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W ebber A. & W. (M isses), m illin ers, 13 & 1 5 Duke st
W edlock John, coal dealer, 80 R eading road
W eller Brothers, painters, 43 G reys road
W eston Ju lia (M rs.), apartm ents, 20 V icarage road
W heeler H arriett ^Miss), dress m aker, M arket place
W heeler Sophia (M rs.), fan cy repository, 39 Duke street
W hite T im othy Co. L td . chem ists, x H art st. & 2 Bell st
W ilkins & Sons, house furnishers, 2 F rid a y street &
23 Duke street
W illiam s Jane E lizabeth (M rs.), O xford tem perance
hotel, 6 & 8 M arket place
W il son G eorge, b u ild er, 4 St. M ark's road
H E N S I N G T O N , once a ham let, has, under the
provisions of th e “ Local Governm ent Act, 1894,” been
formed into two parishes, named respectively W ithin and

l>tLLV 8

I W ilson G race (M rs.), apartm ents, 7 Norm an avenue
I W ilson R ichard, builder, 25 St. M ark’s road
j W indsor Jam es F rederick M .D .Cam b., D .P.H (W
physician & surgeon, see W ainw right & Windsor **
1 W ise A lb ert Jam es, apartm ents, 70 Bell street
W oodley Charles Thom as, Red Cross P.H . 51 New strepi
W rig h t & Son, grocers, 104 R eadin g road
W ym an & Sons L td . booksellers, G . W. Railway station
Y ou n g M en’s C hristian Association (Rudolph Conster
dine, sec.), 9 Station road
Y o u n g W om en’s C hristian A ssociation (Miss Ida Fraser
sec.), 4 Norm an avenue
1 W ithout. Th e form er w ithin the m unicipal borough of
Woodstock, and the la tter is given w ith Bladon.

