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230 sm i v e x b a m .
B E R K S H IR E .
[ k e l l y ’s
Feb. i. 1793; another m onum ent in the nave com ­
B arrington D .L ., J .P . and the residence of Capt. Jam es
m em orates the Hon. Sam uel Barrington, Adm iral of the
H untly Dutton, is a beautiful m ansion of stone in the
n h x te, d. A ug. t6, 1800; and near the fam ily pe
Elizabethan style, d elig h tfu lly situated in the fertile
hung a large white standard, captured by this officer
\ alley of the W hite H orse: the grounds extend over an
from the ** S t. F lo ren tin e," when in com m and of the
A chilles
in 1759: there is a fine brass to W illiam area of 150 acre s: a chain of hills in the distance,
Keppel, 6th Viscount, d. Feb. 9, 1867; and another exten din g into W iltsh ire, bounds the view from the
fr o n t: the grounds in the rear are of a more picturesque
brass to C harlotte M aria, Countess of Strathm ore (d.
Nov 3, 1S54), and to A delaide, wife of Charles Balfour character, and contain a fine sheet of w ater, m any
esq. (d. Feb. 23, 1862), the eldest and youngest daughters s tately trees and several aven u es; there is likew ise a
sm all stream ru n n in g through the grounds : the garden
of the 6th V is c o u n t; and a m em orial to Francis Lyon
B arrington (d. Jan. 15. 1877) ; the church also contains house, situated in the grounds, is a rectan gu lar struc­
a m arble monum ent to G eorge S t. V incent N. T. tu re of freestone and m arble, generally believed to be
M urray, only son of A dm iral Sir G eorge M urray ; and a from designs by Inigo Jon es; it has" a door flanked
handsome m em orial brass, erected by G eorge, 7th V is­ by two windows on each side, and a widely overhanging
count Barrington, to the late E arl of Beaconsfield, who pyram idal ro o f: the building dates from between 1632
died A p ril ig. 1881 : in the churchyard, at the west end and 1640, and is raised on a sub-structure which forms
■of the church, lies a m utilated recum bent effigy of a terrace round it. The principal landowners are V is ­
stone, and there are m em orials to Anne, wife of W illiam count Barrington D .L ., J.P. who is lord of the manor,
N aish, ob. March 8, 1673, and to John N aish, ob. Sept. and B erkeley W illiam F airthorne esq. The scil is
20, 1675, and several large tombs to the Colton fam ily ; sandy and stone b rash ; subsoil, gravel. Th e chief crops
a brass to the 7th Viscount Barrington and 1st Baron are wheat, barley, turn ips and green crops of every
Shute, who died 7 Nov. 1886, and in whose m em ory the kind. The area of Shrivenham township, includin g
church has been reseated w ith oak by his widow and B eckett tith in g , is 2,670 acres of land and 25 of w a te r ;
d a u g h te rs : there is also a brass to Percy, 8th Viscount rateable value, ¿ 8 ,5 5 6 ; the population in 1911 was 602
Barrington and 2nd Baron S hute, d. 29 A p ril, 1901 : the in the civil and 893 in the ecclesiastical parish.
B eckett is a tith in g of this parish ad join ing Shriven ­
ch u rch affords 500 sittin gs. Th e reg ister dates from
a b ou t th e year 1580. T h e livin g is a vicarage, with ham . V iscount Barrington D .L ., J.P. is lord of the
W atchfield annexed, join t n et yearly value ,£150, in clud­ m anor and p rin cipal landowner.
in g 118 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the
. Sexton, Thomas Dike.
Lord Chancellor, and held since 1890 by the Bev.
Post, M. 0 ., T. & Telephonic E xpress D elivery Office
E dw ard Frank H ill M .A . of N ew College, Oxford, and
(letters should have Berks added).— M rs. G eorge
rural dean of the Vale of W h ite Horse. Here is a W es­
B utler, postm istress. Letters arrive at 3 a.m . & 2.45
leyan chapel. Th e S hrivenham In stitute, erected in
p.m . ; dispatched at 9.45 a.m . & 9.45 p .m . ; Sundays,
1904. by subscription, consists of tw o rooms for reading,
6 a.m . & 9-50 p.m
billiards &c. and was opened by Viscount Barrington
D .L .. J.P. Oct. 3, 1904. Mr. Richard G arrard's charity Police Station, Henry G arrett, sergeant
consists of an endowment of £ 10 a year, arisin g from E lem entary School, erected on a site granted by V is­
rent of a certain field, and is for apprenticing lads
count B arrington, for 195 boys & girls, & opened in
residing in th is p a rish ; S ir H. M artin le ft ten alm s­
A u g u st, 1863, by the Bishop of O xford; Henry Charles
houses and endowed them w ith ¿ 7 0 yearly, the rent of
Eaton O lliver, m a s te r; M rs. A . J. O lliver, m istress
40 a c r e s ; an annual sum of £ 1 4 is also paid by Viscount
B arrington. B eck ett House, the prop erty of V iscoun t R ailw ay Station , F rederick Charles Paget, station m aster
H all
Knapp, Miles E lizabeth (M iss), shopkeeper
O lliver H enry Charles E aton, organ ist
branch sec;
i & schoolm aster
F u ller Thom as, baker
Gealer W alter, head gardener to Miss Pound Robert, baker & grocer
Pound Stephen, insurance agent
M illigan
Rowland W illiam , beer retailer
Hammond W illiam , baker
Saunders H arry R. farm er
Harris Robert John, butcher
Hawkins Clem ent, farm er, Home- ; Shrivenham In stitu te (Charles Henry
O lliver, hon. sec)
leaze farm
Haynes M artha Jane (M iss), dress ma Snook G eorge, farm er, Sandhill farm
Sp ittle John, farm er, G alleyurns
Herne Thom as, stone mason
H ockley G . head gardener to Capt. Stephens Thos.Robt. (M rs.), coal m er
T aylor Thom as, blacksm ith
J. H. Dutton
W alter,
farm er,
Penny- T hornhill N oel, agent to Viscount
hooks farm
Toom er John & Sons L im ited , coal
Kent Rees, cabinet m aker
Benr.ett S am uel T . beer retailer
&c. m erchants, Railw ay station
Knapp Charles, boot m aker
B rick ell Robert J. V ictoria P.H
Tovey Clarence, sm ith
Knapp Frank, estate stone mason
B utler G eorge (M rs.), bookseller, Knapp Joseph, b uilder
Tovey G eorge, shoe m aker
P ost office
Lawrence Jas. farm er, S tall P its frm W est of England Sack H iring Co. Ltd.
Cooper W illiam , grocer & draper
Macnamara A lb ert Persse B .A ., M.B.
(R. J. B rickell, agent)
Day Geo. V . farm er, Broad Leaze frm
& B .C h .D u b. surgeon, public v ac­ W heeler Joseph, road contractor
Day John G eorge, farm er, Stainscinator
& m edical
for W oodbridge W illiam George, saddler
v ic k farm
d istrict,
Faringdon Y eates A lb ert, Barrington A rm s P.H
Dike Thom as, shopkeeper & sexton
union & m edical referee to the Y eates Frank, assistant overseer &
Fluck W alter, estate carpenter
P rudential A ssurance
Co. N or­
Foard Thom as, insurance agent
m anby cottage

