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B E A C O N S F IE L n .
[ k e l l v âs
Henderson A rth u r Henry, Housel, Moore W a lter G eorge, H awthorne S eym our Miss, Beechcroft
Ledborough lane
Shaw M rs. E llesm ere, Penn road
lodge, Ledborough lane
H ew itt Misses, N etherwood, L ed Morgan H enry,The C roft,G rego ries rd Shields Thos. S eelyâs orchard,Penn rd
borough lane
Morrow A lb t. S ilverton ,L edb orough la Shilcock T . A . W . Bank ho. Penn rd
H ocking A lb e rt E rn est, Polkerris, M ottram D avid,D anesbury,Reynolds rd Skelton Jn .A . W estern ho. Stratton rd
Curzon avenue
M yers
D alehurst, Skinner M rs. Thornton, B urkeâs road
Sladen M rs. Ninfield, B urkeâs road
H offning M rs. L ittle C roft, G rove rd
G regories road
Hole Mrs. L ittle C roft, G rove road
M yers Mrs. E ssex ho. London E nd S m ith M rs. D ockett, Roselawn, LedÂ
borough lane
Holloway F rederick Hy. Cloudesley, N aish A lfd.H erbt.W im m era,C u rzon av
T h e C roft, B arin g road
N ash H erbert, T iverton , Curzon aven Sm ith H erbt. G. G odrevy, Ledboroâ la
yth e M rs. Meldon, Ledborough la
H olloway Leonard C loudesley. W hin N ew berry H arry W .
Th e
Snow M alcolm , C arngray, Ledboroâ la
cottage, F urzefield road
S tation road
H om an M iss, T he T h ree G ables, S ta Noreross E dw d. C estria,L edb oro ugh la Solom on Law rence, Clevedon, ReyÂ
tion road
nolds road
Nowell M iss, Wood end, G rove road
S p eaight Richard N eville, Homewood,
Inglefield R ear-A dm iral Edw ard F itz- Nowers M iss, E tw all, Baring road
O liver W illiam
G ran t, E ndsleigh,
m aurice, B urke house
B urkeâs road
Spencer A u b rey John J.P . W h ite ho
Irb y G reville, T h e C o ttag e, Park lane
S tation road
E dw ard N ap ier Hitchcock,
Jackson M rs. The Ferns, London end Osthaus
W illiam
E rnest
L u dw ig
H eytesbury, Ledborough lane
Jam es E rnest, D en m ill ho.Reynolds rd
Leopold, Denwick, Curzon avenue
A rth u r T reacher, Yewlands,
Jam es Y y ry a n , W estw ays, B urkeâs rd Paice C h as. P en-y-coed,Ledborough la
Jefferson M anfred, T ab arz,S tratton rd Parker R obert H arris, T h e H oilies,
B urkeâ s road
S tephens F rederick, Shun a,S tatio n rd
Johnson M anasseh, Frogm ore,Penn rd
B arin g road
Johnson M iss, H ollywood, B urkeâs rd Parsons G eorge, D alehurst, Curzon av S tevens-D avis H arry G eorge, Shirley
cottage, Reynolds road
Johnston H enry J. P arkside
P artington Jam es E d g e, W yngates
Stokes Richard H .B ridge h o.B aring rd
J ollife Mrs. Rosary gate, CuTzon aven
B urk eâs road
Jones G e o .A .L ittle Seelys,R eynolds rd Patchin Rev. G eorge (Union B ap tist), Stopford V iscou n t, W endover house,
Jones Jam es H. W oodside. B arin g rd
London end
C liveden , B arin g road
Jones M au rice,Th eR etreat,R eyn olds rd Peal Jsph. C. F ern h urst,C an dlem as la S trachan M rs. P restbu ry, Ledboroâ la
Joy B asil, Ivingswear house, G rove rd Pearce Mrs. Glendona, Ledborough la S w ift Mrs. W arrenton, G regories road
W illiam
G eorge Sydney, T erry F rederick Jam es, Thanington,
K id d a ll A rth u r, G ayton, Penn road
Curzon avenue
K in g C harles W entw orth, Cheriton,
H am ercot, Curzon avenue
B aring road
P ell M rs. Sum m erfield, G regories Td Thom as Col.D acres,Trenton,C urzon av
K in g E dw in F. Crossways
Penfold F red B ailey, S teyn in g, S ta  T re m le tt Mrs. T. D. Royden, LedÂ
borough lane
K in g Jn. A rth . Cheriton, B arin g rd
tion road
L am be W m . A lbyn cot.Led borough la Perrin M iss. Th e H atch, Station road Tudor R ear-A dm iral F rederick Chas.
