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d ir e c t o k y . ]
circular p iers: on the south side, against which the The soil is chalk and g r a v e l; subsoil, clayey. Th e
cloisters abutted, the only windows are those of the crops are w heat, barley, oats and roots. Th e area is
clerestory: the tower is a very sin gular exam ple of 4,580 acres of land and 31 of w a te r; rateable value,
Norman work, w ith groined v au ltin g , a round stair £ 24>573 5 th e population in 1911 was 1,785.
turret and em battled p a ra p et: on the north side of the
G A T E H A M PT O N is a place on the banks of the
chancel are brasses w ith m ale and fem ale effigies and
others of three sons and five daughters of the W histler Tham es, about x m ile south-east from G oring station
the G reat W estern railw ay, and in this p a rish ; it is
family, of Goring, dated 1600, 1615 and 1617: there is
also in the floor of the aisle a brass figure of a lady, supposed to have been a place of some consequence
beneath a canopy, w ith a m utilated m arginal inscription about the 12th cen tury, and the foundations of ancient
to Sister E lizabeth ...... 140 1; and between the nave b uildin gs have been freq uen tly m et w ith.
and north aisle is another brass, inscribed in Norman A rchibald Morrison is the chief landowner.
Verger, W alter A ld rid g e, H enley cottage.
French, to Henry de A ldryngton, 1375: the church was
Post, M. 0 . & T . & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office.
enlarged in 1887 at a cost of £2,082, and has about 300
â Miss J. S. Pike, sub-postm istress.
L etters arrive
sittings. The register dates from the year 1670, but
from R eading at 6.30 & 9.30 a.m . 12 noon & 5.30
the earlier portion consists of loose im perfect sheets
p.m . ; dispatched at 8.25 & 10.30 a.m . & 3.30 & 7.55
only. The living is a vicarage, net yea rly value £300.
p .m . ; sundays, arrive at 6.30 a.m . & dispatched at
with residence, in the g ift of C harles Law rence Weare
6.15 p.m
Gardiner esq. and held since 1909 by the Rev. Allen
all L e tter Box, at R ailw ay station, cleared at 9 . 4 5
Edward Dams M .A. of T rin ity College, Dublin. H ere is
a.m . & 12.15, 5 & 7-45 P m - ; Sundays, 6 p .m
a Catholic church, dedicated to Our L a d y and St. John.
There is a chapel here belonging to L ad y H untingdonâs W all L e tter Box, at Cleeve, cleared a t 9.30 a.m . & 2.50
Connexion, built in 1786 and reb uilt in 1893, and now
& 7.30 p.m . week d a y s; Sundays, 5.40 p.m
seating about 250. The Tem perance H all, erected in W all L etter Box, Icknield Way', cleared at 8.55 a.m . &
1878, will hold 200 persons. The W orkin g Menâs Club,
1 & 6.45 p.m . ; sundays, 5.50 p.m
a structure of red brick, was opened Nov. 1888, and has
a library. There are alm shouses for four old men, Wall L e tter Box, B attle G orin g, cleared at 8.45 a.m . &
& 6.35 p.m . ; sundays, 5.45 p.m
viz. two of this parish, one of Checkendon and one of
Whitchurch, with a weekly provision of 5s. 6d. each,
founded and endowed in 1714 by Richard Lybbe esq. of
Hardwick. The poorâs allotm ent of 20 acres produces Meets at St. Johnâs Room, W hitch urch, on the 1st
W edn esday in the month a t 10.30 a.m .
£ to yearly ; Cresswellâs (W hitchurch) ch arity provides
coats for six aged men of this parish ; a sum of about T h e district com prises G oring, M apledurham & W h itÂ
church, being the O xfordshire parishes in Bradfield
£3 yearly, left by Mrs. L e ttice Sim m ons, is distributed
(B erks) Union. The area is 9,728 a c r e s ; rateable
in April to the poor. The C hurch House, an edifice
value L a d y Day, 1914, £37,28 2; th e population in
of red brick with clock turret, standing opposite Tham es
1911 was 3,179
road, was built in 1901 at a cost of £1,6 0 0 ; the largest
room seats 300. The London C ity and M idland Bank C hairm an, Charles H. P alm er J.P . Bozedown house,
Limited has a branch here. A p ub lic recreation ground
W h itch urch , Oxon
was given to the parish in 1888 b y C . L. W. G ardiner V ice-Chairm an,
E rn est
M itchelm ore,
Ffrw ddgrech ,
esq. of Bournemouth. A rega tta is held here annually
Goring-on-Tham es
in August. In the fields and gardens about here strong
foundations of ancient structures, Roman coins, vases
and pavements have been d isc o v ered ; the Icknield C lerk, G eorge E dw ard B. R ogers, 9 Cross st. Reading
T reasurer, F. J. Hale, 18 F ria r street, R eading
way. a famous B ritish track w ay, w'hich traversed the
whole breadth of England from north-east to south  M edical Officer of H ealth, W . H. H ill M .D ., C .M .E d in .,
D .P .H .R .C .P .S .E d in . & G las. 29 Leckford rd. Oxford
west, starting from Icklingham (Iceninham ) in Suffolk,
the country of the Iceni, here crossed th e Tham es and Survey'or, E dw ard M ullard, G orin g H eath, near Reading
is still used.
