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E ast B erks C onservative Association
— con. ¡T o vey Clarence, Shrivenham
T rotm an Hedlev Jam es, The Heath,
(Eastham pstead, Binfield, W arfield &
Johnson E rnest, Fyfield, Abingdon
Bradfield, Reading
Winkfield d istricts) (F. W . Hunton,
Johnson H erbert, Blew bury, Didcot
sec.), Bracknell
K irk J . J. & Sons, P u rley, R eading T u rn er D avid, 3 K idm ore End road,
C aversham , Reading
Faringdon H orticultural (John M.
Law rence H v. 13 B ridge st.M aidenhd
W adhams John, Sonning, Reading
W right, hon. sec.), Faringdon
Lee Jam es, M erchant’s pi. Reading
W adham s John, W oodley, Reading
G irls’ F rien d ly Society (Miss D igL e vy Jesse, E nbom e, N ew bury
Watson W m . E. M ill st. W antage
weed, m atron), A lm a cot. Speen,
L ittle A . E astbu ry, Lam bourn
W ells Jas. H inton W aldrist.F aringd n
N ew bury & (Miss M. S m ith , lady
L u cas Bernard, Shinfield, Reading
Thom as
Sulham steadsu p t.) 28a, Queen V ictoria street,
M attinglev John Henry, Newland, W ells
Abbots, Reading
R eading
A rborfield, Reading
W heatley H arry,Swallow field, Readng H ome A rts & V illa g e Industries
Mayo G . & A . G rove st. W antage
(Sam uel W ya tt, care­
M edland W. L. 774 Oxford rd.R eadng W heeler T .J . 5 A lb ert st.M aidenhead
M icheli Hy. Chas. Cheap st. Newbury W hite A lfred W illiam & Son, W histtaker), Y atten don , N ew bury
O rder
of Oddfellows
M ichie Jas. 8 R u ssell st. Windsor
W hite G eorge, Appleton, Abingdon
(M .U. Loyal S t. Stephen’s Lodge,
M inns Peter, W ootton, Oxford
No. 3157) (Charles B. Crane, sec.),
M orton & E llis, Sunningdale, Ascot
4 South view, C roft rd. W allin gfrd
M orton W. & E. Sun n in gh ill, Ascot W iggins W m . Eddington, H ungerford
Moss A rth u r W . Y ork Town road, W oodley W . E ast Hendred, Steventon Independent O rder ofRechabites(LiveWoolford G eorge, Binfield, B racknell
sey T ent) (D. W . Bishop A ckerm an,
S andhurst, Cam berley
W yatt G eorge, Cholsey
sec.), 2 Mansfield road, Reading
N apper E. E ast H agbourne, Didcot
Junior Y o u n g M en’s C hristian Asso­
N ash J. Una ter. G osw ell rd. Windsor
ciation (H arry Burton, hon. sec.),
N ightingale A lbert E. Calcot, Reading Sm ith , P a rfre y & Co. L td . Rannoch
road, F ulham Palace road, HamM erchant's place, Reading
O akes Brothers, H igh st. H ungerford
m ersm ith.London W . T A “ W heel- Maidenhead & D istrict R escue &
& K in tb u ry, H ungerford
works, Ham m er, Lon don ; ” T N
Preven tive (Miss Lilian Horsman,
Oakes C harles, Woodlands S t. Mary,
H am m ersm ith 147 (2 lines)
sister in charge), St. Agnes lodge,
Lam bourn
50 K in g street, Maidenhead
Packer Frederick, Childrey, W antage
Packer John, Sparsholt, W antage
SOAP MANUFACTURERS. M anchester U n ity of Oddfellows(Readin g D istrict office) (H erbt. Bristow,
Pack er John, Uffington, Faringdon
P rice’s P aten t Candle Co. Lim ited,
Prov. C . S .), 17 M arket pi. Reading
P age
Son, N orth
Belm ont works, Battersea, London
Masonic Lodges (Union lodge. R eg i­
C aversham , Reading
nald C. M ount, sec. ; G reyfriars
P a lm er Charles, Inkpen, Hungerford
lodge, E. 0 . Farrar, sec. ; Kendrick
P h illip s Edm und, A rm our road, T ileSOCIETIES
lodge, Rev. W . J. Holloway, sec. ;
h u rst, R eading
M orland lodge, F. J. W icks, sec. ;
A bingdon A g ricu ltu ra l Society (W . N.
P ike Jam es, T h atch am , N ew bury
E rn est Sopp, tyler), Masonic hall,
Cham bers, Faringdon, hon. sec.),
Pocock A rth u r John, W alth am St.
12 G reyfriars road, Reading
A bingdon
Law rence, Twvford
P oynter W illiam Francis, H atchet lane, Acorn Benefit Society (The) (A. E. M aternity S o ciety (The) (Miss Shadforth, sec.), C h urch room s,W indsor
H am m ans, sec.), 28 S t. M ary’s st.
Cranbourne, Windsor
N ational Deposit F rien d ly Society (H.
W allingford
Preater G iles, H igh st. W allingford
Roberts, divisional sec.),V ictoria
Ancient O rder of Foresters (G . L.
P rin t Pearce, Y atten don , N ew bury
cham bers, Queen V ictoria street,
Boddington, sec.), 33 London rd.
P u rv ey John, Pangbourne, Reading
g; (M iss E lizabeth Carey,
Q uarterm aine W. & Son, 31 Oxford
sec.) 23 St. M ark’s rd. W indsor &
Berks & A djoin in g C ounties’ Dairy
road. Reading
Jam es
F arm ers’ Association (J .W .Y o u n g s,
Q uarterm aine A.Ea.Locking© ,W antage
T hatcham , N ewbury
sec.), 38 F riar street, Reading
Q uelch H. 15 Wood st. W allingford
Quelch Robt. Fam borough, W antage Berks Archaeological & A rchitectural
tion of C ru elty to Children (R. A.