H E T H E (or H eath) is a p arish and village, about 3 , 300 p erson s; the Catholic m ission here, however, dates
m iles south from F inm ere station on the G reat C entral 1 from a m uch earlier p erio d ; the Wesleyan Methodist
railw ay, 4 south-w est from Fulw ell station on the chapel was erected in* 1876.’ John Mansfleld’s ”c h S
Verney Junction and Banbury branch, 5 north from 0f ¿ 3 4s. 4d. bequeathed in 1869, is for distribution in
Bicester station on the B letchley and Oxford branch of money, and there is £r 4. —
— f u e l; in 1874 Thom as
yearly tfor
the London and N orth W estern railw ay, about 5 north Mansfield gave £150 in Consols to be divided equally amono
from B icester station on the G reat W estern Railway eigh t poor p erson s; and by the will of Mary Waddington
Com pany’s m ain line from London to B irm ingh am , and ,£538 10s. 2d. invested in £2% per Cents, was left to bs
17 n o ith from Oxford, in the Mid division of the county, divided between 30 poor. M ajor A. W . Dewar-Harrison
hundred and p etty sessional division of Ploughley, union J.P . is lord of the m anor and p rin cipal landowner.
and county cou rt d istrict of Bicester, rural deanery of Th e soil is stone brash and g r a v e l; a small portion is
Bicester and archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The pasture and the rem ainder arable. The area is 1,423
upper p art of the village is separated from the lower acre s; rateable value, £ 1 ,8 6 1 ; the population in inn
by a small stream , which flows into the Ouse. The was 296 in the c iv il and 287 in the ecclesiastical parish.
church of S S . E dm und and G eorge is a small edifice ol
By Local Governm ent Board Order, 21,436, dated March
stone, in m ixed styles, b u t chiefly of the Decorated
24, 1888, Hollow Farm was transferred from Mixbury to
period, and consists of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, this parish for c iv il purposes.
south porch and a small w estern tow er of wood con­
D eputy Parish C lerk, W illiam Rouse.
taining a clock and one b e ll; the font is ancient and
there are two piscinae and a h agioscop e: the stained Post, M. 0 ., T . & Telephone C all & Telephonic Express
east window was
erected in m em ory of
th e Rev.
Delivery Office (to places
w ithin a lim ited distanc
Frederick S alter M.A. rector here from 1854 until his
— Joseph
M organ, sub-postm aster.
Letters arrive
death, 30 June, 1881, and the west window by the Rev.
from B icester at 7.30 a.m . & 1.45 p .m .; dispatched
A. R. P rice M .A. rector 1887-1909, to his brother Charles
at 7.15 a.m . & 12.40 & 5.20 p .m .; no delivery on
Price. In i860 the church was thoroughly restored and
a north aisle added, at a cost of about ^800: there
are 200 sittin gs, all b ein g free.
Th e register dates
built in 1852, holding 80 children; Miss
from the year 1679; m arriages, 1713.
The livin g Elem entary,
R. P. H arris, m istress
is a rectory,
net yearly value £85, in cludin g 167
acres of glebe w ith residence, in the g ift of the Lord E lem en tary (R. C .) , b u ilt in 1870, for 40 infants; Miss
Birch, m istress
Chancellor, and held since 1909 by the Rev. W hylock
Pendavis M .A. of T rin ity College, Dublin. The Catholic C arriers.— J. H. G rantham , Fringford, calls on way to
chapel, b u ilt in
1832 and dedicated to
the Holy
wed. & f r i . ; F rederick
Stockley, from
B icester, daily
Trinity*, stands on the ou tskirts of the v illa g e ; it con­
tains eigh t stained windows, and is capable of seating Police Station, W illiam L ester, constable
Dewar-H arrison M ajor A rth urW illiam C larke John, farm er
Mansfield Thos. farm er, Glebe farm
J.P . W illaston'
Cox W illiam John, beer retailer
Morgan Joseph, shopkeeper & tailor,
Pendavis Rev. W hylock M .A . (rector), D agley Joseph, baker
Post office
Fathers John C. builder
Palm er Edward, tailor
Reynolds R ev. P. (C atholic)
Harris W illiam , farm er
Pollard Elizh. Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
W atkin M ajor H enry
Rouse W illiam , boot maker & deputy
Heydon Chas. W hitm ore A rm s P.H
Lane A lb ert, boot repairer
p arish clerk
Adam s A lbert, tailor
Mansfield A lfred, w heelw right
W alton John, farm bailiff to Major
Barber Sarah (M rs.), shopkeeper
A. W. Dewar-Harrison J.P
Mansfield Chas. farm er, Hethe Brede
Bennett Bernard (M rs.), hardware dir Mansfield John Sanders, farm er & W righton John, boot repairer
B ull W illiam H enry, insurance agent
landowner, The Green
W y a tt Jas. Henry, farmer, Manor frm
L O W E R H E Y F O R D (or H eyford-at-Bridge), is a 475 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Corpus
parish and village on the riv er C herw ell, here crossed by C h risti College, Oxford, and held since 1897 by the Rev.
a bridge, in p art of ancient date and origin ally b u ilt in Vivian R odw ell Lennard M .A. of Corpus Christi College
the 13th century. H eyford has a station on the Oxford Cam bridge. There is a U nited M ethodist chapel in the
and B irm ingham section of the G reat W estern railw ay, village, erected in 1906 a t a cost of about £7°°- ™
and is
m iles north-w est from B icester and 6£ n orth ­ rents of 32 acres of land, awarded in 1802, and now
east from W oodstock, 12 north from Oxford and 75 from (1911) producing £22 a year, are given to the poor of
London, in the Mid division of the county, hundred and the parish in coals. The President and scholars 0
p etty sessional division of P lough ley, union and county C orpus C hristi College, Oxford, who are lords of the
court district of Bicester, rural deanery of B icester and manor, the E arl of Jersey P .C ., G .C .B ., G .C .M .G . M
archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford. The village is on the rector are the principal landowners. The sou »
the road from B icester to C hippin g Norton and on the stone b r a s h ; subsoil, the same. The land is Pas®r.
Cherw ell and close to the Oxford and B irm in gh am canal, and arable. Th e area is 1.748 acres of land and 170
which runs through the parish and is the point nearest to water ; rateable value, £4,226 ; the population in 191 ’
Bicester for the conveyance of goods by w ater. The in cludin g, was 455.
church of S t. M ary, placed on risin g ground near the
Deputy Parish C lerk, Am brose Blencoe.
railway, is an edifice of stone in m ixed styles and con­
sists of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch
C A U L C O T T (form erly Caldecott) is a hamlet, 4
and a plain w estern tower of P erpendicular date con­ m iles south-east, and has a W esleyan chapel.
taining 5 bells : the chancel is Decorated, b ut retains
one E arly E nglish lan cet and a piscina, perhaps of the Post, M. 0 ., T. k Telephone C all & T e le p h o n ic Exp«''
D elivery Office (to places w ithin a limited
same d a t e : the nave is Decorated and Perpendicular
H eyford.— John
W illiam Dew,
sub'P0S £ fc
and there is a screen of the latter period : the eastern
L etters through B anbury arrive at 8.10 ■
portion of the aisles were anciently chapels and have
3.35 p .m .; Sundays, 8.15 a .m .; dispatched
p iscin a and n ic h e s : the stair to the rood loft also
a.m . & 6.35 & 8.15 p.m . ; Sundays, 9-55 81
rem ains, and a font dated 1662: the church was
office is open on sundavs 8.30 to 10 a.m
^ ^
thoroughly restored in 1867, and affords 250 s ittin g s:
on the exterior is a sun-dial w ith the motto “ N il nisi L etter Box at C aulcott, collections at 10 a,°1' ieefaph
p.m . ; no collection on Sunday. The nearest
coelesti radio.” The reg ister dates from the year 1539.
office is at H eyford
The livin g is a rectory, net yearly value £32 0 , includin g