Tudor C .B . M anaton, Park lane
P erry Charles A . H azeldean, B arin g rd
L am bert M iss, Redcroft
Lane Thos F ., J .P ., C .C . H ig h street Pocock A rth u r Robert G eorge M .D. Turner A rth u r H erbert L .S .A . Leigh
house, W ycom be end
Langston H erbert E dgar, Merlewood,
Sunnvside. London end
S tratto n road
Poole M rs. H illcrest, W oodside road Vane H. T. H ighfield, G rove T o a d
W illiam Edm und, B u rk eâs cotÂ
L e e A . G . C lovellv, W oodside avenue Price F rederick G . B ekken cottage,
tag e, B urkeâs road
L e ith Theodore, Lyn ton , W oodside av
Stratton road
M rs. Moorak, B arin g cres
Quinn J. H enry, Aldin, B arin g cres
Lennard John M ilner, Woodlands
rtrt , B
H arin
q t i t i rr
C harles, Nordene, I TVinson
M iss, AI lliw
g cres
Le P la Rev. M atthew H y. The M anse Raffety
W ace Mrs. T h e Brown ho. G rove rd
Lyons Mrs. The Bungalow , Curzon av
G regories road
M cC leeryJas.Jn .R aven scroft,B arin g rd Ransom e Jas. B urk eâ s gro. B urkeâs rd I W allin M rs. E lm h am ct. B arin g cres
W o o d >R eck itt F ran cis J.P. B utlerâs court
, W ard M iss, B u ll F arm cot. P ark lane
M cG regor Donald,
B urk eâ:
Reeves Thom as, C a m le t, B arin g road W arn er S ir G eorge F red eric D .L itt.,
house, B urke's road
M .A ., F .B .A ., F .S .A . T h e Oaks,
M cKean C o l.A rth u r C halm ers C .M .G . Reid G eorge T . C lnn ie cot: B arin g rd
B u rk eâs road
Old Post office, London end
Rhodes M iss, The N est, Reynolds road
M ackinnon F ran k D ., K .C . W iggenton, Ribbons Joseph Lovelace, G reenhill, W atts M iss, Bishopstone cottage, Ledborough lane
W ycom be end
Revnolds road
McM ullen Leonard, K en ilw o rth ,B arin g Richardson L u th er, Leribe, B arin g rd W a tts Miss, G rays, C urzon avenue
Roberts M isses. Davenies barn, Sta-i W erner W illiam A rth u r Percy, Farmroad
side, Reynolds road
M aeer John, N orth gate, S tation road
tion road
M aggs C h as.A lbt. M ilton m nt.Penn rd R olfe Robert H. W idgenton house, W estcott Thom as, Jesm ond Dene.
B arin g road
M aitland Jam es, Lu sitan ia,C urzon av
W ycom be end
W a lter
M ortim er,
Brevis, Ronaldson Jas. Bruce M .B . H ardenge, W hitfield A rth u r M .D. Redlands
W illiam s M iss, Ashdene, Furzefield rd
B arin g road
Penn road
Maurice Mrs. T he C ottag e, B arin g rd R oy M rs. Y o rk lodge, Furzefield road Winfield Robert Charles, Merridale,
B arin g crescent
Mayes John. B urkcliffe, G regories rd R ussellO h as.E dw d.T heB arn ,B u rkeâs rd
M eredith A lfred , Lan caster cottage, | R u tter Ronald, C lovelly, Ledboroâ la W ingrove E dm und Alliston.E thelston,
Park lane
G regories road
¡R yland Lorsnce,Crossw oods,Curzon av
M etzger W ilfred N. Doomz, Penn road *S ch lesin ger Joseph S. Ledborough W oozley David A. Downleaze, LedÂ
borough lane
M ..............
iller M iss.C"h erryT
âree cot.B
â nrke's rd
lodge, Penn road
S ch m idt M rs. W aldem ar, Uplands, W yatt Thos. Rosebank, B arin g cres
M iller M iss, H arescom be, Penn road
-M artin
M itchell Pierpo in t, L ittleh u rst, C u r Â
B u rk eâs road
E agleh u rst, Reynolds road
Scovell Edward Robert, B ourne cotÂ
zon avenue
Y o u n g M rs. L ittle H all barn, WindMontford G eorge M annering, T odleth,i tag e , B aring road S eller F ran k R ussell, Furzefield house,
sor end
Curzon avenue
1 Furzefield road
Y o u n g M rs. 17 Park lane
Benyon W illiam , coal dealer, W ycom be End
Betts A lb ert Jam es, gardener to M ajor W . B. D u Pre
E a rly closin g day, W ednesday, i p.m .
M .P ., D .L ., J.P
A llison Edm ond, corn m er. B urk eâs parade. Station road
Bienem ann, Pocock & Ronaldson, physicians & surgeons,
A ustin H enry, la u n d ry, A ylesb u ry E nd
Sunnyside, London End & H ardenge, Penn road
B agley G . & F. b uilders, Penn road. T N 44
B lake E . & Sons, bakers, W indsor End
B agley W alter F . b u ild er, London E nd. T N 96
& Sons, cartage contractors, W ycom be End
Barber W illiam , w atch m aker, London End
Boddy Percy, butcher, W ycom be End
B ates Fredk. landscape gardnr. B rvnh ildr, Reynolds rd
Thom as, R ailw ay hotel
Beaconsfield C on stitution al C lub (E . Allison, sec.),
Bristow e Owen, beer retailer, A ylesb ury E nd
S tation road
C apt. Richard Spencer, estate agen t to Lord
Beaconsfield C rick et C lub (C . C. M cM illin, sec.), W in d Â
Burnham , H olloway house
sor End
W . chem ist & d ru g g ist & m ineral water
Beaconsfield Developm ent S yn dicate L td . CL. W . M yers,
m aker, 5 Broadway. T N 25
sec.), S tation road
r, baker, London E nd
Beaconsfield & D istric t Cham ber of Com m erce (Thomas
Brown M argaret & V iolet (M isses), dress makers,
F . L ane, hon. sec.), R oyal W hite H art hotel
B erkeley house, B arin g road
Beaconsfield G olf C lub (Capt. F . Pellew , sec. j C.
Brown L ouis, fu rn itu re dealer, London E nd
H um p h rey R oberts, actin g sec.). T N 98
B e a c o n s fie ld
M o to r Co. L im ited,
autom obile Buckland Geo. H arold, buildr. Carrigeen,W oodside aven
Bunce W illiam , Old Hare P.H . A ylesb ury End
engineers, London E nd. T N 68
Beaconsfield Sand & G ravel Co. L im ited (N. W . G urney, B urgess & M yers, arch itects, Penn road. T N 52
sec.), B u rk eâ s cham bers, Station road