Here was anciently a m onastery of S an ita ry Inspector, T . W indle, North st. Theale.R eading
Austin Canons, founded before the tim e of Henry II
and dedicated to St. M ary : on its dissolution the Police Station , H arry Thom as Couling, sergeant
revenues were estim ated at £60, the surrender bein« E lem en tary School (m ixed), is now enlarged to hold 160
made by Dame M argaret W odall. the last prioressch ild ren ; average attendance, 140; R obert R agge,
traces of its building m ay still be seen on the w est and
m aster; Mrs. E llen M ary Ragge, assistant m istress
south sides of the church, the blank wall on the south
-ide¡indicating the position of the cloisters, and some Railw ay Station, Thom as F. E . Jakem an, station m aster
W illiam Hales, to Reading, on. tues. thurs. & sat. & to
W allingford, on fri
Dams Rev. Allen Edw ard M .A .(vicar), H ewett Thom as Stibbs, Th e Filberts,
Adams Commndr. Henri' G. H ., R .N
The V icarage
Croft road
Camrose, Icknield way'
de Cordes L t.-C ol. E rn est Lucas, Th e Inglefield
H allow ell,
L ittle
Akers Thomas, Kingswood
Red house
Som erby
acchus Rev. J. N orthcote,Presbytery Dickinson Col. E dw ard, G lebe court
Balfour Frederick D. The Tow ers
â Dingw all-Fordyce Col. J. F. Overdale,
Jones Rev. E. T. H engel (C on gregaÂ
Batchelor Jarold, L ittle court
C leev e Park
tion al), Th e Manse
Bennett Marsland A rm itage, Cleve- Dodd Mrs. The Mount
Lake H enry G eorge, C o u rt garden
Dorm er Hon. M rs. H ubert Francis, Lees Miss, Roseneath
% 2 e Mrs. Henry, Woden house
Lehm an M iss, B elle Vue
«ad y Frank, Riversdale
Dorm er John H ubert, The Glen
M aynard John A lfred, C hatsw orth,
«ooke Mrs. 4 Manor road
Evans H erbert Lavington M .B ., C.M .
C leeve park
r S ⢠, T 8,01- E u stace, Thornburv
M itchelm ore
E rn est, Ffrw ddgrech,
rerley Charles H enry, Icknield
Carte,ghe John, Oriel
E ve ritt A rth .F ras. G raham ,G revcourt Nash F oster H enry 0 . Battle house
C e Ph<ir FreTi" f' G urneY' Sryan- E ve ritt M rs. G reycourt
Parkin Geo. Robt. L L .D . Th e C ottage
Parsons Rev. O liver B uxton B .A.
ChurcMllMaiHerbt â¢Forbes,Burntwood F anning F rederick, Old Rectory
Feeney W illiam P u rvis, G lebe cottage
(curate), Southcote
Cook o t f d ^ i l l i a m â L y n i W s t
Form by M rs. Myles L . Havdown
Puxley H erbert, A vebury
Coot,? n es H fnry. W illow G range Fowler H enry Cam ille, W illowside
Rawles Mrs. Th e Chalet"
A - ffavenswoH h, F ry Sam uel, C leeve m ill
Rome Thom as, Ravm ead
G am bier-Parry M ajor Ernest & Hon. Rooper M axim ilianG eorge.The G range
S' Soutl> V i- villa, Sp
Mrs. E lm croft
Saunders Frank, Stafford house
G ibbs M isses, Southover cottage
Shield Charles. The Orchard
S n t S â v i â ' Beechcroft
Green well Edward E yre, Graham sfield Shoolbred Fredk. Thos. Tham es bank
pri0r y ; G rossm ith G eorge, Crossway's
Shove Mrs. E lm hurst
Shrew sbury
T albot
E arl
U ⢠llg ° V
T r a T C lW
cla b .: G un drv Mrs. Brew ery house
Haig Edric W olseley, Gateham pton ho
K .C .V .O . C a ria d ; & 12a, G eorge
H allett W illiam B. Streatley view
street, H anover square W & C a rlÂ
S » . ' TheSM^IeVehurst
lssesâ Waterloo cottage H am m ans M ajor A rth u r, The Olde
ton & W h iteâs clubs S W , London
Farm house
Sim pson A rth. Telford J .P ., F .R .G .S .
0 « l v s t V o a n t derl M illC O ttae e
The Haven
S N orthcote, Hans Blackwood M rs. M eath court
The T em ple
H att Charles, The E lm s, C leeve park Sm allbone H enry, T y-C lyd
s L n i ^ glnal ⢠doâ ,s remain.
There are several
small landowners. The Tem ple is th e prop erty and
sidence of A. Telford Simpson esq. J .P ., F .R .G .S .