Barrington Hon. W illiam Reginald
Sh ute J .P . M edlar cottage
B en n ett Miss, F ir T ree house
C am pbell C ap t.T h e Hon. Ivan, Ivy In
D u tton C apt. Jas. H un tly, B eckett ho
Foreman Jam es A lfred
H ill Rev. E dw ard F ran k M .A. (vicar
& ru ra l dean), V icarage
M acnam ara A lb ert Persse B .A ., M.B.
N orm anby cottage
M illigan M iss, Shrivenham house
Shelley Frederick. Manor house
S tanton W alter C. E lm T ree house
W ilson M iss, P ark view

S O N N I N G is a picturesque v illag e and parish on the
banks of the T ham es, over w hich is a bridge, b uilt
about 1903, connecting the Berks w ith the Oxfordshire
portion of the parish ; it is 3 m iles north-east from
R -ading and 2 north-w est from Tw yford (G reat Western
railw ay) station and 2 m iles n orth-east of E arley station,
on the Reading and R eigate branch of th e S outh Eastern
railw ay, 34 m iles from London. The. London and South
W estern railw ay has also a service of trains from
W okingham , over the same line. The parish consists
of the liberties of Sonning Town and W oodley and Sandford, in the E astern division of the county of Berks,
hundred of Sonning and the lib erty of E arley, in the
hundred of C harlton, all in the p etty sessional division
and union of W okingham , cou n ty cou rt d is tric t of R ea d ­
in g and county of Berks ; and also com prises the lib erty
of E ye and Dunsden in O xfordshire, within th e hundred
of Binfield and Lon gtree, union of Henley-on-Tham es,
all in the rural deanery of Sonning, archdeaconry of
Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Andrew
is a la rge edifice of flint and stone, dating in p art from

the n t h century, and consists of a spacious chancel w ith
aisles, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, north and
south porches and an em battled w estern tower contain­
ing 8 bells and a clock : the arches on the south side of
the chancel are e llip tic a l; those on the north side are
pointed, on clustered piers, the easternm ost arch being
richly sculptured w ith figures in stone representing on
one side O ur Lord blessing the A postles ; and on the
other, figures of kings and queens, w ith the V irgin and
Child as a keystone ; this arch serves as a canopy to a
m onument erected to the m em ory of the Rev. H ugh
Pearson, canon of W indsor and vicar of Sonning, 184182 : in the south aisle is a m odern m arble m onum ent
with brasses to various m em bers of the fam ily of Palm er,
of Holme Park : and here also is a painted m onum ent of
m arble to K atherin e, L a d y L id cott, 1620, w ith her
effigy kneeling at a d esk : a m ortuary chapel, separated
from this aisle by an oak screen, is alm ost entirely
allotted to m em orials of this fa m ily : and the belfry con­
tains a m onum ent of black m arble to Thom as Rich,
alderm an of G loucester, 1613, and to S ir Thom as Rich