
B utler Leonard G rav M .A. (lectu rer
H.M . Prison
in h istory). St. John's college
J C rick road
Browne M iss, 9 Banbnrv road
B utler M rs. 14 N orham gardens
öramWel] M ri T *X
Browne M ontagu. 41 W alton W ell rd
P ercy A rth u r, Tisdale. H ill
Bramwell Mrs - n 1 ^
! St. G iles’
Top road. S t. C lem en t’ s
Summertown ** 0 ak th orPey T o a d ,, B row ning A lfred Henry. 35 Beech B u tler Russell, 44 H ill Top road. St.
j f roft road. Sum m ertow n
C lem en t’s