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d i r e c t o r y .]
Oooke Hugo R. A . 77 Southm oor rd. C roker A rth u r B .A. 145 B anbury rd. Davis Mrs. Tackley house, Chilswell
St. G ilesâ
Sum m ertow n
road, Grandpont
Cookson C hristopher M .A. (tuto r & Cronshaw Rev. G eorge B ernard M .A.
Davison Rev. Thom as W m . (curate
secretary to the T u to rial Board &
(bursar, science lecturer, chaplain
of St. G iles'), 26 W ellington square
senior dean of arts), M agdalen colÂ
& precentor), Q ueenâs college
Day John Ralph, Rose lane
Cross Mrs. 7 B otley road
Deacon W ilfred C lem en t, 247 WoodCooper E rn est C has. 11 Botley road Cross Mrs. E. 155 W alton street
stock road, Sum m ertow n
Cooper Frank, 155 W oodstock road, Cross Robert, 210 Banbury road,
Dean Jam es, 9 Stan ley road, Cowley
St. G ilesâ
Sum m er town
St. John
Cooper George H enry, 39 Bainton rd. Cross Thom as, 7 W inchester rd. St.
Dean W alter, 10 F airacres rd.Iffley rd
St. G ilesâ
G ilesâ
Deane M iss, 210 Woodstock road,
Cooper G eorge W m . 39 Banbury rd Cross W illiam Frederick, 263 Iffley rd
Sum m ertow n
Cooper Henry B ickersteth M .A. (tutor, Crosse M iss, 30 & 32 B ardw ell road
D earie Frank, 29 Portland road,
Keble college), 14 Linton road
Crowe Sam uel, 84 K ingston road,
S um m ertow n
Cooper Joseph A u gustus, 31 Bainton
S t. G ilesâ
de B risay Rev. H enry Delacour M .A.
road, S t. G iles'
C ruse Louis Henrv, 23 Frenchav rd.
11 Bradm ore road
Cooper M aurice Charles, 8 Moreton
S t. G ilesâ
de Coetlogan Mrs. 4 Farndon road,
road, Sum m ertown
C ruttw ell Charles Robert Mowbray
St. G ile sâ
Cooper Mrs. 17 Bard well road
F raser M .A .(d ean ),A ll S o u ls â college de Coetlogon Rev. Charles E velyn
Cooper M rs.86 W oodstock rd .S t. G ilesâ Cunliffe Sir Foster H ugh E gerton
C am bridge M .A . 4 Fyfield road
Cooper Sidney W alter, 169 W oodstock
hart. M .A. (dean & estates bursar), De la Be re B asil B agho t, 17 Staverton
road, St. G ilesâ
A ll Soulsâ college
road, S t. G ilesâ
Cooper Stanley F .R .S .L .2 7B a n b u ry rd C un liffe Norm an, 24 Portland road,
de L abilliere R ev.P aul F ulcran d D elaÂ
Cooper W illiam Frank, The A n ch orÂ
Sum m ertown
cour M .A. (chaplain W adham colage, Woodstock road, Sum m ertow n Cunningham Henry Julian M .A. (felÂ
^6&e). 92 H igh street
Corbet Miss, 36 N orham road
low, tutor, lecturer & librarian de la H ey Rev. E dw ard W m. M artin.
Oorneby Charles, 2 N orth st. Osney
W orcester college), 3 Clarendon
O ldridge M .A . (P rin g le-S tu a rt lecÂ
Corner Lionel, 32 W estern road,
villas, Park town
tu rer), Keble college
Cunningham -Graham Miss, 6 C an ter de la Mare M isses, 196 Iffley road
Cornet Miss, 48 D ivin ity rd.C ow ley rd
bury road, St. G iles'
de le M are Eugene, Petrocar, A b in g Â
Cotes Mrs. 24 Leckford rd. S t. G ilesâ C urtis Rev. R. A shton, 21 Farndon
don road
Cotton W illiam E llis, 274 Iffley road
road, S t. G ilesâ
de Leobardv Madame, 39 S t. G ilesâ st
Oouchman Rev. Hy. M .A. 7 C rick rd C uthbertson F rederick W illiam , 70
Del Nevo Antonio, 100 A bingdon rd
Couldrey Rev.
A lfred
H um phrey
Lonsdale road, Sum m ertow n
Deneke Miss (dom estic b ursar & tu to r
(Baptist), 16 A bbey road
Dale Rev. Reginald Francis M .A.,
Lady M argaret hall), 21 Norham
Coulson Capt. Fredk. Chas. BlenkinM us.B.
(m ath em atical
sopp J.P. 11 K eble road, St. G ilesâ
K eble college), 12 Bradm ore road
Denniston John Dewar M .A .(lectu rer),
H erbert
E dw ard
M .A., Dale M iss, 51 H olyw ell street
H ertford college
F .R .C .S.E ng. 37 Broad street
Dallas Jam es F .S .A . 69 Bainton rd. Denniston M iss, 7 S t. John's road,
Cousins Rev. W illiam E dw ard M .A.
St. G ilesâ
S t. G ile sâ
(Cong.), 11 C halfont road, S t.G ile s â Dallin Mrs. 9 C h arlbury road
Denniston Mrs. 6 St. M argaret road,
Ooventon Charles A rthur, 111 Wood- Dando M rs. 33 Portland road, S u m Â
St. G ilesâ
stock road, S t. G ilesâ
Denton G eorge, 47 T h om cliffe road,
Cowen Joseph, 178 Abingdon road
Danes Mrs. 11 T he Terrace, Park twn
Sum m ertown
Cowley Henry, 237 W oodstock road, Daniel Rev. Chas. H enry O live D.D.
