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1903; its object is “ to provide a training in citizenship
for working-men students.” Courses of lectures are
delivered on political economy, industrial history,
history of social movements, public administration,
political and constitutional history Ac.; at present
about 40 students reside in the college, and residents
in Oxford may attend lectures on payment of a small
Principal, Gilbert Slater M.A., D.Sc.
Secretary, Sam Smith.
The City of Oxford Technical Schools in Church
street, St. Ebbe's, erected in 1893-4, at a cost, including
branches and fittings, of about ¿4.500, were opened 14
Aug. 1894. The buildings, which occupy the site oi
the old Blue Coat School, are of stone and brick, from
designs by Mr. H. W. Moore, architect, and include
chemical and physical laboratories and lecture rooms,
workshops, art rooms and class rooms. There are


branch Technical Schools at the Clarendon Press IUsl;
tute, Walton street; at the Pupil Teachers' centre
New Inn Hall street; and at 98 St. Clement's street
which latter premises were presented to the Corporation
for this purpose by the Rev. Dr. Bright, master 0[
University College, and subsequently altered under the
direction of Mr. H. W. Moore, in 1892, for the special
teaching of cookery, laundry work, carpentry and wood
Head Master, Arthur H. Flemming B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc.
Assistant Masters. Thomas M. Kenney M.A., George
Allibone, James S. Hill B.Sc. A a staff of teachers.
Art Masters, A. Macdonald (Ruskin teacher of Drawing
in the University), B. H. Price, Miss L. M. Carnson,
F. Naab and E. C. Dickinson.
Teachers of Domestic Subjects, Miss Jessie Hitch and
Miss Elizabeth T. Haws.

Post, M. & T. 0 .A Telephonic Express Delivery Office. IClayton Christopher, 158 Cowley road
— Chief Office, St. Aldate’s street. Postmaster. Thos. Hall Hugh D.C.L., M.A. 100 Holywell street
Lucas Thomas. Northlands, t18 Woodstock road
W. Davis
The Chief Office is open on week days from 7 a.m. to Woodward William, 59 St. Mary’s road
10 p.m. ; S u n d a y s from 8.30 till 10 a.m. A from 5
Retire November 9, 1919.
to 6 p.m. Money Order, Savings Bank, Insurance &
Annuity business transacted A Inland Revenue licences Buckell Sir Robert, hon. M.A. 4 Marston Ferry rond
«ssued from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Postal orders issued & Cooper George William, 39 Banbury road
paid from 6.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. (8 p.m. during war) Gray Sir Walter. 50 New Inn Hall street
Kin'gerlee Thos. Hy. Woodside, Hinksey Hill, nr. Oxford
week days only
The Telegraph Office is open from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m. Salter John Henry. 55 Banbury road
on week days & from 8.30 a.m. till 10 a.m. A from 5 Twining Francis, Summertown house, Banbury road
till 6 p.m. on Sundays; telegrams may be sent from
the G. W. Railway station at all times except between
10 p.m. sundav A 6 a.m. monday
Retire November 9, 1916.
he Chief Office Letter Box on week days is cleared at Garter Rev. John M.A. 61 St. Giles’street
-4-3°> 5> 5-30. 6.45, 7.15, 8.15, 8.30,, 9.30, 9.45, Daniel Rev. Charles Henry Olive D D. Provost ofWor­
20.15, 10.30, 10.45 A 11.15 a.m. & 12.5, 12.15,
22.45, 1, 1.20, 1.45, 3, 3.15, 3.45, 4 45> 5< S-'Sf 6’ cester college
Retire November 9, 1919.
6.30, 6.45, 8, 8.30 & 9 p.m. & 12.15 & 1 a.m. On
Sundays at 3.30, 6.30 & 9 p.m. & 1 a.m
Sherwood Rev. William Edward M.A. 260 Iffley road
Letters for Oxford can be posted within 15 minutes of
each delivery. The deliveries at 3.45, 5-T5 & 9 P-m North Ward.
are suspended on thursdays
With a late fee of $d. letters may be posted (week days)
Retire in November, 1915.
until 3.55, 7 & 9.15 p.m. Sundays, 3.45, 6.50 & 9-15 Burbank John Anthony Robinson, 3 Farndon road
a.m. (subjectto railwaytime-table alterations). During
Retire in November, 1910.
the period of the war the deliveries at 1 & 8.20 p.m. Bevers Edmund Augustine J.P. 46 Broad street
are suspended & the 6.15 p.m. delivery is extended Merivale Mary Sophia, 4 Park town
till 7 p.m
!Vincent Cyril Moson, 3 Polstead road
Parcels are dispatched at 7.15, 8.30, 9.15» 1015» IO-3°*
Retire in November. 1917.
10.45, 11.15 & H-45 a.m.; 12.15, 1.15, 1.45, 3’ Blackwell Benjamin Henry, 1 Linton road
3-IS. 3-3°. 3-45. 4-45’
6-3°i 7-45’ 8.15, 8.45 A 10 Vincent Frederick Ferris, 109 High street
Deliveries of parcels.— After 1st delivery, at 8.30 a.m Waller Col. Stanier C.V.O. 28 Bardwell road
Returning Officer, Alderman Sir Walter Gray knt.
parcels are delivered with the letters. Note, -No
parcels are delivered or dispatched on sunday
East Ward.
Town Sub-Post A M. 0 . Offices{Broad street, Cowley
Retire in November, 1915.
road, Cowley road east, JCowley St. John, Donnington, George street, Grandpont, JHayfield road,_j:High IBarrett Alfred Thomas, 197 Divinity road
John Henry, 6 Merton street
-street, Iffley road, Kingston road, New Hinksey, Dickinson
“Newton road, JNorth parade, Osney, Park End street, Gtev William Matthew, 6 Pembroke street, St.Olem«"
Retire in November, 1916.
{St. Clement’s (Telephone Call Office), JSt. Giles,
-f-Summertown, Sunnymead, Walton street, Walton Collcutt Sydney, 119 St. Aldate’s
street south
Lewis Henry, 125 Woodstock road
Marked thus + are Telegraph A Telegraph Money Order Pain William John, 82 St. Clement’s street
Retire in November, 1917Marked thus t Telegrams can be handed in only, A Lane John Robert, 189 Iffley road
Telegraph Money Orders are issued, but not paid.
Lewis Edmund Butterworth, 228 Iffley road
Smart Henry Vincent, Parker street
Returning Officer, Alderman Woodward.
Viscount Valentia O.B., M.V.O., J.P. Bletchington park,
Oxford ; A Carlton A White’s clubs, London S W
South Ward.
Payers Willie Emmanuel, 12 Queen street
I9r4"I5George Amos John, Newton road
High Steward— Right Hon. the Earl of Jersey G.C.B., Nurse William Howe, 14 Staverton road
Retire in November, 1916.
Mayor— Alderman The Rev. Wm. Edwd. Sherwood M.A.
Druce George Olaridge, hon. M.A. 9 Crick ro*d
Deputy Mayor— Councillor Samuel Hutchins.
Sheriff— Councillor James Hastings.
Patey Charles, 5 Merton street
Underhill Sydney Francis, 203 Woodstock r
Recorder— Sir R. B. D. Acland K.C.
Retire in November, 1 9 1 7 Aldermen.
Basson Tom, 50 Abingdon road
Isis house, St. Aloa
Retire November 9, 1916.
Symonds Henry, 24 Church street, °
Ansell Frederick William. 99 Banbury road
Returning Officer, Alderman Sir Rober
Brooks Edmund John, At-helstan lodge, Hernes road