Society (Rev. P. H. Ditchfield M .A.,
R ackstraw E. & Son, Brock lane,
B osanquet esq. hon. sec. ; Thomas
F .S .A . hon. sec.), A bbey st.R eading
Brow ning, inspector), 94 K in g ’s rd.
Radbourne E dw ard, E aston , Newbury Berkshire Beekeepers’ Association (D.
W indsor & (Mrs. Tvndale Heelas,
W . B. A ckerm an, sec.), 49 Castle
Radboum e W illiam , B oxford,N ew bury
hon. sec.) W eston house, M urdoch
street, Reading
Randall W . Pinkney’s Green, Maidnhd
road, W okingham
Rivers W illiam , H erm itage, N ew bury Berks, Bucks & Oxon. Incorporated
Law Society (Harold C oster D ry­ N ational Union of W om en’s Suffrage
Robinson Thom as, B uscot, Lechlade
Societies (Miss H. Jones, hon. sec.),
land, h on .se c.),165 F ria r st.Reading
(G loucs)
11 & 13 B lagrave street, R eading
R udd E. & Son, A scot H eath, A scot Eerk9 (South) Conservative R egistra­
tion Association (S ir Robert Mow­ Newbury A m ateur Orchestral Union
R yder E. & F. Shellingford, Faringdon
(Miss A rk w rig h t M u s.Doc. & J. H.
b ray bart. p resid en t; E dw ard J.
Sam pson W illiam , E lco t, K in tb u ry,
G odding, hon. secs. ; J. S. Liddle
Forster, registration agen t), Con­
H ungerford
us.B ac. conductor-). L e ctu re hall,
servative club, Cheap st. Newbury
S h u ttle A lbert. W oolham pton
Northbrook street, N ewbury
S ilver Jam es, T ittle Row, Maidenhead Borough of Reading M edical SocietyNewbury
Choral Society (W. W . BowL im ited (The) (branch) (G eorge
S ilv e r Jame9 Daniel, U pper C ulham
ring, trea su rer; A. E. 0 . Slocock,
Howard, dispenser), 407 O xford rd.
H enley-on-Tham es
hon. sec.), L e ctu re hall, Northbrook
Sim m onds W. & Son, Fifield,M aidnhd
street, N ew bury
Sim pson Thom as & Son, Sandhurst. Boy Scouts (N ew bury & D istrict A s ­
sociation) (F. Q uekett Louch , hon. N ew bury & D istrict A n gling A ssocia­
C am berley
tion (Broom e Pinniger, hon. sec. ;
T he
H ayes,
Slade Jam es, 260 Liverpool rd.Readnp
J. A. Coles, treas. ; headquarters,
N ew bury
Sm ith A. 60 Cordw allis rd. Maidenhd
hotel. M arket pi. N ewbury
S m ith C. Moss end. Warfield, Bracknll Burghfield Branch of the Manchester
U nity of Odd Fellows— Lodge No. N ew bury & D istrict Citizens’ Associa­
S m ith Henrv, Bavdon rd. Lam bourn
Robinson, hon. sec. ;
5451— Royal S tar of the W est—
Sm ith H y. Com. A«hampstead,Readng
J. G reenshields, hon. treasurer), 30
(Frederick Thom as W enm an, sec.),
S m ith W m . Sindlesham , W okingham
B urghfield, Reading
Spanswick John & Son, W h arf road,
O aversham C onservative & Unionist N ew bury & D istrict Co-operative
N ew bury
(J. Greenshields,
A ssociation (E rn est R avenscroft,sub­
Spanswick C. Chaddlew orth & L ittle
h on.sec.&treas.),3oCheap st.N ew bry
agen t), 171 Gosbrook rd.Caversham ,
F aw ley, W antage
N ew bury & D istrictG arden ers’ M utual
S tevens J. jun. The Holloway, LittleIm provem ent Association (Hannibal
C hristian M ission (J. Spencer, hon.
w ick G reen, Maidenhead
H ill, hon. sec.), 95 Northbrook st.
sec.), Tem perance hall, N orthcroft
Stevens Jam es, sen. A pplehouse hill
N ew bury
Stim son Sidney, M archam , Abingdon C hurch of England Soldiers’ & Sailors’ N ew bury & D istrict Licensed V ic ­
tuallers’ Association (F. J C am ­
(H .R H. Prince A lexander of Teck,
Sydenham John, 52 & 54 Grey
bridge, sec.), 35 Cheap st.New bury
p resident), V ictoria street, Windsor
friars road, Reading
bury & D istrict M utu al Trade
Church Pastoral Aid Society (Miss
Tanner W . N ew bury st. Lam bourn
Protection Society (Rendall & Gale,
W agstaff, hon. treasurer), G arter
T ay lor Frederick, Sulham stead-Ban
& solicitors), T h e Bridge,
house, Th e C astle, W indsor
n ister, M ortim er, Reading
Church S treet Tem perance League
T ay lor Thom as. Shrivenham
C onservative & Unionist
(Henry John C urrall, sec.), C hurch
T eilin g G eorge. L ittlew orth , Faringdon
A ssociation (E . Allanson, agent),
street, Reading
Tom bs Joseph Henry, W altham St
36 S tert street, Abingdon
'om pton P ilgrim Benefit (F. W.
Lawrence, Tw yford
W oodley, sec.), Com pton, N ewbury
Tom bs W .North st.Cranbrne. Windso’
S m it h s , B l a c k s m it h s & F a r r ie r s