Denton H enry Jam es, 83 K in gston rd.
(provost), W orcester college
St. G ilesâ
Cowley M. Jam es, 217 Banbury road Daniels M rs. 82 A bingdon road
D erm er E dw ard C on d u itt B.D. (felSummertown
Daniels Mrs. 186 W oodstock road,
low ), St. Johnâs college
Cox Rev. Ernest W illia m M .A. (vicar
Sum m ertow n
de V ine M rs.5M oreton rd.Sum m ertw n
of Holy T rin ity), H oly T rin ity Dann Rev. Jas. (B apt.), 7 C rip ley rd de Z u lu eta Francis M .A. (tutor),N ew
vicarage, 15 L ittle g a te st'.S t.E b beâs Darbishire M iss H. (tuto r),So m erville
Cox Clifford C oltm an, 311 Banbury
college, W oodstock road, St. G ilesâ Dicey A lb ert Venn M .A ., K .C ., Hon.
road, Sum m ertown
Darby George Henry, 67 B anbury rd
D .C .L . (fellow of A ll Soulsâ college
Cox Douglas, 23 D ivin ity road, C ow  D arley M js. 16 Norham gardens
& E m eritu s professor), 80 B anbury
ley road
Darwood Mrs. 6 Aston street, Cowley
Cox Mrs. 69 A rgyle street, Chester st
St. John
Dickens Edw in, 18 W estern road,
Coxeter Bertram B. 41 Park End st. Dash W alter Geo. 249 Cowley road
G randpont
St. Thomasâ
Dashwood M isses, 37 Norham road
Dickens G eorge H enry, 98 D ivin ity
Craig Edwin Stew art M .A . (lecturer Davenport Mrs. H eadington hill
road, Cowley road
at University college, dem onstrator Davenport Mrs. 62 St. G ilesâ street
Dickens John H enry, 12 Hernes road,
in physics), 36 H igh street
Davey Burton Jam es,41 R egen t street.
S um m ertow n
Craigie Wm. A lexander M .A ., L L .D .
Cowley St. John
Dickeson M iss, 35 Bainton road, St.
(Taylorian lectu rer in Scandinavian David P aul Hon. Mus. M ag. (C am b.)
G iles'
& co-editor of Oxford D ictionary),
328 B anbury road, Sum m ertow n
Dickins G u y M .A .(lectu rer in ancient
15 Oharlbury road
Davidson Andrew M .A. 32 Southm oor
history at S t. Johnâs college), A p sÂ
Orapper Miss, 71 W oodstock road,
road, St. G ilesâ
ley croft, W oodstock road, S u m Â
St. Gilesâ
Davidson J. Ewen, 98 B an bury road
m ertown
Crastar Herbert H enry E dm und M .A. D avies John Joseph, 17 White" House
Dickinson Reginald, 8 A bbey road
(fellow of A ll Soulsâ college), 25
road, Grandpont
Dickson F ran cis H enry M .B. 37 HolyMerton street
Davies Joseph, 204 A bingdon road
well street
Crawley Miss, 5 W alton crescent, St. D avies Mrs. 30 St. John street
Did da ms G ilbert H um phrey, 6 T h orn Â
â Lhomasâ
Davies Thom as W illiam , 221 W oodcliffe road, Sum m ertow n
Creasey George John, 99 D ivinity
stock road, Sum m ertow n
D iggle Joseph Robt. M .A .24 M erton st
road, Cowley road
Davies W illiam , 17 Fairacres road, Dixey Frederick A u g u stu s M .A ,D.M .,
preed M iss,i27W oodstock rd .S t.G ile s â
Iffley road
F .R .S . (W ills m edical fellow & lecÂ
ices Ralph, 62 H am ilton road, Davies W illiam , 26 Kingston road,
turer in m edical subjects & in
St. G ilesâ
physiology, bursar of W adham colÂ
Crichton Miss, 178 B anbury road, Davies W illiam Harold, 3 Stan ley rd.
lege & lecturer to non-collegiate
Cowley S t. John
studen ts), 24 M useum road
Cndland Fredk. Jam es,220 C owley rd Davis A rthur, 104 Abingdon road, Dixon A rth u r, 18 Lonsdale road,
unpp« Francis F rederick, Kenilworth,
Sum m ertow n
armlton road, Sum m ertow n
Davis Charles Edward, 231 Banbury Dixon A rth u r Lee M .A .(tu to r & dean),
Cnpps Walter, 35 Portland road,
road, Sum m ertown
Merton college
Davis H enry W illiam C arless M .A. Dixson Mrs. 13 C rick road
Cnsall Janies Stephi
hen. 21 Southm oor
(fellow & classical tu to r Balliol col Dixson W alt. Herbt. M .A. 13 C rick rd
St. G ilesâ
lege), 11 Fyfield road
Dobbs B a rry M ortim er, Kendal, H ill
]]t o a .]^ jssâ 25 W inchester road, Davis Miss, 116 Abingdon rd. G ran dÂ
Top road, St. C lem en tâs
Dobson Jsph.76 D ivin ity rd.C ow ley rd
Ctofts John Francis
272 Banbury Davis Mrs. 30 Bullingdon rd. Cowley Dodd John Theodore M .A. 55 St.
road, Summertown
St. John
G ilesâ street
Davis Mrs. 257 Iffley road
Dodd Miss C atherine I ., M .A. CherCroham Miss, 113 Iffley road
ell hall, Cowley place
OrnhLEi ertâ
0o'vle>' road